86 research outputs found

    Trans/figurations of modern times? Disputes over the works of Maria Komornicka (pen name Piotr Odmieniec Włast)

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    The article is a reflection of how the work by Maria Komornicka (pen name Piotr Odmieniec Włast) was perceived in the past two decades on the basis of an analysis of a monograph by Edward Boniecki (1996), Izabela Filipiak (2006) and Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski (2010) in the context of changes in the interpretation of modern Polish literature. In the article, attention is drawn to three groups of issues which can only be identified on the basis of contemporary perception, incomplete as it is, due to the fact that all the works of Komornicka have not been published. The forms and meaning of broadly defined autobiographical writing has been re-defined, while Polish and regional literary modernism has been revised together with the involvement of literary researchers in the subject of their analyses. The author of the article suggests a schematic differentiation between updating, prospective and retrospective strategies in Komornicka’s work and a reflection on the indirect involvement in social and cultural discourses and discussions developed by contemporary researchers into Komornicka’s work

    Three Voices about the Book by Włodzimierz Bolecki Modalności modernizmu (Modalities of Modernism)

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    The text is a commentary on the book Modalności modernizmu (“Modalities of Modernism”) by Włodzimierz Bolecki which is regarded here as a pioneer synthesis. The authors bring attention to Bolecki’s model of thinking about Central and Eastern European modernism and ponder about the new perspectives that this model opens up. Special emphasis is put on the questions of methodology and training of a new generation of interpreters who should be equipped with the competences essential for conducting this type of research. Also, the attention is brought to cognitive benefits resulting from the perspective combining the description of the typical features of not only Polish modernism but also the Modernisms of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and especially, which is ever more evident in this context, not self-evident, unique character of Polish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries and the Polish turn towards modern culture in the studies of the recent decades. A broader presentation of a regional perspective which is suggested in the book by Bolecki, could help to explain the empty space on the map of parallel transformations in close, and yet individually different countries of the region, forcing us to revise our previous ways of thinking about literature and culture of modernism, as well as the languages of its description

    Front Line to Text Lines: Władysław Broniewski’s Diary (1918–1921)

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    L’étranger chez soi, l’étranger en soi ? Maria Komornicka, Władysław Reymont et les origines du reportage polonais

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    Largement connu grâce aux œuvres de Ryszard Kapuściński ou de Hanna Krall, le reportage a joué un rôle important dans l’évolution de la littérature polonaise. Le présent article explore les différentes facettes de ce genre protéiforme en postulant une concomitance entre l’avènement du reportage moderne et une certaine modernisation socio-économique et culturelle de la Pologne. Il prend comme exemple deux textes publiés à la fin du xixe siècle, le Pèlerinage à Jasna Góra de Władysław Reymont et le Paradis de la jeunesse de Maria Komornicka-Piotr Odmieniec Włast. Certes, les deux textes puisent leurs racines dans différentes formes traditionnelles de la littérature, mais ils constituent aussi les signes avant-coureurs du phénomène qui, plus tard, deviendra connu sous le nom de l’« école polonaise du reportage » (Krall, Kapuściński, Szczygieł…). L’analyse des deux textes dévoile comment, à travers les phénomènes vécus, décrits et commentés par leurs auteurs, s’esquisse une vision du monde entre tradition et modernité et un questionnement sur la place de l’individu dans ces changements, permettant de voir le reportage centre-européen comme un genre dialogique, où la découverte de l’Autre accompagne l’exploration de soi.The article observes the beginnings of reportage in Polish literature through the specific example of two texts often considered as initiating its modern form: the Pilgrimage to Jasna Góra by Władysław Reymont and the Youth’s Paradise by Maria Komornicka-Piotr Odmieniec Włast. Both texts are inspired by different traditional literary forms proper to the 19thcentury, yet both also anticipate the literary evolution that will lead, during the 20th century, to the creation of the so-called “Polish school of reportage” (Krall, Kapuściński, Szczygieł…). In fact, the autobiographical experience described and commented by those two authors sketches a vision of the modern world stretched between tradition and modernity. Reymont and Komornicka-Włast both question the place of the individual in those changes, and their own position as observer and observed at the same time. Thus, the article proposes to consider the Polish reportage’s origins as a specific, dialogical genre, in which the discovery of the Other always happens to be a simultaneous exploration of the Self

    Une trop bruyante intimité ?

