4 research outputs found
Multiorgan MRI findings after hospitalisation with COVID-19 in the UK (C-MORE): a prospective, multicentre, observational cohort study
- Author
- Abel K
- Adamali H.
- Adeloye D
- Adeyemi Oluwaseun
- Adrego Rita
- Aguilar Jimenez Laura A.
- Ahmad Haider N
- Ahmad Shanaz
- Ahmed R
- Ahwireng Nyarko
- Ainsworth Mark
- Al-Sheklly B.
- Alamoudi Asma
- Alfaro-Almagro Fidel
- Ali Mariam
- Aljaroof M
- Allan L
- Allen R J
- Allerton Lisa
- Allsop Lynne
- Allt Ann Marie
- Almeida Paula
- Altmann Danny
- Alvarez Corral Maria
- Amoils S.
- Anderson David
- Antoniades C
- Arbane Gill
- Arias Ava Maria
- Armour C.
- Armstrong Lisa
- Armstrong Natalie
- Arnold David
- Arnold H
- Ashish A
- Ashworth Andrew
- Ashworth M
- Aslani S
- Assefa-Kebede Hosanna
- Atkin C
- Atkin Paul
- Aul Raminder
- Aung H
- Austin Liam
- Avram Cristina
- Ayoub A.
- Babores M.
- Baggott R
- Bagshaw J
- Baguley D
- Bailey L
- Baillie J.K.
- Bain S
- Bakali M
- Bakau M
- Baldry E
- Baldwin D
- Baldwin M
- Ballard C
- Bandula Steven
- Banerjee A
- Bang Dongchun
- Barker R E
- Barman L
- Barratt Shaney
- Barrett Fiona
- Basire Donna
- Basu N.
- Bates A
- Bates M
- Batterham R
- Baxendale H
- Bayes Hannah
- Beadsworth M.
- Beckett P
- Beggs Mark
- Begum M
- Beirne Paul
- Bell Murdina
- Bell R
- Bennett Kaytie
- Beranova Eva
- Bermperi Areti
- Berridge Anthony
- Berry C.
- Betts Sarah
- Bevan Emily
- Bhui K
- Bingham Michelle
- Birchall K
- Bishop L.
- Bisnauthsing Karen
- Blaikely J.
- Bloss Angela
- Bolger A.
- Bolton Charlotte E.
- Bonnington J.
- Botkai A
- Bourne Charlotte
- Bourne Michelle
- Bramham K.
- Brear Lucy
- Breen G
- Breeze Jonathon
- Briggs A.
- Bright E
- Brightling Christopher E
- Brill Simon
- Brindle K
- Broad Lauren
- Broadley A
- Brookes C
- Broome M
- Brown Ammani
- Brown Angela
- Brown J.
- Brown Jeremy S
- Brown Jo
- Brown M.
- Brown M.
- Brown V.
- Brugha Terry
- Brunskill Nigel
- Buch M.
- Buckley Phil
- Bularga A.
- Bullmore E
- Bunker Jenny
- Burden L.
- Burdett Tracy
- Burn D.
- Burns A.
- Burns G.
- Busby J.
- Butcher Robyn
- Butt Al-Tahoor
- Byrne S.
- Cairns P
- Calder P C
- Calvelo Ellen
- Carborn H
- Card Bethany
- Carr Caitlin
- Carr Liesel
- Carson G
- Carter Penny
- Casey A
- Cassar Mark P.
- Cavanagh J
- Chablani Manish
- Chalder Trudie
- Chalmers James D.
- Chambers R C
- Chan Flora
- Channon K M
- Chapman Kerry
- Charalambou A
- Chaudhuri N
- Checkley A
- Chen Jin
- Cheng Yutung
- Chetham Luke
- Childs C
- Chilvers Edwin R
- Chinoy H
- Chiribiri Amedeo
- Chong-James K.
- Choudhury Gourab
- Choudhury N.
- Chowienczyk P
- Christie C
- Chrystal Melanie
- Clark Cameron
- Clark D
- Clarke Jude
- Clohisey S.
- Coakley G.
- Coburn Zach
- Coetzee S.
- Cole Joby
- Coleman C
- Conneh Florence
- Connell David
- Connolly B.
- Connor Lynda
- Cook Amanda
- Cooper B
- Cooper J
- Cooper Shirley
- Copeland D.
- Cosier Tracey
- Coulding Martina
- Coupland C.
- Cox Eleanor
- Craig T.
- Crisp P
- Cristiano Daniele
- Crooks M.G.
- Cross Andy
- Cruz Isabel
- Cullinan P.
- Cuthbertson Dan J
- Daines L
- Dalton Matthhew
- Daly Patrick
- Daniels Alison
- Dark P
- Dasgin J
- David A
- David C.
- Davies Ellie
- Davies Ffyon
- Davies Gareth
- Davies Gwyneth A
- Davies Kim
- Davies Melanie J
- Dawson Joy
- Daynes E
- De Soyza Anthony
- Deakin B
- Deans Andrew
- Deas C.
- Deery Joanne
- Defres S.
- Dell Amanda
- Dempsey K.
- Denneny E
- Dennis J
- Dewar A.
- Dharmagunawardena R
- Diar Bakerly Nawar
- Dickens C
- Dipper A.
- Diver Sarah
- Diwanji Shalin N
- Dixon Myles
- Djukanovic R
- Dobson H.
- Dobson S.L.
- Docherty Annemarie B.
- Donaldson A.
- Dong T.
- Dormand N.
- Dougherty Andrew
- Dowling R
- Drain S.
- Draxlbauer K
- Drury Katie
- Dulawan Pearl
- Dunleavy A
- Dunn Sarah
- Dupont Catherine
- Earley Joanne
- Easom Nicholas
- Echevarria Carlos
- Edwards Sarah
- Edwardson C
- El-Taweel Hosni
- Elliott Anne
- Elliott K
- Ellis Y.
- Elmer Anne
- Elneima Omer
- Evans D
- Evans H
- Evans J
- Evans R
- Evans Rachael A
- Evans Ranuromanana I.
- Evans Teriann
- Evenden Cerys
- Evison Lynsey
- Fabbri L
- Fairbairn Sara
- Fairman Alexandra
- Fallon K.
- Faluyi David
- Favager Clair
- Fayzan Tamanah
- Featherstone James
- Felton T.
- Ferreira Vanessa M.
- Finch J
- Finney Selina
- Finnigan J
- Finnigan Lucy
- Fisher Helen
- Fletcher S
- Flockton Rachel
- Flynn Margaret
- Foot H
- Foote David
- Ford Amber
- Forton D
- Fraile Eva
- Francis C.
- Francis R
- Francis Susan
- Frankel A.
- Fraser Emily
- Free Rob
- French N.
- Fu X
- Fuld Jonathan
- Furniss J.
- Garner Lucie
- Gautam N
- Geddes John R.
- George J.
- George P.
- Gibbons M
- Gill Mandy
- Gill Rhyan
- Gilmour L.
- Gleeson Fergus
- Glossop Jodie
- Glover Sarah
- Goodman N
- Goodwin Camelia
- Gooptu Bibek
- Gordon Hussain
- Gorsuch T.
- Greatorex M
- Greenhaff P.L.
- Greenhalf William
- Greenhalgh Alan
- Greening Neil J
- Greenwood John P
- Gregory Heidi
- Gregory Rebecca
- Grieve D.
- Griffin Denise
- Griffiths L
- Guerdette Anne-Marie
- Guillen Guio Beatriz
- Gummadi Mahitha
- Gupta Ayushman
- Gurram Sambasivarao
- Guthrie E
- Guy Z
- Hadley K
- Haggar Ahmed
- Hainey Kera
- Hairsine Brigid
- Haldar Pranab
- Hall I
- Hall Lucy
- Halling-Brown Mark
- Hamil R.
- Hancock Alyson
- Hancock Kia
- Hanley N.A.
- Haq Sulaimaan
- Hardwick H.E.
- Hardy E
- Hardy Tim
- Hargadon Beverley
- Harrington Kate
- Harris Edward
- Harris Victoria C
- Harrison Ewen M.
- Harrison P.
- Hart Nicholas
- Harvey Alice
- Harvey M
- Harvie M
- Haslam L
- Hastie Claire
- Havinden-Williams May
- Hawkes Jenny
- Hawkings Nancy
- Haworth Jill
- Hayday A.
- Haynes Matthew
- Hazeldine J
- Hazelton Tracy
- Heaney Liam G.
- Heeley Cheryl
- Heeney J L
- Heightman M
- Heller S.
- Henderson M
- Henson Helen
- Hesselden L
- Hewitt Melanie
- Highett Victoria
- Hillman T
- Hiwot T
- Ho Ling-Pei
- Hoare Amy
- Hoare Michaela
- Hockridge J
- Hogarth Philip
- Holbourn Ailsa
- Holden S
- Holdsworth L.
- Holgate D
- Holland Maureen
- Holloway Leah
- Holmes Katie
- Holmes Megan
- Holroyd-Hind B
- Holt L
- Hormis Anil
- Horsley Alexander
- Hosseini A.
- Hotopf M
- Houchen-Wolloff Linzy
- Howard K
- Howard Luke S.
- Howell Alice
- Hufton E
- Hughes A D
- Hughes Joan
- Hughes Paul J C
- Hughes Rachel Ann
- Humphries Amy
- Huneke N
- Hurditch E
- Hurst John R
- Husain M
- Hussell T.
- Hutchinson John
- Ibrahim W
- Ilyas F
- Ingham Julie
- Ingram L
- Ionita D
- Isaacs K
- Ismail K.
- Jackson T
- Jacob Joseph
- James W.Y.
- Jang W.
- Jarman Claire
- Jarrold I.
- Jarvis Hannah
- Jastrub Roman
- Jayaraman Bhagy
- Jenkins R Gisli
- Jezzard Peter
- Jiwa Kasim
- Johnson C
- Johnson S
- Johnston D.
- Jolley Caroline J.
- Jones Don
- Jones G.
- Jones H.
- Jones Heather
- Jones I.
- Jones L.
- Jones Mark G
- Jones S.
- Jose Sherly
- Kabir T.
- Kaltsakas G.
- Kamwa V
- Kanellakis N.
- Kaprowska Sabina
- Kausar Zunaira
- Keenan Natalie
- Kelly Matthew
- Kelly S.
- Kemp Graham J
- Kerr Steven
- Kerslake Helen
- Key Angela L.
- Khan F
- Khunti Kamlesh
- Kilroy Susan
- King Bernie
- King Clara
- Kingham L
- Kirk Jill
- Kitterick P
- Klenerman P
- Knibbs Lucy
- Knight Sean
- Knighton Abigail
- Kon Onn M
- Kon S
- Kon Samantha S
- Korszun A.
- Koychev Ivan
- Kurasz Claire
- Kurupati Prathiba
- Laing C
- Lamlum Hanan
- Landers G
- Langenberg C
- Lasserson D
- Lavelle-Langham L.
- Lawrie Allan
- Lawson C
- Lawson Cathy
- Layton Alison
- Lea A
- Leavy Olivia C
- Lee D
- Lee Elvina
- Lee Ju Hee
- Leitch Karen
- Lenagh Rebecca
- Lewis D
- Lewis J.
- Lewis Keir E
- Lewis Victoria
- Lewis-Burke N.
- Li X
- Light Tessa
- Lightstone L.
