6 research outputs found
Serial Studies in a Case of Pulmonary Aspergillosis
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American College of Chest Physicians'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
JAID/JSC Guidelines for the Treatment of Respiratory Infectious Diseases: The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases/Japanese Society of Chemotherapy â The JAID/JSC Guide to Clinical Management of Infectious Disease/Guideline-preparing Committee Respiratory Infectious Disease WG
- Author
- Adams
- Ahmed
- Akaike
- Akao
- Akira
- Al-Mutair
- Albert
- Allewelt
- Altenburg
- Altunaiji
- Ameican Academy of Peiatrics
- American Thoracic Society Infectious Diseases Society of America
- Anthonisen
- Anwar
- Anzueto
- Araki
- Arancibia
- Ariano
- Arnold
- Asadi
- Asato
- Asberg
- Baddour
- Barnham
- Bartlett
- Benator
- Bernstein
- Blot
- Blumberg
- BlĂĄzquez Garrido
- Boggild
- Bonora
- Boyanova
- Braman
- British Thoracic Society
- Brook
- Brown
- Brown-Elliott
- Brun-Buisson
- Burley
- Bush
- Caillot
- Caillot
- CarratalĂ
- Celis
- Centers of Disease Prevention (CDC)
- Centers of Disease Prevention (CDC)
- Chakrabarti
- Chartrand
- Chastre
- Chastre
- Chastre
- Chastre
- Cherry
- Cherry
- Chuchalin
- Civen
- Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute
- Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute
- Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute
- Colice
- Combs
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Committee to Prepare the Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Infectious Diseases in Children
- Comstock
- Contopoulos-Ioannidis
- Cornely
- Couto
- Craven
- Craven
- Craven
- Cremades
- Crouch
- Cunha
- Cunha
- Cunha
- Curry
- Daley
- Dautzenberg
- Davies
- Denning
- Denny
- Dobbs
- DomĂnguez-Cherit
- Donnelly
- Donowitz
- East African/British Medical Research Councils
- East African/British Medical Research Councils
- El Moussaoui
- El Solh
- El-Solh
- El-Solh
- El-Solh
- Ewig
- Fagon
- Falagas
- Fartoukh
- Ferebee
- Field
- Finch
- Fink
- Foglia
- Fowler
- Freifeld
- Fujii
- Fujisawa
- Fukumi Nakamura-Uchiyama
- Fukuyama
- Funke
- Fusco
- Futoshi Higa
- Gallin
- GarcĂa-VĂĄzquez
- Gleckman
- Glezen
- Gonzales
- Gonzales
- Gordon
- Goto
- Gould
- Granizo
- Greene
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Griffith
- Grossman
- Gutierrez
- Hall
- Hayon
- Hedlund
- Helbig
- Herbrecht
- Higa
- Higashiyama
- Hirakata
- Hiroki Tsukada
- Hiroshi Sakata
- Hong Kong Chest Service/British Medical Research Council
- Hong Kong Chest Service/Tuberculosis Research Centre
- Hoshino
- Hossack
- Hsu
- Hsu
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hui
- Hull
- International Union Against Tuberculosis Committee on Prophylaxis
- Ishiwada
- Ishiwada
- Ito
- Jaccard
- Jacoby
- Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and Journal of Japanese Association for Anaerobic Infection Research
- Japanese Study Group on Aspiration Pulmonary Disease
- Jarand
- Jasmer
- Jenkins
- Jeon
- Jeong
- Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society
- Jones
- Jordan
- Junichi Kadota
- Kabir
- Kadota
- Kadota
- Kadota
- Kadota
- Kadowaki
- Kainer
- Kaneko
- Karino
- Katayama
- Katsunori Yanagihara
- Kazunobu Ouchi
- Kei Kasahara
- Keicho
- Keiichi Mikasa
- Kett
- Klassen
- Kneyber
- Kobashi
- Kobayashi
- Kohno
- Kohno
- Kohno
- Kohno
- Kohno
- Koichi Maeda
- Koichiro Yoshida
- Kollef
- Konishi
- Kotton
- Koulent
- Kudo
- Kudo
- Kunst
- Kuo
- Kurashima
- Kuriyama
- Kuroda
- Kuroki
- Kurosaki
- Kurosaki
- Kurosaki
- Kurosaki
- Labelle
- Light
- Lim
- Liston
- Liu
- Livemore
- Ljungman
- Loeb
- Loeb
- Maertens
- Mandell
