11 research outputs found

    Robust continuous user authentication system using long short term memory network for healthcare

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    A traditional user authentication method comprises of username, passwords, tokens and PINs to validate the identity of user at initial login. However, a continuous monitoring method is needed for the security of critical healthcare systems which can authenticate user on each action performed on the system in order to ensure that only legitimate user i.e., a genuine patient or medical employee is accessing the data from user account. In this aspect, the perception of employing behavioural patterns of user as biometric credential to incessantly re-verifying the user’s identity is being investigated in this research work to make the healthcare database information more secure. The keystroke behavioural biometric data represents the organisation of events in such a manner which resembles a time-series data, therefore, the recurrent neural network is used to learn the hidden and unique features of users’ behaviour saved in timeseries. Two different architectures based on per-frame classification and integrated per frame-per sequence classification are employed to assess the system performance. The proposed novel integrated model combines the notion of authenticating user on each single action and on each sequence of actions. Therefore, firstly it gives no room to imposter users to perform any illicit activity as it authenticates user on each action and secondly it tends to include the advantage of hidden unique features related to specific user saved in a sequence of actions. Hence, it identifies the abnormal user behaviour more quickly in order to escalate the security, especially in healthcare sector to secure the confidential medical data

    Thigh-length compression stockings and DVT after stroke

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    Controversy exists as to whether neoadjuvant chemotherapy improves survival in patients with invasive bladder cancer, despite randomised controlled trials of more than 3000 patients. We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the effect of such treatment on survival in patients with this disease