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    Celebrity endorsement in African context: TEARS model approach

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    Purpose – Patronage of local footwear have not been encouraging in Nigeria despite recent investments. The purpose of the study is to evaluate celebrity endorsement and customer patronage of SMEs (small-and medium-scale enterprises) products in African context, with focus on TEARS (Trustworthiness, Expertise, Attractiveness, Respect, and Similarity) model. Design/methodology/approach - The research was designed as a descriptive survey. An online structured questionnaire was applied for data collection. Cronbach Alpha and content validity were used for reliability and validity, respectively. TEARS model was used to ascertain key dimensions, and Pearson correlation coefficient and logistic regression were applied into the analysis. Findings - The findings reveal that celebrity endorsement is not associated with patronage of local footwears, though TEARS model analysis indicates the direction of consumers rating on celebrity endorsement. Factors such as recommendation and quality impact the consumer willingness to buy local footwear. Research limitations/implications – The small sample size calls for caution in generalization. Originality/value - The originality is buttressed from the value it provides for local product production and patronage. The significant factors are indicated as key to addressing low patronage

    Anthropology research and video: encounters and disencounters

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    Ever since its invention, the moving images have been used in different ways. As a tool of culture phenomenon research, also as instrument for illustration and broadcast of the researches. The videographic praxis needs methodical proposals that go much beyond of the simple use of animated images as a register. That’s why based on our experiences and imagetic analysis we try to reflect the particularities, potentialities and overall, some methodological considerations about the using of videographics on fieldwork. As result of this, we bring up some annoying fragments of these encounters and disencounters between the video and the anthropology research.Desde a sua invenção, as imagens em movimento vêm sendo utilizadas de diferentes maneiras. Tanto como ferramenta de pesquisa nos fenô­ menos culturais, quanto instrumento para ilustração e difusão das pesquisas. A práxis videográfica precisa de propostas metodológicas que possam ir muito além da simples utilização das imagens animadas como instrumento de registro. É por isso que, baseados em nossas experiências e análises imagéticas tentamos refletir as especificidades, potencialidades e, sobretudo, algumas considerações metodológicas a respeito da utilização videográfica em pesquisa de campo. Como resultado disso, levantamos certos fragmentos incômodos destes encontros e desencontros entre o vídeo e a pesquisa antropológica

    Harmful algae in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Brazil: a spatio-temporal assessment

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can negatively affect coastal water quality, aquatic fauna, and human health fromthe consumption of toxin-contaminated seafood. Estuaries are especially prone to the incidence of these noxiousevents and sensitive to the associated damage. This study represents a comprehensive overview of previousinvestigations reporting the occurrence of harmful algae and/or phycotoxins in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex(CEP), in Southern Brazil. Secondary data from 2002 to 2021 were combined with new results obtained from widelyspaced sampling campaigns performed from 2018 to 2019 to assess the periods and estuarine sectors at greaterrisk for the incidence of HABs. In total, about 600 water/sediment samples containing harmful microalgae and 675tissue samples of phycotoxin-contaminated fauna were analyzed. The most frequent and abundant species ofpotentially toxic microalgae were dinoflagellates belonging to the species complexes Dinophysis acuminata andProrocentrum lima, producers of diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs), and diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia,producers of amnesic shellfish toxins (ASTs). Okadaic acid, a DST, was by far the most common toxin in the fauna,reaching higher levels in primary consumers such as bivalve mollusks (mussels, oysters, and clams), zooplankton,and suspension-feeding crustaceans (ghost shrimps), and moderate to low levels in cephalopods, fishes, gastropods,echinoderms, sea turtles, seabirds, and cetaceans. Less rainy periods (winter-early spring) were associated with thehighest incidence of DSTs and blooms of their producing algae P. lima and Dinophysis spp., mainly in the middleregion of Paranaguá Bay and on the shallow continental platform adjacent to the estuarine mouth. However, certainHAB-forming species may be more successful in inner estuarine areas (Prorocentrum cordatum) and during differentperiods, such as late summer—early fall (Pseudo-nitzschia spp.). Continuous monitorin

    Characteristics of integrated mangrove-shrimp farming systems in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam: preliminary findings for organic shrimp production certification

