207 research outputs found

    Le secteur caprin laitier andalou : StratĂ©gies de recherche, dĂ©veloppement et formation afin d’augmenter la valeur ajoutĂ©e des fromages artisanaux

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    RĂ©sumĂ©. Le secteur caprin laitier andalou produit 50% du lait de l’Espagne et possĂšde des opportunitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement trĂšs claires utilisant des races autochtones et des grandes surfaces de pĂąturages disponibles. La production de fromages de chĂšvre en Andalousie peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme un modĂšle de dĂ©veloppement rural durable. DiffĂ©rents organismes publics et privĂ©s ont crĂ©Ă© rĂ©cemment un rĂ©seau de travail multidisciplinaire pour travailler sur la promotion et le dĂ©veloppement des fromages artisanaux andalous, en Ă©tablissant des stratĂ©gies de recherche, de dĂ©veloppement et de formation destinĂ©es Ă  la valorisation de ces fromages, spĂ©cialement ceux de chĂšvre. A partir des rĂ©sultats d’une analyse stratĂ©gique, le prĂ©sent travail propose des activitĂ©s de recherche, de dĂ©veloppement et de formation consacrĂ©es Ă  la caractĂ©risation de la qualitĂ© des fromages artisanaux, aux Ă©tudes de marchĂ© sur la connaissance et la perception de la qualitĂ©, aux activitĂ©s de formation spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans la fromagerie et aux activitĂ©s de promotion.Abstract. The Andalusian dairy goat sector (representing 50% of the national goat milk production) has potential opportunities for development using autochthonous breeds and semi-extensive production systems. Goat cheese production in Andalusia can be considered as a model for a sustainable rural development. Public institutions of research, development, and training as well as private ones have recently created a multidisciplinary and multinstitutional network to perform actions in favour of the marketing and promotion of the andalusian goat cheeses. In this paper, through the results of a strategic analysis, some research, development, and training actions were proposed. These actions are related with the improvement of quality, and the definition of the hand made cheese attributes; studies on the demand side, and consumer perception of quality; and those related to training and promotion

    Influence of the micro-oxygenation dose and supplementation with oak staves of different potential of ellagitannin release on wine color and composition

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    Aliquots of a wine of Merlot were micro-oxygenated at two doses of oxygen (2.5 and 5.0 mg of O2/L.month) in the presence or not of oak staves of different potential ellagitannin release (PER) for three months. In general, micro-oxygenation increased the color intensity and stability probably because favor the formation of new pigments. The presence of staves increased the total phenolic index and the ellagitannin concentration, and this effect was higher when greater was the PER of the staves. Finally, the dose of microoxygenation only affects the concentration of total furanic compounds whereas the PER of the staves seems to determine the concentration of furanic compounds, volatile phenols and ÎČ-methyl-Îł-octolactones

    Signatures of photon and axion-like particle mixing in the gamma-ray burst jet

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    Photons couple to Axion-Like Particles (ALPs) or more generally to any pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson in the presence of an external electromagnetic field. Mixing between photons and ALPs in the strong magnetic field of a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) jet during the prompt emission phase can leave observable imprints on the gamma-ray polarization and spectrum. Mixing in the intergalactic medium is not expected to modify these signatures for ALP mass > 10^(-14) eV and/or for < nG magnetic field. We show that the depletion of photons due to conversion to ALPs changes the linear degree of polarization from the values predicted by the synchrotron model of gamma ray emission. We also show that when the magnetic field orientation in the propagation region is perpendicular to the field orientation in the production region, the observed synchrotron spectrum becomes steeper than the theoretical prediction and as detected in a sizable fraction of GRB sample. Detection of the correlated polarization and spectral signatures from these steep-spectrum GRBs by gamma-ray polarimeters can be a very powerful probe to discover ALPs. Measurement of gamma-ray polarization from GRBs in general, with high statistics, can also be useful to search for ALPs.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in JCAP with minor change

    Modified-Source Gravity and Cosmological Structure Formation

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    One way to account for the acceleration of the universe is to modify general relativity, rather than introducing dark energy. Typically, such modifications introduce new degrees of freedom. It is interesting to consider models with no new degrees of freedom, but with a modified dependence on the conventional energy-momentum tensor; the Palatini formulation of f(R)f(R) theories is one example. Such theories offer an interesting testing ground for investigations of cosmological modified gravity. In this paper we study the evolution of structure in these ``modified-source gravity'' theories. In the linear regime, density perturbations exhibit scale dependent runaway growth at late times and, in particular, a mode of a given wavenumber goes nonlinear at a higher redshift than in the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model. We discuss the implications of this behavior and why there are reasons to expect that the growth will be cut off in the nonlinear regime. Assuming that this holds in a full nonlinear analysis, we briefly describe how upcoming measurements may probe the differences between the modified theory and the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, uses iopart styl

    Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in the Full CDF Data Set

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    We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase \beta_s using the time evolution of B0_s -> J/\psi (->\mu+\mu-) \phi (-> K+ K-) decays in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of \beta_s and the B0_s decay-width difference \Delta\Gamma_s, and measure \beta_s in [-\pi/2, -1.51] U [-0.06, 0.30] U [1.26, \pi/2] at the 68% confidence level, in agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model value of \beta_s, we also determine \Delta\Gamma_s = 0.068 +- 0.026 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst) ps-1 and the mean B0_s lifetime, \tau_s = 1.528 +- 0.019 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by other experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett 109, 171802 (2012

    f(R) theories

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    Over the past decade, f(R) theories have been extensively studied as one of the simplest modifications to General Relativity. In this article we review various applications of f(R) theories to cosmology and gravity - such as inflation, dark energy, local gravity constraints, cosmological perturbations, and spherically symmetric solutions in weak and strong gravitational backgrounds. We present a number of ways to distinguish those theories from General Relativity observationally and experimentally. We also discuss the extension to other modified gravity theories such as Brans-Dicke theory and Gauss-Bonnet gravity, and address models that can satisfy both cosmological and local gravity constraints.Comment: 156 pages, 14 figures, Invited review article in Living Reviews in Relativity, Published version, Comments are welcom

    Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Conceptual Design Report Volume 2: The Physics Program for DUNE at LBNF

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    The Physics Program for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) is described

    Synchronous Rotation in the (136199) Eris–Dysnomia System

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    We combine photometry of Eris from a 6 month campaign on the Palomar 60 inch telescope in 2015, a 1 month Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 campaign in 2018, and Dark Energy Survey data spanning 2013–2018 to determine a light curve of definitive period 15.771 ± 0.008 days (1σ formal uncertainties), with nearly sinusoidal shape and peak-to-peak flux variation of 3%. This is consistent at part-per-thousand precision with the P = 15.785 90 ± 0.00005 day sidereal period of Dysnomia's orbit around Eris, strengthening the recent detection of synchronous rotation of Eris by SzakĂĄts et al. with independent data. Photometry from Gaia are consistent with the same light curve. We detect a slope of 0.05 ± 0.01 mag per degree of Eris's brightness with respect to illumination phase averaged across g, V, and r bands, intermediate between Pluto's and Charon's values. Variations of 0.3 mag are detected in Dysnomia's brightness, plausibly consistent with a double-peaked light curve at the synchronous period. The synchronous rotation of Eris is consistent with simple tidal models initiated with a giant-impact origin of the binary, but is difficult to reconcile with gravitational capture of Dysnomia by Eris. The high albedo contrast between Eris and Dysnomia remains unexplained in the giant-impact scenario

    Human Gamma Oscillations during Slow Wave Sleep

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    Neocortical local field potentials have shown that gamma oscillations occur spontaneously during slow-wave sleep (SWS). At the macroscopic EEG level in the human brain, no evidences were reported so far. In this study, by using simultaneous scalp and intracranial EEG recordings in 20 epileptic subjects, we examined gamma oscillations in cerebral cortex during SWS. We report that gamma oscillations in low (30–50 Hz) and high (60–120 Hz) frequency bands recurrently emerged in all investigated regions and their amplitudes coincided with specific phases of the cortical slow wave. In most of the cases, multiple oscillatory bursts in different frequency bands from 30 to 120 Hz were correlated with positive peaks of scalp slow waves (“IN-phase” pattern), confirming previous animal findings. In addition, we report another gamma pattern that appears preferentially during the negative phase of the slow wave (“ANTI-phase” pattern). This new pattern presented dominant peaks in the high gamma range and was preferentially expressed in the temporal cortex. Finally, we found that the spatial coherence between cortical sites exhibiting gamma activities was local and fell off quickly when computed between distant sites. Overall, these results provide the first human evidences that gamma oscillations can be observed in macroscopic EEG recordings during sleep. They support the concept that these high-frequency activities might be associated with phasic increases of neural activity during slow oscillations. Such patterned activity in the sleeping brain could play a role in off-line processing of cortical networks
