41 research outputs found

    Chemical and radiological characterization of meals served by the COSEAS (USP-SP)

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    O presente estudo apresenta resultados de análise química de refeições (almoço) oferecidas pelo restaurante do COSEAS (USP), por cinco dias não consecutivos. Essas refeições foram coletadas em triplicata, da mesma forma como oferecida para os usuários, sendo, a seguir, liofilizadas para as análises posteriores. No total, 15 amostras foram coletadas. A análise química de composição centesimal foi realizada segundo as técnicas padronizadas pela AOAC. O conteúdo de alguns elementos minerais (Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se e Zn) foi determinado por análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental. A validação da metodologia foi feita por meio da análise dos materiais de referência. A partir dos dados de concentração, calcularam-se os valores de ingestão de cada nutriente correspondente a esta refeição (40% da ingestão diária total), que foram avaliadas segundo as novas recomendações de nutrientes (Dietary Reference Intakes - DRIs) do National Research Council (USA), considerando a população de mulheres no estágio de vida de 19 a 30 anos. Comparando-se os valores médios encontrados com os valores recomendados, concluiu-se que: para os macronutrientes e os micronutrientes, Fe, Se e Zn, as recomendações foram atingidas; para Ca e K foram deficientes; e para Na excedeu o valor recomendado. Os radionuclídeos 40K, 60Co, 137Cs e 131I foram determinados, nas amostras de dieta, por espectrometria gama; 90Sr por cintilação em meio líquido; e 210Po, 234U, 232Th, 238U, 235U, 228Th, 230Th e 232Th por espectrometria alfa. Verificou-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos, que todos os radionuclídeos analisados se encontram muito abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela FAO.This study presents the results obtained for the chemical and radiological analyses of lunch meals served in the cafeteria at the University of São Paulo-USP (COSEAS restaurant) in Brazil, on 5 non-consecutive days. On each of the five days, the meals were collected in triplicate and then freeze-dried for analysis totalizing 15 samples. The determination of the proximate composition complied with the AOAC standardized methodologies. The content of Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se, and Zn was determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis and the method validation was performed by certified reference materials analyses. Based on the concentration data, the daily intake of each mineral was calculated (corresponding to 40% of the total daily intake) and compared to the new recommendations set by the National Research Council (USA) considering the 19-30 year-old women range group. Comparing the average values obtained in this study with the recommended values, it was possible to verify that for macronutrients and the micronutrients Fe, Se, and Zn the recommendations were followed; for Ca and K they were deficient and exceeded the recommendation value for Na. The radionuclides 40K, 60Co, 137Cs, and 131I were determined by gamma spectrometry; 90Sr by liquid cintilation and 210Po, 234U, 232Th, 238U, 235U, 228Th, 230Th, and 232Th by alfa spectrometry. All radionuclides are present in concentrations below the limits set by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