- Lilaonitkul W
- Lim Lai
- Linford S.
- Lingford-Hughes A.
- Lipman M
- Liyanage Kamal
- Lloyd Arwel
- Logan S
- Lomas D
- Lone Nazir I.
- Loosley Ronda
- Lord J M
- Lota Harpreet
- Lovegrove Wayne
- Lucey Alice
- Lukaschuk Elena
- Lye Alison
- Lynch Ceri
- MacDonald S
- MacGowan G.
- Macharia Irene
- Mackie J
- Macliver L.
- Madathil S
- Madzamba Gladys
- Magee N.
- Magtoto Murphy M.
- Mairs N
- Majeed N
- Major E.
- Malein Flora
- Malim M.
- Mallison Georgia
- Man William D-C.
- Mandal S
- Mangion K.
- Manisty Charlotte
- Manley R.
- March Katherine
- Marciniak S.
- Marino Philip
- Mariveles Myril
- Marks Michael
- Marouzet E
- Marsh Sophie
- Marshall B
- Marshall M
- Martin Jane
- Martineau A.
- Martinez L.M.
- Maskell Nick
- Matila Darwin
- Matimba-Mupaya Wadzanai
- Matthews Laura
- Mbuyisa Angeline
- McAdoo S.
- McAllister-Williams H.
- McArdle A
- McArdle P
- McAulay D.
- McAuley Hamish J C
- McCann Gerry P
- McCormick Jacqueline
- McCormick W.
- McCourt P
- McCracken Celeste
- McGarvey L.
- McGee C
- Mcgee K
- McGinness Jade
- McGlynn Kevin
- McGovern A
- McGuinness Heather
- McInnes I.B.
- McIntosh Jerome
- McIvor Emma
- McIvor K.
- McLeavey Laura
- McMahon A.
- McMahon Michael J.
- McMorrow L
- Mcnally T
- McNarry M
- McNeill J
- McQueen Alison
- McShane H.
- Mears Chloe
- Megson Clare
- Megson Sharon
- Mehta P
- Meiring J
- Melling Lucy
- Mencias Mark
- Menke Ricarda
- Menzies Daniel
- Merida Morillas Marta
- Michael Alice
- Miiler K
- Miller Christopher A
- Miller Karla
- Milligan L.
- Mills Clare
- Mills G
- Mills N.L.
- Milner L
- Misra S
- Mitchell J.
- Mohamed Abdelrahman
- Mohamed Noura
- Mohammed S.
- Molyneaux P.L.
- Monteiro Will
- Moriera Silvia
- Morley Anna
- Morrison Leigh
- Morriss R
- Morrow A.
- Moss Alastair J
- Moss P
- Motohashi K
- Msimanga N
- Mukaetova-Ladinska Elizabeta
- Munawar Unber
- Murira Jennifer
- Nanda U
- Nassa Heeah
- Nasseri Mariam
- Nathu Rashmita
- Neal A
- Needham Robert
- Neill Paula
- Neubauer Stefan
- Newby D E
- Newell Helen
- Newman J
- Newman Tom
- Newton-Cox A
- Nichols Thomas E
- Nicholson T.
- Nicoll Debby
- Nikolaidis Athanasios
- Nikolaidou Chrysovalantou
- Nolan C.M.
- Noonan Matthew J.
- Norman C
- Novotny Petr
- Nunag Jose Lloyd
- Nwafor Lorenza
- Nwanguma Uchechi
- Nyaboko J
- O'Brien Caitlin
- O'Brien Linda
- O'Donnell K
- O'Regan Declan P
- Odell Natasha
- Ogbole Godwin
- Ogg G.
- Olaosebikan Olaoluwa
- Oliver Catherine
- Omar Zohra
- Openshaw Peter J.M.
- Orriss-Dib Lorna
- Osborne Lynn
- Osbourne Rebecca
- Ostermann Marlies
- Overton Charlotte
- Owen J.
- Oxton J
- Pack Jamie
- Pacpaco Edmund
- Paddick S.
- Painter Sharon
- Pakzad A
- Palmer Sue
- Papineni Padmasayee
- Paques K
- Paradowski Kerry
- Pareek Manish
- Parekh Dhruv
- Parfrey H
- Pariante C.
- Parker S
- Parkes M.
- Parmar J
- Patale Sheetal
- Patel B.
- Patel Manish
- Patel Suhani
- Pattenadk Dibya
- Pavlides M.
- Payne Sheila
- Pearce Lorraine
- Pearl John E
- Peckham D.
- Pendlebury Jessica
- Peng Yanchun
- Pennington Chris
- Peralta Ida
- Perkins Emma
- Peterkin Z
- Peto T.
- Petousi Nayia
- Petrie J
- Pfeffer Paul
- Phipps Janet
- Piechnik Stefan K
- Pimm John
- Piper Hanley K.
- Pius R
- Plant Hannah
- Plein Sven
- Plekhanova Tatiana
- Plowright Megan
- Poinasamy Krisnah
- Polgar Oliver
- Poll L.
- Popescu Iulia
- Porter Joanna C
- Porter Julie
- Portukhay Sofiya
- Powell Natassia
- Prabhu A.
- Pratt James
- Price Andrea
- Price Carly
- Price Claire
- Price D.
- Price L
- Price L.
- Prickett A
- Prosper Sabrina
- Pugmire S.
- Quaid Sheena
- Quigley Jackie
- Quint Jennifer
- Qureshi H
- Qureshi I N
- Radhakrishnan K.
- Rahman Najib M.
- Ralser M
- Raman Betty
- Ramos Albert
- Ramos Hazel
- Rangeley Jade
- Rangelov B
- Ratcliffe L
- Ravencroft Phillip
- Reddington A
- Reddy A
- Reddy R.
- Redfearn H
- Redwood Dawn
- Reed Annabel
- Rees Meryl
- Rees Tabitha
- Regan Karen
- Reynolds W
- Ribeiro Carla
- Richards A.
- Richardson Emma
- Richardson Matthew
- Rivera-Ortega P.
- Roberts K.
- Robertson E.
- Robinson E
- Robinson Leanne
- Roche Lisa
- Roddis C
- Rodger J
- Rogers Natalie
- Ross Alexandra
- Ross Gavin
- Rossdale J.
- Rostron A
- Rowe Anna
- Rowland A
- Rowland J.
- Rowland Matthew J.
- Rowland-Jones Sarah L
- Roy K
- Roy Maura
- Rudan I
- Russell Emily
- Russell Richard
- Saalmink Gwen
- Sabit Ramsey
- Sage E.K.
- Samakomva T
- Samani Nilesh
- Samat Azlan Helmy A
- Sampson Claire
- Samuel Katherine
- Samuel R
- Sanders Zeena-Britt
- Sanderson Amy
- Sapey E
- Saralaya Dinesh
- Sargant J
- Sarginson C
- Sass T
- Sattar N
- Saunders Kathryn
- Saunders Laura C
- Saunders Peter
- Saunders Ruth M
- Savill Heather
- Saxon W.
- Sayer A.
- Schronce J.
- Schwaeble W
- Scott Janet T.
- Scott Kathryn
- Selby N.
- Semple Malcolm G.
- Sereno Marco
- Sewell Terri Ann
- Shah Ajay M
- Shah K.
- Shah P.
- Shankar-Hari M
- Sharma M
- Sharpe C.
- Sharpe M.
- Shashaa Sharlene
- Shaw Alison
- Shaw Karen
- Shaw V.
- Sheikh Aziz
- Shelton Sarah
- Shenton Liz
- Shevket K.
- Shikotra Aarti
- Short J
- Siddique Sulman
- Siddiqui Salman
- Sidebottom J
- Sigfrid L
- Simons G
- Simpson J.
- Simpson Neil
- Singapuri Amisha
- Singh Claire
- Singh Sally J
- Singh Suver
- Sissons D
- Skeemer J
- Slack Katie
- Smith Andrew
- Smith D.
- Smith Jacqui
- Smith Laurie
- Smith Nikki
- Smith Stephen
- Smith Susan
- Soares M
- Solano Teresa S
- Solly Reanne
- Solstice A.R.
- Soulsby T
- Southern David
- Sowter D
- Spears M
- Spencer L G
- Speranza Fabio
- Stadon Louise
- Stanel S
- Steeds Rick
- Steele N
- Steiner Mike
- Stensel D.
- Stephens G
- Stephenson Lorraine
- Stern M
- Stewart I
- Stimpson R
- Stockdale Sue
- Stockley J
- Stoker Wendy
- Stone Roisin
- Storrar Will
- Storrie Andrew
- Storton Kim
- Stringer E
- Strong-Sheldrake Sophia
- Stroud Natalie
- Subbe Christian
- Sudlow C L
- Suleiman Z
- Summers C
- Summersgill C
- Sutherland Debbie
- Sykes D.L.
- Sykes R.
- Talbot Nick
- Tan Ai Lyn
- Tarusan Lawrence
- Tavoukjian Vera
- Taylor Abigail
- Taylor Chris
- Taylor Jessica
- Te Amelie
- Tedd H.
- Tee Caroline
- Teixeira J
- Tench Helen
- Terry Sarah
- Thackray-Nocera Susannah
- Thaivalappil Favas
- Thamu B
- Thickett D
- Thomas Andrew K.
- Thomas Caradog
- Thomas David C.
- Thomas S.
- Thomas-Woods T.
- Thompson A A Roger
- Thompson T
- Thornton T
- Thorpe M
- Thwaites Ryan S.
- Tilley Jo
- Tinker N
- Tiongson Gerlynn F
- Tobin Martin
- Tomlinson Johanne
- Tong C
- Toshner Mark
- Touyz R.
- Treibel Thomas A
- Tripp K.A.
- Tunnicliffe Elizabeth M.
- Turnbull A
- Turner E
- Turner Kim
- Turner Sarah
- Turner Victoria
- Turney Sharon
- Turtle Lance
- Turton Helena
- Ugoji Jacinta
- Ugwuoke R
- Upthegrove R
- Valabhji J.
- Ventura M
- Vere Joanne
- Vickers Carinna
- Vinson B
- Wade Elaine
- Wade Phillip
- Wain Louise V
- Wainwright Tania
- Wajero Lilian O.
- Walder S
- Walker S
- Walker S.
- Wall E
- Wallis T
- Walmsley S
- Walsh J.A.
- Walsh S.
- Warburton Louise
- Ward T J C
- Warwick Katie
- Wassall Helen
- Waterson Samuel
- Watson Ekaterina
- Watson James
- Watson L.
- Webster M
- Weir-McCall Jonathan R
- Welch C
- Welch H.
- Welsh B.
- Wessely S.
- West Sophie
- Weston Heather
- Wheeler H
- White Sonia
- Whitehead Victoria
- Whitney J.
- Whittaker S
- Whittam Beverley
- Whitworth V
- Wight A
- Wild James M
- Wilkins M.
- Wilkinson D
- Williams B
- Williams Jenny
- Williams N
- Williams Nick
- Williams-Howard S.A.
- Willicombe M.
- Willis Gemma
- Willoughby J
- Wilson Ann
- Wilson D
- Wilson Imogen
- Window Nicola
- Witham M.
- Wolf-Roberts Rebecca
- Wood Chloe
- Woodhead F
- Woods Janet
- Wootton Daniel G.
- Wormleighton J
- Worsley J.
