10 research outputs found


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    The characteristics of the phenomenon of distant family as a conceptual category has been analyzed in the article. The trends of social and pedagogical activity of social workers have been consideres and the most effective forms of work with migrant workers and their families have been proved. According to the target group of customers methods of work with distant families have been revealed.В статті проаналізована характеристика феномену дистантної сім’ї як понятійної категорії. Проаналізовані напрями соціально–педагогічної роботи працівників соціальної сфери та обґрунтовані найбільш ефективні форми роботи з сім’ями трудових мігрантів. Відповідно до цільової групи клієнтів виокремленні практичні методи роботи з дистантними сім’ями

    Analysis of Children’s Emotional Intelligence in Families of Migrant Workers during Pandemic Covid-19 in Ukraine

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    The paper presents the results of children’s EQ analysis in families of migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. The following methods have been applied: theoretical methods – analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization of scientific practices in issue of children’s EQ in families of migrant workers; empirical methods – interviewing, questionnaire, self-esteem, adapted methods ‘Dictionary of emotions’, ‘Complete the sentence’, preliminary methodology ‘My dream’, adapted samples ‘My three wishes’ – for preliminary diagnostics; for data processing – comparative method, methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of diagnostic data, graphical methods of statistics processing (tabulation, diagrams), method of experts’ assessments; methods of mathematical statistics, the Pearson criterion of homogeneity. The EI problem of children from migrant workers' families has social, pedagogical, psychological and legal aspects that are exacerbated and need to be addressed during the pandemic. It is found that basic environments – family; social environment; general secondary education institution; peers; the Internet and social networks, which are comfortable for the EI formation of children from migrant workers' families, are subject to restrictions/localizations in quarantine conditions and cause changes in EI. It is stated that in the absence of parents, the institution of general secondary education is the environment where control, efficiency and optimization of the process of forming the children’s EI are ensured. The scientific novelty of the obtained results of children’s EQ analysis in families of migrant workers during pandemic COVID-19 in Ukraine has both theoretical and practical value on the international level for researchers and social work experts, dealing with issues of work migration, including children of migrant workers. The solution of the problem involves making special psychological and pedagogical programs for children’s EQ development in families of migrant workers. </p

    Achievement of maximal SARS-CoV-2 collective immunity among the Tajik population by March 2022

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    Despite all efforts of the world community, the COVID-19 pandemic remains one of the main epidemiological challenges of our time. Even with its widespread distribution, the infection may have certain local features due to social, geographic, and climatic factors. Objective: to study collective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the population of the Republic of Tajikistan.A cross-sectional, randomized study of herd immunity was carried out according to a program developed by Rospotrebnadzor and the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute, taking into account WHO recommendations. The ethics committees of the corresponding entities approved the study: Tajik Ministry of Health and Social Protection; and the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute (Russia). Based on questionnaire results, 4,022 people were selected, representing 0.15% (95% CI: 0.14-0.15) of the total population randomized by age and region. In subsequent laboratory analysis, 3682 people took part. The distribution and quantitative content of antibodies (Abs) to viral nucleocapsid (N Ag) and receptor binding domain (RBD Ag) were determined by ELISA. When questioned, a history of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was indicated by 69.7% (95% CI: 68.2-71.2) of the volunteer cohort. Vector vaccines were most frequently used (50.6%; 95% CI: 48.7-52.5), with whole-virion inactivated preparations in second place (23.0%: 95% CI: 21.4-26.6) and mRNA vaccines in third place (21.0%; 95% CI:19.4-22.6).The cohort (n = 3682) featured 27.5% men and 72.5% women. The overall seroprevalence was 98.5% (95% CI: 97.7-99.2) in men and 99.4% (95% CI: 99.0-99.6) in women (differences statistically insignificant). Overall seroprevalence in the cohort was 99.2% (95% CI: 98.8-99.4) and ranged from 97.2 to 100% in certain subgroups. Asymptomatic seropositivity in the whole cohort was 98.4% (95% CI: 97.6-99.1). As a result of a mandatory vaccination program introduced in Tajikistan under a COVID-19 Emergency Project, the level of herd immunity among vaccinated individuals reached 99.5% (95% CI: 99.1-99.7), which is similar to the level reached in the cohort as a whole.The epidemic situation that developed in Tajikistan by mid-March 2022 was characterized by an almost absolute level of herd immunity, as evidenced by an absence of detected overt COVID-19 cases since the end of February (2022)

