9 research outputs found

    Assessment of commercial potential and prospects of carrying outscientific research from a position of a resource efficiency and resourcesaving

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    The growth of population leads to the fact that natural resources are being used op very fast. Making our world moreresource efficient is a way to achieve economic and social goals at lower cost. Thus, the implementation of any projectsignificantly depends on economic efficiency and its potential of technology. Nowadays there are different types ofimplementation of relay protection. Thus, to make a project successful it is necessary to choose the most modern, highdemand,knowledge-based variant of implementation of relay protection. In this paper comparative assessment of adesirable development of technological projects based on the implementation of relay protection on the power lines of220kV has been carried out. Moreover, SWOT analysis for microprocessor option of relay protection implementationhas been done

    Arcless opening of direct current circuits in technical systems

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    Operation of the proposed DC circuit breaker consists in the fact that the closing of the thyristor in the DC power circuit with an inductive load results from opening the auxiliary circuit with a current value several fold less than the load current. The power and auxiliary circuits are connected by means of a current transformer having counter switch windings. After switching, the load is shunted by a diode and does not affect the transition process. Simulations and experimental tests of the DC circuit breaker model showed its performance capability, and the breaker can be used for switching in existing DC high current circuits with inductive loads

    Company business start-up

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    Předmětem vybraného tématu pro moji Bakalářskou práci se stal projekt - otevření fitness klubu ve městě Volgograd pod názvem "Fit34Life". Cílem této Bakalářské práce se stalo psaní komplexního podnikatelského plánu s výpočty a ekonomickou efektivitou zavedení projektu. Pro dosažení cílů byly zadány následující úkoly: -Studie podnikatelského plánování -Rozbor struktury podnikatelského plánu. -Rozpracování podnikatelského plánu. -Hodnocení možných rizik budoucího projektu. -Studie ekonomických stran podnikatelského plánu. -Výpočet efektivity podnikatelského plánu. V práci byly použity praktické i všeobecně logické metody. Bakalářská práce objemem (rozsahem) 71 stran, se skládá z úvodu, dvou kapitol, závěru, seznamu literatury a přílohy. První kapitola "Teoretická část", odhaluje základní pojmy obchodního plánování a zkoumá také základní prvky metodiky přípravy podnikatelského plánu. Druhá kapitola "Praktická část", obsahuje podnikatelský plán na otevření fitness klubu, s výpočty ekonomické efektivity projektu s hodnocením potencionálního rizika. Téma rozvoje podnikatelského plánování je v Rusku momentálně velmi aktuální kvůli nedostatku zkušeností a informací. Různé aspekty obchodního plánování postrádají teoretický a metodologický základ, a to zejména v souvislosti s marketingovými výzkumy a organizačními plány, což snižuje kvalitu podnikatelských plánů. V řadě případů vede k nesprávným rozhodnutím. Pro rozvoj ekonomiky je důležité aplikovat moderní metody podnikatelského plánování.The subject of the study on the chosen topic was the project of starting-up a fitness club in Volgograd, entitled Fit34Life. The aim of bachelor work was to write a full-scale business-plan with calculations of economic efficiency of the project implementation. In order to achieve the goal following tasks were set: -Essence studying of business-planning; - Consider the structure of business-plan; -Development of a business-plan; -Evaluation of possible risks of the future project; -Studying the economic side of the business plan; -Efficiency calculation of the business plan. The practical method was used, as well as a general-logic method. Bachelor thesis is 71 pages in volume, consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and supplements. The first chapter is Theoretical part reveals the basic concepts of business planning, as well as consider the main elements of the methodology of the business plan. The second chapter is Practical part includes a business plan to open a fitness club, with calculations of economic efficiency of the project and risk assessment. Modernity and the relevance of this work is that in Russia have not yet accumulated enough experience to develop business plans. Lack of theoretical and methodological development of various aspects of business planning, and especially those related to market research and organizational aspects, reduces the quality of the developed business plans and in some cases leads to wrong decisions. In this regard, the use of modern methods of business planning is an urgent task in modern conditions of economic development.The subject of the study on the chosen topic was the project of starting-up a fitness club in Volgograd, entitled Fit34Life. The aim of bachelor work was to write a full-scale business-plan with calculations of economic efficiency of the project implementation. In order to achieve the goal following tasks were set: -Essence studying of business-planning; - Consider the structure of business-plan; -Development of a business-plan; -Evaluation of possible risks of the future project; -Studying the economic side of the business plan; -Efficiency calculation of the business plan. The practical method was used, as well as a general-logic method. Bachelor thesis is 71 pages in volume, consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and supplements. The first chapter is Theoretical part reveals the basic concepts of business planning, as well as consider the main elements of the methodology of the business plan. The second chapter is Practical part includes a business plan to open a fitness club, with calculations of economic efficiency of the project and risk assessment. Modernity and the relevance of this work is that in Russia have not yet accumulated enough experience to develop business plans. Lack of theoretical and methodological development of various aspects of business planning, and especially those related to market research and organizational aspects, reduces the quality of the developed business plans and in some cases leads to wrong decisions. In this regard, the use of modern methods of business planning is an urgent task in modern conditions of economic development

    Evolution of buoyant bubbles in M87

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    The morphology of the X-ray and radio-emitting features in the central ~50 kpc region around the galaxy M87 strongly suggests that buoyant bubbles of cosmic rays (inflated by an earlier nuclear active phase of the galaxy) rise through the cooling gas at roughly half the sound speed. In the absence of strong surface tension, initially spherical bubbles will transform into tori as they rise through an external medium. Such structures can be identified in the radio images of the halo of M87. During their rise, bubbles will uplift relatively cool X-ray-emitting gas from the central regions of the cooling flow to larger distances. This gas is colder than the ambient gas and has a higher volume emissivity. As a result, rising "radio" bubbles may be trailed by elongated X-ray features, as indeed is observed in M87. We performed simple hydrodynamic simulations to illustrate qualitatively the evolution of buoyant bubbles in the M87 environment

    Heat transfer—a review of 2002 literature

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