946 research outputs found

    Some Necessary Comments on the History and Foundations of the Modern Methods in Wind Wave Forecasting

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    The several conclusions of similarity theory for wind driven waves are discussed together with experimental data being revisited by the author (Kitaigorodskii, 1983, 1998). First of them is so-called wind speed scaling, often being used in literature on wind waves as Kitaigorodskii scaling. It is stressed that existing data cannot be served for rejection of concept of fully developed (mature) wind waves. Second of them is the derivation of so-called law omega–4 (Kitaigorodskii, 1962, 1983) for replacement of Phillips law (Phillips, 1958). The main question related to this problem is about existence of the transition from direct cascade regime to wind wave breaking dissipation scales. It is established "a bridge" between description of wave spectra used in Kitaigorodskii (1962) and weakly nonlinear theory of waves. This was the third question discussed here

    Identification of shallow sea models

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    In this paper we consider a parameter estimation procedure for shallow sea models. The method is formulated as a minimization problem. An adjoint model is used to calculate the gradient of the criterion which is to be minimized. In order to obtain a robust estimation method, the uncertainty of the open boundary conditions can be taken into acoount by allowing random noise inputs to act on the open boundaries. This method avoids the possibility that boundary errors are interpreted by the estimation procedure as parameter fluctuations. We apply the parameter estimation method to identify a shallow sea model of the entire European continental shelf. First, a space-varying bottom friction coefficient is estimated simultaneously with the depth. The second application is the estimation of the parameterization of the wind stress coefficient as a function of the wind velocity. Finally, an uncertain open boundary condition is included. It is shown that in this case the parameter estimation procedure does become more robust and produces more realistic estimates. Furthermore, an estimate of the open boundary conditions is also obtained

    Novel Features Arising in the Maximally Random Jammed Packings of Superballs

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    Dense random packings of hard particles are useful models of granular media and are closely related to the structure of nonequilibrium low-temperature amorphous phases of matter. Most work has been done for random jammed packings of spheres, and it is only recently that corresponding packings of nonspherical particles (e.g., ellipsoids) have received attention. Here we report a study of the maximally random jammed (MRJ) packings of binary superdisks and monodispersed superballs whose shapes are defined by |x_1|^2p+...+|x_2|^2p<=1 with d = 2 and 3, respectively, where p is the deformation parameter with values in the interval (0, infinity). We find that the MRJ densities of such packings increase dramatically and nonanalytically as one moves away from the circular-disk and sphere point. Moreover, the disordered packings are hypostatic and the local arrangements of particles are necessarily nontrivially correlated to achieve jamming. We term such correlated structures "nongeneric". The degree of "nongenericity" of the packings is quantitatively characterized by determining the fraction of local coordination structures in which the central particles have fewer contacting neighbors than average. We also show that such seemingly special packing configurations are counterintuitively not rare. As the anisotropy of the particles increases, the fraction of rattlers decreases while the minimal orientational order increases. These novel characteristics result from the unique rotational symmetry breaking manner of the particles.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Optimal Packings of Superballs

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    Dense hard-particle packings are intimately related to the structure of low-temperature phases of matter and are useful models of heterogeneous materials and granular media. Most studies of the densest packings in three dimensions have considered spherical shapes, and it is only more recently that nonspherical shapes (e.g., ellipsoids) have been investigated. Superballs (whose shapes are defined by |x1|^2p + |x2|^2p + |x3|^2p <= 1) provide a versatile family of convex particles (p >= 0.5) with both cubic- and octahedral-like shapes as well as concave particles (0 < p < 0.5) with octahedral-like shapes. In this paper, we provide analytical constructions for the densest known superball packings for all convex and concave cases. The candidate maximally dense packings are certain families of Bravais lattice packings. The maximal packing density as a function of p is nonanalytic at the sphere-point (p = 1) and increases dramatically as p moves away from unity. The packing characteristics determined by the broken rotational symmetry of superballs are similar to but richer than their two-dimensional "superdisk" counterparts, and are distinctly different from that of ellipsoid packings. Our candidate optimal superball packings provide a starting point to quantify the equilibrium phase behavior of superball systems, which should deepen our understanding of the statistical thermodynamics of nonspherical-particle systems.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figure

    Crystalline inclusion of wheel-and-axle diol hosts featuring benzo[b]thiophene units as a lateral construction element

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    By applying the “wheel-and-axle” host concept and incorporating a previously developed heteroaromatic substitution strategy, a new type of diol host featuring two di(benzo[b]thien-2-yl)hydroxymethyl units attached to both ends of a central ethynylene (3) and 1,4-phenylene (4) moiety is reported. The syntheses of the host compounds are described, and solvent inclusion formation via crystallization has extensively been studied showing a remarkable inclusion capability of the compounds. X-ray diffraction analysis of relevant crystal structures have been performed and comparatively discussed. Vapor sorption behavior of the compounds as solid receptor films coated on a quartz crystal microbalance considering a variety of solvent vapors has been scrutinized, indicating potential application as mass sensitive materials