- Mansbach
- Marcos
- Marie
- Marik
- Marr
- Martin-Loeches
- Maruyama
- Masahumi Seki
- Maskell
- Masterton
- Masterton
- Matsushima
- McIntosh
- Medical Section of the American Lung Association
- Meletiadis
- Menzies
- Mikasa
- Mine
- Miravitlles
- Miravitlles
- Misawa
- Miyashita
- Mogi
- Mokhlesi
- Moretti
- Mori
- Morozumi
- Morozumi
- Morozumi
- Mrik
- Muder
- Muder
- Mukae
- Munoz-Price
- Muratani
- Nagai
- Nakamura
- Nakamura
- Nakamura
- Nakamura-Uchiyama
- Nakamura-Uchiyama
- Nakata
- Naoki Kishida
- Nathwani
- National Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Nightingale
- Niki
- Nobuki Aoki
- Norrby
- Nseir
- O'Brien
- O'Neal
- Obara
- Odagiri
- Ohno
- Okada
- Oosterheert
- Ormerod
- Osamu Kobayashi
- Oshima
- Oshima
- Pallares
- Pallares
- Pappas
- Paterson
- Peleg
- Petitpretz
- Pezzia
- Pinkerton
- PönkÀ
- Rajapaksa
- Randolph
- Regnard
- Rello
- Rello
- Rihkanen
- Rim
- Roosevelt
- Rosenthal
- Rothstein
- Rotstein
- Rubinstein
- Saito
- Saito
- Sakata
- Sakata
- Sato
- Sato
- Sato
- Sato
- Sato
- Satoshi Iwata
- Sauret
- Schweizer
- Segal
- Seki
- Seki
- Serisier
- Sethi
- Seymann
- Shay
- Shindo
- Shinzato
- Shirai
- Shiraishi
- Shishido
- Shoham
- Shohet
- Shuichi Abe
- Singh
- Singh
- Smith
- Smucny
- Snydman
- South East Asia Innfectious Disease Clinical Research Network
- Spellberg
- Starakis
- Streng
- Study group regarding the establishment of medical management by appropriate treatment with rare-disease drugs for imported tropical diseases/parasitosis
- StĂŒrchler
- Sub committee of the Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society
- Sudo
- Supervised by the Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control Division Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Taba
- Tahan
- Takahata
- Takamatsu
- Tan
- Tanaka
- Tani
- Taylor
- Teramoto
- Teramoto
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of nursing and healthcare associated pneumonia
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory infections
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory tract infection
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory tract infection
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory tract infection
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory tract infection
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory tract infection
- The committee for the Japanese Respiratory Society guidelines for the management of respiratory tract infection
- The Japanese Society for Tuberculosis
- The National Institute of Health-University of California Expert Panel for Corticosteroids as Adjunctive Therapy for Pneumocystis Pneumonia
- The nontuberculous mycobacteriosis control committee of the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis
- The Research Committee of the British Thoracic Society
- Thomas
- Thys
- Thys
- Tiwari
- Tomita
- Torres
- Trouillet
- Tsukada
- Turner
- Ubukata
- Ubukata
- Uchiyama
- van der Heijden
- Vardakas
- Venditti
- Verduin
- Vergis
- Villarino
- von Baum
- Wajima
- Walkey
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wang
- Watanabe
- Watanabe
- Watanabe
- Waterer
- Watts
- Weinstein
- Welliver
- Wenzel
- Wieching
- Wong
- Wozniak
- Wright
- Wunderink
- Yacovlev
- Yamaguchi
- Yamamoto
- Yamamoto
- Yamamoto
- Yamaya
- Yanagihara
- Yang
- Yoshida
- Yoshikawa
- Yosuke Aoki
- Yuan
- Yutaka Tokue
- Zervos
- Zoorob
- Ălvarez-Lerma
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Exercise pathophysiology and the role of oxygen therapy in idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
- Author
- Agusti
- Agusti
- American Thoracic S American College of Chest P.
