77 research outputs found

    Маркетингові дослідження ринку протипухлинних препаратів для лікування раку легенів

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    The results of the analysis of the marketing of anticancer drugs (AD) market are presented, namely physical, social and economic availability of drugs used to treat patients with lung cancer has been determined. It has been found that in the period from 2010 to 2015 the main tendency of the market segment development of the drugs studied was the private foreign domination. In the unstable financial situation in the country this tendency has negative consequences for the society. It has been proven that within 2010-2015 there was the growth of the average purchase prices for AD, the exception was 2013. It has been found that in 2010-2013 and 2015 the average value of accessibility for AD was greater than unity and varied in the range of 1.00 (in 2015) to 1.26 (in 2010). It should be assessed as a positive tendency of developing the pharmaceutical market segment studied.В статье представлены результаты маркетингового анализа рынка противоопухолевых препаратов (ПП): определена физическая и социально-экономическая доступность лекарственных средств (ЛС), которые применяются для лечения больных раком легкого. Установлено, что за период с 2010 по 2015 гг. главной тенденцией развития сегмента исследуемого рынка ЛС является значительное доминирование ПП иностранного производства. В условиях нестабильной финансовой ситуации в стране такая тенденция имеет негативные последствия для общества. Доказано, что в течение 2010-2015 гг. наблюдался рост средних закупочных цен на ПП, исключением был 2013 г. Установлено, что в 2010-2013 гг. и 2015 г. среднее значение доступности для ПП было больше единицы и колебалось в пределах от 1,00 (2015 г.) до 1,26 (2010 г.), что следует оценить как положительную тенденцию развития сегмента исследуемого фармацевтического рынка.У статті наведено результати маркетингового аналізу ринку протипухлинних препаратів (ПП):визначено фізичну та соціально-економічну доступність ліків, які застосовуються для лікування хворих на рак легені. Встановлено, що за період із 2010 по 2015 р. головною тенденцією розвитку сегмента ринку лікарських засобів, що досліджуються, є значне домінування ПП іноземного виробництва. За умов нестабільної фінансової ситуації в країні така тенденція має вкрай негативні наслідки для суспільства. Доведено, що протягом 2010-2015 рр. спостерігалося зростання середніх закупівельних цін на ПП, винятком був 2013 р. Встановлено, що у 2010-2013 рр. і 2015 р.середнє значення доступності для ПП було більшим за одиницю і коливалося у межах від 1,00 (2015 р.) до 1,26 (2010 р.), що слід оцінити як позитивну тенденцію розвитку сегмента фармацевтичного ринку, що досліджувався

    Legal and Organizational Economic Aspects of the Functioning of the Main Models of Health-Care Systems

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    World health develops by huge progressive tempos. Each separate state has features of health-care system. Despite this, there are only few general models of health care all over the world. Scientific summarizing of main legal and organizational and economic aspects of functioning of each of general models of health care system should has a place periodically including its topical changes. This is the purpose of our review.Питання охорони здоров'я піднімаються в світовому співтоваристві все активніше. Кожна держава має свої особливості організації системи охорони здоров'я. При цьому у світі існує кілька найбільш загальних моделей охорони здоров'я. Метою даної статті є наукове узагальнення основних правових та організаційно-економічних аспектів функціонування кожної із загальних моделей системи охорони здоров'я, а також найбільш актуальних змін.Вопросы охраны здоровья поднимаются в мировом сообществе все активнее. Каждое отдельное государство имеет свои особенности организации системы здравоохранения. При этом в мире существует несколько наиболее общих моделей здравоохранения. Целью данной статьи является научное обобщение основных правовых и организационно-экономических аспектов функционирования каждой из общих моделей системы здравоохранения, а также наиболее актуальных изменений

    Обґрунтування вибору компонентів комбінованого лікарського засобу для лікування ЦД2