- Wraith D
- Wrey Brown Caroline
- Wright C.
- Wright L
- Wright S.
- Wyles J.
- Wynter Inez
- Xie Cheng
- Xu M
- Yasmin Najira
- Yasmin S
- Yates Tom
- Yip K P
- Young A.
- Young B.
- Young Susan
- Yousuf A J
- Zawia Amira
- Zeidan Lisa
- Zhao Bang
- Zheng Bang
- Zongo O.
- Publication venue
- Elsevier
- Publication date
- 22/09/2023
- Field of study
The multiorgan impact of moderate to severe coronavirus infections in the post-acute phase is still poorly understood. We aimed to evaluate the excess burden of multiorgan abnormalities after hospitalisation with COVID-19, evaluate their determinants, and explore associations with patient-related outcome measures.
In a prospective, UK-wide, multicentre MRI follow-up study (C-MORE), adults (aged ≥18 years) discharged from hospital following COVID-19 who were included in Tier 2 of the Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study (PHOSP-COVID) and contemporary controls with no evidence of previous COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibody negative) underwent multiorgan MRI (lungs, heart, brain, liver, and kidneys) with quantitative and qualitative assessment of images and clinical adjudication when relevant. Individuals with end-stage renal failure or contraindications to MRI were excluded. Participants also underwent detailed recording of symptoms, and physiological and biochemical tests. The primary outcome was the excess burden of multiorgan abnormalities (two or more organs) relative to controls, with further adjustments for potential confounders. The C-MORE study is ongoing and is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04510025.
Of 2710 participants in Tier 2 of PHOSP-COVID, 531 were recruited across 13 UK-wide C-MORE sites. After exclusions, 259 C-MORE patients (mean age 57 years [SD 12]; 158 [61%] male and 101 [39%] female) who were discharged from hospital with PCR-confirmed or clinically diagnosed COVID-19 between March 1, 2020, and Nov 1, 2021, and 52 non-COVID-19 controls from the community (mean age 49 years [SD 14]; 30 [58%] male and 22 [42%] female) were included in the analysis. Patients were assessed at a median of 5·0 months (IQR 4·2–6·3) after hospital discharge. Compared with non-COVID-19 controls, patients were older, living with more obesity, and had more comorbidities. Multiorgan abnormalities on MRI were more frequent in patients than in controls (157 [61%] of 259 vs 14 [27%] of 52; p<0·0001) and independently associated with COVID-19 status (odds ratio [OR] 2·9 [95% CI 1·5–5·8]; padjusted=0·0023) after adjusting for relevant confounders. Compared with controls, patients were more likely to have MRI evidence of lung abnormalities (p=0·0001; parenchymal abnormalities), brain abnormalities (p<0·0001; more white matter hyperintensities and regional brain volume reduction), and kidney abnormalities (p=0·014; lower medullary T1 and loss of corticomedullary differentiation), whereas cardiac and liver MRI abnormalities were similar between patients and controls. Patients with multiorgan abnormalities were older (difference in mean age 7 years [95% CI 4–10]; mean age of 59·8 years [SD 11·7] with multiorgan abnormalities vs mean age of 52·8 years [11·9] without multiorgan abnormalities; p<0·0001), more likely to have three or more comorbidities (OR 2·47 [1·32–4·82]; padjusted=0·0059), and more likely to have a more severe acute infection (acute CRP >5mg/L, OR 3·55 [1·23–11·88]; padjusted=0·025) than those without multiorgan abnormalities. Presence of lung MRI abnormalities was associated with a two-fold higher risk of chest tightness, and multiorgan MRI abnormalities were associated with severe and very severe persistent physical and mental health impairment (PHOSP-COVID symptom clusters) after hospitalisation.
After hospitalisation for COVID-19, people are at risk of multiorgan abnormalities in the medium term. Our findings emphasise the need for proactive multidisciplinary care pathways, with the potential for imaging to guide surveillance frequency and therapeutic stratification
Evidence of person-to-person transmission within a family cluster of novel coronavirus infections, United Kingdom, February 2013.
- Author
- Abubakar Ibrahim
- Afza Musarrat
- Aigbogun Nicholas
- Alves Rea
- Ashworth Alan
- Atabani Sowsan
- Bardhan Madhu
- Barker Julian
- Bermingham Alison
- Boddington Nicki
- Bothra Vinay
- Carr Robert
- Catchpole Mike
- Charlemagne Petra
- Cosford Paul
- Duggal Harsh
- Dyke Louise
- Edeghere Obaghe
- Ellis Joanna
- Fedor Igor
- Gajraj Roger
- Galiano Monica
- Gopal Robin
- Green Helen K
- Harrell Ruth
- Hopton Louise
- Ibbotson Sue
- Isalska Barbara
- James Kate
- Jones Jane
- Kemp Melinda
- Kennedy Iain
- Killalea Dan
- Kirrage David
- Kumar Deepti
- Lackenby Angie
- Logan Margaret
- Matthews Suzanna
- McCann Rosemary
- McCloskey Brian
- Mohammed Huda
- Myers Richard
- Neal Keith
- Nguyen-Van-Tam Jonathan
- Oppenheim Beryl
- Osman Husam
- Overton-Lewis Clair
- Pebody Richard
- Petrovic Marko
- Phin Nick
- Seng Claude
- Sherwood Nick
- Sibal Bharat
- Smit Erasmus
- Tahir Mamoona
- Thomas Lucy
- Watson John M
- Welfare William
- Wickramasinghe Nimal
- Wilson Steve
- Workman Judith
- Zambon Maria
- Zhao Hongxin
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Deductive reasoning
- Author
- [Rodis-]Lewis
- [Rodis-]Lewis
- Aaron
- Abel
- Abercrombie
- Abra de Raconis
- Abraham
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Aegidius Romanus
- Agrippa
- Agrippa
- Aidius
- Aiton
- Aiton
- al-Ghazālī
- Alberti
- Alberti
- Aldrich
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alhazen
- Alhazen
- Allard
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allison
- Alquié
- Alquié
- Alquié
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alvarez
- Amerio
- Ames
- Ames
- Ames
- Andersen
- Andrews
- Andrés Martin
- Angelelli
- Angelelli
- Annas
- Anon
- Anon
- Appleton
- Arckenholtz
- Aricò
- Ariew
- Ariew
- Ariew
- Aristode
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Armogathe
- Armogathe
- Armogathe
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arrais
- Arriaga
- Ashcraft
- Ashcraft
- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Aspelin
- Assenmacher
- Atherton
- Atherton
- Attfield
- Aubenque
- Aubenque
- Aubert de
- Aubignac
- Aubrey
- Auger
- Augustine
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Ayer
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Azevedo
- Bachelard
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Badaloni
- Baillet
- Baillie
- Balfour
- Ballard
- Balz
- Barbay
- Barbay
- Barber
- Barbeyrac
- Barbour
- Barker
- Barnard
- Barnard
- Barnoum
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Bartas
- Barth
- Bartha
- Bartholinus
- Barzilay
- Basnage
- Basso
- Basso
- Battaglia
- Battail
- Bauer
- Baumgold
- Bausola
- Baxter
- Baxter
- Baxter
- Bayes
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bazzoli
- Beaude
- Becco
- Becconsall
- Bechler
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Bedini
- Beeckman
- Beeckman
- Belaval
- Belaval
- Benedetti
- Benesch
- Benitez
- Benn
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Bentley
- Berckelius
- Berkel
- Berkel
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berman
- Bernier
- Bernier
- Bernier
- Bernier
- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli
- Bernstein
- Berr
- Berr
- Berriot
- Bertelli
- Bertoloni Meli
- Bertoloni Meli
- Berts
- Beyssade
- Beyssade
- Beyssade
- Beyssade
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Biermann
- Biermann
- Biermann
- Birch
- Blanchet
- Blanchet
- Blanché
- Blau
- Blay
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Blom
- Blount
- Blount
- Blumenfeld
- Blumenfeld
- Blüher
- Boas
- Boas Hall
- Boas Hall
- Boas Hall
- Boas Hall
- Bobbio
- Bobik
- Bochenski
- Bodin
- Bodin
- Bodin
- Boehm
- Boehm
- Boethius
- Bohatec
- Bold
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bonansea
- Bonansea
- Bonno
- Bordo
- Borkowski
- Borst
- Bos
- Bossu
- Bossuet
- Bossuet
- Bouillier
- Bouju
- Bourke
- Bourne
- Boutroux
- Bouvet
- Boyce Gibson
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bradley
- Bradwardine
- Brandt
- Brandt
- Brann
- Breger
- Bremond
- Brerewood
- Brickman
- Brizzi
- Broad
- Brockliss
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- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Browne
- Broydé
- Brucker
- Brundell
- Brunet
- Brunet
- Brunner
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Brunschvicg
- Brush
- Bruyère
- Brykman
- Brändli
- Bréhier
- Bréhier
- Buchdahl
- Buchdahl
- Buckle
- Buckley
- Bullokar
- Buonamici
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Buridan
- Buridan
- Burke
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnyeat
- Burnyeat
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burton
- Burtt
- Bury
- Busenbaum
- Busson
- Butler
- Butts
- Byrne
- Báñez
- Bénichou
- Bérulle
- Cafiero
- Cajetan
- Calvin
- Calvin
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Camus
- Canfeld
- Canguilhem
- Canziani
- Capp
- Capp
- Cardano
- Cardano
- Carlsen
- Carmona
- Carpenter
- Carraud
- Carraud
- Carriero
- Carter
- Caruso
- Cary
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casper
- Cassirer
- Cassirer
- Cassirer
- Cassirer
- Castro
- Caussin
- Caussin
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Ceriziers
- Ceñal
- Ceñal
- Chadwick
- Chadwick
- Chambers
- Channevelle
- Chapman
- Chappell
- Chappell
- Chappell
- Chappell
- Charbonnel
- Charles-Daubert
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charron
- Charron
- Charron
- Charron
- Charron
- Chasteigner de la Rochepozay
- Chasteigner de la Rochepozay
- Chauvin
- Cherel
- Cherpack
- Chew
- Chichon
- Chillingworth
- Chillingworth
- Chillingworth
- Chillingworth
- Christina
- Cicero
- Cicero
- Cioffari
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clair
- Clair
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clatterbaugh
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clavelin
- Clerselier
- Clerselier
- Clucas
- Clulee
- Cocceji
- Cocceji
- Cockburn
- Cockburn
- Cognet
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Coke
- Cole
- Coleman
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- Colie
- Colish
- Collas
- Collier
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Colman
- Comenius
- Comenius
- Connell
- Connolly
- Connolly
- Conway
- Conway
- Conway
- Cooke
- Cope
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copleston
- Copleston
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cornwallis
- Cornwallis
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- Corsano
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- Costabel
