9 research outputs found

    MIANN models in medicinal, physical and organic chemistry

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    [Abstract] Reducing costs in terms of time, animal sacrifice, and material resources with computational methods has become a promising goal in Medicinal, Biological, Physical and Organic Chemistry. There are many computational techniques that can be used in this sense. In any case, almost all these methods focus on few fundamental aspects including: type (1) methods to quantify the molecular structure, type (2) methods to link the structure with the biological activity, and others. In particular, MARCH-INSIDE (MI), acronym for Markov Chain Invariants for Networks Simulation and Design, is a well-known method for QSAR analysis useful in step (1). In addition, the bio-inspired Artificial-Intelligence (AI) algorithms called Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are among the most powerful type (2) methods. We can combine MI with ANNs in order to seek QSAR models, a strategy which is called herein MIANN (MI & ANN models). One of the first applications of the MIANN strategy was in the development of new QSAR models for drug discovery. MIANN strategy has been expanded to the QSAR study of proteins, protein-drug interactions, and protein-protein interaction networks. In this paper, we review for the first time many interesting aspects of the MIANN strategy including theoretical basis, implementation in web servers, and examples of applications in Medicinal and Biological chemistry. We also report new applications of the MIANN strategy in Medicinal chemistry and the first examples in Physical and Organic Chemistry, as well. In so doing, we developed new MIANN models for several self-assembly physicochemical properties of surfactants and large reaction networks in organic synthesis. In some of the new examples we also present experimental results which were not published up to date.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; CTQ2009-07733Universidad del Pais Vasco; UFI11/22Universidad del Pais Vasco; GIU 094

    Sewage sludge heavy metal analysis and agricultural prospects for Fiji

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    Insoluble residues produced in Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) as by products are known as sewage sludge (SS). Land application of SS, particularly in agricultural lands, is becoming an alternative disposal method in Fiji. However, currently there is no legislative framework governing its use. SS together with its high nutrient and organic matter contents, constitutes some undesired pollutants such as heavy metals, which may limit its extensive use. The focus of this study therefore was to determine the total concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni and Mn in the SS produced at the Kinoya WWTP (Fiji) and in the non-fertile soil amended with the SS at 20, 40, 60, 80% application rates and in the control (100% Soil). The bioavailable heavy metals were also determined as it depicts the true extent of metal contamination. The treatment mixtures were then used to cultivate cabbage plants in which the total heavy metal uptake was investigated. Total Zn (695.6 mg/kg) was present in the highest amounts in the 100% SS (control), followed by Pb (370.9 mg/kg), Mn (35.0 mg/kg), Cu (65.5 mg/kg), Cr (20.5 mg/kg) and finally Cd (13.5 mg/kg) and hence a similar trend was seen in all treatment mixtures. The potential mobility of sludgeborne heavy metals can be classified as Ni > Cu > Cd > Zn > Mn > Cr > Pb. Total metal uptake in plant leaves and stems showed only the bioavailable metals Cu, Cd, Zn and Mn, with maximum uptake occurring in the leaves. Ni, despite being highly mobile was not detected, due to minute concentrations in the SS treatments. Optimum growth occurred in the 20 and 40% SS treatments. However maximum Cu and Mn uptake occurred in the 40% SS treatment thereby making the 20% treatment the most feasible. Furthermore the total and bioavailable metal concentrations observed were within the safe and permitted limits of the EEC and USEPA legislations