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    Mangrove forests play a critical role in natural disaster resistance and provide meaningful livelihoods for localcommunities, especially integrated mangrove shrimp farming (IMSF) systems. Organic shrimp certification actuallyincreases the value chains of shrimp farming in addition to ameliorating mangrove–forest management. Identifyingtechnical issues and assessing environmental risks are the leading concerns when considering organic shrimpproduction certification. In this study, the technical practices of 30 households were investigated, and surface waterand sediment samples were collected in the IMSF models and adjacent rivers in the Thua Duc Forest ManagementBoard area, Ben Tre Province. Data collected from shrimp farming ponds and the environmental backgroundwere referred to both the Naturland and National Standards. The results showed that the average mangroveforest and shrimp pond ratio was 56.90:42.70 (%). Two technical issues were highlighted: (i) the use of rotenone,known as a toxin to kill undesirable fish before stocking shrimp, and (ii) annual shrimp pond regeneration causingincreased pollution. The data showed that higher concentrations of TSS and P-PO43- were detected in surroundingrivers, while surface water in either IMSF ponds or adjacent rivers slightly surpassed the permissible levels oftotal Fe concentration. All parameters—including heavy metals; toxic and persistent parameters; oil and greaseand coliforms analysed in surface water, and sediment samples—were lower than the detection and permissiblelevels. The results provided evidence that the IMSF’s practices and environmental characteristics were suitable forrecommending the Naturland Standards. Recommendations and technical interventions for farmers are necessaryto help reduce Fe levels and the safe use of rotenone in IMSF systems. An environmental quality monitoringprogramme at the target area should be applied when launching organic shrimp production

    A paisagem na literatura goiana: o “Mato Grosso Goiano” na obra de Carmo Bernardes

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    O presente estudo visa destacar o papel de registro da paisagem na literatura memorialista de Carmo Bernardes, autor do regionalismo goiano, que através de seus conhecimentos sobre a natureza, concebe um esboço histórico e geográfico de uma época e de uma sociedade. O objetivo do artigo é analisar a obra “Quarto Crescente – Relembranças”, na qual o autor imprime significativa contribuição às noções sobre o meio ambiente, a ocupação e a degradação do Mato Grosso Goiano, uma região outrora coberta de florestas em Goiás, que foi completamente devastada durante o século XX. A análise da obra revelou que as descrições do autor atuam como um registro da paisagem primitiva, servindo de parâmetro e denúncia frente aos impactos ambientais.The present study aims to highlight the role of a landscape record in the memorialist literature of Carmo Bernardes, author of the regionalism in Goiás, who conceives a historical and geographic outline of an epoch and a society through his knowledge of nature. The article’s purpose is to analyze the memoir “Quarto Crescente – Relembranças”, in which the author gives a significative contribution to the notions of environment, occupation and deforestation of the Mato Grosso Goiano, a region once covered of forests in Goiás, that was completely devasted during the 20th century. An analysis of the book revealed that the descriptions of the author act as a record of the primitive landscape, and as a parameter and complaint against the environmental impacts.&nbsp

    L' impatto dell'ipernormatività della legge 8.666/93 nelle piccole città di San Paolo

