163 research outputs found

    Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies of the Nearby Centaurus A Group

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    We present Halpha narrow-band imaging of 17 dwarf irregular galaxies (dIs) in the nearby Centaurus A Group. Although all large galaxies of the group have a current or recent enhanced star formation episode, the dIs have normal star formation rates and do not contain a larger fraction of dwarf starbursts than other nearby groups. Relative distances between dIs and larger galaxies of the group can be computed in 3D since most of them have now fairly accurately known distances. We find that the dI star formation rates do not depend on local environment, and in particular they do not show any correlation with the distance of the dI to the nearest large galaxy of the group. There is a clear morphology-density relation in the Centaurus A Group, similarly to the Sculptor and Local Groups, in the sense that dEs/dSphs tend to be at small distances from the more massive galaxies of the group, while dIs are on average at larger distances. We find four transition dwarfs in the Group, dwarfs that show characteristics of both dE/dSphs and dIs, and which contain cold gas but no current star formation. Interestingly the transition dwarfs have an average distance to the more massive galaxies which is intermediate between those of the dEs/dSphs and dIs, and which is quite large: 0.54 +- 0.31 Mpc. This large distance poses some difficulty for the most popular scenarios proposed for transforming a dI into a dE/dSph (ram-pressure with tidal stripping or galaxy harassment). If the observed transition dwarfs are indeed missing links between dIs and dE/dSphs, their relative isolation makes it less likely to have been produced by these mechanisms. We propose that an inhomogeneous IGM containing higher density clumps would be able to ram-pressure stripped the dIs at such large distances.Comment: 57 pages, 10 fi5gure

    More galaxies in the Local Volume imaged in H-alpha

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    We have carried out an H-alpha flux measurement for 52 nearby galaxies as part of a general H-alpha imaging survey for the Local Volume sample of galaxies within 10 Mpc. Most of the objects are probable members of the groups around Maffei 2/IC 342, NGC 672/IC 1727, NGC 784, and the Orion galaxy. The measured H-alpha fluxes corrected for extinction are used to derive the galaxy star formation rate (SFR). We briefly discuss some basic scaling relations between SFR, hydrogen mass and absolute magnitude of the Local Volume galaxies. The total SFR density in the local (z = 0) universe is estimated to be (0.019+/-0.003) M_sun yr/Mpc^3.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables (figures 2 and 3 is available at this this http://una.sao.ru/halpha/articles/Maffield),Astronomical Journal, accepte

    Human Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Uncoupling Is Associated with Cold Induced Adaptive Thermogenesis

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    Background: Mild cold exposure and overfeeding are known to elevate energy expenditure in mammals, including humans. This process is called adaptive thermogenesis. In small animals, adaptive thermogenesis is mainly caused by mitochondrial uncoupling in brown adipose tissue and regulated via the sympathetic nervous system. In humans, skeletal muscle is a candidate tissue, known to account for a large part of the epinephrine-induced increase in energy expenditure. However, mitochondrial uncoupling in skeletal muscle has not extensively been studied in relation to adaptive thermogenesis in humans. Therefore we hypothesized that cold-induced adaptive thermogenesis in humans is accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial uncoupling in skeletal muscle. Methodology/Principal Findings: The metabolic response to mild cold exposure in 11 lean, male subjects was measured in a respiration chamber at baseline and mild cold exposure. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial uncoupling (state 4) was measured in muscle biopsies taken at the end of the respiration chamber stays. Mild cold exposure caused a significant increase in 24h energy expenditure of 2.8 % (0.32 MJ/day, range of 20.21 to 1.66 MJ/day, p,0.05). The individual increases in energy expenditure correlated to state 4 respiration (p,0.02, R 2 = 0.50). Conclusions/Significance: This study for the first time shows that in humans, skeletal muscle has the intrinsic capacity for cold induced adaptive thermogenesis via mitochondrial uncoupling under physiological conditions. This opens possibilitie

    Further Support to the Uncoupling-to-Survive Theory: The Genetic Variation of Human UCP Genes Is Associated with Longevity