    Social and Pedagogical Work with Distant Families

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    The characteristics of the phenomenon of distant family as a conceptual category has been analyzed in the article. The trends of social and pedagogical activity of social workers have been consideres and the most effective forms of work with migrant workers and their families have been proved. According to the target group of customers methods of work with distant families have been revealed

    Development of some marketing measures to increase competitiveness and involve new customers to the enterprise.

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    Гoстинність, якa визнaється як oдне з oснoвних пoнять цивілізaції, в рoзвинених крaїнaх вже дaвнo перетвoрилaся нa індустрію з великoю кількістю прoфесіoнaлів. Індустрія гoстиннoсті oрієнтoвaнa нa зaдoвoлення пoтреб спoживaчів, і їхнє зaдoвoлення є кінцевим результaтoм ділoвoї aктивнoсті підприємствa. Рестoрaнний бізнес, який є вaжливoю чaстинoю індустрії гoстиннoсті, oднoчaснo є висoкoліквідним інструментoм упрaвління кaпітaлoм тa середoвищем із висoким рівнем кoнкуренції. Нa ринку рестoрaнних пoслуг Укрaїни з'являються підприємствa різних типів тa цінoвих кaтегoрій, щo нaдaють спoживaчaм мoжливість oбирaти зaклaд, який нaйбільше відпoвідaє їхнім пoтребaм зa всімa критеріями.Дoслідження нa здoбуття oсвітньoгo ступеня мaгістрa зa спеціaльністю 075 «Мaркетинг» – Тернoпільський нaціoнaльний технічний університет імені Івaнa Пулюя. – Тернoпіль, 2023. Рoбoтa присвяченa вивченню тa удoскoнaленню мaркетингoвoї діяльнoсті в рестoрaннoму бізнесі нa приклaді рестoрaну «Діaмaнт». У першoму рoзділі рoзглянутo теoретичні aспекти мaркетингoвoї діяльнoсті у гaлузі рестoрaннoгo бізнесу. Другий рoзділ висвітлює хaрaктеристику діяльнoсті рестoрaну «Діaмaнт» нa ринку рестoрaнних пoслуг. У третьoму рoзділі нaведенo тa oбґрунтoвaнo технoлoгії мaркетингу для підвищення кoнкурентoспрoмoжнoсті тa зaлучення нoвих клієнтів рестoрaну «Діaмaнт» . Дaнa рoбoтa мaє вaжливий прaктичний виснoвoк для рестoрaннoгo бізнесу тa признaченa сприяти підвищенню ефективнoсті мaркетингoвoї діяльнoсті рестoрaну «Діaмaнт» нa ринку рестoрaнних пoслуг.ВСТУПРOЗДІЛ 1. ТЕOРЕТИЧНІ ЗAСAДИ МAРКЕТИНГOВOЇ ДІЯЛЬНOСТІ У РЕСТOРAННOМУ БІЗНЕСІ1.1. Хaрaктеристикa зaклaду рестoрaннoгo бізнесу як oб’єкту мaркетингу1.2. Oсoбливoсті викoристaння елементів кoмплексу мaркетингу при нaдaнні рестoрaнних пoслуг1.3. Стрaтегічні зaсaди мaркетингoвoї діяльнoсті у рестoрaннoму бізнесіВиснoвки дo рoзділу 1РOЗДІЛ. 2. ХAРAКТЕРИСТИКA МAРКЕТИНГOВOЇ ДІЯЛЬНOСТІ РЕСТOРAНУ «ДІAМAНТ» НA РИНКУ РЕСТOРAННИХ ПOСЛУГ2.1. Зaгaльнa хaрaктеристикa діяльнoсті рестoрaну «Діaмaнт» як суб’єктa бізнесу2.2. Aнaліз фoрмувaння кoмплексу мaркетингу підприємствa2.3. Oцінкa кoнкурентних пoзицій рестoрaну «Діaмaнт»Виснoвки дo рoзділу 2РOЗДІЛ 3. РOЗРOБКA ТA ВПРOВAДЖЕННЯ СИСТЕМИ МAРКЕТИНГOВИХ ЗAХOДІВ ДЛЯ ПІДВИЩЕННЯ КOНКУРЕНТOСПРOМOЖНOСТІ РЕСТOРAНУ «ДІAМAНТ»3.1. Фoрмувaння стрaтегії мaркетингoвoї діяльнoсті зaклaду3.2. Зaбезпечення підвищення кoнкурентoспрoмoжнoсті рестoрaну «Діaмaнт»3.3. Екoнoмічнa oцінкa зaхoдів із вдoскoнaлення мaркетингoвoї діяльнoстіВиснoвки дo рoзділу 3РOЗДІЛ 4. OХOРOНA ПРAЦІ ТA БЕЗПЕКA У НAДЗВИЧAЙНИХ СИТУAЦІЯХВиснoвки дo рoзділу 4ВИСНOВКИСПИСOК ВИКOРИСТAНИХ ДЖЕРЕ

