37 research outputs found

    Caminhos alternativos: escravidão e reprodução em Minas Gerais no século XIX

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    Among the factors which influenced slave demography in Brazil perhaps the most important was the degree of involvement in the traditional colonial export economy. By the late eighteenth century, the Brazilian domestic market had consolidated and the correponding productive activities demanded a considerable slave labor force. At different periods and in different regions slave populations largely engaged in the production of foodstuffs for domestic consumption proved capable of natural increase. Post gold rush Minas Gerais wasthe largest and most expressive region dedicated to the doiriestic market. Based on new evidence, it will be demonstrated that, despite the enormous pressures of the international slave trade, the mineiro slave population of the 1830s was partially sustained by way of natural increase and that a generation after the termination of the trade it was fully reproductive.Entre os fatores que influenciaram a demografia escrava talvez o mais importante tenha sido o grau de envolvimento na tradicional economia colonial de exportação. Ate o final do seculo XVIII o mercado interno brasileiro havia se consolidado e as atividades produtivas correspondentes demandavam uma força de trabalho escrava considerável. Em períodos e regiões diierentes, varias populações cativas engajadas na produção de gêneros alimentícios, destinados ao consumo interno, se comprovaram capazes de reprodução natural. Apos o ciclo aurífero, Minas Gerais constitui a maior e mais expressiva região dedicada ao mercado interno. Baseado em novas evidências, demonstrar-se-a que, a despeito das enormes pressões do tráfico negreiro internacional, a população escrava mineira da década de 1830 se sustentava, emparte, por meio da reprodução natural e que uma geração após o término do tráfico encontrava-se plenamente reprodutiva

    2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease

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    The recommendations listed in this document are, whenever possible, evidence based. An extensive evidence review was conducted as the document was compiled through December 2008. Repeated literature searches were performed by the guideline development staff and writing committee members as new issues were considered. New clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals and articles through December 2011 were also reviewed and incorporated when relevant. Furthermore, because of the extended development time period for this guideline, peer review comments indicated that the sections focused on imaging technologies required additional updating, which occurred during 2011. Therefore, the evidence review for the imaging sections includes published literature through December 2011

    A prenylated dsRNA sensor protects against severe COVID-19

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    Inherited genetic factors can influence the severity of COVID-19, but the molecular explanation underpinning a genetic association is often unclear. Intracellular antiviral defenses can inhibit the replication of viruses and reduce disease severity. To better understand the antiviral defenses relevant to COVID-19, we used interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression screening to reveal that OAS1, through RNase L, potently inhibits SARS-CoV-2. We show that a common splice-acceptor SNP (Rs10774671) governs whether people express prenylated OAS1 isoforms that are membrane-associated and sense specific regions of SARS-CoV-2 RNAs, or only express cytosolic, nonprenylated OAS1 that does not efficiently detect SARS-CoV-2. Importantly, in hospitalized patients, expression of prenylated OAS1 was associated with protection from severe COVID-19, suggesting this antiviral defense is a major component of a protective antiviral response

    Sociedade e cultura escravistas como obstáculos ao desenvolvimento econômico: notas sobre o Brasil oiticentista

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    É hora dos estudiosos da História Econômica do Brasil tratarem das questões culturais ligadas a mais de 300 anos de escravismo e subdesenvolvimento. Ao continuar insistindo que, antes da Abolição, a economia brasileira não conseguiu "modernizar-se'' em função de má qualidade do trabalho escravo em si, ignora-se o fato de que escravos eram perfeitamente capazes de se adaptarem aos avanços tecnológicos e a complexa organização do trabalho, como se demonstrará por meio de exemplos extraídos do oitocentos brasileiros. Argumenta-se-a que certas atitudes inerentes a sociedade escravista brasileira, em particular a aversão ao trabalho enraizada entre todos os segmentos da populaçãolivre, constituiram séries obstáculos a modernização econômica até as últimas décadas do século XIX. The time has como for historians of Brazilian economic history to deal with the cultural issues posed by more than 300 year of slavery and underdevelopment. To continue insisting that the failure of the Brazilian economy to "modernize" before emancipation lay in the poor quality of slave labor perse, is to ignore the fact that bondsmen were perfectly capable of adapting to technological advances and complex workplace organization, as shown in examples taken from nineteenth-century Brazilian history. It will be argued that certain attitudes inherent to Brazilian slave society, particularly the aversion to work inculcated in all segments of the free population, constituted serious restraints to economic modernization up to the final decades of the nineteenth century