- American Thoracic Society
- Arcasoy
- ATS Committee on Proficiency Standards for Clinical Pulmonary Function Laboratories
- Bajwah
- Belkin
- Bittner
- Blanco
- Boer
- Bois
- Brown
- Burdon
- Bye
- Chang
- Collard
- Cotes
- Crockett
- De Vries
- Dowman
- Eaton
- Egan
- Faludi
- Fell
- Ferreira
- Flaherty
- Frank
- Glaser
- Hallstrand
- Hansen
- Harris-Eze
- Harris-Eze
- Harris-Eze
- Hill
- Holland
- Holland
- Holland
- Holland
- Holland
- Holland
- Hook
- Huez
- Huppmann
- Javaheri
- King
- Kornbluth
- Kozu
- Lacasse
- Lama
- Lama
- Lederer
- Lourenco
- Magro
- Marciniuk
- Marciniuk
- Mendoza
- Midgren
- Miki
- Miyamoto
- Moloney
- Nadel
- Nishiyama
- Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial Group
- O'Donnell
- Paciocco
- Palange
- Patel
- Pepin
- Plas
- Pouwels-Fry
- Raghu
- Raghu
- Report of the Medical Research Council Working Party
- Revill
- Risk
- Ross
- Ryerson
- Singh
- Spruit
- Sun
- Swigris
- Swigris
- Swigris
- Swigris
- Travis
- Visca
- Vogiatzis
- Wagner
- Wallaert
- Wasserman
- Widimsky
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2016 (J-SSCG 2016)
- Author
- Abdul-Aziz
- Abdul-Aziz
- Abu-Khaber
- Adams
- Agarwal
- Agus
- Aikawa
- Alejandria
- Ali
- Amato
- Amato
- American Thoracic Society
- Annane
- Annane
- Annane
- Annane
- Annane
- Annane
- Annane
- Aoki
- Arabi
- Arabi
- Arabi
- Arabi
- Artigas
- Asakura
- Augustine
- Avni
- Azevedo
- Azevedo
- Azuhata
- Backer
- Baddour
- Baddour
- Badillo
- Bagshaw
- Bakker
- Banerjee
- Banks
- Barr
- Bates
- Bauer
- Bellomo
- Berghe
- Berghe
- Bernard
- Berney
- Bilotta
- Bilotta
- Bland
- Blot
- Blot
- Bollaert
- Bonafide
- Bone
- Bone
- Borzotta
- Bouadma
- Boulant
- Bouman
- Briegel
- Brierley
- Brochard
- Brocklehurst
- Brook
- Brower
- Brower
- Brummel
- Brunkhorst
- Brunkhorst
- Bruno
- Buck
- Burke
- Burtin
- Cade
- Caldeira
- Callahan
- Cappi
- Carcillo
- Cariou
- Casaer
- Cerra
- Chacko
- Chan
- Chandrasekar
- Charles
- Chaudhuri
- Chawla
- Chen
- Chiarelli
- Chlan
- Choong
- Chourdakis
- Chytra
- Cockerill
- Committee for the development of Japanese guidelines for the management of Pain Agitation, and Delirium in intensive care unit, Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
- Committee for the Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock
- Committee for the Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock
- Cruz
- Dantas
- Darenberg
- Davies
- Deconinck
- Deliberato
- Dellinger
- Dellinger
- Dellinger
- Dellinger
- Demling
- Denehy
- Desachy
- Devlin
- Doig
- Doig
- Doig
- Doig
- Dominioni
- Donze
- Dreyfuss
- Dubin
- Dulhunty
- Dulhunty
- Dunham
- Dvorak
- Eijk
- Elamin
- Elliott
- Ely
- Esteban
- Eyer
- Fan
- Farah
- Feihl
- Ferguson
- Finfer
- Finfer
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Fourrier
- Frat
- Friedrich
- Friedrich
- Fujii
- Fujishima
- Gajic
- Gamberini
- Gando
- Gando
- Gando
- Gando
- Garnacho-Montero
- Gasparovic
- Gattinoni
- Gaudry
- Gebara
- Gilmore
- Girard
- Girard
- Goh
- Goldstein
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gozzoli
- Grady
- Gray
- Grey
- Grundmann
- Gu
- Guidet
- Hadfield
- Han
- Harvey
- Hasburn
- Hasselgren
- Hawksworth
- Heidegger
- Henderson
- Hermans
- Heyland
- Hill
- Ho
- Ho
- Holst
- Hooton
- Hou
- Hsu
- Hu
- Huh
- Iapichino
- Improving Global Outcomes
- Infectious Disease Surveillance Center National Institute of Infectious Diseases
- Inoue
- Inwald
- Jalili
- Jansen
- Japanese Resuscitation Council
- Jeschke
- Joannes-Boyau
- John
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jong
- Jun
- Just
- Kalisvaart
- Kanji
- Kaplan
- Karatzanos
- Karlsson
- Kasai
- Katsenos
- Kayambu
- Kayambu
- Keh
- Kennedy