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    Dieser Artikel ist das Ergebnis einer empirischen Untersuchung, basierend auf halbdirektiven Interviews, die mit Mitarbeitern kleiner Gemeinden im Bundesstaat São Paulo durchgeführt wurden, über die Durchführung von Ausschreibungen durch diese lokalen Machteinheiten und die Vision ihrer Vertreter in Bezug auf das Bundesgesetz 8.666 /1993. Die Arbeit präsentiert die Idee, dass das Gesetz 8.666/93 durch eine Hypernormativität gekennzeichnet ist, die durch seinen Anspruch repräsentiert wird, alle in Brasilien entwickelten Einstellungsverfahren in allen föderativen Sphären akribisch zu regulieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden an öffentlichen Ausschreibungen beteiligte kommunale Akteure befragt, um festzustellen, ob sich die Bedenken hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen der Hypernormativität auf die Qualität des kommunalen Managements bestätigen würden. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die Mitarbeiter der Ausschreibungssektoren kleiner Gemeinden eine Haltung relativer Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber dem Charakter des Gesetzes 8.666/93 einnehmen oder sich durch seine Einzelheiten geschützt fühlen. Auch andere Themen rund um Bieterverfahren werden in den Interviews angesprochen und im Text entwickelt.Este artigo é fruto de uma pesquisa empírica, baseada em entrevistas semidiretivas feitas com funcionários de pequenos Municípios do estado de São Paulo, sobre a realização de licitações por essas unidades locais de poder e a visão de seus agentes sobre a Lei Federal 8.666/1993. O trabalho apresenta a concepção de que a Lei 8.666/93 é caracterizada por uma hipernormatividade, representada por sua pretensão de regular minuciosamente todos os processos de contratação desenvolvidos no Brasil, em todas as esferas federativas. Em face disso, foram entrevistados agentes municipais envolvidos com licitações para identificar se as preocupações com os impactos da hipernormatividade para a qualidade da gestão dos Municípios se confirmariam. O trabalho conclui que os funcionários dos setores de licitação de pequenos Municípios têm uma postura de relativa indiferença com relação ao caráter da Lei 8.666/93 ou se sentem resguardados por seu detalhismo. Outros temas ligados às licitações também são abordados nas entrevistas e desenvolvidos no texto.This paper is the result of an empirical research, based on semi-directive interviews made with employees of small Municipalities in the state of São Paulo, on the holding of bids by these local units of power and the vision of their agents on the Federal Law 8.666/1993. The work presents the idea that Law 8.666/93 is characterized by hypernormativity, represented by its intention to regulate in detail all the public procurement processes developed in Brazil, in all federative spheres. In view of this, municipal agents involved in public procurement processes were interviewed to identify whether concerns about the impacts of hypernormativity on the quality of municipal management would be confirmed. The work concludes that the employees of the public procurement sectors of small municipalities have an attitude of relative indifference in relation to the character of Law 8.666/93 or they feel its detail protects their activities. Other topics related to bidding processes are also addressed in the interviews and developed in the text.Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación empírica, basada en entrevistas semidirectivas realizadas con empleados de pequeños municipios del estado de São Paulo, sobre la celebración de licitaciones por parte de estas unidades de energía locales y la visión de sus agentes con respecto a la Ley Federal 8.666 /1993. El trabajo presenta la idea de que la Ley 8.666/93 se caracteriza por una hipernormatividad, representada por su pretensión de regular minuciosamente todos los procesos de contratación desarrollados en Brasil, en todas las esferas federativas. Ante esto, se entrevistó a agentes municipales involucrados en licitaciones públicas para identificar si se confirmarían las preocupaciones sobre los impactos de la hipernormatividad en la calidad de la gestión municipal. El trabajo concluye que los empleados de los sectores licitadores de pequeños municipios tienen una postura de relativa indiferencia en relación al carácter de la Ley 8.666/93 o se sienten protegidos por su detalle. Otros temas relacionados con los procesos de licitación también son abordados en las entrevistas y desarrollados en el texto.Questo articolo è il risultato di una ricerca empirica, basata su interviste semi-direttive condotte con dipendenti di piccoli Comuni nello stato di San Paolo, sullo svolgimento di offerte da parte di queste unità di potere locali e sulla visione dei loro agenti in merito alla Legge Federale 8.666 /1993. Il lavoro presenta l'idea che la legge 8.666/93 sia caratterizzata da un'ipernormatività, rappresentata dalla sua pretesa di regolamentare meticolosamente tutti i processi di assunzione sviluppati in Brasile, in tutti gli ambiti federativi. In considerazione di ciò, sono stati intervistati gli agenti municipali coinvolti negli appalti pubblici per identificare se le preoccupazioni circa gli impatti dell'ipernormatività sulla qualità della gestione municipale sarebbero state confermate. Il lavoro conclude che i dipendenti dei settori appaltanti dei piccoli comuni hanno un atteggiamento di relativa indifferenza rispetto al carattere della legge 8.666/93 o si sentono tutelati dal suo dettaglio. Anche altri argomenti relativi ai processi di gara sono affrontati nelle interviste e sviluppati nel testo

    Spongiform leukoencephalopathy unveiled in an autopsy of a drug abuser

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    Toxic leukoencephalopathy (TLE) is a rare neurological debilitating and fatal condition. It has been previously associated with exposure to leukotoxic offenders such as chemotherapy, cranial radiation, certain drugs, and environmental factors. Currently, it is a commoner white matter syndrome resulting from increased substance abuse, classically by inhaled heroin and other opioids. Herein, we report a case of fatal TLE unveiled in an autopsy of a drug abuser. A 24-year-old male was found dead on the roadside. A day before, he was located in a state of delirium. In this case, the autopsy findings and histopathology characteristics of cerebral cortex involvement particularly directed to speculate the heroine as the principal offender

    A fala consumista (o supercliente na ordem do consumo)

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    Insect galls of the Chapada Diamantina, Rio de Contas, Bahia, Brazil