    The response of the upper ocean to solar heating. I: The mixed layer

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    The results of two earlier papers on convection in the mixed layer and on the solar heating profile are here introduced into a one-dimensional model in order to investigate the following consequences of the daily cycle of solar heating in the upper ocean: 1. the daytime convection depth becomes less than the turbocline depth; 2. the convective power supply to turbulence in the mixed layer is reduced; 3. the mixed layer below the convection layer becomes stably stratified; 4. the depth of the turbocline is reduced, leaving a diurnal thermocline between it and the top of the seasonal thermocline; 5. the heat content and potential energy of the diurnal and seasonal thermoclines are increased, slowing down the subsequent nocturnal descent of the turbocline. These diurnal changes are illustrated by integrating a one-dimensional model forced by the astronomical cycle of solar heating and seasonal variation of surface meteorology derived from Bunker's climatology. The model is integrated for 18 months to show the seasonal modulation of the diurnal cycle. Nocturnal convection plays a dominant role. The convection depth closely follows the thermal compensation depth during the day when they are less than the turbocline depth. Integrating the model with a 24-hour time step leads to large errors in the seasonal variation of mixed layer temperature and depth, and in the source term of isopycnic potential vorticity. The errors are reduced by using two time steps per day, one for the daytime when convection is quenched, the other for the night when it is active. A novel parametrization based on tuning the daily equivalent solar elevation to surface temperature further reduces the error. This parametrization is used to investigate the sensitivity of the seasonal cycles of mixed layer depth and temperature to: (1) seasonality in the surface fluxes; (2) systematic changes in the net annual solar heating; (3) random changes in the seasonal cycles of solar heating induced (i) monthly and (ii) daily. The sensitivity to uncertainty in seawater turbidity is investigated in the same way. The profile of isopycnic potential vorticity subducted into the thermocline depends on the vernal correlation of mixed layer depth and density, so gyre circulation is sensitive to solar heating in spring

    Solid molecular hydrogen: The Broken Symmetry Phase

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    By performing constant-pressure variable-cell ab initio molecular dynamics simulations we find a quadrupolar orthorhombic structure, of Pca21Pca2_1 symmetry, for the broken symmetry phase (phase II) of solid H2 at T=0 and P =110 - 150 GPa. We present results for the equation of state, lattice parameters and vibronic frequencies, in very good agreement with experimental observations. Anharmonic quantum corrections to the vibrational frequencies are estimated using available data on H2 and D2. We assign the observed modes to specific symmetry representations.Comment: 5 pages (twocolumn), 4 Postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Zur Reaktion polycyclischer Alkoxysilylamide von Li, Na und K mit organischen Lewis-Basen

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    UnabhĂ€ngig vom Liganden am Stickstoffatom (tert-Butyl oder Trimethylsilyl) reagiert das polycyclische und dimere Lithium-(alkoxysilyl)-tert-butylamid 1 bzw. Lithium-(alkoxysilyl)silylamid 2 mit den Basen Pyridin, Tetrahydrofuran bzw. Dioxan zu SĂ€ure-Base-Addukten 1a, 1b, 1c und 2a mit Ă€hnlicher Struktur Nach der Röntgenstrukturanalyse von 1b koordiniert die Base Tetrahydrofuran ĂŒber den Sauerstoff an eines der beiden Lithiumatome, wĂ€hrend das andere von den Sauerstoff- und Stickstoff-atomen des Siloxyamidliganden umgeben ist. Die beiden Metallatome besitzen unterschiedliche Koordinationszahlen (3 und 4), wobei Li(2) aufgrund der geringeren Anzahl der Nachbarn die kĂŒrzesten AbstĂ€nde bildet. Selbst ein BasenĂŒberschuß fĂŒhrt nicht zur Bildung von Komplexen, bei denen die beiden Metallatome im MolekĂŒl gleichen SĂ€ttigungsgrad und gleiche Umgebung erreichen. Möglich ist dies jedoch bei der entsprechenden Natriumverbindung 3, die mit Pyridin zu der Verbindung 3a reagiert. In diesem Produkt besitzen beide Natriumatome dieselbe KoordinationssphĂ€re mit je drei Stickstoff- und einem Sauerstoffatom als Nachbarn. Setzt man 3 mit ,-Bipyridyl um, so entsteht eine Verbindung mit Natriumatomen unterschiedlicher Umgebung. Diese erstaunliche Unsymmetrie in der Koordination der beiden Metallatome liegt bei der entsprechenden Kaliumverbindung 4a, gewonnen aus 4 und ,-Bipyridyl, nicht vor (gleichartig koordinierte Kaliumatome). SĂ€ure-Base-Addukte von 3 und 4 mit Phenanthrolin und Kronenethern waren nachzuweisen
