21 research outputs found

    Butler and Post-Analytic Philosophy

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    This article has two aims: (i) to bring Judith Butler and Wilfrid Sellars into conversation; and (ii) to argue that Butler’s poststructuralist critique of feminist identity politics has metaphilosophical potential, given her pragmatic parallel with Sellars’s critique of conceptual analyses of knowledge. With regard to (i), I argue that Butler’s objections to the definitional practice constitutive of certain ways of construing feminism is comparable to Sellars’s critique of the analytical project geared toward providing definitions of knowledge. Specifically, I propose that moving away from a definition of woman to what one may call poststructuralist sites of woman parallels moving away from a definition of knowledge to a pragmatic account of knowledge as a recognizable standing in the normative space of reasons. With regard to (ii), I argue that the important parallels between Butler’s poststructuralist feminism and Sellars’s antirepresentationalist normative pragmatism about knowledge enable one to think of her poststructuralist feminism as mapping out pragmatic cognitive strategies and visions for doing philosophy. This article starts a conversation between two philosophers whom the literature has yet to fully introduce to each other

    The twilight of the Liberal Social Contract? On the Reception of Rawlsian Political Liberalism

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    This chapter discusses the Rawlsian project of public reason, or public justification-based 'political' liberalism, and its reception. After a brief philosophical rather than philological reconstruction of the project, the chapter revolves around a distinction between idealist and realist responses to it. Focusing on political liberalism’s critical reception illuminates an overarching question: was Rawls’s revival of a contractualist approach to liberal legitimacy a fruitful move for liberalism and/or the social contract tradition? The last section contains a largely negative answer to that question. Nonetheless the chapter's conclusion shows that the research programme of political liberalism provided and continues to provide illuminating insights into the limitations of liberal contractualism, especially under conditions of persistent and radical diversity. The programme is, however, less receptive to challenges to do with the relative decline of the power of modern states


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    A brief explanation and overview of constitutivism

    Formación docente para la implementación de la plataforma virtual Moodle como recurso didáctico en educación básica secundaria

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    1 recurso en línea (288 páginas) : ilustraciones color, tablas.Este estudio describe una experiencia llevada a cabo en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje Moodle, donde se planteó la utilización de la Educación Virtual como recurso didáctico educativo. A partir de un proceso de formación docente para la implementación de la plataforma virtual Moodle como recurso didáctico de enseñanza, se analizó si se presentaron cambios significativos en las competencias digitales: Pedagógica, tecnológica, comunicativa y de gestión, y a partir de ello se mejoró el desempeño pedagógico de los educadores; de igual forma se indago sobre la posibilidad de que las plataformas virtuales como Moodle puedan convertirse en una alternativa viable que pueda dar respuesta a los nuevos retos educativos relacionados con los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje para dinamizar el proceso educativo. Como objetivo general del estudio se planteó Identificar las competencias digitales que poseen los docentes para el uso y administración de la plataforma Moodle, en el nivel de educación básica secundaria y media de la Institución Educativa Técnica de Monguí, para implementar un programa de formación encaminado a fortalecer dichas competencias. La metodología empleada en el estudio fue de tipo mixto, porque involucra aspectos cuantitativos como la medición de las variable competencias digitales desarrolladas por los docentes para el empleo de la plataforma virtual Moodle, desde el paradigma cualitativo se tuvieron en cuenta las opiniones y conceptos de los sujetos participantes en el estudio; de los resultados obtenidos se encontró que los programas de formación docente para el uso didáctico de las TIC en entornos de aprendizaje virtual como la plataforma Moodle, cuando son orientados con un modelo pedagógico activo diferente al catedrático, permiten que los educadores apropien el uso de estas tecnologías y sean gestores de proyectos que dinamizan el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje, al brindar al estudiante la posibilidad de ser un agente participativo y por su puesto al educador ser guía y orientador en el proceso educativo.This study describes an experience carried out in Moodle virtual learning environments, where the use of Virtual Education as an educational didactic resource was proposed. From a process of teacher training for the implementation of the Moodle virtual platform as a didactic teaching resource, it was analyzed if there were significant changes in the digital competences: Pedagogical, technological, communicative and management, and from this the pedagogical performance of educators; In the same way, I inquired about the possibility that virtual platforms such as Moodle could become a viable alternative that could respond to new educational challenges related to virtual learning environments to boost the educational process. The general objective of the study was to identify the digital competences that teachers possess for the use and administration of the Moodle platform, at the level of secondary and secondary education of the Technical Educational Institution of Monguí, to implement a training program aimed at strengthen these competences The methodology used in the study was of mixed type, because it involved quantitative aspects such as the measurement of the variable digital competences developed by teachers for the use of the Moodle virtual platform, from the qualitative paradigm the opinions and concepts of the subjects participating in the study; From the results obtained it was found that the teacher training programs for the didactic use of ICT in virtual learning environments such as the Moodle platform, when they are oriented with an active pedagogical model different from the professor, allow educators to appropriate the use of these technologies and managers of projects that dynamize the teaching - learning process, giving the student the possibility of being a participative agent and of course the educator being a guide and guidance in the educational process.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 196-205MaestríaMagíster en TIC Aplicadas a las Ciencias de la Educació

    Philosophy of action

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    The philosophical study of human action begins with Plato and Aristotle. Their influence in late antiquity and the Middle Ages yielded sophisticated theories of action and motivation, notably in the works of Augustine and Aquinas.1 But the ideas that were dominant in 1945 have their roots in the early modern period, when advances in physics and mathematics reshaped philosophy