- Costabel
- Costabel
- Costabel
- Cottier
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- Cottingham
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- Courtine
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- Coëffeteau
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- Craig
- Craig
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- Cranston
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- Crell
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- Crombie
- Crombie
- Cronin
- Crowe
- Crusius
- Cudworth
- Cudworth
- Cudworth
- Cudworth
- Cudworth
- Culverwel
- Culverwel
- Culverwel
- Cumberland
- Cumberland
- Cumberland
- Cummins
- Cummins
- Cunaeus
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Curley
- Curley
- Curley
- Curley
- Curley
- Curry
- Curry
- Cuvillier
- Dalgarno
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Darmon
- Darnton
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- Dascal
- Daston
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- Davion
- de Andrade
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- de Dainville
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- De Dijn
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- de Melles
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- De Witt
- Dear
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- Debus
- Debus
- Debus
- Debus
- Deer Richardson
- Deferrari
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- Della Rocca
- Della Rocca
- Deman
- Demé
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- Denzinger
- Deprun
- Deprun
- Derathé
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- Derrida
- Des Places
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- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Desgabets
- Desgabets
- Dewhurst
- Dewhurst
- Di Napoli
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- Dibon
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- Diesselhorst
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- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
- Dijksterhuis
- Dijksterhuis
- Diogenes
- Diogenes
- Dobbs
- Dobbs
- Dobbs
- Dobbs
- Dobbs
- Domat
- Dominicy
- Donagan
- Donagan
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- Doren
- Drake
- Drake
- Dryden
- Dryden
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
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- Dubarle
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- Duchesneau
- Dufour
- Dufour
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- Dugas
- Duhem
- Duhem
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Dunne
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Dupaquier
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Duplessis-Mornay
- Durkheim
- Dury
- Dury
- Dury
- Döring
- Echarri
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- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
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- Elzinga
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- Epictetus
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- Erasmus
- Erasmus
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- Fabri
- Fabri
- Fabro
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- Feingold
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- Fermat
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- Ferniano
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- Fichant
- Fichant
- Fichant
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- Ficino
- Ficino
- Ficino
- Ficino
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- Firpo
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- Fisher
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- Fitzpatrick
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- Fletcher
- Fletcher
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- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fonblanque
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- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontialis
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- Forbes
- Force
- Foss
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- Foucault
- Foucher
- Foucher
- Foucher
- Foucher de Careil
- Fowden
- Fox
- Franco
- Frankel
- Frankfurt
- Frankfurt
- Frankfurt
- François
- François de Sales
- François de Sales
- François de Sales
- François de Sales
- Frassen
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- Frede
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- Freedman
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- Frey
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- Friedman
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- Funkenstein
- Furlan
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- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gale
- Galen
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Gallie
- Galluzzi
- Galluzzi
- Galluzzi
- Garasse
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- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Gardeil
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- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garrett
- Garrett
- Garrigou-LaGrange
- Gaskell
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaultruche
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Geier
- Gerdil
- Gerrish
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Gibieuf
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gierke
- Gigante
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilen
- Gilissen
- Gill
- Gillispie
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Giusberti
- Gjertsen
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glisson
- Glover
- Goclenius
- Goclenius
- Godoy
- Godwin
- Goldsmith
- Gonzalez
- Goorle
- Goorle
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gorland
- Goshen-Gottstein
- Goudin
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Goyard-Fabre
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Gracia
- Gracia
- Gracia
- Gracia
- Graff
- Grant
- Graunt
- Gravelle
- Grayling
- Green
- Greene
- Greenwood
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gresh
- Greshake
- Griffin
- Grimaldi
- Grisard
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grunwald
- Guareschi
- Guerlac
- Guerlac
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Guy
- Gysi
- Haakonssen
- Haakonssen
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Haggenmacher
- Hahm
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
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- Hammerstein
- Hampshire
- Hampton
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- Hannaway
- Hannequin
- Hannequin
- Hardin
- Hardouin
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- Harris
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harth
- Hartley
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- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hazard
- Hearne
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Hegel
- Hegel
- Heidegger
- Heidegger
- Heider
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- Heilbron
- Heilbron
- Heimsoeth
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- Heinekamp
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- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Hepburn
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- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herivel
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hesse
- Hesse
- Hick
- Hildesheimer
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hillenaar
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hippocrates
- Hirsch
- Hirschman
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hochstrasser
- Hody
- Hoeres
- Hont
- Hood
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- Hooke
- Hooke
- Hooker
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- Hooper
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- Hooykaas
- Hooykaas
- Hooykaas
- Horne
- Hostler
- Houston
- Howell
- Howell
- Howells
- Hruschka
- Hruschka
- Huet
- Huet
- Huet
- Huffman
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- Hume
- Hungerland
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Huonder
- Hussey
- Hutcheson
- Hutin
- Hutton
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hägerström
- Höltgen
- Höpfl
- Hübener
- Hübner
- Idel
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- Ignatius
- Ignatius
- Ilting
- Iltis
- Ingegno
- Inwood
- Ishiguro
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- Jacquot
- Jaeger
- Jaki
- Jalabert
- James
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- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnston
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- Jolley
- Jolley
- Jolley
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsen
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Joy
- Judovitz
- Judovitz
- Julien Eymard d'Angers
- Julien Eymard d'Angers
- Jungius
- Jungius
- Jungius
- Jungius
- Jungst
- Jurieu
- Kabitz
- Kabitz
- Kagan
- Kalinowski
- Kalinowski
- Kangro
- Kant
- Kant
- Kaplan
- Kargon
- Kargon
- Kassler
- Katz
- Katz
- Kaufmann
- Kavka
- Kearney
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Kelly
- Kelpius
- Kemp Smith
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kern
- Kessler
- Keynes
- Kilcullen
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- King
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- Kircher
- Kircher
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- Kirk
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- Knecht
- Knight
- Knorr
- Knorr von Rosenroth
- Koester
- Kolakowski
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Krailsheimer
- Krailsheimer
- Kraus
- Kraye
- Kremer
- Krieger
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Krook
- La Bruyère
- La Bruyère
- La Forge
- La Forge
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Peyrère
- La Peyrère
- La Peyrère
- La Rochefoucauld
- La Rochefoucauld
- Labrousse
- Labrousse
- Lach
- Lach
- Lagarde
- Lagrée
- Laird
- Laird
- Laird
- Lalande
- Lambert
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Landucci
- Langbein
- Lanion
- Laporte
- Larmore
- Larmore
- Larmore
- Lasswitz
- Lattre
- Laurent
- Law
- Law
- Layton
- Le Brun
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Comte
- Le Coq
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Moyne
- Le Moyne
- Le Rees
- Leclerc
- Lee
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Lejeune
- Lelevel
- Lemaire
- Lenders
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lenoble
