Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
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    536 research outputs found

    „Dzienniki mojego życia” Gustawa Zielińskiego – refleksje edytora

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    The article is an attempt to familiarise the readers with not only the source, Gustaw Zieliński’s Dzienniki mojego życia (Diaries of My Life), but also with the work on its first edition. Over a period of a few months (when these comments were noted down), the character of the text changed almost completely. One could even say that it transformed from a meticulously maintained personal text into a kind of notepad or sketchbook, which lost its diary-like character and became a sort of record of memories. The significance of this document, the range of themes discussed in it (among others, the literature, the social and cultural life of the first half of the 19th century) are all arguments in favour of taking up a laborious editorial work in order to publish this work. This article describes the stages of this work and discusses the ordering processes that make this source text interesting to a non-specialist reader

    Reymont na Balu Prasy

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    The article discusses an unpublished short manuscript by Władysław Stanisław Reymont. A note placed by the author of The Peasants on a ball ticket from 1922 constitutes a starting point for the reconstruction of a minor, although particularly interesting, episode from the late period in the artist’s life


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    Berlin i Niemcy w dwóch adaptacjach filmowych powieści Alfreda Döblina Berlin Alexanderplatz

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    The subject of this paper is the image of Berlin and Germany that emerges from two film adaptations of the novel Berlin Alexanderplatz. The first one, a 1980 TV series by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, closely follows the letter and spirit of the original 1929 novel; we see a faithful recreation of the material world and the mindset of German society in the final years of the Weimar Republic. In the second one, a 2021 cinema production by Burhan Qurbani, the plot is modernised. The main context of the film is the plight of refugees and economic migrants in contemporary Germany and the problems portrayed are linked to issues of race and post-colonialism.The subject of this paper is the image of Berlin and Germany that emerges from two film adaptations of the novel Berlin Alexanderplatz. The first one, a 1980 TV series by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, closely follows the letter and spirit of the original 1929 novel; we see a faithful recreation of the material world and the mindset of German society in the final years of the Weimar Republic. In the second one, a 2021 cinema production by Burhan Qurbani, the plot is modernised. The main context of the film is the plight of refugees and economic migrants in contemporary Germany and the problems portrayed are linked to issues of race and post-colonialism

    Roman Pollak (1887–1972). Biogram

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    Wstęp: Introduction

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    „Dobra reprodukcja obrazów”. „Dzieło” Émile’a Zoli w przekładach Aleksandry Callierowej i Hanny Szumańskiej-Grossowej

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    The article describes a series of Polish translations of Émile Zola’s 1886 novel L’OEuvre. The translations made by Aleksandra Callierowa (1886) and by Hanna Szumańska-Grossowa (1959) were created at completely different points in history, which significantly affects both the poetics of the translations and their reception. Callierowa’s translation was contemporary to the original, it conveyed the need to quickly keep up with the fashion prevailing in literature. Szumańska-Grossowa’s work, in turn, accentuates the fact that Zola already belonged to the canon of European literature and that he deserved – in accordance with the ideological assumptions of the then communist authorities – to be read bya mass reader

    Światopogląd jako styl. „Klucze Piotrowe” Rogera Peyrefitte’a w przekładzie Hanny Szumańskiej-Grossowej jako ogniwo tradycji

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    The article’s starting point is the consideration of selected works of Anatole France’s, André Gide’s and Guillaume Apolinaire’s, which over a hundred years ago would constitute a separate trend in the French pre-Vatican church. What differentiates the criticism of what is known as ultramontanism from the traditional anticlerical satire is the tone of persiflage, irony and theological erudition of almost grotesque proportions. In the 1950s, Roger Peyrefitte, a diplomat and a satirist of the Vatican, was an outstanding heir to this stylistic and thematic tradition. When translating his The Keys of St. Peter in 1959, Hanna Szumańska-Grossowa had to refer to the aforementioned author, who had lived half a century earlier, and work out a narrative of her own based on the achievements of J. Sten (Anatole France), Tadeusz Żeleński-Boy (André Gide) and Adam Ważyk (GuillaumeApollinaire)

    Angielskie strofy i polska lutnia. O przekładach „Melodii hebrajskich” George’a Gordona Byrona pióra Antoniego Edwarda Odyńca

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    The article discusses the translation of four poems by George Gordon Byron: Vision of Belshezzar, The Wild Gazelle, Oh! Weep for Those, On Jordan’s Banks from the collection Hebrew Melodies published in 1816 as a result of the poet’s cooperation with the composer Isaac Nathan. The Polish translations by Antoni Edward Odyniec were published in his collections in 1826 (Vision of Belshezzar) and 1832 (the remaining ones). The first part of the text is dedicated to the circumstances in which the originals were written. The second part constitutes a detailed analysis of the translation choices of Odyniec, which places them in the context of Polish poetry of the post-partitions period (among others, poems by Jan Paweł Woronicz and Adam Jerzy Czartoryski) and in the context of translation studies (Lawrence Venuti, Stanisław Barańczak, André Lefevere)

    Ogniwo Artura Marii Swinarskiego w serii translatorskiej utworów Johanna Wolfganga Goethego

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    Based on the findings of translation experts on the translation series, the author focuses on Polish-German tropes in the works of A.M. Swinarski, carrying out a detailed analysis of selected translations of Goethe’s poems. A comparison of translations by Swinarski, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Stefan Zarębski, Feliks Konopka and Andrzej Lam reveals changes in the sphere of meanings designed in the original and reflects on the principles of literality and interpretation in translation practice.Based on the findings of translation experts on the translation series, the author focuses on Polish-German tropes in the works of A.M. Swinarski, carrying out a detailed analysis of selected translations of Goethe’s poems. A comparison of translations by Swinarski, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Stefan Zarębski, Feliks Konopka and Andrzej Lam reveals changes in the sphere of meanings designed in the original and reflects on the principles of literality and interpretation in translation practice


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    Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
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