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    We surveyed insect galls and their host plants in areas of Caatinga and Cerrado in the municipality of Rio de Contas, in the extreme south of the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia state), between 703 and 1,897 m altitude, in order to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of local biodiversity. The survey was conducted in eight locations, adopting the random walking methodology for sampling, four in Caatinga and four in Cerrado, covering distinct phytophysiognomies (cerrado sensu stricto, gallery forest, shrubby caatinga, riparian forest, and rocky field). Eighty-four different insect gall morphotypes were reported, 48 (57.14%) of them on 42 host species in Cerrado and 36 (42.86%) on 24 host species in Caatinga. Most galls occurred on leaves (48.72%) and were globoid (53.76%), glabrous (52.92%), isolated (55.44%), usually one-chambered (61.32%), and brown (25.2%). The gall-inducing insects identified belonged to Lepidoptera (n = 1), Thysanoptera (n = 1), Hemiptera (n = 2), and Diptera (Cecidomyiidae) (n = 16). This was the first inventory of galls in the Chapada Diamantina, so all records are new for the region. We also recorded the first occurrences of galls on two Cerrado plant species and on two in the Caatinga. We found a significant positive correlation between gall richness and plant species richness, suggesting that radiation of gall-inducing insects may be associated with plant species richness.Realizamos o levantamento das galhas de insetos e de suas plantas hospedeiras em áreas da Caatinga (floresta tropical seca) e do Cerrado (savana brasileira) no município de Rio de Contas, extremo sul da Chapada Diamantina (estado da Bahia), entre 703 e 1.897m de altitude, a fim de de contribuir para o conhecimento e conservação da biodiversidade local. O levantamento foi realizado em oito localidades, adotando a metodologia de caminhada aleatória, sendo quatro em Caatinga e quatro no Cerrado, abrangendo fitofisionomias distintas (cerrado sensu stricto, mata de galeria, caatinga arbustiva, mata ciliar e campo rupestre). Oitenta e quatro morfotipos de galhas foram registrados, dos quais 48 ocorreram nas fitofisionomias de Cerrado (57,14%) em 42 espécies e 36 morfotipos (42,86%) da Caatinga em 24 espécies hospedeiras. A maioria das galhas ocorreu em folhas (48,72%), é globóide (53,76%), glabra (52,92%), isolada (55,44%), marrons (25,2%), geralmente com uma única câmara larval (61,32%). Os insetos galhadores identificados pertencem a Diptera (Cecidomyiidae) (n=16), Thysanoptera (n=1), Hemiptera (n=2) e Lepidoptera (n=1). Este foi o primeiro inventário de galhas na Chapada Diamantina, portanto todos os registos são novos para a região. Também registramos pela primeira vez galhas em duas espécies de plantas do Cerrado e em duas da Caatinga. Encontramos uma correlação positiva significativa entre a riqueza de galhas e a riqueza de espécies de plantas, sugerindo que a radiação das espécies galhadores pode estar associada à riqueza de espécies de plantas

    The Stan Lee Gibiteca: an articulation between comics, reading and transversal themes

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    A Gibiteca is a space for the socialization of comic book readings, as well as the organization, selection and acquisition of comics (NOGUEIRA, 2015). It is a stimulus to multimodal reading, criticism and reflection on the cultural industry. We report here the experience of implementing the itinerant Gibiteca Stan Lee in the city of Venda Nova do Imigrante (ES). The project articulated the comics with the transversal themes proposed by the PCN, the commemorative dates of the school year and relevant school themes. Here, comics are an interdisciplinary object (JAPIASSÚ, 1976) and an integrator of disciplines. As partial results of the project we have: (a) the constitution of a representative collection of comics, whose criterion was to address transversal themes; and (b) conducting reading workshops on women's month, based on the literacy of comics (VERGUEIRO, 2009), where its language (RAMOS, 2009) was presented. We had as object of study the comics Wonder Woman: Gods and Dead and Mafalda: feminine singular. The proposal was developed in the library of the partner school and proved to be a relevant instrument for the discussion of transversal themes and the hidden curriculum. Reading comics mobilized knowledge of reading, society and text.Uma Gibiteca é um espaço de socialização de leituras de quadrinhos, bem como de organização, seleção e aquisição de HQs (NOGUEIRA, 2015). É um estímulo à leitura multimodal, à crítica e à reflexão à indústria cultural. Relatamos aqui a experiência de implementação da Gibiteca itinerante Stan Lee na cidade de Venda Nova do Imigrante (ES).  O projeto articulou os quadrinhos aos temas transversais propostos pelos PCN, às datas comemorativas do ano letivo escolar e às temáticas escolares relevantes. Aqui a HQ é um objeto interdisciplinar (JAPIASSÚ, 1976) e integrador das disciplinas. Como resultados parciais do projeto temos: (a) a constituição de um acervo representativo de HQs, cujo critério foi abordar os temas transversais; e (b) a realização de oficinas de leitura sobre o mês da mulher, tendo como base a alfabetização dos quadrinhos (VERGUEIRO, 2009), onde sua linguagem (RAMOS, 2009) foi apresentada. Tivemos como objeto de estudo as HQs Mulher-Maravilha: Deuses e Mortas e Mafalda: feminino singular. A proposta se desenvolveu na biblioteca da escola parceira e revelou ser um instrumento relevante para discussão dos temas transversais e do currículo oculto. A leitura da HQs mobilizou conhecimentos de leitura, sociedade e texto


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