1,522 research outputs found

    Establishing a Mindful Leadership Development Pilot Programs to Determine its Effectiveness in Reducing Employee Burnout and Improving Work Performance: A Case Study at Z&A Company, Myanmar

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    Abstract Purpose: In today’s turbulent world, Organizations are under pressure to perform and adapt to an ever-changing environment, creating stress on the employees, translating to direct and indirect costs to the organization. Among the difficulties the leader of today are facing, those of adaptive challenges are especially difficult. Mindful leadership pointed out that seeing the positive potential of change honestly and assessing a situation and have prospects for the future make people more effective leaders. Mindful leadership skills, mindset and practice are recognized as an effective approach to managing stress, and has benefits of attention, well-being and improve work performance which long been major concerns in organization in Myanmar, in the region and around the world. Power Systems of Zeya and Associated Company Limited (Power Systems of Z&A Company) with 44 employees was selected as a focal company for action research.  A total of 16 attributes of the 3 variables: Mindful Leadership, Workplace Burnout and Work Performance had been identified. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research applied action research method which is comprised of mixed-method approach combining both qualitative and quantitative research design. Action Research Model was employed in conducting this research which focused on studying the impact of ODI on Mindful Leadership Development to reduce Employee workplace Burnout and Improving Work Performance. Quantitative data collection has made used of survey questionnaires and qualitative data was collected through observation method. The respondents were chosen from the employees of Power System Z&A Company. Findings: This research study was focused on a mindful leadership development pilot program that can aim to reduce the employees’ work burnout level to improve the work performance at Z&A Company. The analyzed data prove that mindful leadership was improved, workplace burnout level was reduced in Post ODI period and they proved that they can handle their stressful and burnout condition. And work performance also improved after ODI. Therefore organization development intervention was significantly impacted on work performance. Practical Implications: According to this research, the researcher suggested two research titles to Z&A Company for further research consider on “Changing organizational culture’s effectiveness on work burnout and work performance” and “Motivation in work from home life to reduce work burnout and improve work performance”. Originality/Value: The research contributes the conceptual framework, theoretical framework and action research framework in order meet the objectives of the study as well as contributing the guidelines of the organization for the next level of action plans to overcome the challenges in the uncertainty situation and Covid-19 Pandemic

    Comparison of two methods on vector space model for trust in social commerce

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    The study of dealing with searching information in documents within web pages is Information retrieval (IR). The user needs to describe information with comments or reviews that consists of a number of words. Discovering weight of an inquiry term is helpful to decide the significance of a question. Estimation of term significance is a basic piece of most information retrieval approaches and it is commonly chosen through term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). Also, improved TF-IDF method used to retrieve information in web documents. This paper presents comparison of TF-IDF method and improved TF-IDF method for information retrieval. Cosine similarity method calculated on both methods. The results of cosine similarity method on both methods compared on the desired threshold value. The relevance documents of TF-IDF method are more extracted than improved TF-IDF method

    Motivation Factors, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Employees In Grand Andaman Peral Co., LTD

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    This study aims to identify the influencing motivation factors on job satisfaction of employees, as well as to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on job performance of employees in Grand Andaman Pearl Co., Ltd., a pearl culturing company in Myanmar. To achieve the study objectives, this research conducted multiple linear regression analysis. In this study, the population size is one hundred and fifty employees who are working at the pearl culture farm of Grand Andaman Pearl Co., Ltd. Their responses are collected through questionnaire surveys with a self-administered questionnaire. The findings of this study show that motivation factors, which are wages and salary, working conditions, and relation with co-workers, positively affect job satisfaction of employees in Grand Andaman Pearl Co., Ltd. Moreover, the study discovers that job satisfaction has a positive significant effect on job performance of employees in Grand Andaman Pearl Co., Ltd. The study highly recommends that the company sustain and enhance job satisfaction by optimizing all HRM practices including wages and salary, benefits and incentives, working conditions, training, supervision, and relation with co-workers to reach the peak level of the job performance of their employees

    Foreign Direct Investment Relations between Myanmar and ASEAN

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    Myanmar highly appreciates foreign direct investment (FDI) as a key solution reducing the development gap with leading ASEAN countries. Accordingly, it is welcomed by the government. Myanmar\u27s Foreign Investment Law was enacted in 1988 soon after the adoption of a market-oriented economic system to boost the flow of FDI into the country. Foreign investors positively responded to these measures in the early years and FDI inflow into Myanmar gradually increased during the period from 1989 to 1996. However, after 1997, FDI inflow was dramatically reduced and markedly declined until 2004. In 2005, FDI inflow increased at an unprecedented rate and reached the highest level in the country\u27s history. However, this growth was not sustainable in the subsequent years, as it declined again and turned stagnant at the previous level.In terms of source regions, ASEAN is a major investor in Myanmar, which investment is significantly exceeds the combined investment of other regions of the world. Among top ten countries, Thailand\u27s investment alone is significantly more than combined total investments of the other nine countries. Next to Thailand in terms of investments in Myanmar are Singapore and Malaysia among ASEAN, at second and third places, respectively. The combined total FDI inflows into the power and oil and gas sector represent about 65 percent of the total investment.There are many opportunities for foreign investment in other sectors, which are not, yet exploited. ASEAN countries will certainly be source countries of Myanmar FDI in the future, and Myanmar should expand to other Asian countries like Japan, India, China, Korea, and Hong Kong where its FDI portfolio is concerned. To effectively attract FDI into the country, Myanmar needs to minimize the effect of policy while opening and encouraging other potential sectors of FDI to foreign investors in ASEAN and Asian countries