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in the world. As evidenced by the UN resolution, DM is recognized as one of the most threatening diseases in the world. At present there are more than 382 million people with DM. In the EU almost 4-6 % of the population suffers from type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2). It should be noted that this disease occurs with an extremely high risk of complications, which lead to disability, morbidity and mortality of patients in this category.Aim. To substantiate the choice of components for introduction of a combined drug used for the treatment of DM 2.Materials and methods. The results of meta-analyses concerning medical information of the drug use when treating DM 2 were analyzed.Results and discussion. The results of the comparative studies of antidiabetic drugs were generalized; the expediency and rationality of the use of metformin as a drug with the proven efficacy and safety when treating DM 2 was revealed.Conclusions. The authors have proposed and substantiated the effectiveness of a new antidiabetic composition with two API: metformin (400 mg) and benfotiamine (20 mg). The new composition with metformin and benfotiamine has been confirmed by the pharmacological studies as a highly effective antidiabetic agent with a pronounced antioxidant effect and the ability to restore cellular energy deficiency.Сахарный диабет (СД) является одним из наиболее распространенных неинфекционных заболеваний в мире. Как свидетельствует резолюция ООН, СД признан одной из самых угрожающих болезней в мире. На сегодня зарегистрировано более 382 млн человек, страдающих СД. В странах ЕС почти 4-6% населения страдают СД 2 типа. Следует отметить, что данное заболевание протекает с чрезвычайно высоким риском развития осложнений, которые приводят к потере трудоспособности, инвалидизации и смертности больных этой категории.Целью работы было обоснование выбора компонентов для внедрения нового комбинированного лекарственного средства для лечения СД2.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы результаты мета-анализов по медицинской информации применения препаратов в лечении СД2. Результаты и их обсуждение. Обобщены результаты сравнительных исследований противодиабетических препаратов, выявлена целесообразность и рациональность применения метформина как ЛС с доказанной эффективностью и безопасностью в лечении СД 2.Выводы. Авторами предложена и обоснована эффективность новой противодиабетической композиции двух АФИ: метформина (400 мг) и бенфотиамина (20 мг). Новая композиция с включением метформина и бенфотиамина подтверждена фармакологическими исследованиями как высокоэффективное антидиабетическое средство с выраженным антиоксидантным эффектом и способностью восстанавливать клеточный энергодефицит.Цукровий діабет (ЦД) є одним з найбільш поширених неінфекційних захворювань у світі. Як свідчить резолюція ООН, ЦД визнано однією з найбільш загрозливих хвороб у світі. На сьогодні зареєстровано понад 382 млн осіб, що хворіють на ЦД. У країнах ЄС майже 4-6 % населення страждають на ЦД 2 типу. Слід зауважити, що дане захворювання відзначається надзвичайно високим ризиком розвитку ускладнень, які призводять до втрати працездатності, інвалідизації та смертності хворих цієї категорії.Метою роботи є обґрунтування вибору компонентів для впровадження нового  комбінованого лікарського засобу для лікування ЦД2.Матеріали та методи. Проаналізовані результати мета-аналізів стосовно  медичної інформації застосування препаратів у лікуванні ЦД2. Результати та їх обговорення. Узагальнені результати порівняльних досліджень гіпоглікемічних препаратів, виявлено доцільність та раціональність застосування метформіну як ЛЗ з доведеною ефективністю та безпекою у лікуванні ЦД2.Висновки. Авторами запропонована та обґрунтована ефективність нової протидіабетичної композиції двох АФІ: метформіну (400 мг) і бенфотіаміну (20 мг). Нова композиція з включенням метформіну та бенфотіаміну підтверджена фармакологічними дослідженнями як високоефективний антидіабетичний засіб з вираженим антиоксидантним ефектом і здатністю відновлювати клітинний енергодефіцит


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    The article presents theoretical ground of the method of correction of intestinal dysbiosis based on a complex immuno-microbiological examination combining research of quantitative and qualitative composition of intestinal microbiota with study of immune reactivity of an organism to bifidus bacteria. As a part of the task we performed bacteriological and serological analysis of 314 coprofiltrate samples of 1-14 years old children living in Irkutsk. On the basis of the studied materials we presented the algorithm of complex study with the ground of possible ways of correction of dysbiotic disorders

    Alloplasmic recombinant lines (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum with 1RS.1BL translocation: initial genotypes for production of common wheat varieties