    Introduction of processed and traditional foods to the diets of children attending public daycare centers in São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: This study described and discussed the introduction of processed foods to the diets of children attending the nurseries of daycare centers, considering the recommendation of the Ministry of Health for a healthy diet. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 270 children attending nurseries of eight public and not-for-profit daycare centers in São Paulo city. A pre-coded and structured 11-question questionnaire was used to evaluate the introduction of processed foods. For each type of food analyzed, the corresponding age in months was recorded as well as assessed as to whether it was in agreement with the 8th step of the Dietary Guide. The chi-square test was used for determining the associations. The studied variables were mother's age, education level and working status and family income. RESULTS: The results showed that approximately 2/3 of the studied children under 12 months of age were offered foods with obesogenic potential, such as instant noodles, snacks, sandwich cookies, powdered juice, soft drinks and candy/lollipop/chocolate bars. Children born to younger mothers, with low education level and lower income are most vulnerable to the feeding error of introducing processed foods prematurely. CONCLUSION: These results show that educational and preventive actions should be proposed to build healthy eating habits from childhood. Efficient and in-depth campaigns aiming at promoting the consumption of fruits and vegetables are also needed, taking into consideration the cultural, behavioral and emotional factors associated with diet.OBJETIVO: Descrever e discutir a introdução de alimentos industrializados na dieta de crianças frequentadoras de berçários em creches, considerando a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde para uma alimentação saudável. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 270 crianças frequentadoras de berçários de 8 creches públicas e filantrópicas do município de São Paulo. Por meio de questionário estruturado e pré-codificado, foi avaliada a introdução de alimentos a partir de 11 perguntas. Para cada alimento analisado foi registrada a idade em meses de introdução e avaliada a concordância com o oitavo passo do Guia Alimentar. No estudo das associações, utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado, a partir das variáveis idade e escolaridade maternas, renda familiar e trabalho da mãe fora do lar. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostram que para aproximadamente 2/3 das crianças foram oferecidos, antes dos 12 meses, alimentos com potencial obesogênico, como macarrão instantâneo, salgadinhos, bolacha recheada, suco artificial, refrigerante e bala/pirulito/chocolate. São os filhos de mães com baixa escolaridade, mais jovens e com menor renda, os mais susceptíveis ao erro alimentar de introdução precoce de alimentos industrializados. CONCLUSÃO: Diante desses resultados, medidas educativas e preventivas devem ser propostas para a formação de hábitos alimentares saudáveis desde a infância, além da criação de campanhas abrangentes e efetivas que estimulem o consumo de frutas e hortaliças, considerando-se os fatores culturais, comportamentais e afetivos envolvidos com a alimentação.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PediatriaUniversidade São Judas Tadeu Departamento de Graduação em NutriçãoUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Evaluación del consumo alimentar en guarderías públicas en São Paulo, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the energy intake and dietary adequacy of children attending nurseries of public and not-for-profit daycare centers in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted at 16 nurseries, attended by 236 children between the ages of 12 and 29 months. Data collection was carried out by the direct weighing method over three nonconsecutive days. The DietWin® 2.0 Professional software was used for nutritional calculations. The adequacy of energy, protein, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C intake was calculated, also with the aforementioned software, using 2002 National Research Council Estimated Average Requirements as a reference. Adequate Intake (1999) was used as the reference for calcium