314 research outputs found

    Educing coherent eddy structures in air curtain systems

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    The work reported here comes within a broader research program dealing with ambiance separation or confining by means of air curtains (plane air jets). The process is studied experimentally by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). In this paper, the emphasis is put on the flow structure in the impingement region of such jet systems insofar as it is where transfers occur preferentially. More precisely, a vortex eduction method was implemented under the Matlab environment enabling both the automatic detection of 2D coherent patterns embedded in PIV velocity vector maps, and a statistical analysis of the topological and energy features of these structures. First, the approach is explained in detail. The second part of this paper is devoted to its application in the case of plane turbulent impinging simple- and twin-jets for various jet exit velocities. Results about the size, the shape, the spatial distribution and the energy content of the detected vortices are provided. Although many questions still remain open, new insights into the fashion these structures might form, organize and evolve are given providing an original picture of the plane turbulent impinging jet

    Accounting for changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services from a business perspective

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    Biodiversity refers to the dynamics of interactions between organisms in changing environments. Within the context of accelerating biodiversity loss worldwide, firms are under increasing pressures from stakeholders to develop appropriate tools to account for the nature and consequences of their actions, inclusive of their influences on ecosystem services used by other agents. This paper presents a two-pronged approach towards accounting for changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services from a business perspective. First, we seek to analyze how Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) may be used by firms to identify and account for the interactions between their activities and biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES). To that end, we use dairy farming as a case study and propose general recommendations regarding accounting for changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services from a management accounting perspective. Secondly, after discussing the corporate reporting implications of the main environmental accounting approaches, we propose the underlying principles and structural components of a Biodiversity Accountability Framework (BAF) which would combine both financial and BES data sets; hence, suggesting the need for changes in business accounting and reporting standards. Because this would imply significant changes in business information systems and corporate rating practices, we also underline the importance of making the associated technological, organizational and institutional innovations financially viable. The BAF should be designed as an information base, coconstructed with stakeholders, for setting up and managing new modes of regulation combining tools for mitigating BES loss and remunerating BES supply.Accounting, business, biodiversity, ecosystem services, indicators, management accounting, financial accounting, reporting, corporate social responsibility, standards, biodiversity accountability framework.

    Adaptation et Atténuation en Guinée équatoriale, Acteurs et Processus Politiques

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    The authors analyse the actors and the political process related to the adaptation and the attenuation in Equatorial Guinea

    Comparative study of rans turbulence models for impinging jet simulations

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    Impinging plane jets are flow configurations with applications in many fields. The ability of several turbulence models to simulate this kind of flow was assessed. The numerical results were compared with the data of Cooper et al. (1993) for Re=7.0 104 and a jet nozzle aspect ratio H/D=6, and Re=2.3 104 and H/D=2. The SST, RSM-Δ and RSM-BSL turbulence models were chosen because of their capability to predict flows with high streamline curvature and their expected good accuracy on near wall flow. The results show that the SST and RSM- Δ perform better than the RSM-BSL in the prediction of the mean velocity profiles in the wall-jet and impact zone. The profiles of turbulent energy were particularly difficult to reproduce. All the turbulence models considered here exhibit a similar behavior with respect to the profiles of turbulent energy. The paper shows again the complexity of turbulent impinging jets and the relevant open challenges in CF

    Comparative study of rans turbulence models for impinging jet simulations

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    Impinging plane jets are flow configurations with applications in many fields. The ability of several turbulence models to simulate this kind of flow was assessed. The numerical results were compared with the data of Cooper et al. (1993) for Re=7.0 104 and a jet nozzle aspect ratio H/D=6, and Re=2.3 104 and H/D=2. The SST, RSM-Δ and RSM-BSL turbulence models were chosen because of their capability to predict flows with high streamline curvature and their expected good accuracy on near wall flow. The results show that the SST and RSM- Δ perform better than the RSM-BSL in the prediction of the mean velocity profiles in the wall-jet and impact zone. The profiles of turbulent energy were particularly difficult to reproduce. All the turbulence models considered here exhibit a similar behavior with respect to the profiles of turbulent energy. The paper shows again the complexity of turbulent impinging jets and the relevant open challenges in CF