- Kho
- Kienast
- Kiriyama
- Kiyoyama
- Klein
- Kleyweg
- Knaus
- Kobayashi
- Koch
- Koch
- Kompan
- Koperna
- Koretz
- Kotani
- Kress
- Kress
- Kuan
- Kudsk
- Kumar
- Kushimoto
- Lacroix
- Landesberg
- Landry
- Langouche
- Larsen
- Lassnigg
- Laupland
- Lee
- Lee
- Leone
- Leteurtre
- Levi
- Levi
- Levi
- Levy
- Li
- Lins
- Litton
- Liu
- Long
- Long
- Luo
- Lv
- Mackenzie
- Macrae
- Magill
- Mahjoub
- Mahmoud
- Mandell
- Marcantonio
- Marik
- Marik
- Marik
- Martin
- Martin
- Masaoka
- Mauri
- Mauri
- Mazza
- McClave
- McDonald
- McIntyre
- McMullin
- Meade
- Meduri
- Mehta
- Mehta
- Mercat
- Mermel
- Mier
- Mikkelsen
- Minard
- Mitchell
- Mojtahedzadeh
- Moore
- Moran
- Morelli
- Morelli
- Morello
- Mouncey
- Murray
- Muskett
- Mussack
- Myburgh
- Nadel
- Nakagawa
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
- Nava
- Needham
- Needham
- Negi
- Nelson
- Network
- Ng
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nigwekar
- Nimmerjahn
- Nishimura
- Nishiyama
- Nishiyama
- Nisula
- Noble
- Nobre
- Nonaka
- Nuhr
- Nydahl
- O'Leary
- Oda
- Ogura
- Oksanen
- Oliveira
- Oliveira
- Oppert
- Ostermann
- Ostrosky-Zeichner
- Owais
- Pandharipande
- Park
- Parker
- Patel
- Pattanshetty
- Paul
- Paul
- Payen
- Peake
- Pearle
- Pearle
- Peck
- Peng
- Perner
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Petrucci
- Pfaller
- Pierrakos
- Plaisance
- Pohlman
- Polena
- Preiser
- Prescott
- Rabindranath
- Raimer
- Ranieri
- Ranieri
- Rapp
- Reuter
- Ricci
- Rice
- Rice
- Rice
- Richard
- Rijnders
- Rivers
- Roberts
- RodrĂguez
- Rosa
- Rosenberg
- Roush
- Routsi
- Rubenfeld
- Rudiger
- Russell
- Saito
- Santvoort
- Sartelli
- Sartelli
- Savioli
- Schefold
- Schortgen
- Schroeder
- Schulman
- Schweickert
- Sepsis Registry Committee of The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
- Serpa Neto
- Seymour
- Shankar-Hari
- Shaz
- Shehabi
- Shehabi
- Shime
- Shinjo
- Sillen
- Simon
- Simone
- Singer
- Singer
- Smith
- Solomkin
- Song
- Sprung
- Srinivasan
- Sterling
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stewart
- StrĂžm
- Svoboda
- Tabor
- Taccone
- Tagami
- Tagami
- Takahashi
- Talmor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- The Committee on Japanese Guidelines for Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult and Pediatric Critically Ill Patients Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Japanese Guidel ines for Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult and Pediatric Critically Ill Patients.
- The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine Committee of Pediatric Intensive Care
- The Veterans Administration Systemic Sepsis Cooperative Study Group
- Thompson
- Tibby
- Tichelaar
- Tokyo Igakusha
- Tsuchiya
- Tulzo
- Tunkel
- Uehlinger
- Uemura
- Umemura
- Valeri
- Valoor
- Vasilevskis
- Venet
- Ventura
- Vieillard-Baron
- Villar
- Villet
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Vinsonneau
- Violi
- Vivodtzev
- Vlasselaers
- Wacha
- Wacker
- Wada
- Waele
- Walters
- Wan
- Wang
- Wang
- Ware
- Warren
- Warren
- Watts
- Weiss
- Werdan
- Wiedemann
- Xu
- Yamakawa
- Yamamoto
- Yanagawa
- Yang
- Yang
- Yealy
- Young
- Young
- Yu
- Zanotti
- Zarbock
- Zeng
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Ziemba
- Zimmerman
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cystic Fibrosis Adult Care
- Author
- Abbott
- Abdale
- Abraham
- Allen
- American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Children with Disabilities and Committee on Adolescence
- American Thoracic Society
- Andreasson
- Anguiano
- Anstead
- Arens
- Aris
- Aris
- Aris
- Aris
- Armstrong
- Auerbach
- Augarten
- Bachrach
- Barnes
- Baroncelli