intake, and Estimated Energy Requirements (2002), for evaluation of energy intake. Data were analyzed using the Epi-Info 3.4.3 software. RESULTS: We identified deficiencies in energy, iron, and calcium intake (mean deficits of 49.78%, 81.67%, and 57.44% respectively), as well as excessive intake of protein (183.27%) and vitamins A and C (126.86% and 57.44% respectively). Regarding macronutrients, fat intake was also found to be inadequate. CONCLUSIONS: Although the meals served at public daycare centers in Brazil are planned by dietitians, the findings of this study reveal potential flaws in the way food is prepared, portioned, and offered to children. These results demonstrate the need for further recycling and ongoing supervision to ensure the provision of adequate levels of food consumption to this population.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el consumo energético y la adecuación de la dieta de niños frecuentadores de guarderías públicas y filantrópicas en el municipio de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal en 16 nidos, frecuentados por 236 niños con edades entre 12 y 29 meses. La recolección de los datos se realizó por el método de pesaje directo durante tres días no consecutivos. Para el cálculo nutricional, se utilizó el software DietWin Profissional 2.0®, siendo posteriormente calculada la adecuación del consumo de energía, proteína, hierro, vitamina A y vitamina C. Para el cálculo de proteína, hierro, vitaminas A y C, se utilizó como referencia la necesidad mediana estimada (Estimated Average Requirement) del National Research Council (2002). El calcio se evaluó por la ingestión adecuada (Adequate Intake, 1999). La evaluación de la ingestión de energía se realizó con base en la necesidad energética estimada (Estimated Energy Requirement, 2002). Los datos fueron analizados en el programa Epi-Info 2000, versión 3.4.3. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron déficits medianos para energía (49,78%), hierro (81,67%), calcio (57,44%), excesos de proteína (183,27%) y vitaminas A (126,86%) y C (57,44%). La distribución de los porcentuales de adecuación de los macronutrientes se mostró inadecuada para lípidos. CONCLUSIONES: Aunque los menús servidos en guarderías sean planeados por nutricionistas, los resultados apuntan a posibles fallas en el proceso de la alimentación infantil relacionadas a la preparación, proporcionamiento y/o prácticas de oferta de los alimentos. Tales hallazgos refuerzan la necesidad de acciones de educación y supervisión en salud para garantizar el suministro de alimentación adecuada a este grupo poblacional.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o consumo energético e a adequação da dieta de crianças frequentadoras de berçários de creches públicas e filantrópicas no município de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em 16 berçários, frequentados por 236 crianças com idades entre 12 e 29 meses. A coleta dos dados foi realizada pelo método de pesagem direta durante três dias não consecutivos. Para o cálculo nutricional, foi utilizado o software DietWin Profissional 2.0®, sendo posteriormente calculada a adequação do consumo de energia, proteína, ferro, vitamina A e vitamina C. Para o cálculo de proteína, ferro, vitamina A e C, foi utilizada como referência a necessidade média estimada (Estimated Average Requiremen) do National Research Council (2002). O cálcio foi avaliado pela ingestão adequada (Adequate Intake, 1999). A avaliação da ingestão de energia foi realizada com base na necessidade energética estimada (Estimated Energy Requirement, 2002). Os dados foram analisados no programa Epi-Info 2000, versão 3.4.3. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados déficits médios para energia (49,78%), ferro (81,67%), cálcio (57,44%), excessos de proteína (183,27%) e vitaminas A (126,86%) e C (57,44%). A distribuição dos percentuais de adequação dos macronutrientes mostrou-se inadequada para lipídeos. CONCLUSÕES: Embora os cardápios servidos em creches sejam planejados por nutricionistas, os resultados apontam possíveis falhas no processo da alimentação infantil relacionadas à preparação, porcionamento e/ou práticas de oferta dos alimentos. Tais achados reforçam a necessidade de ações de educação e supervisão em saúde para garantir o fornecimento de alimentação adequada a este grupo populacional.Universidade São Judas TadeuUNIFESPUNIFESPSciEL

