1,839 research outputs found

    Second-Level Digital Divide: Mapping Differences in People's Online Skills

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    Much of the existing approach to the digital divide suffers from an important limitation. It is based on a binary classification of Internet use by only considering whether someone is or is not an Internet user. To remedy this shortcoming, this project looks at the differences in people's level of skill with respect to finding information online. Findings suggest that people search for content in a myriad of ways and there is a large variance in how long people take to find various types of information online. Data are collected to see how user demographics, users' social support networks, people's experience with the medium, and their autonomy of use influence their level of user sophistication.Comment: 29th TPRC Conference, 200

    Structure of complexes between aluminum chloride and other chlorides, 2: Alkali-(chloroaluminates). Gaseous complexes

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    The structural chemistry of complexes between aluminum chloride and other metal chlorides is important both for practice and theory. Condensed-phase as well as vapor-phase complexes are of interest. Structural information on such complexes is reviewed. The first emphasis is given to the molten state because of its practical importance. Aluminum chloride forms volatile complexes with other metal chlorides and these vapor-phase complexes are dealt with in the second part. Finally, the variations in molecular shape and geometrical parameters are summarized

    From the 'Digital Divide' to 'Digital Inequality': Studying Internet Use as Penetration Increases

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    The authors of this paper contend that as Internet penetration increases, students of inequality of access to the new information technologies should shift their attention from the "digital divide" - inequality between "haves" and "have-nots" differentiated by dichotomous measures of access to or use of the new technologies - to digital inequality, by which we refer not just to differences in access, but also to inequality among persons with formal access to the Internet. After reviewing data on Internet penetration, the paper describes five dimensions of digital inequality - in equipment, autonomy of use, skill, social support, and the purposes for which the technology is employed - that deserve additional attention. In each case, hypotheses are developed to guide research, with the goal of developing a testable model of the relationship between individual characteristics, dimensions of inequality, and positive outcomes of technology use. Finally, because the rapidity of organizational as well as technical change means that it is difficult to presume that current patterns of inequality will persist into the future, the authors call on students of digital inequality to study institutional issues in order to understand patterns of inequality as evolving consequences of interactions among firms' strategic choices, consumers' responses, and government policies.Digital divide, Internet, World Wide Web, computer use, social inequality

    Magas hőmérsékletű szervetlen molekulák szerkezetvizsgálata = Structural Studies of High-Temperature Inorganic Molecules

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    Szervetlen vegyületek, elsősorban fém-halogenidek molekulaszerkezetét, dinamikáját és termodinamikai tulajdonságait határoztuk meg kísérleti módszerekkel (gázfázisú elektrondiffrakció és különböző rezgési spektroszkópiai módszerek) és kvantumkémiai számításokkal. Vizsgálatainkban hatékonyan kombináltuk a kísérleti és kvantumkémiai számításos módszereket. Összefüggéseket állapítottunk meg a molekulaszerkezet és a kötésviszonyok között és trendeket írtunk le a szerkezeti változásokban, stabilitási viszonyokban és a gáz- és kristályszerkezet kapcsolatában. Különleges szerkezeti hatásokat derítettünk fel fém-halogenid molekulákban, mint a Jahn-Teller effektus (VCl3), relativisztikus hatások (higany-dihalogenidek) és a várakozással ellentétben a 4f elektronpályák betöltöttségének fontosságát a geometriára (diszprózium trihalogenidek dimerjei). Elsőként találtunk kísérleti geometriai bizonyítékot a Renner-Teller effektus jelentkezésére fém-halogenidek (CrF2, CrCl2) molekuláiban. Rámutattunk arra, hogy lantanida halogenidek mátrix-izolációs spektrumaiban különböző típusú komplexek képződhetnek; ez okozza a spektrumok bonyolultságát és vezethet esetleges téves szimmetria meghatározáshoz a vizsgált molekulára (diszprózium-trihalogenidek). Az irodalomban megjelent téves magyarázatokat megcáfolva bizonyítottuk, hogy a molekulák hőhatásra kiterjednek és ezáltal kötéseik megnyúlnak. | The molecular geometries, dynamics, and thermodynamic properties of inorganic substances, mostly metal halides have been determined by experimental techniques (gas-phase electron diffraction and various vibrational spectroscopic techniques) and quantum chemical calculations. The experimental and computational techniques have been applied effectively in a concerted way. We established relationships between molecular structure and bonding properties and described trends in structural variations, stabilities, and in the structural relationship between gaseous and crystalline structures. We revealed special structural effects in metal halide molecules such as the Jahn-Teller effect (VCl3), relativistic effects (mercury dihalides) and, contrary to expectation, the importance of 4f orbital occupation in selected geometries (dimers of dysprosium trihalides). For the first time in the literature, we have provided experimental proof for the Renner-Teller effect in the geometry of metal-halides (CrF2, CrCl2). We have shown that various complex molecules might form in the matrix isolation spectra of lanthanide trihalides and this enhances the complexity of the spectrum, which might result in wrong symmetry assignment (dysprosium trihalides). We corrected an erroneous suggestion in the literature about the absence of thermal effects on the molecular geometry of certain compound classes and showed that molecules do, indeed, expand upon heating and, consequently, their bonds lengthen

    Structure of Molecules and Assemblies

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    A broad overview is presented about the importance of molecular structure determination and about the structural considerations that come in view when molecular units build assemblies. Structural chemistry and crystallography constitute an integral part of today\u27s supramolecular chemistry as demonstrated by various statements of giants of the field. The challenge of supramolecular chemistry to the structural chemist is in detecting and understanding the structural changes accompanyingmolecular recognition and assembly formation and in providing assistance for the design of new assemblies and molecular devices with desired properties

    Structure of Molecules and Assemblies

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    A broad overview is presented about the importance of molecular structure determination and about the structural considerations that come in view when molecular units build assemblies. Structural chemistry and crystallography constitute an integral part of today\u27s supramolecular chemistry as demonstrated by various statements of giants of the field. The challenge of supramolecular chemistry to the structural chemist is in detecting and understanding the structural changes accompanyingmolecular recognition and assembly formation and in providing assistance for the design of new assemblies and molecular devices with desired properties

    Hurdles to Information Seeking: Spelling and Typographical Mistakes During Users\u27 Online Behavior

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    A refined approach to digital inequality requires that in addition to looking at differences in access statistics we also must examine differences among Internet users. People encounter numerous hurdles during their online information-seeking behavior. In this paper, I focus on the likelihood that Internet users will make spelling or typographical mistakes during their online activities. Information seeking on the Web often requires users to type text into forms. Users sometimes make mistakes, which can hinder their browsing efficiency because they may get detoured to irrelevant sources or encounter errors. I draw on data collected from in-person observations with a diverse sample of 100 Internet users to see what explains their tendency to make spelling and typographical mistakes and the frequency with which they make such errors. I find that education level is a significant predictor of one\u27s likelihood to make mistakes, suggesting that existing social inequalities translate into differences in online behavior

    George A. Olah (1927‒2017): An Introduction

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    This contribution introduces a special collection of papers honoring the American-Hungarian chemistry Nobel laureate George A. Olah, a graduate and former instructor of the Faculty of Chemical and Bioengineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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