    Accounting for changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services from a business perspective: Preliminary guidelines towards a biodiversity accountability framework

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    Biodiversity refers to the dynamics of interactions between organisms in changing environments. Within the context of accelerating biodiversity loss worldwide, firms are under increasing pressures from stakeholders to develop appropriate tools to account for the nature and consequences of their actions, inclusive of their influences on ecosystem services used by other agents. This paper presents a two-pronged approach towards accounting for changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services from a business perspective. First, we seek to analyze how Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) may be used by firms to identify and account for the interactions between their activities and biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES). To that end, we use dairy farming as a case study and propose general recommendations regarding accounting for changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services from a management accounting perspective. Secondly, after discussing the corporate reporting implications of the main environmental accounting approaches, we propose the underlying principles and structural components of a Biodiversity Accountability Framework (BAF) which would combine both financial and BES data sets; hence, suggesting the need for changes in business accounting and reporting standards. Because this would imply significant changes in business information systems and corporate rating practices, we also underline the importance of making the associated technological, organizational and institutional innovations financially viable. The BAF should be designed as an information base, coconstructed with stakeholders, for setting up and managing new modes of regulation combining tools for mitigating BES loss and remunerating BES supply

    La recherche en sciences humaines et la gestion des aires protégées

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    Through the case of the southern island of La RĂ©union, we mean to bring a contribution to the general analysis based on the evolution of population behaviour and the valuation of actions conducted by the various “responsibles” in order to protect fragilized areas. The “practices” of coastal territory have evolved during the past generation. The evolution of these practices in the coast, as a global space and entity, and the increasing feeling of harmful effects, can be explained in a large part by the evolution of the reunionan sensitiveness towards environment in general and the sea world in particular; we note a growing and urging requirement in environmental protection issues, such a demand being sustained by a certain consciousness about the evolution of marine patrimony. The relative knowledge about coral and coral reefs value increased, but it has not always been followed by a knowledge of the role of the lagoon. An anthropological approach is needful; tourism itself must not be analysed only in terms of socio-economical development, but has to be also considered as a factor of transformation of the relation to space and territory and the transformation of the “social link”; it is through the symbolic exchange operated in the context of tourism in La Reunion that these evolutions can be achievedAvec l'exemple de La RĂ©union, nous nous proposons d'apporter une contribution Ă  l'analyse de l'Ă©volution des comportements des populations et Ă  l'Ă©valuation des actions menĂ©es par les diffĂ©rents « responsables » pour protĂ©ger les aires fragiles. Les pratiques de l'espace cĂŽtier ont Ă©voluĂ© depuis une gĂ©nĂ©ration. L'Ă©volution des pratiques de l'espace cĂŽtier et du sentiment de nuisance peut s'expliquer en grande partie par l'Ă©volution de la sensibilitĂ© des rĂ©unionnais quant Ă  l'environnement en gĂ©nĂ©ral et au milieu marin en particulier; on constate une exigence de plus en plus affirmĂ©e quant Ă  la place de la protection de l'environnement, exigence qui s'appuie sur une certaine conscience de l'Ă©volution du patrimoine marin. Une relative connaissance du corail s'est affirmĂ©e, mais elle ne s'accompagne pas nĂ©cessairement d'une connaissance du rĂŽle du lagon. Une approche anthropologique est nĂ©cessaire; le tourisme lui-mĂȘme ne doit pas ĂȘtre apprĂ©hendĂ© uniquement en termes de dĂ©veloppement socio-Ă©conomique, il est Ă  considĂ©rer Ă©galement comme facteur de transformation des rapports Ă  l'espace et au territoire en mĂȘme temps qu'il est facteur de transformation du lien social; c'est Ă  travers l'Ă©change symbolique opĂ©rĂ© dans l'espace touristique Ă  La RĂ©union que se rĂ©alisent ces Ă©volutions

    Les effets conjoints du travail et des horaires alternants sur la santé des agents de surveillance des établissements pénitentiaires