    Ingestão de proteína, cálcio e sódio em creches públicas

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess calcium, protein and sodium intake, of children that attend public day-care centers and to compare it with the recommended one.METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive study in seven public day care centers of São Paulo city, Southeast Brazil, which enrolled 366 children between 12 and 36 months of age. The data collection occurred between September and December 2010. Each day care center was evaluated for three non-consecutive days, totaling 42 days and 210 meals. Dietary intake was assessed by a direct food weighing method. For the nutritional calculation, DietWin(r) Profissional 2.0 was used, and the adequacy was calculated according to the recommendations of the National School Feeding Program for energy, protein, calcium and sodium. The calcium/protein relation was also calculated, as well as calcium density (mg/1,000kcal).RESULTS:The energy (406.4kcal), protein (18.2g) and calcium (207.6mg) consumption did not reach the recommended values ​​in all the evaluated day care centers. Sodium intake exceeded up to three times the recommendation. The calcium/protein ratio of 11.7mg/g was less than the adequate one (20mg/g).CONCLUSIONS:There was inadequacy of calcium, protein and sodium dietary intake, in children attending public day-care centers.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la ingestión de calcio, proteína y sodio y compararla con la recomendada.MÉTODOS:Estudio transversal descriptivo realizado en nidos de siete guarderías públicas del municipio de São Paulo, que atendían a 366 niños entre 12 y 36 meses, siendo el periodo de recolección de septiembre a diciembre de 2010. Se evaluó cada guardería durante tres días no consecutivos, totalizando 42 días y 210 comidas. El consumo alimentar fue evaluado por método de pesaje directa de alimentos. Para el cálculo nutricional, se utilizó el software DietWin Profissional 2.0(r) y la adecuación se calculó según las recomendaciones del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar (PNAE) para energía, proteína, calcio y sodio. La relación calcio/proteína y la densidad de calcio (mg/1.000kcal) también fueron computados.RESULTADOS:Se constató que el consumo de energía (406,4kcal), de proteína (18,2g) y de calcio (207,6mg) no alcanzó los valores recomendados en todas las guarderías estudiadas, siendo que la ingestión de sodio sobrepasó en hasta tres veces la recomendación. La relación calcio/proteína de 11,7mg/g fue inferior a la adecuada (20mg/g).CONCLUSIONES:Los resultados de este estudio señalan la inadecuación del consumo alimentar de calcio, proteína y sodio, suministrando subsidios para el conocimiento sobre la ingestión de los nutrientes en la población infantil y para el primer paso de toma de conciencia y evaluación del consumo alimentar de niños insertados en el contexto de guarderías públicas.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ingestão de cálcio, proteína e sódio e compará-la com a recomendada, em crianças que frequentam creches públicas.MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo realizado em berçários de sete creches públicas do município de São Paulo, que atendiam 366 crianças entre 12 e 36 meses, com coleta entre setembro a dezembro de 2010. Avaliou-se cada creche durante três dias não consecutivos, totalizando 42 dias e 210 refeições. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por método de pesagem direta de alimentos. Para o cálculo nutricional, utilizou-se o software DietWin Profissional 2.0 (r)e a adequação foi calculada segundo as recomendações do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) para energia, proteína, cálcio e sódio. A relação cálcio/proteína e a densidade de cálcio (mg/1.000kcal) também foram computadas.RESULTADOS: Constatou-se que o consumo de energia (406,4kcal), de proteína (18,2g) e de cálcio (207,6mg) não atingiu os valores recomendados em todas as creches estudadas, sendo que a ingestão de sódio ultrapassou em até três vezes a recomendação. A relação cálcio/proteína de 11,7mg/g foi inferior à adequação (20mg/g).CONCLUSÕES: Há inadequação do consumo alimentar de cálcio, proteína e sódio, em crianças inseridas no contexto de creches públicas.Universidade Federal de Alagoas Faculdade de NutriçãoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Universidade Federal de PernambucoUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Antimicrobial resistance among migrants in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are rising globally and there is concern that increased migration is contributing to the burden of antibiotic resistance in Europe. However, the effect of migration on the burden of AMR in Europe has not yet been comprehensively examined. Therefore, we did a systematic review and meta-analysis to identify and synthesise data for AMR carriage or infection in migrants to Europe to examine differences in patterns of AMR across migrant groups and in different settings. METHODS: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE, Embase, PubMed, and Scopus with no language restrictions from Jan 1, 2000, to Jan 18, 2017, for primary data from observational studies reporting antibacterial resistance in common bacterial pathogens among migrants to 21 European Union-15 and European Economic Area countries. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to report data on carriage or infection with laboratory-confirmed antibiotic-resistant organisms in migrant populations. We extracted data from eligible studies and assessed quality using piloted, standardised forms. We did not examine drug resistance in tuberculosis and excluded articles solely reporting on this parameter. We also excluded articles in which migrant status was determined by ethnicity, country of birth of participants' parents, or was not defined, and articles in which data were not disaggregated by migrant status. Outcomes were carriage of or infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms. We used random-effects models to calculate the pooled prevalence of each outcome. The study protocol is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42016043681. FINDINGS: We identified 2274 articles, of which 23 observational studies reporting on antibiotic resistance in 2319 migrants were included. The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or AMR infection in migrants was 25·4% (95% CI 19·1-31·8; I2 =98%), including meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (7·8%, 4·8-10·7; I2 =92%) and antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (27·2%, 17·6-36·8; I2 =94%). The pooled prevalence of any AMR carriage or infection was higher in refugees and asylum seekers (33·0%, 18·3-47·6; I2 =98%) than in other migrant groups (6·6%, 1·8-11·3; I2 =92%). The pooled prevalence of antibiotic-resistant organisms was slightly higher in high-migrant community settings (33·1%, 11·1-55·1; I2 =96%) than in migrants in hospitals (24·3%, 16·1-32·6; I2 =98%). We did not find evidence of high rates of transmission of AMR from migrant to host populations. INTERPRETATION: Migrants are exposed to conditions favouring the emergence of drug resistance during transit and in host countries in Europe. Increased antibiotic resistance among refugees and asylum seekers and in high-migrant community settings (such as refugee camps and detention facilities) highlights the need for improved living conditions, access to health care, and initiatives to facilitate detection of and appropriate high-quality treatment for antibiotic-resistant infections during transit and in host countries. Protocols for the prevention and control of infection and for antibiotic surveillance need to be integrated in all aspects of health care, which should be accessible for all migrant groups, and should target determinants of AMR before, during, and after migration. FUNDING: UK National Institute for Health Research Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College Healthcare Charity, the Wellcome Trust, and UK National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimictobial Resistance at Imperial College London

    Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants

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    Summary Background Comparable global data on health and nutrition of school-aged children and adolescents are scarce. We aimed to estimate age trajectories and time trends in mean height and mean body-mass index (BMI), which measures weight gain beyond what is expected from height gain, for school-aged children and adolescents. Methods For this pooled analysis, we used a database of cardiometabolic risk factors collated by the Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Collaboration. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends from 1985 to 2019 in mean height and mean BMI in 1-year age groups for ages 5–19 years. The model allowed for non-linear changes over time in mean height and mean BMI and for non-linear changes with age of children and adolescents, including periods of rapid growth during adolescence. Findings We pooled data from 2181 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight in 65 million participants in 200 countries and territories. In 2019, we estimated a difference of 20 cm or higher in mean height of 19-year-old adolescents between countries with the tallest populations (the Netherlands, Montenegro, Estonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina for boys; and the Netherlands, Montenegro, Denmark, and Iceland for girls) and those with the shortest populations (Timor-Leste, Laos, Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea for boys; and Guatemala, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Timor-Leste for girls). In the same year, the difference between the highest mean BMI (in Pacific island countries, Kuwait, Bahrain, The Bahamas, Chile, the USA, and New Zealand for both boys and girls and in South Africa for girls) and lowest mean BMI (in India, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste, Ethiopia, and Chad for boys and girls; and in Japan and Romania for girls) was approximately 9–10 kg/m2. In some countries, children aged 5 years started with healthier height or BMI than the global median and, in some cases, as healthy as the best performing countries, but they became progressively less healthy compared with their comparators as they grew older by not growing as tall (eg, boys in Austria and Barbados, and girls in Belgium and Puerto Rico) or gaining too much weight for their height (eg, girls and boys in Kuwait, Bahrain, Fiji, Jamaica, and Mexico; and girls in South Africa and New Zealand). In other countries, growing children overtook the height of their comparators (eg, Latvia, Czech Republic, Morocco, and Iran) or curbed their weight gain (eg, Italy, France, and Croatia) in late childhood and adolescence. When changes in both height and BMI were considered, girls in South Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and some central Asian countries (eg, Armenia and Azerbaijan), and boys in central and western Europe (eg, Portugal, Denmark, Poland, and Montenegro) had the healthiest changes in anthropometric status over the past 3·5 decades because, compared with children and adolescents in other countries, they had a much larger gain in height than they did in BMI. The unhealthiest changes—gaining too little height, too much weight for their height compared with children in other countries, or both—occurred in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, New Zealand, and the USA for boys and girls; in Malaysia and some Pacific island nations for boys; and in Mexico for girls. Interpretation The height and BMI trajectories over age and time of school-aged children and adolescents are highly variable across countries, which indicates heterogeneous nutritional quality and lifelong health advantages and risks

    Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a prospective, international, multicentre cohort study

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    Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common infections associated with health care, but its importance as a global health priority is not fully understood. We quantified the burden of SSI after gastrointestinal surgery in countries in all parts of the world. Methods: This international, prospective, multicentre cohort study included consecutive patients undergoing elective or emergency gastrointestinal resection within 2-week time periods at any health-care facility in any country. Countries with participating centres were stratified into high-income, middle-income, and low-income groups according to the UN's Human Development Index (HDI). Data variables from the GlobalSurg 1 study and other studies that have been found to affect the likelihood of SSI were entered into risk adjustment models. The primary outcome measure was the 30-day SSI incidence (defined by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for superficial and deep incisional SSI). Relationships with explanatory variables were examined using Bayesian multilevel logistic regression models. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02662231. Findings: Between Jan 4, 2016, and July 31, 2016, 13 265 records were submitted for analysis. 12 539 patients from 343 hospitals in 66 countries were included. 7339 (58·5%) patient were from high-HDI countries (193 hospitals in 30 countries), 3918 (31·2%) patients were from middle-HDI countries (82 hospitals in 18 countries), and 1282 (10·2%) patients were from low-HDI countries (68 hospitals in 18 countries). In total, 1538 (12·3%) patients had SSI within 30 days of surgery. The incidence of SSI varied between countries with high (691 [9·4%] of 7339 patients), middle (549 [14·0%] of 3918 patients), and low (298 [23·2%] of 1282) HDI (p < 0·001). The highest SSI incidence in each HDI group was after dirty surgery (102 [17·8%] of 574 patients in high-HDI countries; 74 [31·4%] of 236 patients in middle-HDI countries; 72 [39·8%] of 181 patients in low-HDI countries). Following risk factor adjustment, patients in low-HDI countries were at greatest risk of SSI (adjusted odds ratio 1·60, 95% credible interval 1·05–2·37; p=0·030). 132 (21·6%) of 610 patients with an SSI and a microbiology culture result had an infection that was resistant to the prophylactic antibiotic used. Resistant infections were detected in 49 (16·6%) of 295 patients in high-HDI countries, in 37 (19·8%) of 187 patients in middle-HDI countries, and in 46 (35·9%) of 128 patients in low-HDI countries (p < 0·001). Interpretation: Countries with a low HDI carry a disproportionately greater burden of SSI than countries with a middle or high HDI and might have higher rates of antibiotic resistance. In view of WHO recommendations on SSI prevention that highlight the absence of high-quality interventional research, urgent, pragmatic, randomised trials based in LMICs are needed to assess measures aiming to reduce this preventable complication