6,429 research outputs found

    Extra-large crystal emulsion detectors for future large-scale experiments

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    Photographic emulsion is a particle tracking device which features the best spatial resolution among particle detectors. For certain applications, for example muon radiography, large-scale detectors are required. Therefore, a huge surface has to be analyzed by means of automated optical microscopes. An improvement of the readout speed is then a crucial point to make these applications possible and the availability of a new type of photographic emulsions featuring crystals of larger size is a way to pursue this program. This would allow a lower magnification for the microscopes, a consequent larger field of view resulting in a faster data analysis. In this framework, we developed new kinds of emulsion detectors with a crystal size of 600-1000 nm, namely 3-5 times larger than conventional ones, allowing a 25 times faster data readout. The new photographic emulsions have shown a sufficient sensitivity and a good signal to noise ratio. The proposed development opens the way to future large-scale applications of the technology, e.g. 3D imaging of glacier bedrocks or future neutrino experiments.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JINS

    Mismeasurement of the CPI

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    In this paper, we investigate several key problems in Japanese economic statistics. We use CPI mismeasurements and biases as an example to explore the roots of the problems and also to offer guidelines for improvements. We emphasize 3 major shortcomings shared by many official statistics in Japan: (1) long delays in adjustments, (2) lack of proper coordination, and 3) insufficient information disclosure. In the analysis of CPI bias, we limit our focus to potential biases due to aggregation, survey methodology and sample selection procedures. We estimate that, in recent years, the commodity CPI inflation rate is biased upward by at least 0.5% per year, even if we assume away the potential bias associated with the quality adjustment, delay in incorporating changes in consumption basket, and other important unresolved problems.

    Can the Market Deliver? Lessons from Kenya's Rising Use of Fertilizer Following Liberalization

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    Published by Tegemeo Institute for Agricultural Policy and Developmentfood security, food policy, Kenya, fertilizer use, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing, Q18,


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    ABSTRAKSkabies Merupakan Penyakit Infestasi Ektoparasit pada manusia yang disebabkan oleh Sarcoptes Scabiei Varian Hominis, biasanya terjadi pada seseorang yang personal hygiene nya buruk. Skbies dapat menyerang siapa saja, namun lebih banyak ditemukan pada anak-anak usia sekolah dan berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan personal hygiene terhadap kasus skabies pada siswa sekolah Islam Fajar Hidayah Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan survey analitik yaitu untuk mencari hubungan antara dua variabel. Dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2015. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa yang tinggal di sekolah Islam Fajar Hidayah, dengan sampel sebanyak 87 orang yang dipilih secara total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan anamnesis. Analisis data dilakukan melalui univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan statistik chi-square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa personal hygiene yang baik (85,1%) dan personal hygiene tidak baik (14,9%). Kasus skabies ditemukan hanya (18,4%) dan yang bukan kasus skabies (81,6%). Dari hasil uji statistik chi-square menunjukan adanya hubungan yang antara personal hygiene dengan kasus skabies dengan p-value sebesar 0,001 (


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    Antena merupakan bagian terpenting dalam sistem komunikasi wireless. Mikrostrip adalah salah satu jenis antena yang peraktis mempunyai ukuran dan dimensi yang sederhana dan mudah di fabrikasi. Pada penelitian ini dibahas bagaimana mendesain dan menganalisa antena mikrostrip dengan bentuk patch sirkular dengan spesifikasi jari-jari a= 16,94 mm. Saluran pencatu W = 4,9 mm. L = 32,9 mm. Dan spesifikasi substrat FR4 h = 1,6. ?r = 4,4. Losstan = 0,02. Teknik pencatuan yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik Microstrip line feed. Perancangan dan simulasi antena mikrostrip dilakukan menggunakan software Advanced Design System (ADS). Setelah melakukan beberapa simulasi didapatkan hasil yang terbaik pada frekuensi 2,447 GHz didapat return loss sebesar -18,10 dB. Rentang bandwidth pada return loss -10 dB sebesar 130 MHz. Gain sebesar 8,00 dB. VSWR sebesar 1,28. Pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai bandwidth untuk frekuensi WLAN terlalu melebar dan perancangan antena mikrostrip yang dilakukan sudah memenuhi syarat untuk diaplikasikan pada WLAN.Kata kunci: Antena, mikrostrip, patch circular, ADS, WLA

    How do high school graduates in Japan compete for regular, full time jobs? An empirical analysis based upon an internet survey of the youth

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    We use a survey of the Japanese youth within 10 year after high school graduation to investiage the impacts of the academic and social skills on their success in the job market. We find three major factors account for the job market outcome immediately after school: school characteristics and job placement services, academic performance, and social skills, including the negative impacts of problematic behaviors at the school. Second, when we run a Probit regression on whether or not the surveyed individuals hold regular, full time job, we find the persistent but declining (over age) im- pact of the job placement immediately after school. Moreover, we find the impact of variables pertaining to the sociall skills remain significant even after controling for the job placement outcome after school, whereas other variables such as GPA or attributes of highschools are largely irrelevant to the current employment status.

    Factors Driving the Growth in Fertilizer Consumption in Kenya, 1990-2005: Sustaining the Momentum in Kenya and Lessons for Broader Replicability in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The objective of this study is to identify the factors responsible for the impressive growth in fertilizer use in Kenya since market liberalization in the early 1990s. Over the past 10 years, fertilizer consumption has risen by 35%. So far, it is unknown whether smallholder farmers are responsible for this growth or whether it is being driven mainly by the large-scale and/or estate sectors. Moreover, it is important for policy makers to know whether the increased fertilizer consumption is being devoted to smallholder food crops or whether industrial crops such as tea and sugarcane are responsible for this growth. This study addresses these questions using nationwide survey data on smallholder fertilizer use patterns between 1996 and 2004. The study also explores whether the growth in fertilizer use in Kenya is attributed to any particular types of fertilizer delivery supply chains. A better understanding of the types of fertilizer distribution channels fueling the growth in consumption and the sustainability of these delivery systems can be of great help in guiding future policy to replicate successful supply chain models more widely in Kenya. Finally the study is meant to guide discussions on fertilizer marketing policy in Kenya in line with the new Economic Recovery Strategy (ERS).Food Security, Food Policy, Fertilizer Consumption, Kenya, Crop Production/Industries, Q18,