8 research outputs found

    Binding of serum response factor to cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator CArG-like elements, as a new potential CFTR transcriptional regulation pathway

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    CFTR expression is tightly controlled by a complex network of ubiquitous and tissue-specific cis-elements and trans-factors. To better understand mechanisms that regulate transcription of CFTR, we examined transcription factors that specifically bind a CFTR CArG-like motif we have previously shown to modulate CFTR expression. Gel mobility shift assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses demonstrated the CFTR CArG-like motif binds serum response factor both in vitro and in vivo. Transient co-transfections with various SRF expression vector, including dominant-negative forms and small interfering RNA, demonstrated that SRF significantly increases CFTR transcriptional activity in bronchial epithelial cells. Mutagenesis studies suggested that in addition to SRF other co-factors, such as Yin Yang 1 (YY1) previously shown to bind the CFTR promoter, are potentially involved in the CFTR regulation. Here, we show that functional interplay between SRF and YY1 might provide interesting perspectives to further characterize the underlying molecular mechanism of the basal CFTR transcriptional activity. Furthermore, the identification of multiple CArG binding sites in highly conserved CFTR untranslated regions, which form specific SRF complexes, provides direct evidence for a considerable role of SRF in the CFTR transcriptional regulation into specialized epithelial lung cells

    Du lancement à la pérennisation d’une culture de sécurité au sein d’une PME

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    Le but de ce mémoire de master IS-PRNT est de décrire une méthode de travail pour établir une culture de la sécurité au sein d'une PME. La culture de la sécurité requiert la sensibilisation et l'implication de tous les employés dans un processus d'amélioration continue de la sécurité. La réalisation de cet objectif nécessite des actions techniques, un système de gestion de la sécurité et la prise en compte des facteurs humains et organisationnels. Ces trois aspects doivent être simultanés et orientés vers le même objectif.De plus, l'implication de la direction est vitale et les salariés deviennent acteurs de leur propre sécurité. La démarche, notamment avec les indicateurs de sécurité tels que le nombre d’accidents et le retour des salariés dans les équipements de protection, est sous la supervision d'une personne HSE. Ce programme d'amélioration continue a pour objectif la réduction des accidents du travail, un gain de production et une amélioration des conditionsde travail

    Data for Submission: Information Bottleneck in Peptide Conformation Determination by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    <p>Data and scripts for the submission titled Information Bottleneck in Peptide Conformation Determination by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy.</p> <p>Preprint available at arXiv:2306.08512</p> <p> </p&gt

    A compact von Hámos spectrometer for parallel X-ray Raman scattering and X-ray emission spectroscopy at ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    A compact spectrometer for medium-resolution resonant and non-resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy in von Hámos geometry is described. The main motivation for the design and construction of the spectrometer is to allow for acquisition of non-resonant X-ray emission spectra while measuring non-resonant X-ray Raman scattering spectra at beamline ID20 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. Technical details are provided and the performance and possible use of the spectrometer are demonstrated by presenting results of several X-ray spectroscopic methods on various compounds


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