13 research outputs found

    Green space factor as a planning tool : development of the courtyard over time

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    I en tid dĂ„ vi blir fler och fler mĂ€nniskor pĂ„ jorden talas det mycket om hĂ„llbar utveckling. Det tĂ€ta stadsidealet föresprĂ„kas av mĂ„nga men i spĂ„ret av stadsförtĂ€tning försvinner mĂ„nga grönytor. För att frĂ€mja vĂ€xt- och djurliv i stĂ€derna finns det olika planeringsverktyg. Ett av dom kallas för grönytefaktorn och anvĂ€ndes för första gĂ„ngen i Sverige till bomĂ€ssan Bo01 i Malmö. Vid anlĂ€ggandet av Bo01 stĂ€llde man mĂ„nga krav pĂ„ utemiljön. Ett av kraven var att alla gĂ„rdar skulle uppnĂ„ 0.5 i grönytefaktor. Det fanns dock inga möjligheter att ge pĂ„följder till de som inte levde upp till kraven. Inte heller kunde man krĂ€va att grönytefaktorn skulle upprĂ€tthĂ„llas. Hur har detta pĂ„verkat grönytefaktorn? Kan grönytefaktorn anses vara ett hĂ„llbart planeringsverktyg sett över tid? För att svara pĂ„ mina frĂ„gor har jag gjort en fallstudie pĂ„ Bo01 i Malmö dĂ€r jag besökt 17 bostadsgĂ„rdar och inventerat de förĂ€ndringar som skett pĂ„ tio Ă„r. MĂ„let med studien Ă€r att undersöka hur utvecklingen av bostadsgĂ„rdarna pĂ„ Bo01 har skett över tid och diskutera vad vi kan lĂ€ra oss av utvecklingen. Studien har visat att gĂ„rdarna inte har förĂ€ndrats sĂ„ mycket i den övergripande strukturen. Bara en gĂ„rd har fĂ„tt en helt ny gestaltning. I övrigt har smĂ„ förĂ€ndringar skett och det Ă€r framför allt vĂ€xtmaterialet som har förĂ€ndrats. Av fallstudien kan man se att vissa ytor Ă€r mer robusta Ă€n andra ytor. Det gĂ€ller de ytor som representerar markytor. De ytor som representerar vĂ€xtlighetet Ă€r inte sĂ„ robusta och har förĂ€ndrats mer. Den genomsnittliga grönytefaktorn för gĂ„rdarna har blivit lĂ€gre sedan Ă„r 2002. MĂ„nga gĂ„rdar levde inte upp till kravet pĂ„ 0.5 varken Ă„r 2002 eller Ă„r 2012. DĂ€rför kan grönytefaktorn, sĂ„ som den anvĂ€ndes pĂ„ Bo01 inte anses vara ett hĂ„llbart planeringsverktyg sett över tid. Även om faktorn har minskat pĂ„ Bo01 finns det mycket potential i att utveckla verktyget.In a time when we are becoming more and more people on earth, sustainable development is a hot topic. A dense urban structure is today promoted by many. A lot of green spaces disappears when we build denser. There are various planning tools to promote plant and animal life in the cities. One of them is called the green space factor. The exhibition Bo01 in Malmö was the first place in Sweden to use a planning tool like this. Under the construction of Bo01 there were many demands on the outdoor environment. One of the requirements was that all courtyards would reach 0.5 in green space factor. However, there were no possibilities to provide sanctions for those who did not live up to the requirements. How has this affected the green space factor? Can green space factor be considered as a sustainable planning tool seen over time? To answer my questions, I have done a study on the Bo01 in Malmö where I visited 17 courtyards and observed the changes that has happened over ten years. The aim of the study is to examine how the development of courtyards at Bo01 has occurred over time and discuss what we can learn from that. The study has shown that the courtyards have not changed that much in the overall structure. Only one courtyard has been completely re-design. Otherwise, small changes has occurred and it is mainly the surfaces for plants that has changed. The study shows that some surfaces are more solid than other surfaces. These are the surfaces that represent ground surfaces. The surfaces that represents plants is not as solid and has changed more. The average green space factor for the courtyards is lower today. Many courtyards did not meet the requirement of 0.5 either in 2002 or in 2012. Therefore, the green space factor, as it was used at Bo01 cannot be considered a sustainable planning tool seen over time. Although the green space factor has decreased at Bo01, there is potential in developing the tool

    Learn with all the senses : the value of outdoor environment for childrens health and development