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    In humans Uncoupling Proteins (UCPs) are a group of five mitochondrial inner membrane transporters with variable tissue expression, which seem to function as regulators of energy homeostasis and antioxidants. In particular, these proteins uncouple respiration from ATP production, allowing stored energy to be released as heat. Data from experimental models have previously suggested that UCPs may play an important role on aging rate and lifespan. We analyzed the genetic variability of human UCPs in cohorts of subjects ranging between 64 and 105 years of age (for a total of 598 subjects), to determine whether specific UCP variability affects human longevity. Indeed, we found that the genetic variability of UCP2, UCP3 and UCP4 do affect the individual's chances of surviving up to a very old age. This confirms the importance of energy storage, energy use and modulation of ROS production in the aging process. In addition, given the different localization of these UCPs (UCP2 is expressed in various tissues including brain, hearth and adipose tissue, while UCP3 is expressed in muscles and Brown Adipose Tissue and UCP4 is expressed in neuronal cells), our results may suggest that the uncoupling process plays an important role in modulating aging especially in muscular and nervous tissues, which are indeed very responsive to metabolic alterations and are very important in estimating health status and survival in the elderly

    Semiconductor Superlattices: A model system for nonlinear transport

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    Electric transport in semiconductor superlattices is dominated by pronounced negative differential conductivity. In this report the standard transport theories for superlattices, i.e. miniband conduction, Wannier-Stark-hopping, and sequential tunneling, are reviewed in detail. Their relation to each other is clarified by a comparison with a quantum transport model based on nonequilibrium Green functions. It is demonstrated how the occurrence of negative differential conductivity causes inhomogeneous electric field distributions, yielding either a characteristic sawtooth shape of the current-voltage characteristic or self-sustained current oscillations. An additional ac-voltage in the THz range is included in the theory as well. The results display absolute negative conductance, photon-assisted tunneling, the possibility of gain, and a negative tunneling capacitance.Comment: 121 pages, figures included, to appear in Physics Reports (2001

    The small G protein RAS2 is involved in the metabolic compensation of the circadian clock in the circadian model Neurospora crassa.

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    Accumulating evidence from both experimental and clinical investigations indicate a tight interaction between metabolism and circadian timekeeping; however, knowledge of the underlying mechanism is still incomplete. Metabolic compensation allows circadian oscillators to run with a constant speed at different substrate levels and therefore is a substantial criterion of a robust rhythm in a changing environment. Because previous data have suggested a central role of RAS2-mediated signaling in the adaptation of yeast to different nutritional environments, we examined the involvement of RAS2 in the metabolic regulation of the clock in the circadian model organism Neurospora crassa. We show that in a ras2-deficient strain, the period is longer than in the control. Moreover, unlike in wild type (wt), in Deltaras2 operation of the circadian clock was affected by glucose: compared with starvation conditions, the period was longer and the oscillation of expression of the frequency (frq) gene was dampened. In constant darkness the delayed phosphorylation of the FRQ protein and the long-lasting accumulation of FRQ in the nucleus were in accordance with the longer period and the less robust rhythm in the mutant. Whereas glucose did not affect the subcellular distribution of FRQ in wt, highly elevated FRQ levels were detected in the nucleus in Deltaras2. RAS2 interacted with the RAS-binding domain of the adenylate cyclase in vitro, and the cAMP analogue 8-Br-cAMP partially rescued the circadian phenotype in vivo. We propose therefore that RAS2 acts via a cAMP-dependent pathway and exerts significant metabolic control on the Neurospora circadian clock

    An invitation to measure insect cold tolerance: Methods, approaches, and workflow

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    Creating and curating an archive: Bury St Edmunds and its Anglo-Saxon past

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    This contribution explores the mechanisms by which the Benedictine foundation of Bury St Edmunds sought to legitimise and preserve their spurious pre-Conquest privileges and holdings throughout the Middle Ages. The archive is extraordinary in terms of the large number of surviving registers and cartularies which contain copies of Anglo-Saxon charters, many of which are wholly or partly in Old English. The essay charts the changing use to which these ancient documents were put in response to threats to the foundation's continued enjoyment of its liberties. The focus throughout the essay is to demonstrate how pragmatic considerations at every stage affects the development of the archive and the ways in which these linguistically challenging texts were presented, re-presented, and represented during the Abbey’s history