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    L’article propose une analyse de la réception de Kronos de Witold Gombrowicz dans la presse polonaise avec l’aide du traitement informatique de données. Publié en 2013, le texte a été un événement littéraire marquant : en parallèle au journal de Gombrowicz apparut une sorte de chronologie personnelle problématique par son absence relative de « littérarité » : Gombrowicz y condense en effet les données relatives à ses aventures sexuelles, son état de santé, ses comptes et projets de carrière. La réception permet de montrer les dynamiques à l’œuvre dans la critique polonaise d’après 1989, polarisée entre une critique prônant un canon nationaliste exclusif et un contre-engagement libéral et progressiste s’étant développé ces dernières années. Pour mettre en valeur ce rôle de révélateur, un dispositif d’analyse quantitative et qualitative montre certaines dissymétries dans l’approche du texte par les critiques, offrant la possibilité de modélisations futures d’un corpus plus large.Intimacy gone too loud? How Polish literary critics received Kronos from Witold Gombrowicz This article analyses the reception of Witold Gombrowicz’s Kronos in the Polish press, with the help of digital data processing. The publication of this text in 2013 was a significant literary event: in parallel with Gombrowicz’s diary, the text reveals elements of his personal chronology, that are problematic in their relative lack of “literacity”: Gombrowicz includes data relating to his sexual adventures, his health, his finances and career plans. The way the text was received shows the dynamics at work in post-1989 Polish literary critics: the polarization between critics advocating for an exclusive nationalist canon and a recent and developing current promoting liberal and progressive counter-commitment. To highlight this revelation role, a method including quantitative and qualitative analysis showcases some dissymmetries in the way different critics approach the text, paving the way for future modeling of a larger body of work

    (Niebyła) debata o (nie)dojrzałości kultury: Karol Irzykowski wobec Tadeusza Boya-Żeleńskiego

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    A debate on cultural (im)maturity (that didn’t take place): Karol Irzykowski and Tadeusz Boy-żeleńskiThe article proposes an analysis of Karol Irzykowski’s Benjaminek (Benjamin, 1932), a stud and an attack on Tadeusz Boy-żeleński’s activity and writings as well as the reaction of the criticized author. The former’s work reveals to be rather an extensive defence of Irzykowski’s critical writings, and the latter’s answer – a pamphlet. Finally, their dialogue that didn’t take place is situated in the context of Polish (and Central-European) cultural immaturity

    Highly-Optimized Radar-Based Gesture Recognition System with Depthwise Expansion Module

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    The increasing integration of technology in our daily lives demands the development of more convenient human–computer interaction (HCI) methods. Most of the current hand-based HCI strategies exhibit various limitations, e.g., sensibility to variable lighting conditions and limitations on the operating environment. Further, the deployment of such systems is often not performed in resource-constrained contexts. Inspired by the MobileNetV1 deep learning network, this paper presents a novel hand gesture recognition system based on frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, exhibiting a higher recognition accuracy in comparison to the state-of-the-art systems. First of all, the paper introduces a method to simplify radar preprocessing while preserving the main information of the performed gestures. Then, a deep neural classifier with the novel Depthwise Expansion Module based on the depthwise separable convolutions is presented. The introduced classifier is optimized and deployed on the Coral Edge TPU board. The system defines and adopts eight different hand gestures performed by five users, offering a classification accuracy of 98.13% while operating in a low-power and resource-constrained environment.Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No. 826655 (Tempo).European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the NetherlandsLodz University of Technology

    Cyclodextrin-based multivalent glycodisplays: covalent and supramolecular conjugates to assess carbohydrate–protein interactions

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    Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004-2011

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    Modernizm(y) Europy Środkowej. Rekonesans

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    Artykuł omawia najważniejsze zmiany związane z wprowadzeniem kategorii szeroko pojętego modernizmu w literaturoznawstwie polskim, czeskim i węgierskim w kontekście przemian w badaniach nad kulturą Wiednia 1900. Zdefiniowana w dwóch uzupełniających się perspektywach (largo i stricto sensu) kategoria modernizmu okazuje się przydatnym narzędziem do porównawczego przeglądu zmian w percepcji kultury XIX i XX wieku. Rozumiany jako epoka, bądź wręcz makroepoka, modernizm pozwala uchwycić kulturową refleksję o doświadczeniu nowoczesności, ukazując jednocześnie różnice w pojmowaniu dorobku ostatnich dwóch stuleci w poszczególnych krajach. W tym kontekście polskie przesunięcia periodyzacyjne wpisują się w proces rewizji tradycji literackiej Europy Środkowej. Począwszy od „wygnania” modernizmu w imię ideałów marskistowskich, przez badania nad tą kulturą służące (post)strukturalistom za „schronienie” w pozaideologicznej, autonomicznie pojętej twórczości, aż po odrodzenie refleksji nad modernizmem po roku 1989 i związane z nim podziały – stopniowo wyłania się możliwość refleksji nad nowoczesnością w wymiarze środkowoeuropejskim