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    Den hÀr kandidatuppsatsen syftar till att undersöka pÄ vilka sÀtt utomhusvistelse Àr bra för barns utveckling och hÀlsa. Uppsatsen undersöker vad utomhuspedagogik innebÀr och pÄ vilket sÀtt utomhusleken skiljer sig frÄn inomhusleken. Den behandlar vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns med utomhuspedagogik och hur barn pÄverkas av att vara utomhus. MÄlet med den hÀr kandidatuppsatsen Àr att undersöka vad som kÀnnetecknar en bra och stimulerande utomhusmiljö för barn. Och hur man som landskapsarkitekt kan utforma bra och stimulerande utomhusmiljöer för barn i förskolans verksamhet. Uppsatsen Àr baserad pÄ en litteraturstudie i kombination med en exempelstudie. Genom min litteraturstudie har jag kunnat konstatera att utomhusvistelse har positiva effekter pÄ hÀlsa och vÀlbefinnande. Utomhusvistelsen kan ocksÄ leda till bÀttre koncentrationsförmÄga och bÀttre inlÀrningsförmÄga. Utomhuspedagogik bygger pÄ att skapa sig egna erfarenheter genom upplevelser utomhus. Litteraturstudien har ocksÄ visat att det finns skillnader mellan leken utomhus och leken inomhus. Leken utomhus Àr friare, och hÀndelseförloppet i leken styrs inte bara av barnen sjÀlva utan ocksÄ av naturens processer. Inomhus Àr leken mer fokuserad och ofta mer organiserad av vuxna. En bra utomhusmiljö lockar barnen till lek och fysisk aktivitet. Viktiga faktorer Àr en tillrÀckligt stor friyta för barnen att vistas pÄ. I utemiljön bör det ocksÄ finnas olika lekmiljöer som kan delas upp i olika zoner med olika karaktÀrer. De olika karaktÀrerna pÄ zonerna hjÀlper barnet att vÄga utforska och upptÀcka sin omvÀrld pÄ egen hand. Litteraturstudien har resulterat i Ätta kriterier för en god utomhusmiljö för barn. o Friyta för lek och utevistelse o Zoner och karaktÀrsdrag o Platser för bÄde lek och lugn och ro o Vegetation och topografi o Lekutrustning o Löst material och flexibilitet o Odling o Platser skyddade frÄn sol, vind och regn. För att testa kriterierna och anknyta litteraturstudien till en verklig situation har en exempelstudie genomförts med kriterierna som analysredskap. Exempelstudien genomfördes pÄ Asarumsdalens förskola i Karlshamns kommun.This bachelor thesis aims to investigate the ways in which outdoor living is good for children's development and health. The essay examines what outdoor education means and how the outdoor play differs from indoor play. It deals with the obstacles and opportunities that exist with outdoor education and how children are affected by being outdoors. The aim of this thesis is to study what characterizes a good and stimulating outdoor environment for children. And how a landscape architect can design good and stimulating outdoor environments for children in preschool. The thesis is based on a literature study in combination with a case study. Through my literature study, I have found that children that spends a lot of time outdoor has positive effects on health and well-being. Spending time outside can also lead to better concentration and better learning ability. Outdoor education is based on creating own experiences while being outdoors. The literature study has also shown that there are differences between the play outdoors and the play indoors. The outdoor play is freer, and the course of events in the play is not only controlled by the children themselves but also by the processes in nature. Indoors the play is more focused and often more organized by adults. A good outdoor environment helps children to play and be physical active. Important factors are a sufficiently space for the children. In the outdoor environment, there should also be different types of environments that can be divided into different zones with different characteristics. The different characteristics of the zones help the child dare to explore and discover their surroundings on their own. The literature study has resulted in eight criteria for a good outdoor environment for children. o Free space for playing outside o Zones and characteristics o Places for both play and peace and quiet o Vegetation and topography o Playground equipment o Loose materials and flexibility o Garden plot o Places protected from sun, wind and rain In order to test the criteria and link the literature study to a real situation, a case study has been carried out with the criteria as an analytical tool. The case study was conducted at Asarumsdalens preschool in Karlshamn, Sweden

    South Scandinavian grave- and settlement areas in the shadow of UppÄkra

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    In relation to last year’s introduction of Digital Archaeological Process this study is supposed to investigate the opportunities of using quantitative methods on the archaeological material. The subject of the investigation is to problematize and process the concept of ”central places”. The investigation is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods executed on seven different grave- and settlement areas during the Iron Age in SkĂ„ne. The archeological material is gathered through archaeological reports and later processed in tables. The concept of central places is often based on luxury finds and places with much archaeological material. Quantitative methods on archaeological material are a possibility by many reasons. For example by getting an overview of each grave- and settlement area which is an opportunity for more interpretations. DAP is an opportunity to restore the archaeological material during excavations for future research. The introduction of DAP is a step in the right direction for future archaeology

    South Scandinavian grave- and settlement areas in the shadow of UppÄkra

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    In relation to last year’s introduction of Digital Archaeological Process this study is supposed to investigate the opportunities of using quantitative methods on the archaeological material. The subject of the investigation is to problematize and process the concept of ”central places”. The investigation is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods executed on seven different grave- and settlement areas during the Iron Age in SkĂ„ne. The archeological material is gathered through archaeological reports and later processed in tables. The concept of central places is often based on luxury finds and places with much archaeological material. Quantitative methods on archaeological material are a possibility by many reasons. For example by getting an overview of each grave- and settlement area which is an opportunity for more interpretations. DAP is an opportunity to restore the archaeological material during excavations for future research. The introduction of DAP is a step in the right direction for future archaeology

    The challenges of respiratory motor system recovery following cervical spinal cord injury

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