- Lerner
- Leslie
- Lessius
- Letwin
- Levi
- Lewalter
- Leyden
- Leyden
- Leyden
- Lezius
- Liddell
- Lieberwirth
- Limborch
- Lindberg
- Lindberg
- Lindberg
- Lindberg
- Lindeboom
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Livet
- Livi-Bacci
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Loeb
- Loeb
- Lohr
- Lohr
- Long
- Long
- Lounela
- Lovejoy
- Lovejoy
- Lovejoy
- Lovejoy
- Luce
- Luce
- Lucretius
- Lucretius
- Lucretius
- Luig
- Lukács
- Luther
- Lévinas
- Lévy
- Macdonald
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- MacIntyre
- Maclean
- Maclean
- Maclean
- Macpherson
- Madden
- Maddison
- Madeira
- Magaillans
- Magaillans
- Magirus
- Magnen
- Mahnerus
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maier
- Maistrov
- Malagola
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malherbe
- Mallet
- Malvezzi
- Malvezzi
- Malvezzi
- Mandonnet
- Mandrou
- Manlove
- Manuel
- Manuel
- Marana
- Marandé
- Marci
- Marci
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Markie
- Markus
- Marlin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martini
- Marías-Aguilera
- Mas
- Massault
- Maséres
- Mates
- Mates
- Matheron
- Matheron
- Mauss
- Mauss
- Mautner
- Mayo
- McCann
- McCracken
- McCullough
- McCullough
- McEvoy
- McGrath
- McGrath
- McGuire
- McKeon
- McLachlan
- McMullin
- McMullin
- McMullin
- McMullin
- McMurrich
- McNeilly
- McRae
- McRae
- McRae
- Mede
- Medick
- Mehta
- Meinel
- Meinel
- Melanchthon
- Melles
- Menasseh
- Menasseh
- Menasseh
- Mendoza
- Menjot-d'Elbenne
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merchant
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Meslier
- Mesnard
- Metzger
- Metzger
- Meuvret
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meylan
- Michael
- Michel
- Micraelius
- Micraelius
- Mijuskovic
- Milano
- Millen
- Milton
- Milton
- Milton
- Milton
- Mintz
- Mittelstrass
- Modèer
- Molina
- Molina
- Molinos
- Moll
- Monod
- Monsarrat
- Montagnes
- Montaigne
- Montaigne
- Montaigne
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- Moreau
- Morford
- Moriconi
- Morin
- Morisanus
- Mormino
- Mormino
- Morpurgo-Tagliabue
- Moscato
- Mossner
- Moulin
- Mouy
- Mugnai
- Mugnai
- Mugnai
- Mugnai
- Muirhead
- Multhauf
- Mungello
- Mungello
- Mungello
- Munitz
- Munz
- Murdoch
- Muñoz
- Mèchoulan
- Mèchoulan
- Mènage
- Müller-Jahncke
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nagel
- Namer
- Napoli
- Nardi
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Nauert
- Needham
- Needham
- Newman
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Nicholas
- Nicolaus
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicolson
- Nicolson
- Niderst
- Nielsen
- Niewöhner
- Nizolio
- Noonan
- Normore
- Norris
- Norris
- Novotný
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- O'Daly
- O'Neill
- Oakeshott
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oberman
- Ockham
- Ockham
- Odonis
- Oldenburg
- Oldrini
- Oldrini
- Olivecrona
- Olivecrona
- Olivecrona
- Ong
- Orcibal
- Orcibal
- Oresme
- Orobio de Castro
- Orr
- Osler
- Osler
- Osler
- Osterhorn
- Overton
- Pacchi
- Pacchi
- Pace
- Pachder
- Pacho
- Pagden
- Pagden
- Pagel
- Pagel
- Palladini
- Palladini
- Palladini
- Palladini
- Pallavicino
- Pardies
- Pardies
- Pardies
- Parfit
- Parinetto
- Park
- Park
- Park
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkinson
- Parkinson
- Parr
- Parrain
- Partington
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Passmore
- Patrides
- Patrizi
- Patrizi
- Paulinus
- Pavone
- Pearson
- Pearson
- Pearson
- Pecham
- Pedersen
- Peers
- Pegis
- Perkins
- Peter
- Peters
- Peters
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petersson
- Petrarca
- Petrik
- Petty
- Petty
- Peucer
- Phillips
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pine
- Pinot
- Pintard
- Pithoys
- Placette
- Plantinga
- Plethon
- Plutarch
- Plutarch
- Pocock
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poisson
- Polin
- Polin
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pona
- Poncius
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popper
- Poppi
- Poser
- Postel
- Postel
- Postel
- Poulain de la Barre
- Pousseur
- Pousseur
- Pousseur
- Powell
- Powicke
- Pozzi
- Prior
- Prost
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- Ptolemy
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Purchotius
- Pérez-Ramos
- Quevedo
- Quevedo
- Rabbe
- Rabe
- Rabinovitch
- Rademaker
- Radner
- Raey
- Raey
- Raey
- Ramsay
- Ramus
- Randall
- Raphael
- Rashdall
- Rashed
- Rathery
- Rattansi
- Raymond
- Real
- Redwood
- Reeb
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reesink
- Reeves
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regnerus
- Reibstein
- Reid
- Reid
- Reiter
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Reventlow
- Revius
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Rheinfelder
- Rhigini Bonelli
- Ricci
- Ricci
- Rice
- Rice
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Riley
- Risse
- Risse
- Risse
- Ritter
- Roberval
- Roberval
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinson
- Robles
- Rochemonteix
- Rochot
- Rochot
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodriguez-San
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rohan
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rolf
- Rome
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rosenfield
- Rosenfield
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Roth
- Roth
- Rovane
- Rozemond
- Rubius
- Rubius
- Ruestow
- Russell
- Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Régis
- Régis
- Régis
- Régis
- Régis
- Rétat
- Röd
- Röhr
- Røstvig
- Rüping
- Rüping
- Sablé
- Sabra
- Saccherius
- Saint-Evremond
- Sainte-Beuve
- Sams
- Sanchez
- Sanchez
- Sanchez
- Sanchez
- Sanderson
- Sandys
- Santillana
- Santinello
- Saraiva
- Sarasohn
- Sargentich
- Savonarola
- Schaffer
- Scharf
- Scheffler
- Scheibler
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schmaltz
- Schmaus
- Schmidt-Biggemann
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt-Lermann
- Schneewind
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneiders
- Schneiders
- Schneiders
- Schofield
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Schouls
- Schouls
- Schubart-Fikentscher
- Schuhmann
- Schuster
- Schuster
- Schüling
- Schüling
- Scott
- Scott
- Screech
- Scudéry
- Sebba
- Sedgwick
- Seiler
- Selden
- Selden
- Selden
- Sellier
- Semedo
- Senault
- Senault
- Seneca
- Senlis
- Senlis
- Senlis
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sepich
- Serene
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Serveto
- Serveto
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Shaftesbury
- Shapin
- Shapiro
- Shapiro
- Sharrock
- Shea
- Shea
- Sherlock
- Sherlock
- Sheynin
- Sheynin
- Shirley
- Shirley
- Silhon
- Silhon
- Silhon
- Sillem
- Simon
- Simon
- Simon
- Simon
- Sinapius
- Sirven
- Skinner
- Skinner
- Slaughter
- Sleigh
- Sleigh
- Smiglecius
- Smiglecius
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Snow
- Snowdon
- Solomon
- Sommerville
- Sommervogel
- Sophie
- Sorabji
- Sorabji
- Sorbière
- Sorell
- Sorell
- Sortais
- South
- South
- Southgate
- Spanneut
- Specht
- Spellman
- Spence
- Sperling
- Spiller
- Spink
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spragens
- Sprat
- Stahl
- Stahl
- Standaert
- Stanley
- Stanley
- Starobinski
- Starobinski
- Stein
- Steneck
- Stephens
- Stevin
- Stewart
- Stierius
- Stigler
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stolleis
- Stolpe
- Stone
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strier
- Suchon
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Sylvius
- Sáenz de Aguirre
- Sáenz de Aguirre
- Sève
- Süssmilch
- Tachau
- Tack
- Talmor
- Tamm
- Tatakis
- Taton
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telesio
- Temple
- Temple
- Temple
- ter Meulen
- Tesauro
- Testu
- Thackray
- Thiel
- Thiel
- Thiel
- Thiel
- Thijssen-Schoute
- Thijssen-Schoute
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomasius
- Thomasius
- Thomasius
- Thomasius
- Thorndike
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tillotson
- Tillotson
- Timpler
- Timpler
- Timpler
- Tipton
- Tipton
- Todhunter
- Toland
- Toletus
- Toletus
- Toletus
- Toletus
- Tonelli
- Tonelli
- Tonnies
- Topliss
- Torricelli
- Torricelli
- Torricelli
- Tournemine
- Traherne
- Traherne
- Traherne
- Trentman
- Trevor-Roper
- Trevor-Roper
- Trevor-Roper
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tulloch
- Tully
- Turbayne
- Turnbull
- Turner
- Turrettini
- Tuveson
- Tyrrell
- Urbach
- Urmson
- Ussher
- Uzgalis
- Vailati
- Vailati
- Valente
- Valla
- van den Berg
- van der Wall
- van der Wall
- Van Edmond
- Van Helmont
- Van Helmont
- Van Helmont
- van Melsen
- van Schurman
- van Schurman
- van Schurman
- van Schurman
- Vanini
- Vanini
- Vanini
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vasquez
- Vasquez
- Vasquez
- Vasquez
- Vaughan
- Velsten
- Verbeek
- Verbeek
- Verbeek
- Verbeek
- Verga
- Vernière
- Vickers
- Vickers
- Vidgrain
- Vilain
- Villey
- Villey
- Villey
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Viret
- Viret
- Vives
- Vives
- Viète
- Viète
- Viète
- Vlastos
- Vleeschauwer
- Vleeschauwer
- Vleeschauwer
- Voet
- Vogel
- Vogelsang
- Vollrath
- Voltaire
- Vossius
- Vossius
- Waard
- Waard
- Wachter
- Wade
- Waithe
- Waithe
- Walaeus
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walkington
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallis
- Wallis
- Wallis
- Walther
- Ward
- Ward
- Warren
- Warrender
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watson
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Watts
- Wear
- Webb
- Weber
- Weber
- Webster
- Webster
- Webster
- Webster
- Weeks
- Weier
- Weimann
- Weinberg
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Wells
- Welzel
- Wenn
- Werner
- Wernham
- Wertz
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westman
- Westman
- Whewell
- Whichcote
- Whitby
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whiteside
- Widmaier
- Wiggins
- Wilenius
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Willems
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winkler
- Winter
- Wisan
- Witelo
- Wolf
- Wolff
- Wolff
- Wolff
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wood
- Woodhouse
- Woodruff
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Wootton
- Worthington
- Wren
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Wrigley
- Wundt
- Yates
- Yates
- Yates
- Yates
- Yates
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yost
- Young
- Yovel
- Zabarella
- Zabarella
