10 research outputs found

    Genetic structuring of Patagonian toothfish populations in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean: the effect of the Antarctic Polar Front and deep-water troughs as barriers to genetic exchange

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    The term “space weather” is typically used to describe environmental conditions in the region extending from the sun’s surface, through the interplanetary medium, to the earth’s magnetic field and upper atmosphere, with a focus on those conditions that can affect the earth, its technological systems, and population. Space weather conditions are monitored continuously by a number of agencies around the world. These agencies use both satellite- and ground-based measurements to build analyses and employ predictive models that form the basis for impacts-based products dealing with myriad users in satellite operations, the utility industry, aviation, and satellite-based communications, to name a few. It has been stated that space weather analysis and prediction is about 40 years behind terrestrial weather analysis and prediction in terms of observational coverage, analysis tools, and prediction models. Rather than focusing on a comparison of terrestrial and space weather analysis and prediction capabilities, this talk concentrates instead on the main functions of Data Collection, Analysis/Assimilation, Prediction, and Product Tailoring/ Dissemination from the perspective of U.S. space weather operations centers such as NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center and the Air Force Weather Agency. For each of these operational functions, present-day tools and techniques are described, along with the gaps in those capabilities and a brief outline of research and development efforts intended to fill those capability gaps. The overall goal is to provide a current snapshot of the space-weather community, along with the challenges and opportunities faced by the community\u27s providers and stakeholders

    Pulse wave velocity during re-feeding and with weight gain in underweight female adolescents with anorexia nervosa

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    Anorexia Nervosa (AN) causes harmful underweight and important cardiovascular acute complications however less is known about longer-term cardiovascular risk. We measured carotid femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) in a group of underweight young women with AN at baseline and weekly as they were refed and gained weight. PWV decreased over time and was negatively associated with increasing BMI and calorific meal content suggesting potential positive cardiovascular benefits for refeeding and weight gain in AN and supports current consensus for the importance of weight gain in underweight young women with AN

    Condition, not eyespan, predicts contest outcome in female stalk-eyed flies, Teleopsis dalmanni

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    In contests among males, body condition is often the key determinant of a successful outcome, with fighting ability signaled by so-called armaments, that is, exaggerated, condition-dependent traits. However, it is not known whether condition and exaggerated traits function in the same way in females. Here, we manipulated adult condition by varying larval nutrition in the stalk-eyed fly, Teleopsis dalmanni, a species in which eyespan is exaggerated in both sexes, and we measured the outcome of contests between females of similar or different body condition and relative eyespan. We found that females in higher condition, with both larger bodies and eyespan, won a higher proportion of encounters when competing against rivals of lower condition. However, when females were of equal condition, neither eyespan nor body length had an effect on the outcome of a contest. An analysis of previously published data revealed a similar pattern in males: individuals with large relative eyespan did not win significantly more encounters when competing with individuals of a similar body size. Contrary to expectations, and to previous findings in males, there was no clear effect of differences in body size or eyespan affecting contest duration in females. Taken together, our findings suggest that although eyespan can provide an honest indicator of condition, large eyespans provide no additional benefit to either sex in intrasexual aggressive encounters; body size is instead the most important factor

    Intrasexually selected weapons

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