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    Alloplasmic lines are formed when the cytoplasm of one species is replaced by the cytoplasm of another as a result of repeated recurrent crosses of wide hybrids with the paternal genotype. Since the cytoplasm replacement results in new intergenomic interactions between a nucleus and cytoplasm leading to variability of plant characteristics, alloplasmic lines with restored fertility can be an additional source of biodiversity of cultivated plants. Earlier, recombinant alloplasmic lines (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum designated as L-17(1)–L-17(37) were formed from a plant with partially restored fertility of the BC3 generation of barley-wheat hybrid H. vulgare (cv. Nepolegayushchii) × T. aestivum (cv. Saratovskaya 29). This male-sterile hybrid was consistently backcrossed with wheat varieties Mironovskaya 808 (twice) and Saratovskaya 29, and Mironovskaya 808 had a positive impact on the restoration of fertility. This paper presents the results of investigation into a group of recombinant alloplasmic lines (L-17F4), as well as into doubled haploids (DH) lines – alloplasmic DH-17-lines obtained from anther culture of alloplasmic lines (L-17F2). The most productive of these lines were used as initial breeding genotypes. Hybrid form Lutescens 311/00-22 developed from the crossing of the alloplasmic DH(1)-17 line (as maternal genotype) with euplasmic line Com37 (CIMMYT), the source of the 1RS.1BL wheat-rye translocation, proved to be successful for breeding. The presence of the 1RS.1BL translocation in the genome of the Lutescens 311/00-22 form and the L-311(1)–L-311(6) alloplasmic lines isolated from it did not lead to a decrease of fertility or sterility in the plants. This indicates that the chromosome of the 1BS wheat does not carry the gene(s) that determine the restoration of fertility in the studied (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum alloplasmic lines. Alloplasmic lines L-311(1)–L-311(6) showed their advantage in comparison with the standard varieties for resistance to leaf and stem rust, yield, and grain quality. The breeding tests performed at Omsk Agricultural Scientific Center, Agrocomplex “Kurgansemena”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Ishimskoe” (Tyumen Region), using alloplasmic lines L-311(5), L-311(4) and L-311(6) resulted in varieties of spring common wheat Sigma, Uralosibirskaya 2 and Ishimskaya 11, respectively

    Response sensitivity to bacteriophages of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from the microbiota of the oropharynx in children of Irkutsk

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    Dysbiotic disorders of the oropharynx takes one of the first places in the structure of morbidity worldwide. The aim of the study was to determine the peculiarities of microbiocenosis of the oropharynx in children at different ages and to assess the level of sensitivity of S. aureus strains to specific bacteriophages. Material for the study consisted of 84 smears from the oropharynx of children with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis (J00, J02, J03, J04 according to 1CD-10). The biological material was distributed depending on the age of the surveyed: the first group - children 3-6 years (n = 61) and the second age group - children 7-12 years (n = 23). Studies of the microflora of the oropharynx were performed according to standard methods. Isolated microorganisms were identified by morphological, tinctorial, cultural and biochemical properties. The results were evaluated in accordance with the Order of USSR Ministry of Health N 535 as of April 22,1985. Specific lytic activity of bacteriophages against S. aureus was determined using preparations of staphylococcal bacteriophage and polyvalent pyobacteriophage Sexta. The sensitivity of strains of S. aureus to specific bacteriophages was assessed by the method of «crosses», according to the guidelines. Statistical analysis was performed with the use of licensed applications Offiœ Ms Excel 2007for Windows 7 BioStat v. Correlation analysis (Pearson method) was used. 1t has been shown that with increasing age children in the oropharynx microbial density is increasing for indicators of both normoflora (S. oralis), and of opportunistic microflora (S. β-hemolytic, S. pyogenes, S. pneumoniae, bacteria Enterobacteriaceae), especially of S. aureus (up to 74 %). Registration of sensitive strains of S. aureus in more than 70 % of cases in preschool and school-aged children is evidence of the correctness of correction of the dysbiotic disorders of the oropharynx with the use of bacteriophages of staphylococcus and Sexta