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    Les prĂ©occupations en santĂ© publique rĂ©vĂšlent le peu Notre Ă©tude vise Ă  comparer les effets sur la santĂ© de trois formes d’organisation temporelle (horaires traditionnels, factions de 6 heures et de 12 heures) au sein d’établissements pĂ©nitentiaires français, et plus particuliĂšrement auprĂšs des personnels de surveillance. Des moyens d’investigation complĂ©mentaires (questionnaire, observations du travail, traitement statistique) ont Ă©tĂ© mis en Ɠuvre pour tenter de faire la part entre le poids des horaires et le poids du travail sur l’état de santĂ© des agents. Si les personnels en factions de 12 heures prĂ©sentent des rĂ©sultats meilleurs que les personnels en 6 heures, c’est en particulier dĂ» Ă  des avantages dans la vie extra-professionnelle, bien que des signes certains de fatigue ne permettent pas de conclure significativement en faveur de telles modalitĂ©s. Au-delĂ  de l’alternance des horaires, le contenu du travail pĂšse de maniĂšre importante sur la santĂ© des agents.The aim of our study is to compare the effects of three different forms of time organization (traditional 9 to 5 schedule, 6-hour shifts, and 12-hour shifts) inside French prisons, and particularly on prison guard staff. Complementary means of investigation (questionnaire, work observations, statistical treatment) were used to attempt to evaluate the difference between the effect of working hours and of the actual work on the guards’ health. Staff who worked 12-hour shifts had more positive results than staff who worked 6-hour shifts. This was mainly due to the advantages in their private lives. At the same time, some signs of fatigue prevent us from conclusively favouring this type of working rhythm. Beyond the alternation of schedules, the actual work content also has an important impact on the workers’ health.Nuestro estudio pretende comparar los efectos sobre la salud de tres formas de organizaciĂłn temporal (horarios tradicionales, turnos de seis horas y de doce horas) en establecimientos penitenciarios franceses, y particularmente en el personal de guardia. Se emplearon mĂ©todos de investigaciĂłn complementarios (cuestionarios, observaciones del trabajo, anĂĄlisis estadĂ­stico) para intentar diferenciar quĂ© peso tienen respectivamente los horarios y el trabajo propiamente dicho, sobre el estado de salud de los guardianes de cĂĄrceles. El personal que trabaja en turnos de 12 horas presenta mejores resultados que el personal que trabaja en turnos de 6 horas. Este resultado se debe particularmente a las ventajas de este horario en la vida extra-profesional. Sin embargo, los signos claros de fatiga nos impiden estar a favor de tal modalidad. MĂĄs allĂĄ de la alternancia de turnos, el contenido del trabajo pesa de manera significativa sobre la salud de los guardianes de cĂĄrceles