- Barr
- Beharry
- Bell
- Bhudhikanok
- Binkovitz
- Blum
- Blum
- Bonin
- Borowitz
- Botla
- Bourke
- Bradley
- Brasfield
- Braude
- Bresnihan
- Burns
- Cade
- Cappelli
- Carswell
- Cerny
- Chaun
- Chaun
- Chillon
- Church
- Cleghorn
- Cleghorn
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Colombo
- Colombo
- Colombo
- Colombo
- Colombo
- Colombo
- Committe on Technical Bulletins of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- Corey
- Corey
- Cotgreave
- Cotting
- Coughlin
- Cunningham
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Dalzell
- Davis
- Davis
- de Groot
- de Veciana
- Debray
- Denton
- Desmond
- di Sant'agnese
- Doershuk
- Donovan
- Dreyfus
- Dueholm
- Durie
- Dutta
- Eggleston
- Eigen
- Elborn
- Elborn
- Elkus
- Eng
- Equi
- Erskine
- Finkelstein
- Fitzpatrick
- FitzSimmons
- FitzSimmons
- Food and Nutrition Board and National Research Council
- Forstner
- Frangolias
- Fraser
- Fuchs
- Galabert
- Gammie
- Gan
- Gaskin
- Gaskin
- Geddes
- Gibbens
- Glick
- Gozal
- Grace
- Greally
- Grey
- Hahn
- Hanly
- Hardy
- Hausler
- Haworth
- Haworth
- Hayes
- Heijerman
- Hendeles
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henke
- Heuman
- Highsmith
- Hodson
- Hodson
- Hodson
- Hofmann
- Hordvik
- Hordvik
- Hordvik
- Hordvik
- Huang
- Imperiale
- Ionescu
- Jaffe
- Jensen
- Kanis
- Kaplan
- Kerem
- Kerns
- Khoshoo
- King
- King
- Knowles
- Koletzko
- Koletzko
- Konig
- Konig
- Konstan
- Kopito
- Kotloff
- Kraemer
- Kraisinger
- Kudoh
- Kun
- Lai
- Lanng
- Lanng
- Lanng
- Lark
- Ledson
- Lepage
- Lillibridge
- Lindblad
- Lindor
- Liou
- Liou
- Lipnick
- LiPuma
- LiPuma
- Littlewood
- Littlewood
- Littlewood
- Lloyd-Still
- Luce
- Mack
- MacLusky
- Mahlmeister
- Mak
- Marshall
- Maurer
- McCallum
- McCoy
- McIlwaine
- McIlwaine
- Medical Research Council Working Party
- Melton
- Merli
- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
- Milla
- Milla
- Milross
- Mischler
- Modolell
- Moran
- Moran
- Moser
- Nagel
- Narkewicz
- Nasr
- National Cholesterol Education Program
- National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
- Neglia
- Nickerson
- Nikolaizik
- Nixon
- Nobili
- Noble
- Noble-Jamieson
- Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial Group
- Noone
- Nousia-Arvanitakis
- O'Halloran
- Oppenheimer
- Palmer
- Pantin
- Park
- Peach
- Pirzada
- Poupon
- Pownceby
- Pryor
- Quan
- Ramsey
- Ramsey
- Ramsey
- Ramsey
- Rao
- Ratjen
- Ravilly
- Reisman
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rodman
- Rodwell
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenstein
- Rosenstein
- Rosenstein
- Rosenstein
- Saiman
- Saiman
- Salvatore
- Sanchez
- Sarin
- Schidlow
- Schidlow
- Schidlow
- Schiotz
- Schlesinger
- Schneiderman-Walker
- Schwarzenberg
- Seale
- Shah
- Shak
- Shane
- Shapiro
- Sharer
- Sheldon
- Shields
- Shiffman
- Slesinski
- Smyth
- Sokol
- Sokol
- Sood
- Southey
- Stafanger
- Stead
- Steinkamp
- Steinkamp
- Stern
- Stern
- Strong
- Sullivan
- Summers
- Swinson
- Szaff
- Tepper
- Teran
- The EPEC (Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care) Project
- The Sperm Microaspiration Retrieval Techniques Study Group
- Thomas
- Tonelli
- Tournaye
- Townshend
- University of Washington Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Child Development and Mental Retardation Center
- van de Meeberg
- van Haren
- Vandenplas
- Vaz Fragoso
- Wall
- Wang
- Weatherly
- Weintraub
- Widerman
- Williams
- Wills
- Wilmott
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wolter
- Wu
- Yankaskas
- Zach
- Zach
- Zanker
- Zinman
- Publication venue
- 'American College of Chest Physicians'
- Publication date
- Field of study