    Isolation and characterization of peptides from blood serum of patients with multiple sclerosis

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    In order to find novel molecular markers of multiple sclerosis we developed a scheme of oligopeptides’ isolation including their extraction from blood serum with 10 % trichloroacetic acid, followed by precipitation of soluble substances with acetone in ratio 6:1. Oligopeptides were dissolved in water and their characteristics was determined by gel filtration under HPLC conditions and thin layer chromatography. Obtained data have shown that blood serum of MS patients contains two oligopolypeptides with average molecular masses of 300–500 Da. We also studied biological activity of TCA-soluble peptides toward some eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells in comparison with phosphopeptides isolated from casein hydrolysates. It was found that TCA-soluble peptides are capable of effective inhibiting HeLa cells’ proliferation, while their inhibitory effect was expressed toward Jurkat T-cells and was not detectable toward U373 cells. The casein’s phosphopeptides were capable to stimulate proliferation of Jurkat cells and effectively inhibited growth of cells. Neither antibacterial, nor antifungal activities of these oligopeptides were detected

    Effects of аntimicrobials on <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> biofilm formation

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most problematic pathogens in medical institutions, which may be due to the ability of this microorganism to exist in a biofilm, which increases its resistance to antimicrobials, as well as its prevalence and survival ability in the external environment. This work aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of P. aeruginosa strains in planktonic and biofilm forms. We studied 20 strains of P. aeruginosa collected during 2018–2021 by specialists from the Laboratory of Microbiome and Microecology of the Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems. The identification of strains was carried out using test systems for differentiating gram-negative non-fermenting bacteria (NEFERMtest 24 Erba Lachema s.r.o., Czech Republic), and confirmed by mass spectrometric analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Antimicrobial activity was assessed by the degree of inhibition of cell growth in planktonic and biofilm forms (on a flat-bottomed 96-well plastic immunological plate). All clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa were biofilm formers, 47.6 % of the isolates were weak biofilm formers, and 52.4 % of the isolates were moderate biofilm formers. Planktonic cells and the forming biofilm of the tested P. aeruginosa strains were carbapenems-resistant. Biofilm formation was suppressed in more than 90 % of cases by the agents of the cephalosporin and aminoglycoside groups. Antimicrobial susceptibility of P. aeruginosa strains in the formed biofilm was significantly lower (p &lt; 0.05). Carbapenems and cephalosporins did not affect the mature biofilms of the tested P. aeruginosa strains in more than 60 % of cases. Only non-beta-lactam antibiotics (ciprofloxacin and amikacin) suppressed the growth of planktonic cells and destroyed the mature biofilm. The revealed differences in the effect of the tested antimicrobials on the P. aeruginosa strains biofilms correlate with resistance to a number of antibiotics. To prevent biofilm formation in the hospital strains of P. aeruginosa, the use of ceftazidime may be recommended, and antimicrobials such as ciprofloxacin and amikacin may be used to affect mature biofilms of P. aeruginosa

    Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in the Full CDF Data Set

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    We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase \beta_s using the time evolution of B0_s -> J/\psi (->\mu+\mu-) \phi (-> K+ K-) decays in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of \beta_s and the B0_s decay-width difference \Delta\Gamma_s, and measure \beta_s in [-\pi/2, -1.51] U [-0.06, 0.30] U [1.26, \pi/2] at the 68% confidence level, in agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model value of \beta_s, we also determine \Delta\Gamma_s = 0.068 +- 0.026 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst) ps-1 and the mean B0_s lifetime, \tau_s = 1.528 +- 0.019 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by other experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett 109, 171802 (2012

    Modern Conception of the Control over the Abundance of Carriers and Vectors of Plague in the Territory of the Russian Federation

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    Disinfestation and deratization remain the main ways of non-specific disease prophylaxis in natural plague foci. Modern strategies, tactics, methods and means of control over carriers and vectors of plague and associated infectious diseases are selected with due consideration to epidemiological potential of territories, epizootic activity of a foci, peculiarities of population ecology of animals that are of a medical significance, preservation of biodiversity in natural ecosystems, and the requirements for human and natural environments protection from pollutants