- Zabarella
- Zabarella
- Zagorin
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zanier
- Zanier
- Zarka
- Zeisold
- Zimara
- Zurbuchen
- Åkerman
- Åkerman
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
Cognitive and psychiatric symptom trajectories 2–3 years after hospital admission for COVID-19: a longitudinal, prospective cohort study in the UK
- Author
- A Ashish (17039598)
- A Ayoub (13751773)
- A Bates (17982337)
- A Botkai (19671616)
- A Burns (7703558)
- A Checkley (16294529)
- A Chiribiri (7687157)
- A Dewar (19670713)
- A Dipper (18375990)
- A Donaldson (7690319)
- A Dunleavy (18376191)
- A Hayday (9556076)
- A Lea (13659247)
- A Morrow (10882035)
- A Prabhu (16131746)
- A Reddy (12709148)
- A Richards (9876155)
- A Rowland (7737590)
- A Young (7674896)
- AA Roger Thompson (14579342)
- AA Samat (19671817)
- Aarti Shikotra (347647)
- Abdelrahman Mohamed (8691030)
- Abigail Knighton (19670908)
- Abigail Taylor (3919448)
- Adam Hampshire (49473)
- Adrian Martineau (839752)
- Ahmed Haggar (19670554)
- Ai Lyn Tan (10301019)
- Ailsa Holbourn (19671370)
- Aisling McMahon (11033777)
- AJ Yousuf (7724558)
- Ajay Shah (655409)
- Akram Hosseini (6813245)
- Al-Tahoor Butt (19671547)
- Alan Greenhalgh (19671106)
- Albert Ramos (19670920)
- Alex Horsley (572026)
- Alex Newton-Cox (19671649)
- Alexandra Fairman (19671352)
- Alexandra Ross (8040140)
- Alice Harvey (19671298)
- Alice Howell (19671373)
- Alice Lucey (19670497)
- Alice Michael (10845194)
- Alison Daniels (6041618)
- Alison Layton (3532454)
- Alison Lye (19671382)
- Alison McQueen (12507840)
- Alison Shaw (31687)
- Alison Turnbull (4920079)
- Alistair Moss (19671754)
- Allan Lawrie (276358)
- Alun Hughes (697031)
- Alyson Hancock (19670635)
- Amanda Charalambou (19671688)
- Amanda Cook (439947)
- Amanda Dell (19670485)
- Amber Ford (19671355)
- Amelie Te (19670926)
- Amira Zawia (19671418)
- Amisha Singapuri (4975793)
- Amita Banerjee (19671580)
- Ammani Brown (19671124)
- Amy Hoare (19670902)
- Amy Humphries (19670953)
- Amy Sanderson (19670515)
- Ananga Singapuri (14626379)
- Anda Bularga (10532429)
- Andrea Price (19670506)
- Andrew Ashworth (16060967)
- Andrew Briggs (279327)
- Andrew Broadley (19671850)
- Andrew Deans (12194846)
- Andrew Dougherty (16150787)
- Andrew McGovern (4579015)
- Andrew Smith (11197)
- Andrew Storrie (19670509)
- Andrew Thomas (260175)
- Andrew Wight (2541520)
- Andy Cross (14579321)
- Anew Frankel (19670875)
- Angela Bloss (19671211)
- Angela Brown (9713738)
- Angela Key (19671007)
- Angeline Mbuyisa (19671388)
- Ania Korszun (214946)
- Anil Hormis (19671565)
- Ann Marie Allt (19670980)
- Ann Wilson (14780506)
- Anna Casey (12269112)
- Anna Morley (3717697)
- Anna Rowe (17120469)
- Annabel Reed (19670746)
- Anne Elliott (19671160)
- Anne Elmer (19670590)
- Anne Goemans (19671772)
- Anne Lingford-Hughes (11678359)
- Anne McArdle (569781)
- Anne Prickett (19671697)
- Anne Reddington (19671844)
- Anne-Marie Guerdette (19670884)
- Annemarie B Docherty (9459868)
- Annemarie Docherty (4371499)
- Annette Bolger (19670548)
- Anthony Berridge (19670983)
- Anthony David (3514049)
- Anthony De Soyza (3569453)
- Anthony Rostron (19671787)
- Aoife Neal (19671646)
- AR Solstice (19671163)
- Areti Bermperi (19670587)
- Arwel Lloyd (19670557)
- Ashkan Pakzad (5950037)
- Asma Alamoudi (19671208)
- Athanasios Nikolaidis (19671199)
- Ava Maria Arias (19670737)
- Avan Sayer (3429656)
- Ayushman Gupta (7759565)
- Aziz Sheikh (18504)
- B Cooper (7789802)
- B Holroyd-Hind (18377904)
- B Marshall (1423)
- B Patel (7651952)
- B Thamu (18383568)
- B Welsh (16358757)
- B Williams (7754762)
- Bang Zhao (19671763)
- Bang Zheng (4254403)
- Bashar Al-Sheklly (15388310)
- Beatriz Guillen-Guio (5495366)
- Ben Vinson (19671778)
- Benedict Michael (12191227)
- Bernie King (19670533)
- Beth Sage (19671133)
- Bethany Card (19670803)
- Betty Raman (6822014)
- Beverley Hargadon (7165109)
- Beverley Whittam (12016247)
- Bhagy Jayaraman (19671181)
- Bibek Gooptu (157303)
- Bill Deakin (4169620)
- Bob Young (9926451)
- Bojidar Rangelov (19671586)
- Brigid Hairsine (19670473)
- Bronwen Connolly (3930659)
- C Christie (13662466)
- C Coupland (7639130)
- C David (6795158)
- C Deas (18375882)
- C Edwardson (7493978)
- C Francis (13376073)
- C Johnson (4066990)
- C Laing (9896417)
- C Manisty (10646006)
- C McGee (19671640)
- C Nikolaidou (17599896)
- C Norman (18055159)
- C O'Brien (7805933)
- C Roddis (19671406)
- C Summersgill (19671316)
- C Tong (7716164)
- C Wright (7749587)
- C Xie (7635425)
- CA Miller (11796086)
- Caitlin Carr (19670806)
- Calum Semple (19671040)
- Camelia Goodwin (19671436)
- Cameron Clark (19671343)
- Camilla Dawson (19169308)
- Caradog Thomas (19671529)
- Carinna Vickers (19671496)
- Carla Ribeiro (2747632)
- Carlos Echevarria (8355162)
- Carly Price (2681173)
- Carly Welch (6206861)
- Carmen Pariante (19670932)
- Carol Sarginson (19671868)
- Caroline Childs (3414497)
- Caroline Dickens (3594077)
- Caroline Jolley (19670905)
- Caroline Tee (19671169)
- Caroline Wrey Brown (19670749)
- Catherine Atkin (12498733)
- Catherine Dupont (10035849)
- Catherine Oliver (19670611)
- Catherine Sudlow (18345807)
- Cathy Lawson (19670758)
- Celeste McCracken (9118001)
- Ceri Lynch (9583953)
- Cerys Evenden (19670632)
- Charalambos Antoniades (4126831)
- Charlotte Bolton (9345902)
- Charlotte Bourne (19671682)
- Charlotte Overton (16328853)
- Charlotte Summers (10956624)
- Cherie Armour (4669426)
- Cheryl Heeley (19671442)
- Chloe Mears (19671025)
- Chloe Wood (201960)
- Chris Brightling (603623)
- Chris Coleman (3976268)
- Chris Pennington (2335210)
- Chris Taylor (18679)
- Christian Subbe (3834751)
- Christopher Brightling (6179843)
- Christos Nicolaou (6170726)
- Clair Favager (19670941)
- Claire Brookes (12595369)
- Claire Hastie (12213478)
- Claire Jarman (19671376)
- Claire Kurasz (19670479)
- Claire Lawson (7231910)
- Claire Price (261983)
- Claire Sampson (19670626)
- Claire Sharpe (813524)
- Claire Singh (8737260)
- Clara King (14579339)
- Clare Megson (19671241)
- Clare Mills (44924)
- Claudia Efstathiou (14579330)
- Claudia Langenberg (160616)
- Clive Ballard (89605)
- CM Nolan (13236063)
- Colin Berry (230229)
- Cristina Avram (19671079)
- D Cuthbertson (9440981)
- D Evans (7654937)
- D Forton (19671502)
- D Grieve (18377289)
- D Holgate (19671301)
- D Lee (5102501)
- D Lewis (9894266)
- D Lomas (19671604)
- D Price (7728104)
- D Sissons (19671463)
- D Sowter (19671469)
- Daisy Wilson (6011324)
- Dan Peckham (19670956)
- Dan Wilkinson (15430818)
- Dan Wootton (5005049)
- Daniel Lozano-Rojas (19671769)
- Daniel Menzies (19670566)
- Daniele Cristiano (19671253)
- Danny Altmann (11978570)
- Danny McAulay (19670539)
- Darwin Matila (19671280)
- David Anderson (533423)
- David Arnold (1915810)
- David Baguley (3945491)
- David Baldwin (371430)
- David Burn (4030649)
- David Clark (738)
- David Connell (235321)
- David Faluyi (16034818)
- David Foote (2927718)
- David Smith (37222)
- David Southern (3665047)
- David Stensel (7040018)
- David Thickett (3543515)
- David Thomas (201788)
- David Wraith (19671718)
- Davies Adeloye (589375)
- Dawn Redwood (19671490)
- DE Newby (7744478)
- Debbie Sutherland (19671166)
- Debby Nicoll (19671244)
- Denise Griffin (19670743)
- Desmond Johnston (19670863)
- Dhruv Parekh (6801356)
- Diana Ionita (19671862)
- Dibya Pattenadk (19671397)
- Dinesh Saralaya (12075202)
- DL Sykes (19670773)
- Don Jones (3407093)
- Dongchun Bang (19671598)
- Donna Basire (19162834)
- Donna Copeland (19670809)
- DP O'Regan (10686543)
- Drupad Trivedi (3447236)
- E Baldry (7708136)
- E Bright (19671832)
- E Cox (13652938)
- E Hardy (9720542)
- E Hufton (19671793)
- E Hurditch (18378039)
- E Lukaschuk (17599881)
- E Major (7764023)
- E Stringer (19671706)
- E Turner (13299303)
- E Wall (14423829)
- Eamon Coughlan (19670689)
- Ed Bullmore (24190)
- Edmund Pacpaco (19671250)
- Edward Harris (19670623)
- Edwin Chilvers (4823190)
- Ekaterina Watson (19671070)
- Elaine Wade (19670965)
- Elisabeth Bailey (19671841)
- Elizabeta Mukaetova-Ladinska (3582293)
- Elizabeth Marouzet (19671673)
- Elizabeth Robertson (450547)
- Elizabeth Sapey (6011327)
- Ellen Calvelo (19670800)
- Ellie Davies (19670629)
- Elspeth Guthrie (7043729)
- Elvina Lee (3694513)
- EM Tunnicliffe (17599872)
- Emily Bevan (19670740)
- Emily Fraser (10258979)
- Emily Russell (8192646)
- Emma Denneny (19162828)
- Emma McIvor (19670563)
- Emma Perkins (113488)
- Emma Richardson (6444926)
- Emma Robinson (247855)
- Enya Daynes (7794344)
- Erola Pairo-Castineira (13289662)
- Eva Beranova (19670671)
- Eva Fraile (19670701)
- Ewen Harrison (6638717)
- Ewen M Harrison (11606837)
- F Gleeson (17599878)
- F Ilyas (18378123)
- F Woodhead (19671712)
- Fabio Speranza (3594422)
- Fasih Khan (19671796)
- Favas Thaivalappil (19671526)
- Felicity Liew (11941327)
- Ffyon Davies (19670551)
- Fiona Barrett (12288439)
- Flora Chan (17208733)
- Flora Malein (19671019)
- Florence Conneh (19671220)
- G Breen (7655030)
- G Burns (14595011)
- G Carson (12113676)
- G Coakley (19670974)
- G Jones (2555320)
- G Kaltsakas (19670716)
- G Kemp (13505494)
- G Landers (13711753)
- G MacGowan (19671112)
- G Ogg (19671247)
- G Stephens (12302690)
- Gabrielle Baxter (15187582)
- Gardiner Lucy (19671751)
- Gareth Davies (679965)
- Gaunab Choudhury (19671151)
- Gavin Ross (19670791)
- Gemma Simons (19671829)
- Gemma Willis (19670512)
- George Mills (14635546)
- Georgia Mallison (19670500)
- Gerlynn Tiongson (19671067)
- Gerry McCann (3404168)
- Gill Arbane (7238711)
- Gisli Jenkins (137696)
- Gladys Madzamba (19671016)
- Godwin Ogbole (3437987)
- Gwen Saalmink (19670962)
- Gwyneth Davies (445911)
- H Adamali (10343642)
- H Arnold (11802497)
- H Carborn (19671334)
- H Chinoy (19671781)
- H Evans (7715738)
- H Foot (18376770)
- H Jones (7715705)
- H McShane (19671238)
- H Parfrey (17600160)
- H Qureshi (18381822)
- H Tedd (19671115)
- H Welch (16184150)
- Hamish JC McAuley (13267140)
- Hamish McAllister-Williams (19671784)
- Hamish McAuley (9748046)
- Hanan Lamlum (19671823)
- Hannah Bayes (19671121)
- Hannah Dobson (16635597)
- Hannah Jarvis (2542093)
- Hannah Plant (18247621)
- Harpreet Lota (19671556)
- Hayley Hardwick (16872122)
- Hazel Ramos (13863671)
- Heather Jones (3010272)
- Heather McGuinness (19670785)
- Heather Savill (19671550)
- Heather Weston (19670686)
- Heeah Nassa (19670503)
- Heidi Gregory (13650049)
- Heidi Redfearn (19671865)
- Helen Baxendale (3703102)
- Helen Fisher (3496997)
- Helen Henson (19670476)
- Helen Kerslake (19670719)
- Helen Newell (4358812)
- Helen Tench (19670794)
- Helen Wassall (19670665)
- Helen Wheeler (13352913)
- Helena Turton (19671412)
- Hnin Aung (13616902)
