20 research outputs found
Development of New Methods for Monitoring of Occurence of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistry Candidate Mgr. Jana Aufartová Supervisor Prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc. Title of Doctoral Thesis DEVELOPMENT OF NEW METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF SELECTED PHARMACEUTICALS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES During last decade, the consumption of pharmaceuticals is increasing substantially. At the same time their occurrence in environment is increasing as well. Pharmaceuticals are released into environment by excretion, as conjugated or unchanged active compounds, as unused pharmaceuticals, which are not disposed according to the recommendations (e.g. thrown away into the rubbish or flushed down the toilet). Other possible sources of pharmaceuticals are in the agriculture, livestock and aquaculture. The current water treatment technologies do not remove all traces of pharmaceuticals in wastewaters. Therefore the monitoring of their occurrence in surface and wastewaters become more important. Antibiotics and steroid hormones are a group of drugs used in human and veterinary medicine. The main problem with these groups of substances is the emergence of bacterial resistance, in the case of antibiotics, and the effect on the endocrine system, including the reproductive cycle, in the case of steroid hormones. The..
Vývoj nových metod pro monitorování výskytu léčiv v životním prostředí
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra Analytické chemie Kandidát Jana Aufartová Školitel Prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, Csc. Název disertační práce VÝVOJ NOVÝCH METOD PRO STANOVENÍ VYBRANÝCH LÉČIV VE VZORCÍCH ŽIVOTNÍHO PROSTŘEDÍ Neustálý nárůst spotřeby léčiv navyšuje také jejich výskyt v životním prostředí. Léčiva jsou do životního prostředí distribuována v podobě vyloučených metabolitů nebo nezměněných aktivních látek, jako nepoužité léčivé přípravky, které byly nesprávně zlikvidovány (např. spláchnutím do odpadu). Dalším zdrojem léčiv je živočišná výroba v zemědělství, chov dobytka a ryb. Současné technologie úpravy vody neumožňují odstranit veškeré zbytky léčiv ve vodách. Současně se zvyšováním množství těchto látek v odpadních a následně povrchových vodách narůstá význam jejich monitorování. Antibiotika a steroidní hormony jsou velmi využívané skupiny léčiv jak v humánní, tak ve veterinární medicíně. Hlavním problémem těchto skupin látek je vznik bakteriální rezistence v případě antibiotik a ovlivnění endokrinního systému, včetně reprodukčního cyklu v případě steroidních hormonů. Teoretická část předkládané dizertační práce je v nejprve zaměřena na problematiku výskytu antibiotik, steroidních hormonů a benzimidazolových fungicidů v životním prostředí. Následně...Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistry Candidate Mgr. Jana Aufartová Supervisor Prof. RNDr. Petr Solich, CSc. Title of Doctoral Thesis DEVELOPMENT OF NEW METHODS FOR DETERMINATION OF SELECTED PHARMACEUTICALS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES During last decade, the consumption of pharmaceuticals is increasing substantially. At the same time their occurrence in environment is increasing as well. Pharmaceuticals are released into environment by excretion, as conjugated or unchanged active compounds, as unused pharmaceuticals, which are not disposed according to the recommendations (e.g. thrown away into the rubbish or flushed down the toilet). Other possible sources of pharmaceuticals are in the agriculture, livestock and aquaculture. The current water treatment technologies do not remove all traces of pharmaceuticals in wastewaters. Therefore the monitoring of their occurrence in surface and wastewaters become more important. Antibiotics and steroid hormones are a group of drugs used in human and veterinary medicine. The main problem with these groups of substances is the emergence of bacterial resistance, in the case of antibiotics, and the effect on the endocrine system, including the reproductive cycle, in the case of steroid hormones. The...Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov
Stanovení residuí fluorochinolonů v půdách metodou LC-FD
7. Abstract Several pharmaceutics used in human and veterinary medicine could be detected in environment. To these compounds belongs Fluoroqinolones. Our work observed 4 fluoroqinolons (ofloxacin, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin) in soils sample. Fluoroquinolones were determinate by LC-FD. For extraction was used mixture of organic compounds (methanol: acetone; 1:1) and 1.0g of EDTA. Sample was 15 minutes shacked, 15 minutes in ultrasonic bath and 15 minutes of centrifugation. After that organic solution was evaporated by gentle stream of nitrogen in water bath. Rest from evaporation was dissolved in mQ-H2O and clean-up was done. After evaporation after clean-up the rest was dissolved in mobil phase. Mobil phase was H3PO4: MeOH: ACN (920: 70: 10) and flow was 1.4mL/min. Limit of quantification (LOQ) is For OFLO 5mg/L, for NOR is 0.083mg/L, for CIP is 0.116mg/L and for ENRO is 0.125mg/L. Mean recoveries ranged between 75% to 121%, for OFLO, NOR, CIPRO and ENRO. At the beginning we tried also acidic type of extraction. Extraction was made with HCL, H2SO4, H3PO4 and HNO3. In all cases we add EDTA because of interferences with other substances in samples. We find out, that no complex is build between flouroquinolones and EDTA. For clean- up from soil samples is better OASIS column HLB 6cc/200mg...