    The incidence and features of subclinical Cushing’s syndrome in women with polycystic ovaries

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    Background. The purpose of investigation is to study the incidence of subclinical Cushing’s syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Materials and methods. Under our supervision, there were 120 patients of fertile age with PCOS. The average age of patients was 25.5 ± 4.3 years. Twenty healthy women of corresponding age made a control group. The complex of researches, including clinical, biochemical, hormonal (luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, estradiol, progesterone, dehydroepiandrostendion, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, anti-Mullerian hormone, insulin on day 14 of cycle), was performed in all patients, as well as ultrasonography of the uterus and ovaries with folliculometry in dyna­mics, and also magnetic resonance imaging and survey of patients. Results. Patients were divided into three groups: with primary PCOS (19 %), with secondary PCOS and obesity (74 %), with secondary PCOS and subclinical Cushing’s syndrome (7 %). In the first group of patients, a significant decrease of pituitary and ovarian hormones has been registered on the background of hyperandrogenemia. In the third group of patients, a signifi­cant decrease of pituitary hormones was also detected on the background of hyperandrogenemia. Conclusions. The most significant violations in the system of pituitary-ovarian function were found in the third group of patients with subclinical Cu­shing’s syndrome, at that, a significant decrease in the functional state of pituitary-gonadal system was marked, namely decline of LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone on the background of hyperandrogenemia and hypercortisolemia. The incidence of subclinical Cushing’s syndrome among women with PCOS is 6.6 %. In future, it is necessary to monitor in dynamics the pro­bability of recovery of fertility in all groups of patients with PCO

    Organizational home care models across Europe: C cross sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Decision makers are searching for models to redesign home care and to organize health care in a more sustainable way. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to identify and characterize home care models within and across European countries by means of structural characteristics and care processes at the policy and the organization level. DATA SOURCES: At the policy level, variables that reflected variation in health care policy were included based on a literature review on the home care policy for older persons in six European countries: Belgium, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Italy, and the Netherlands. At the organizational level, data on the structural characteristics and the care processes were collected from 36 home care organizations by means of a survey. Data were collected between 2013 and 2015 during the IBenC project. STUDY DESIGN: An observational, cross sectional, quantitative design was used. The analyses consisted of a principal component analysis followed by a hierarchical cluster analysis. RESULTS: Fifteen variables at the organizational level, spread across three components, explained 75.4% of the total variance. The three components made it possible to distribute home care organizations into six care models that differ on the level of patient-centered care delivery, the availability of specialized care professionals, and the level of monitoring care performance. Policy level variables did not contribute to distinguishing between home care models. CONCLUSIONS: Six home care models were identified and characterized. These models can be used to describe best practices.status: publishe

    Nickel, palladium and platinum, survey covering the years 1984 and 1985

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