- Hosanna Assefa-Kebede (19670893)
- Hosni El-Taweel (19670578)
- Hussain Gordon (19670821)
- I Propescu (19671811)
- Iain Stewart (5279636)
- Ian Hall (3859081)
- Ian Jarrold (17080821)
- Ian Jones (214954)
- IB McInnes (19671127)
- Ida Peralta (19670914)
- Igor Rudan (150101)
- Imogen Wilson (19671415)
- IN Qureshi (19671700)
- Inez Wynter (19671475)
- Ioannis Vogiatzis (156972)
- Irene Macharia (19671385)
- Isabel Cruz (4767012)
- Ivan Koychev (9729963)
- J Bagshaw (17039613)
- J Bonnington (19671187)
- J Brown (6976508)
- J Dennis (7837124)
- J Finch (13322328)
- J Finnigan (13651417)
- J Furniss (19671157)
- J George (7791293)
- J Hazeldine (19671625)
- J Hockridge (19671367)
- J Mackie (9884672)
- J McNeill (7729157)
- J Meiring (18380088)
- J Newman (11380334)
- J Owen (7747823)
- J Oxton (19671310)
- J Parmar (19671292)
- J Propescu (19671814)
- J Rodger (13619089)
- J Rowland (7781063)
- J Schronce (19670854)
- J Short (13282518)
- J Sidebottom (18382884)
- J Skeemer (19671703)
- J Stockley (7783079)
- J Teixeira (12142374)
- J Weir McCall (19671730)
- J Whitney (7893836)
- J Wormleighton (7798343)
- J Worsley (19670599)
- J Wyles (19671055)
- JA Walsh (15984722)
- Jacinta Ugoji (19670704)
- Jack Sargant (19671757)
- Jackie Quigley (19671148)
- Jacqueline McCormick (19671538)
- Jacqui Smith (9737324)
- Jade McGinness (19670542)
- Jade Rangeley (19670959)
- James Chalmers (370417)
- James D Chalmers (10651739)
- James Featherstone (19670755)
- James Pratt (19671037)
- James Watson (183235)
- James Wild (8257239)
- James Willoughby (19671589)
- Jamie Pack (19671289)
- Jane Martin (2609944)
- Jane Mitchell (16242002)
- Janet Lord (437484)
- Janet Phipps (15402038)
- Janet Scott (374672)
- Janet Woods (19670971)
- Jenni Quint (19670869)
- Jennifer Murira (11472019)
- Jennifer Quint (6517676)
- Jennifer Rossdale (19670728)
- Jenny Bunker (19671172)
- Jenny Hawkes (19670998)
- Jenny Williams (5872406)
- Jeremy Brown (3311742)
- Jerome McIntosh (19671541)
- Jessica Pendlebury (19671313)
- Jessica Taylor (2168842)
- Jill Haworth (19670491)
- Jill Kirk (19671451)
- Jin Chen (130241)
- Jo Brown (16317906)
- Jo Tilley (19671493)
- Joan Hughes (642727)
- Joanna Porter (17254051)
- Joanne Dasgin (19671619)
- Joanne Deery (17278811)
- Joanne Earley (19670992)
- Joanne Lewis (17297735)
- Joanne Vere (19671544)
- Joby Cole (10781421)
- Jodie Glossop (19670944)
- Johanne Tomlinson (19671478)
- John Blaikely (19671082)
- John Busby (3509471)
- John Geddes (275290)
- John Greenwood (429779)
- John Hurst (4230676)
- John Hutchinson (3258237)
- John Paul Taylor (19671790)
- John Pearl (17080826)
- John Petrie (497977)
- John Pimm (16913277)
- John R Geddes (12473917)
- John Simpson (359843)
- Jonathon Breeze (19670896)
- Jonathon Cavanagh (19671739)
- Jonathon Evans (19671721)
- Jonathon Fuld (19670593)
- Jonathon Heeney (19671724)
- Jonathon Valabhji (19670872)
- Jose Lloyd Nunag (19670839)
- Joseph Jacob (3483578)
- Joseph Nyaboko (19671652)
- Josh Cooper (19671847)
- Joy Dawson (19670575)
- Ju Hee Lee (7379717)
- Jude Clarke (19670935)
- Julie Ingham (19671568)
- Julie Porter (19671400)
- K Birchall (9720488)
- K Brindle (13690039)
- K Chong-James (19670518)
- K Dempsey (13354368)
- K Elliott (12052601)
- K Fallon (13576507)
- K Mangion (7757642)
- K Mcgee (19671643)
- K McGlynn (17599887)
- K Motohashi (18811243)
- K Paques (18381264)
- K Radhakrishnan (19671100)
- K Roberts (7798199)
- K Roy (8007449)
- K Shevket (19670923)
- KA Tripp (19671046)
- Kamal Liyanage (19671262)
- Kamaldeep Bhui (530888)
- Kamini Shah (301810)
- Kamlesh Khunti (171607)
- Karen Bisnauthsing (9415806)
- Karen Isaacs (19671634)
- Karen Leitch (19671142)
- Karen Piper Hanley (17600253)
- Karen Regan (7483520)
- Karen Shaw (3761104)
- Kasim Jiwa (8138853)
- Kate Bramham (524805)
- Kate Hadley (15068121)
- Kate Harrington (19671358)
- Kate Howard (19671859)
- Kate O'Donnell (12594736)
- Katharine Draxlbauer (19671622)
- Katherine March (458607)
- Katherine McIvor (19671076)
- Katherine Samuel (19670851)
- Kathryn Abel (343755)
- Kathryn Saunders (16661079)
- Kathryn Scott (19671130)
- Katie Breeze (19671805)
- Katie Drury (19670767)
- Katie Holmes (12392671)
- Katie Slack (19671466)
- Katie Warwick (19670887)
- Kay Por Yip (19671670)
- Kaytie Bennett (19671424)
- Keir Lewis (3619811)
- Kenneth Baillie (14522616)
- Kera Hainey (19670995)
- Kerry Chapman (74491)
- Kerry Paradowski (19670614)
- Khalida Ismail (846036)
- Kia Hancock (19670638)
- Kim Davies (322937)
- Kim Storton (19670584)
- Kim Turner (11706857)
- Kimon Ntotsis (19671766)
- KM Channon (17948852)
- Konrad Rawlik (3558833)
- Krisnah Poinasamy (12541561)
- L Burden (17966582)
- L Finnigan (17599863)
- L Gilmour (18377091)
- L Griffiths (11796269)
- L Haslam (19671361)
- L Hesselden (19671364)
- L Holdsworth (9849083)
- L Holt (13755145)
- L Ingram (16351806)
- L Jones (7644149)
- L Macliver (19671145)
- L McMorrow (18380007)
- L Milner (9849107)
- L Poll (19671034)
- L Price (13300848)
- L Watson (10000250)
- Lai Lim (19671277)
- Lance Turtle (701047)
- Lara Lavelle-Langham (19671010)
- Laura Aguilar Jimenez (19670707)
- Laura Barman (19671853)
- Laura Fabbri (6196892)
- Laura Matthews (212974)
- Laura McLeavey (19670830)
- Laura Saunders (2515834)
- Lauren Broad (19670602)
- Laurie Smith (3515405)
- Lawrence Tarusan (19670857)
- Lea Milligan (19670620)
- Leah Holloway (19671445)
- Leanne Robinson (175144)
- Leigh Morrison (19671175)
- Lettie Bishop (19671073)
- Liam Austin (19670668)
- Liam Heaney (397968)
- Liesel Carr (19671685)
- Lilian Wajero (19671049)
- Linda O'Brien (4305043)
- Ling Pei Ho (19671232)
- Ling-Pei Ho (346294)
- Linzy Houchen-Wolloff (7390946)
- Lisa Allerton (19670977)
- Lisa Armstrong (19670470)
- Lisa Roche (19670644)
- Lisa Spencer (3988277)
- Lisa Zeidan (19671571)
- Liz Lightstone (10719111)
- Liz Ratcliffe (17092567)
- Liz Shenton (19670482)
- LM Martinez (19670725)
- Lorcan McGarvey (144059)
- Lorenza Nwafor (19671394)
- Lorna Orriss-Dib (19670845)
- Lorraine Pearce (19670692)
- Lorraine Stephenson (19670761)
- Louise Allan (698189)
- Louise Sigfrid (4264354)
- Louise Stadon (5700296)
- Louise V Wain (7795652)
- Louise Wain (3497912)
- Louise Warburton (19671481)
- Louise Wright (13387455)
- Lucie Garner (19671286)
- Lucy Brear (19670581)
- Lucy Hall (19670947)
- Lucy Kingham (19671820)
- Lucy Knibbs (19670608)
- Lucy Melling (19671028)
- Luke Chetham (19671340)
- Luke Daines (12541558)
- Luke Howard (3540986)
- Lynda Connor (19671520)
- Lynn Osborne (19671577)
- Lynne Allsop (19671421)
- Lynsey Evison (19670815)
- M Aljaroof (11802476)
- M Ashworth (11802500)
- M Bakau (11802536)
- M Beadsworth (17982346)
- M Beggs (17599899)
- M Begum (17982349)
- M Brown (7628567)
- M Buch (19671085)
- M Cassar (19671217)
- M Greatorex (19671439)
- M Harvie (13633150)
- M Heightman (14423820)
- M Hotopf (14321568)
- M Lipman (7735961)
- M Malim (19670929)
- M Marshall (5948609)
- M McNarry (19671532)
- M Parkes (7655123)
- M Pavlides (18811252)
- M Richardson (7724555)
- M Sharma (7759499)
- M Soares (7639016)
- M Stern (19671838)
- M Webster (16206527)
- M Witham (16947183)
- Mahitha Gummadi (19671259)
- Majda Bakali (17917256)
- Mandy Gill (19671433)
- Manish Chablani (19671574)
- Manish Pareek (1357611)
- Manish Patel (45332)
- Manu Shankar-Hari (3576134)
- Marco Sereno (13173438)
- Margaret Flynn (19671430)
- Maria Alvarez Corral (19670734)
- Mariam Ali (11679307)
- Mariam Nasseri (19671562)
- Mark Ainsworth (8942333)
- Mark Halling-Brown (13179750)
- Mark Jones (233817)
- Mark Mencias (19671505)
- Mark Spears (443726)
- Mark Toshner (539869)
- Markus Ralser (46782)
- Marlies Ostermann (471618)
- Marta Babores (19670653)
- Marta Merida Morillas (19671607)
- Martin Tobin (73563)
- Martin Wilkins (19670881)
- Martina Coulding (19671535)
- Masud Husain (300883)
- Mat Thorpe (19671733)
- Matt Harvey (672827)
- Mattew Broome (19671715)
- Matthew Haynes (41630)
- Matthew Noonan (19671031)
- Matthew Richardson (4897138)
- Matthhew Dalton (19670938)
- Maura Roy (19670848)
- Maureen Holland (19670656)
- Max Henderson (324007)
- Maxime Taquet (839659)
- Maximina Ventura (16954943)
- May Havinden-Williams (19671229)
- Megan Holmes (19671448)
- Megan Plowright (14794645)
- Melanie Chrystal (19671190)
- Melanie Davies (545715)
- Melanie Hewitt (3745041)
- Meryl Rees (19670641)
- Michael Crooks (14625562)
- Michael Gibbons (9348737)
- Michael Marks (276442)
- Michael McMahon (666562)
- Michael Sharpe (146153)
- Michaela Hoare (19670494)
- Michelle Bates (5413565)
- Michelle Bingham (19671742)
- Michelle Bourne (7625783)
- Michelle Willicombe (10719114)
- Mike Steiner (19671760)
- MJ Rowland (17039838)
- Molly Baldwin (14635542)
- Moucheng Xu (19671592)
- Murdina Bell (19671136)
- Murphy Magtoto (235320)
- Myles Dixon (19671349)
- Myril Mariveles (19670827)
- N Ahmad Haider (17039574)
- N Chaudhuri (17600016)
- N Choudhury (7807478)
- N Dormand (19671256)
- N French (10505519)
- N Gautam (17865179)
- N Kanellakis (19671205)
- N Lewis-Burke (19671013)
- N Mairs (19671304)
- N Majeed (19671307)
- N Msimanga (19671508)
- N Steele (17929352)
- N Tinker (18383679)
- N Williams (7993832)
- Najib Rahman (6946361)
- Najira Yasmin (19670860)
- Nancy Hawkings (19670488)
- Natalie Armstrong (7594022)
- Natalie Keenan (19670659)
- Natalie Rogers (177674)
- Natalie Stroud (19670647)
- Natasha Odell (19671094)
- Natassia Powell (19670917)
- Nathan Huneke (19671826)
- Naveed Sattar (8785)
- Nawar Diar-Bakerly (19671295)
- Nayia Petousi (3682708)
- Nazir I Lone (6638729)
- Nazir Lone (618104)
- Neil Basu (3491651)
- Neil Greening (4975790)
- Neil Hanley (19671088)
- Neil J Greening (8414574)
- Neil Simpson (2455699)
- Nicholas Easom (18135034)
- Nicholas Hart (3544205)
- Nicholas Mills (4690066)
- Nick Magee (19670536)
- Nick Maskell (3717688)
- Nick Selby (19671802)
- Nick Talbot (100497)
- Nick Williams (8567397)
- Nicola Goodman (10196198)
- Nicola Window (19670968)
- Nigel Brunskill (7661531)
- Nikki Smith (415656)
- Nikos Avramidis (9982975)
- Nilesh Samani (262538)
- Noura Mohamed (14579333)
- Nyarko Ahwireng (19671595)
- O Zongo (19670524)
- Olaoluwa Olaosebikan (19671283)
- Oliver Polgar (19671265)
- Olivia C Leavy (12076787)
- Olivia Leavy (13260717)
- Oluwaseun Adeyemi (14025369)
- Omer Elneima (12541555)
- Onn Min Kon (7677539)
- P Cairns (16179503)
- P Crisp (16354482)
- P Cullinan (7781768)
- P Dark (9720458)
- P George (11443213)
- P Jezzard (16339236)
- P McCourt (13421715)
- P Mehta (9308726)
- P Shah (12146385)
- Paaig Kitterick (19671799)
- Padmasayee Papineni (12846740)
- Parisa Mansoori (19564195)
- Patrick Daly (19670812)
- Paul Atkin (4114456)
- Paul Beckett (1293276)