    Molécules et NanosystÚmes Multi-émissifs et Photocommutables

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    The synthesis of photoswitchable emissive molecular system still represents a challenge, in order to develop fluorescence-based devices for nanotechnologies. In the last decade, excitation energy transfer processes (EET) have been advantageously employed to design photoswitchable fluorescent molecular systems between a photochromic dye and an appropriate fluorescent molecule. More recently, photochromic dyes of particular interest, showing no emission in the open-form (P-OF) but a strong emission signal in the closed-form (P-CF), have been developed. Such molecules allow a multi-emission switch when combined with a fluorescent moiety. In this project, we will design and synthesize fluorescent photochromic diarylethene covalently linked to different fluorophores, such as benzothiadiazole (BTD) and BODIPY derivatives. By choosing a fluorophore moiety with blue/green emission (F) and a photochromic moiety with orange/red emission in closed-form (P-CF), EET can occur between F and P-CF leading to photoswitchable multi-emission properties. Photophysical characteristics of dyads will be studied by spectroscopy with the aim of presenting their light-controllable optical properties and the intramolecular EET processes between fluorescent and photochromic moieties.Ce projet de thĂšse consiste dans un premier temps Ă  synthĂ©tiser des systĂšmes molĂ©culaires multifonctionnels possĂ©dants un grand nombre d’entitĂ©s fluorescentes et photochromes. De telles architectures nĂ©cessitent ensuite une Ă©tude photophysique poussĂ©e pour caractĂ©riser leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s d’émission photo-activĂ©e pour jouer le rĂŽle de sondes molĂ©culaires fluorescentes super-rĂ©solutives en imagerie de fluorescence. En effet, l’accĂšs aux observations nanomĂ©triques par microscopie optique est actuellement un domaine de recherche extrĂȘmement actif et prometteur. Ici, la combinaison astucieuse de molĂ©cules photochromes (de type diarylĂ©thĂšne) et fluorescentes (de type dicyanomĂ©thylĂšne pyranes ou benzophĂ©noxazines) Ă  l’échelle nanomĂ©trique, grĂące Ă  des plateformes molĂ©culaires telles que des oligosaccharides et des peptides fonctionnalisĂ©s par “chimie click”, doit permettre d’obtenir des structures aux gĂ©omĂ©tries variĂ©es avec des distances et orientations inter-chromophores diverses, dont l’optimisation doit conduire Ă  des interactions efficaces menant Ă  l’émergence d’effets collectifs coopĂ©ratifs. Pour ces assemblages molĂ©culaires mixtes, il est attendu que la prĂ©sence d’une unitĂ© photochrome puisse engendrer l’extinction de fluorescence de plusieurs fluorophores lorsque ces entitĂ©s sont situĂ©es Ă  une distance appropriĂ©e pour que le transfert d’énergie ait lieu de maniĂšre amplifiĂ©e. Par ailleurs, mĂȘme une faible conversion des photochromes doit permettre d’atteindre un contraste de fluorescence extrĂȘmement efficace avoisinant 100% et ainsi obtenir des super-molĂ©cules dont la photo-commutation serait rapide et Ă©conome en photons. Il s’agira enfin de dĂ©montrer que les systĂšmes molĂ©culaires multichromophoriques ainsi optimisĂ©s prĂ©sentent le comportement souhaitĂ© Ă  l’échelle de la molĂ©cule unique pour l’imagerie de fluorescence super-rĂ©solution

    Cartographier la vulnérabilité aux variations climatiques : une méta-analyse en Afrique

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    CIFOR, Bogor, IndonesiaLa variabilitĂ© climatique a toujours affectĂ© la sociĂ©tĂ© et le changement climatique anthropique constitue un dĂ©fi supplĂ©mentaire pour les populations et leurs activitĂ©s, en particulier en Afrique. Parmi les diffĂ©rents outils disponibles pour l'Ă©valuation de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© de la sociĂ©tĂ© aux variations climatiques, l'utilisation d'indices quantifiĂ©s de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et leur cartographie se sont particuliĂšrement dĂ©veloppĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. L'objectif de ce document est de passer en revue des cartes de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© Ă  l'Ă©chelle du continent africain afin de rĂ©pondre aux questions suivantes : parmi la diversitĂ© des indices et des cartes de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©, est-il possible de distinguer des groupes prĂ©sentant des traits communs, par exemple identifiant les mĂȘmes zones fortement vulnĂ©rables ? Comment expliquer les diffĂ©rences entre les cartes ? OĂč se trouvent les zones les plus vulnĂ©rables en Afrique selon chaque groupe de cartes ? À partir de l'analyse de 23 indices, nous avons dĂ©gagĂ© quatre groupes d'indices corrĂ©lĂ©s. Chaque groupe fournit une image diffĂ©rente de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©, orientĂ©e vers la pauvretĂ© et la dĂ©pendance Ă  l'agriculture, vers la densitĂ© de la population, vers la richesse et les capitaux non agricoles ou vers les failles de gouvernance. Les zones les plus vulnĂ©rables varient selon les groupes, qui vĂ©hiculent des messages contrastĂ©s sur les prioritĂ©s d'adaptation. Les contrastes entre ces groupes s'expliquent par les diffĂ©rentes conceptualisations de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et les diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes d'Ă©valuation, y compris le choix des indicateurs. Les divergences sur la localisation des zones fortement vulnĂ©rables montrent les difficultĂ©s dans l'utilisation des cartes pour les dĂ©cisions politiques. Il est important que les dĂ©cideurs identifient clairement les prĂ©supposĂ©s de chaque indice et apprĂ©hendent la diversitĂ© des indices et leurs rĂ©sultats