    Chromatografická charakterizace polyanilinem potažených stacionárních fází

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    (CZ) Tato dizertační práce se zabývá fyzikálně-chemickou charakterizací stacionárních fází potažených polyanilinem. V první části byly chemickou polymerizací anilinium(1+) chloridu in-situ modifikovány povrchy sorbentů na bázi čistého silikagelu a silikagelu s navázanou oktadecylovou skupinou. Jejich následná systematická charakterizace byla provedena s použitím modelu lineárních vztahů solvatačních energií v HILIC módu kapilární kapalinové chromatografie. Dále bylo k popisu vlastností modifikovaných materiálů použito několik běžných fyzikálně-chemických technik. Modifikované sorbenty byly ve formě suspenzí naplněny do kapilárních kolon. Retenční interakce probíhající mezi analytem a separačním systémem byly zhodnoceny na základě retenčních dat pro množství různých analytů. Výsledky ukázaly, že polyanilinový povlak měl významný vliv na retenci podporující interakce pro obě stacionární fáze. Předpokládaný smíšený retenční mechanismus byl prokázán pro obě stacionární fáze. Druhá část se zabývá zkoumáním separačního potenciálu stacionární fáze potažené polyanilinem v různých chromatografických módech. Pro strukturně podobné látky byly zkonstruovány křivky retenčních faktorů závislé na podílu organického modifikátoru v mobilní fázi. Získané výsledky ukázaly, že tato stacionární fáze je použitelná ve...(EN) This dissertation thesis is focused on physicochemical and chromatographic characterization of polyaniline-coated stationary phases. In the first part, surfaces of bare silica and octadecyl silica sorbents were modified by in-situ chemical polymerization of aniline hydrochloride and their subsequent systematic characterization was performed by using the linear solvation energy relationship approach in the HILIC mode of capillary LC. In addition, several common physicochemical techniques were used to characterize properties of these altered materials. The modified sorbents were then packed into capillary columns. The retention interactions taking place between solute and the separation system were evaluated on the basis of retention data of a number of various solutes. The results showed that polyaniline coating had a significant effect on the retention promoting interactions of both polyaniline-coated stationary phases. The assumed mixed-mode retention mechanism was proven for both the stationary phases. The second part dealt with investigation of the separation potential of polyaniline- coated silica stationary phase in different chromatographic modes. The retention factor curves of structurally similar solutes were constructed as a function of organic modifier portion in the mobile phase....Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Chromatografická charakterizace polyanilinem potažených stacionárních fází

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    (CZ) Tato dizertační práce se zabývá fyzikálně-chemickou charakterizací stacionárních fází potažených polyanilinem. V první části byly chemickou polymerizací anilinium(1+) chloridu in-situ modifikovány povrchy sorbentů na bázi čistého silikagelu a silikagelu s navázanou oktadecylovou skupinou. Jejich následná systematická charakterizace byla provedena s použitím modelu lineárních vztahů solvatačních energií v HILIC módu kapilární kapalinové chromatografie. Dále bylo k popisu vlastností modifikovaných materiálů použito několik běžných fyzikálně-chemických technik. Modifikované sorbenty byly ve formě suspenzí naplněny do kapilárních kolon. Retenční interakce probíhající mezi analytem a separačním systémem byly zhodnoceny na základě retenčních dat pro množství různých analytů. Výsledky ukázaly, že polyanilinový povlak měl významný vliv na retenci podporující interakce pro obě stacionární fáze. Předpokládaný smíšený retenční mechanismus byl prokázán pro obě stacionární fáze. Druhá část se zabývá zkoumáním separačního potenciálu stacionární fáze potažené polyanilinem v různých chromatografických módech. Pro strukturně podobné látky byly zkonstruovány křivky retenčních faktorů závislé na podílu organického modifikátoru v mobilní fázi. Získané výsledky ukázaly, že tato stacionární fáze je použitelná ve...(EN) This dissertation thesis is focused on physicochemical and chromatographic characterization of polyaniline-coated stationary phases. In the first part, surfaces of bare silica and octadecyl silica sorbents were modified by in-situ chemical polymerization of aniline hydrochloride and their subsequent systematic characterization was performed by using the linear solvation energy relationship approach in the HILIC mode of capillary LC. In addition, several common physicochemical techniques were used to characterize properties of these altered materials. The modified sorbents were then packed into capillary columns. The retention interactions taking place between solute and the separation system were evaluated on the basis of retention data of a number of various solutes. The results showed that polyaniline coating had a significant effect on the retention promoting interactions of both polyaniline-coated stationary phases. The assumed mixed-mode retention mechanism was proven for both the stationary phases. The second part dealt with investigation of the separation potential of polyaniline- coated silica stationary phase in different chromatographic modes. The retention factor curves of structurally similar solutes were constructed as a function of organic modifier portion in the mobile phase....Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004-2011

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