- Paul Beirne (17080808)
- Paul Greenhaff (8608611)
- Paul Harrison (51644)
- Paul J Harrison (6947642)
- Paul Klenerman (33807)
- Paul McArdle (6832220)
- Paul Moss (345148)
- Paul Pfeffer (9769391)
- Paula Almeida (5449031)
- Paula Neill (19671118)
- PC Calder (12408553)
- Pearl Dulawan (19670899)
- Penny Carter (19671214)
- Perdita Barran (476190)
- Peter J Hellyer (11052975)
- Peter Openshaw (16826228)
- Peter Saunders (28003)
- Petr Novotny (7546946)
- Phil Buckley (19671427)
- Philip Hogarth (19671109)
- Philip Marino (19670722)
- Philip Molyneaux (3449267)
- Phillip Chowienczyk (19671328)
- Phillip Ravencroft (19671403)
- Phillip Wade (12454104)
- Pilar Rivera-Ortega (15388331)
- Pranab Haldar (2483869)
- Prathiba Kurupati (19671235)
- R Batterham (13333758)
- R Djukanovic (7772372)
- R Evans (7718627)
- R Hamil (19671139)
- R Manley (19670560)
- R Menke (17599875)
- R Reddy (16409091)
- R Steeds (10645985)
- R Stimpson (19671409)
- R Sykes (13427106)
- R Touyz (7781531)
- R Ugwuoke (19671319)
- Rachael A Evans (7390928)
- Rachael Dowling (19671691)
- Rachael Evans (7648745)
- Rachel Ann Hughes (19670779)
- Rachel Chambers (3448118)
- Rachel Flockton (19670770)
- Rachel Upthegrove (4968865)
- Raminder Aul (15388313)
- Ramsey Sabit (19670617)
- Ranuromanana Evans (19671226)
- Rashmita Nathu (14635584)
- RE Barker (11802545)
- Reanne Solly (19670680)
- Rebecca Gregory (6844616)
- Rebecca Lenagh (19671379)
- Rebecca Osbourne (19671097)
- Rebecca Wolf-Roberts (19670797)
- Reena Samuel (19671676)
- Rhiannon Baggott (19671613)
- Rhyan Gill (16913271)
- Richard Allen (2642194)
- Richard Francis (201117)
- Richard Morriss (11502)
- Richard Russell (385829)
- Riinu Pius (13433325)
- Rita Adrego (19670890)
- Robert Bell (5218055)
- Robert Free (8462319)
- Robert Needham (5748266)
- Robyn Butcher (19671331)
- Roisin Stone (19670545)
- Roman Jastrub (19671601)
- Ronda Loosley (19670782)
- Rubina Ahmed (19671517)
- Ruth M Saunders (12798194)
- Ruth Saunders (7668005)
- Ruvini Dharmagunawardena (19671835)
- Ryan Thwaites (16181618)
- S Byrne (9890735)
- S Clohisey (19671154)
- S Coetzee (17225188)
- S Fletcher (9850223)
- S Jones (2675)
- S Kelly (5785733)
- S Kon (18378798)
- S Linford (19671196)
- S Logan (13399311)
- S MacDonald (7942025)
- S Madathil (19671637)
- S Mandal (7810874)
- S Misra (1418)
- S Mohammed (7722650)
- S Parker (7707752)
- S Piechnik (19671808)
- S Plein (7687145)
- S Pugmire (19670695)
- S Thomas (9523061)
- S Walker (7719767)
- S Whittaker (13627966)
- S Wright (672228)
- S Yasmin (15987878)
- SA Williams-Howard (19671052)
- Sabina Kaprowska (19671004)
- Sabrina Prosper (19671202)
- Sally Singh (3574331)
- Salman Siddiqui (836537)
- Samantha Kon (19671553)
- Samantha Walker (2819665)
- Sambasivarao Gurram (19671061)
- Samuel Waterson (19671178)
- Sara Fairbairn (12541579)
- Sarah Betts (19670710)
- Sarah Diver (7724249)
- Sarah Dunn (3444305)
- Sarah Edwards (2166343)
- Sarah Glover (479589)
- Sarah Rowland-Jones (74678)
- Sarah Shelton (19671460)
- Sarah Terry (7619045)
- Sarah Turner (7119584)
- Sarah Walmsley (19671736)
- Sean Knight (5794214)
- Selina Finney (19671748)
- Shahab Aslani (17080801)
- Shalin Diwanji (19671058)
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- Shirley Cooper (19670986)
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- Simon Brill (19671274)
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- Sinead Walder (19671667)
- SL Dobson (19670989)
- Sofiya Portukhay (19671559)
- Sonia White (474240)
- Sophia Strong-Sheldrake (19671325)
- Sophie Holden (19671631)
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- Sophie West (17191165)
- Stefan Marciniak (5049737)
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- Stella-Maria Paddick (8960204)
- Stephen Drain (19670530)
- Steve Bain (5428325)
- Steve McAdoo (19670878)
- Steven Kerr (2126383)
- Sue Palmer (19671487)
- Sue Stockdale (19671103)
- Suhani Patel (8990123)
- Sulaimaan Haq (19670824)
- Sulman Siddique (19671511)
- Susan Francis (13584247)
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- Susannah Thackray-Nocera (19670776)
- Suver Singh (19671268)
- Sylviane Defres (2557888)
- T Dong (19671223)
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- T Jackson (13328955)
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- T Treibel (19671610)
- Tabitha Rees (19671523)
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- Thomas De Deyn (19564189)
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- TJC Ward (19671709)
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- Tunde Peto (295260)
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- Uttam Nanda (19671679)
- V Ferreira (16099430)
- V Whitworth (19671472)
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- Vera Tavoukjian (19671514)
- Vicky Kamwa (9957182)
- Victoria C Harris (13267137)
- Victoria Harris (4738755)
- Victoria Highett (19671001)
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- Victoria Whitehead (19670572)
- W Ibrahim (7724552)
- W Jang (19671193)
- W Lilaonitkul (19671583)
- W McCormick (12146169)
- W Saxon (19670569)
- Wadzanai Matimba-Mupaya (19671322)
- Wayne Lovegrove (19671454)
- Wendy Stoker (19670698)
- Will Monteiro (10168238)
- Will Reynolds (19671775)
- Will Storrar (18371370)
- William Greenhalf (171584)
- William Man (19670866)
- William R Trender (19564192)
- William Schwaeble (19671727)
- WY James (19670521)
- X Fu (8960267)
- X Li (4169308)
- Yanchun Peng (74671)
- Yutung Cheng (19671337)
- Yvette Ellis (19670764)
- Z Peterkin (19671655)
- Zach Coburn (19671346)
- ZB Sanders (17599890)
- Zehra Suleiman (19671661)
- Zoe Guy (19671856)
- Zohra Omar (19670788)
- Zunaira Kausar (19671091)
- Zuzanna Skorniewska (19564186)
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 31/07/2024
- Field of study
Background: COVID-19 is known to be associated with increased risks of cognitive and psychiatric outcomes after the acute phase of disease. We aimed to assess whether these symptoms can emerge or persist more than 1 year after hospitalisation for COVID-19, to identify which early aspects of COVID-19 illness predict longer-term symptoms, and to establish how these symptoms relate to occupational functioning. Methods: The Post-hospitalisation COVID-19 study (PHOSP-COVID) is a prospective, longitudinal cohort study of adults (aged ≥18 years) who were hospitalised with a clinical diagnosis of COVID-19 at participating National Health Service hospitals across the UK. In the C-Fog study, a subset of PHOSP-COVID participants who consented to be recontacted for other research were invited to complete a computerised cognitive assessment and clinical scales between 2 years and 3 years after hospital admission. Participants completed eight cognitive tasks, covering eight cognitive domains, from the Cognitron battery, in addition to the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire for depression, the Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy Fatigue Scale, and the 20-item Cognitive Change Index (CCI-20) questionnaire to assess subjective cognitive decline. We evaluated how the absolute risks of symptoms evolved between follow-ups at 6 months, 12 months, and 2–3 years, and whether symptoms at 2–3 years were predicted by earlier aspects of COVID-19 illness. Participants completed an occupation change questionnaire to establish whether their occupation or working status had changed and, if so, why. We assessed which symptoms at 2–3 years were associated with occupation change. People with lived experience were involved in the study. Findings: 2469 PHOSP-COVID participants were invited to participate in the C-Fog study, and 475 participants (191 [40·2%] females and 284 [59·8%] males; mean age 58·26 [SD 11·13] years) who were discharged from one of 83 hospitals provided data at the 2–3-year follow-up. Participants had worse cognitive scores than would be expected on the basis of their sociodemographic characteristics across all cognitive domains tested (average score 0·71 SD below the mean [IQR 0·16–1·04]; p<0·0001). Most participants reported at least mild depression (263 [74·5%] of 353), anxiety (189 [53·5%] of 353), fatigue (220 [62·3%] of 353), or subjective cognitive decline (184 [52·1%] of 353), and more than a fifth reported severe depression (79 [22·4%] of 353), fatigue (87 [24·6%] of 353), or subjective cognitive decline (88 [24·9%] of 353). Depression, anxiety, and fatigue were worse at 2–3 years than at 6 months or 12 months, with evidence of both worsening of existing symptoms and emergence of new symptoms. Symptoms at 2–3 years were not predicted by the severity of acute COVID-19 illness, but were strongly predicted by the degree of recovery at 6 months (explaining 35·0–48·8% of the variance in anxiety, depression, fatigue, and subjective cognitive decline); by a biocognitive profile linking acutely raised D-dimer relative to C-reactive protein with subjective cognitive deficits at 6 months (explaining 7·0–17·2% of the variance in anxiety, depression, fatigue, and subjective cognitive decline); and by anxiety, depression, fatigue, and subjective cognitive deficit at 6 months. Objective cognitive deficits at 2–3 years were not predicted by any of the factors tested, except for cognitive deficits at 6 months, explaining 10·6% of their variance. 95 of 353 participants (26·9% [95% CI 22·6–31·8]) reported occupational change, with poor health being the most common reason for this change. Occupation change was strongly and specifically associated with objective cognitive deficits (odds ratio [OR] 1·51 [95% CI 1·04–2·22] for every SD decrease in overall cognitive score) and subjective cognitive decline (OR 1·54 [1·21–1·98] for every point increase in CCI-20). Interpretation: Psychiatric and cognitive symptoms appear to increase over the first 2–3 years post-hospitalisation due to both worsening of symptoms already present at 6 months and emergence of new symptoms. New symptoms occur mostly in people with other symptoms already present at 6 months. Early identification and management of symptoms might therefore be an effective strategy to prevent later onset of a complex syndrome. Occupation change is common and associated mainly with objective and subjective cognitive deficits. Interventions to promote cognitive recovery or to prevent cognitive decline are therefore needed to limit the functional and economic impacts of COVID-19. Funding: National Institute for Health and Care Research Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre, Wolfson Foundation, MQ Mental Health Research, MRC-UK Research and Innovation, and National Institute for Health and Care Research.</p