    Anosmia and Ageusia as the Only Indicators of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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    The patient is a 60-year-old woman with a history of vertigo and seasonal allergies who presented to the hospital with the chief complaint of headache. Radiological findings were negative for intracranial abnormalities. The headache was due to trigeminal neuralgia. She had concurrent complaints of anosmia and ageusia without fever, respiratory symptoms, or obvious risk factors. However, it was determined to test the patient for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection despite extremely low clinical suspicion. Unfortunately, she was found to be COVID-19 positive after she was discharged from the hospital while she remained asymptomatic. There is currently a lack of published case reports describing COVID-19 patients with the sole symptoms of anosmia and ageusia in the United States of America


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    Narrative criticism can be termed as critical hermeneutics in the sense that it interprets the text in the light of human existence. Although narrative criticism originated from the Biblical studies, it seems to me that it is appropriate for the study of any kinds of religious literature. This presentation is an attempt to apply narrative criticism to the study of Buddhist literature

    미얀마 부패방지 위원회의 효과성과 도전

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 행정대학원 글로벌행정전공, 2020. 8. Ko, Kilkon.This research paper is the case study of the effectiveness and challenges of Myanmars Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). Albeit the newness of the Anti-Corruption Commission, it has made some tangible effectiveness along with the governmental reforms. This research is focused on the extent of the effectiveness of ACC with regard to the Transparency Internationals anti-corruption agencies strengthening assessment framework. Based on this framework, ACCs strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are analysed. The research finally concludes with some key findings and suggestions on how to strengthen the anti-corruption efforts of the country.본 연구논문은 미얀마 부패방지위원회(ACC)의 효과성과 도전에 대한 사례연구다. 비록 부패방지위원회는 최근에 신설된 위원회임에도 불구하고, 본 위원회는 정부 개혁과 함께 어느정도 가시적인 효과를 가지고 왔다. 본 연구는 국제 투명성 반부패 기관의 강화된 평가 체계에 관한 ACC 의 효과성 정도에 초점을 두고 있다. 이 체계를 기반으로 ACC 의 장점, 약점 기회 그리고 위협을 분석한다. 따라서 본 연구는 최종적으로 국가의 부패방지 노력을 어떻게 강화할 것인지에 대한 몇 가지 주요 조사 결과와 제안으로 결론을 내렸다.CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Significance of the Study 5 1.3 Objective 6 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Methodology 7 1.6 Scope and Limitations 8 1.7 Organization of the Study 8 CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review 10 2.1 Understanding Corruption 10 2.2 Types of ACAs 12 2.3 The Importance of Policy Context 14 2.4 Factors Affecting the Successful ACAs 19 2.4.1 Political will 20 2.4.2 Economic conditions and donor initiatives 21 2.4.3 Public trust 21 2.4.4 Relationship with civil service actors 22 2.4.5 Independence 23 2.4.6 Legal powers 24 2.4.7 Country-specific objectives 24 2.4.8 Adequate human resources 25 2.5 Approaches 26 CHAPTER THREE: Country Analysis with Corruption Perspective 28 3.1 Policy Context of Myanmar 28 3.1.1 Grand corruption 31 3.1.2 Bureaucratic corruption 31 3.1.3 Judicial corruption 33 3.1.4 Cultural factors 34 3.1.5 Natural resources curse 35 3.1.6 Land administration 36 3.2 Perceived Extent of Corruption 37 3.3 Key Governmental Reforms 43 3.3.1 Economic reforms 43 3.3.2 Fiscal transparency 46 3.3.3 Media reform 47 3.4 Emergence of ACC 48 CHAPTER FOUR: Analysis of ACC and Results 61 4.1 Strong Political Will 61 4.2 Legal Independence and Status 63 4.3 Financial and Human Resources of ACC 65 4.4 Detection and Investigation 66 4.5 Public Trust 68 4.6 Prevention, Education and Outreach 71 4.7 Cooperation with other Organizations 73 4.8 Summary 77 CHAPTER FIVE: Conclusion 84 5.1 Summary of Key Findings 84 5.2 Recommendation 86 5.3 Conclusion and Suggestions 86 Bibliography 88Maste

    Lavender Language in Smile as they Bow Translated by Alfred Birnbaum and Thi Thi Aye

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    According to Maxwell (2003), lavender linguistics has been an intriguing study of language including pronunciation, lexicons and semantic ranges used particularly by gays and lesbians. This paper aims to investigate lavender language used by natkataws who are gay spirit mediums in comparison with male speech by straight men in Alfred Birnbaum and Thi Thi Aye’s English translated version of the novel Smile as they Bow originally written by Nu Nu Yi (Inwa, 2007). In analyzing lavender language, gay speech characteristics proposed by Jacobs (1996), Berrett (1997), Livia (1997), Podesva, Roberts and Campbell-Kibler (2001), and Lakoff (2004) were adapted to form a model. Descriptive qualitative method was used to convey comprehensive account on gay speech features in the novel and quantitative method was applied in numerical analysis of collected data using Concordance in WordSmith Tool 8.0 and Stepwise Multiple Regression (IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0). Results of the research proved that the use of gay language expressions and their grammatical functions depended on sexuality – Gay or Straight. It is hoped that this paper will serve as in initiative for researchers of lavender linguistics to observe language used by gays and lesbians in literature to justify how natural the queer language observed in literature is