426 research outputs found

    Discomfort food : how a market for synthetic foods is being assembled : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Geography at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Images redacted from thesis due to copyright reasonsThis research follows the discursive productions of human actors in an assemblage that is creating a market for Synthetic Foods. This assemblage, which includes human actants referred to here as The Movement, is represented in two major empirical themes. First it is demonstrated how The Movement is attempting to immaterially disassemble conventional Animal Agriculture, by discursively cleaving it from the notion that it produces natural foods. Second it is shown how The Movement is constructing a new market for natural foods, where animal products are made without animals. The non-human actors of this assemblage are said to be enrolled but this belies the multiple levels of negotiation that are yet to take place. Through collecting and analysing the media productions of The Movement, the discursive performances and relational spaces that constitute this assemblage can be traced. Through tracing these material and immaterial practices the main argument developed here is that a market for Synthetic Foods is being culturally assembled in a series of discursive productions. The Movements discursive texts show an attempt to both, requalify what natural foods are said to be and then to simultaneously create a spectacle that fixes the identities of actors that supposedly produce them. This can be understood using a Cultural Economy approach which extends the argument by demonstrating that this market assemblage recombines nature with its binary other, culture, in a new way, to form a differently constituted world

    Cesarean Section and Religious Hierarchies in Fifteenth- Century Europe

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    Cesarean section in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century was entangled in a web of legal, political, religious, medical, and ideological tensions. An act of desperation to save the child after the mother died, the procedure was embedded in the popular imagination and imbued with symbolic power. While it was promoted by the Catholic Church to save the souls of the infants through baptism, Jewish communities viewed the procedure with wariness due to its perceived unnaturalness. The coupling of divergent religious views on the procedure, a strained religious environment, and changes in the occupational landscape of obstetrics resulted in the utilization of cesarean section by Christians as a means to demonstrate the corporeal and occupational inferiority of Jews. Using the cesarean section as a point of entry, we can witness the subordination and marginalization of the Jewish midwife

    Landform vegetation relationships in southern Arizona

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    A First Look at Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) Data in an Area of Altered Volcanic Rocks and Carbonate Formations, Hot Creek Range, South Central Nevada

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    Three flight lines of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data were collected in 128 bands between 1.2 and 2.4 microns in the Hot Creek Range, Nevada on July 25, 1984. The flight lines are underlain by hydrothermally altered and unaltered Paleozoic carbonates and Tertiary rhyolitic to latitic volcanics in the Tybo mining district. The original project objectives were to discriminate carbonate rocks from other rock types, to distinguish limestone from dolomite, and to discriminate carbonate units from each other using AIS imagery. Because of high cloud cover over the prime carbonate flight line and because of the acquisition of another flight line in altered and unaltered volcanics, the study has been extended to the discrimination of alteration products. In an area of altered and unaltered rhyolites and latites in Red Rock Canyon, altered and unaltered rock could be discriminated from each other using spectral features in the 1.16 to 2.34 micron range. The altered spectral signatures resembled montmorillonite and kaolinite. Field samples were gathered and the presence of montmorillonite was confirmed by X-ray analysis

    “The Assistance of Science and Capital”: The Role of Technology in Establishing B.C.’s Hard Rock Mining Industry, 1876-1906

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    Cet article analyse le rôle des sciences et des technologies appliquées à l’industrie minière en Colombie-Britannique, au cours de la période de transition qui va du milieu du 19e siècle jusqu’à l’émergence, en 1906, de Cominco, complexe industriel intégré de la mine aux fonderies, typique des grandes compagnies minières du 20e siècle. Bien que maints observateurs de l’époque étaient persuadés que le développement scientifique et technologique constituait un facteur de progrès, cette étude suggère que le passage des méthodes traditionnelles aux techniques « modernes » a été plus difficile que prévu et que les résultats obtenus sont plutôt ambivalents.This article examines the role of technology and applied science in British Columbia's hard rock mining industry. It focuses on a transitional period, from the decline following the gold rushes of the mid century through to the emergence in 1906 of Cominco, a vertically-integrated mining and smelting complex typical of the large mining companies of the twentieth century. Although many contemporary observers held a naive faith in the possibilities of science and technology, the article argues that the transition to "modern mining" was more difficult and more complex than they had anticipated and its outcome a good deal more ambivalent

    Reproductive dynamics of the male Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus (L.)

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    The aim of this research was to examine various aspects of the reproductive biology of male Nephrops norvegicus. Due to differnces in the reproductive behaviour between the sexes males suffer greater fishing mortality. A reduction in the numbers and size of males within a fished population may have effects on the reproductive output of the population. The structure and functioning of the testes of N. norvegicus were examined histologically. The testis appeared to be made up of many acini, which drain into convoluted collecting tubules that carry the developing spermatozoa to the vas deferens. Each acinus appears to have an independent cycle of production by which secondary spermatophores are produced. There is a pronounced seasonal development of the ovaries in female N. norvegicus, however, no such seasonality has been observed in the testes. This study used histological and biochemical analyses to determine any changes in the level of reproductive output of the testes over the course of the year. There were no observed changes in the structure of the testes. There was no thickening of the tubule walls which has been observed during the breeding season in other decapods. There was no change in the amount of sperm produced over the course of the year

    Lector y narratario en dos relatos de Bryce Echenique

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