2,444 research outputs found

    Separated Same-Sex Parents’ Experiences and Views of Services and Service Providers

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    Same-sex parents are compelled to be more reflective, to plan, and to negotiate their contact with mainstream service providers and professionals in an effort to find those whom they feel comfortable with disclosing their sexuality and/or to find a service provider who would adequately understand their unique needs. This paper presents findings from an Australian qualitative study of separated same-sex parents and explores their experiences with professionals and service providers during and after their separation. As a consequence of their separation, same-sex parents encountered new service providers with whom they had to navigate relationships with; this paper will focus on their experiences with the legal profession, mediation services, counseling, and mental health services. Findings demonstrated ongoing challenges for parents in finding service providers who they believed could meet and/or understand their specific needs. Heteronormativitiy, whether experienced or perceived, often created an added layer of marginalization for same-sex parents as they navigated the already difficult terrain of separation. Consequently, some parents did not access service providers and missed out on the help that they needed during their separation. Those that did visit professionals and service providers reported mixed experiences, with some participants describing encounters fraught with difficulty, while for others, their experiences were much better than they had anticipated. While some participants had a preference for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) specific service providers, some discovered a lack of understanding among LGBTI providers towards separating parents or non-biological mothers. This study highlights the need for better education and training for separation related service providers, both mainstream and LGBTI, and the need for more research exploring separation experiences of same-sex parented families

    Advanced high-temperature electromagnetic pump

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    Three phase helical, electromagnetic induction pump for use as boiler feed pump in potassium Rankine-cycle power system is described. Techniques for fabricating components of pump are discussed. Specifications of pump are analyzed

    La Agenda de Lisboa: situación y perspectivas

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    Este documento de trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis del estado de la denominada Agenda de Lisboa, que constituye el programa de acción adoptado por los Estados miembro de la UE en la reunión del Consejo de Lisboa celebrada en octubre de 2000. Este programa estableció el objetivo de convertir a la UE en la región más competitiva del mundo para el año 2010 y estableció una serie de acciones que deberían llevarse a cabo para alcanzar dicho objetivo. Este documento da un repaso en primer lugar a la propia agenda, resume y evalúa sus prioridades y, finalmente, analiza la forma en que se ha adoptado la agenda. A continuación, se analizan los avances realizados desde la Cumbre de Lisboa y se considera el cambio de tendencia en el crecimiento de la economía mundial. Esto a su vez eleva cuestiones sobre la importancia continuada de la Agenda y del grado en el que debe modificarse para poder responder de forma plena a las presiones de la globalización y la dinámica interna de la UE. Las conclusiones de este documento son las siguientes: 1. A pesar de que resulta difícil medir el progreso con respecto a la Agenda de Lisboa, parece que éste ha sido limitado. 2. Las suposiciones con respecto a la economía mundial y europea realizadas en el momento de la Cumbre ya no son válidas. 3. La propia Agenda ha descuidado la dimensión internacional de competitividad. 4. Es necesario hacer especial hincapié en la reestructuración de la industria y en sus perspectivas futuras, en los temas relacionados con el comercio y la inversión, y en los mercados laborales y sus reformas legislativas. También es necesario un planteamiento específico sobre la disponibilidad de banda ancha y sobre el sector financiero. 5. Es necesario actualizar y mejorar la Agenda de Lisboa de forma periódica; estas acciones deberán reflejar la necesidad de claridad con respecto a las prioridades principales y la necesidad de precisión con respecto a los instrumentos que deben utilizarse

    The Home-Sale Exclusion: A Proposal Targeted at Eliminating Speculation

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    Modifications adaptive to an aquatic habitat in the Coleoptera

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    Citation: Gahan, Arthur B. Modifications adaptive to an aquatic habitat in the Coleoptera. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1903.Morse Department of Special CollectionsIntroduction: Those representatives of the Coleoptera characterized by an aquatic habit show many interesting and remarkable variations from other beetles in their structure fitting them for such a life. Most of the various parts of the insect body are involved to a greater or lest extent in these modifications, but the most notable digressions from the structure of the terrestrial beetle are found in the shape of the body, in the manner of breathing, and in the structure of the legs. Adaptations are also noticeable in the length, shape, and position of the antennae, in the number and position of the eyes, and occasionally in the sculpturing of the elytra. In an article of the length of this it would be impossible to treat all of the various coleopterous insects inhabiting the water even were it possible to obtain specimens for such a treatment. Hence I have decided to limit the subject to a discussion and illustration of the principal adaptations found in the three great families Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, and Hydrophilidae. Since the individual species of each family do not differ greatly from one another, it will be necessary to use but a single species as indicative of the adaptations found in that family. As the well-known family Dytiscidae is generally recognized as first in the order of development, it will properly be taken up first. THE DYTISCIDAE. Preliminary to taking up the discussion of the adaptations of Dytiscidae to an aquatic life, it may be well to state briefly what their habits are. The entire family is composed of rapacious diving beetles that obtain their food by the destruction of smaller water insects and occasionally young fishes. The larval and pupa stages are passed in the water and upon moist earth respectively. The imago frequents ponds and pools of stagnant water in which there is a growth of water plants .Most of its time is spent beneath the water but it must occasionally rise to the surface for fresh air and often at nights it comes out and flies to a new pool or pond

    Multi-Path Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System for Performance Limited Aircraft with Flight Tests: Project Have Medusa

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    A multi-path automatic ground collision avoidance system (Auto-GCAS) for performance limited aircraft was further developed and improved to prevent controlled flight into terrain. This research includes flight test results from the United States Test Pilot School\u27s Test Management Project (TMP) titled Have Multi-Path Escape Decisions Using Sophisticated Algorithms (MEDUSA). Currently, the bomber and mobility air- craft communities lack an Auto-GCAS. The F-16 Auto-GCAS was proven successful for fighter-type aircraft with seven aircraft and eight lives saved from 2014 to 2018. The newly developed and tested Rapidly Selectable Escape Trajectory (RSET) sys- tem included a 5-path implementation which continuously updated at a rate of up to 12.5 Hz. The research employed Level 1 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) to identify the offending terrain and an augmented 6 Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) Stitched aerodynamic model to create terrain avoidance paths based on the aircraft\u27s current state and location. The system then triggered when all paths predicted collision with the DTED and automatically activated the path which had the longest time until impact. A terrain safety buffer (TSB) of 200 ft added to the DTED to allowed for the time needed to process and execute the maneuver. The RSET system was flight tested against DTED using the Calspan Learjet 25D Variable Stability System (VSS). Path prediction error (PPE) did not meet the specified criteria and was larger than expected for the 30-second path predictions; however, at the maximum refresh rate of 12.5 Hz, the RSET system ensured terrain clearance in all cases tested. The RSET system was able to achieve and maintain target load factor and flight path angle with momentary overshoots. The system showed no tendency for nuisance. The RSET hand-back was favorable and can be used as a baseline for future Auto-GCASs
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