4,303 research outputs found

    Acute kidney injury on chronic kidney disease: From congestive heart failure to light chain deposition disease and cast nephropathy in multiple myeloma

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    Acute on chronic renal failure is a common but notably broad diagnosis. We present a 64-year-old man with a history of diastolic heart failure and chronic kidney disease, admitted for an elevated creatinine. History and physical examination were suggestive of decompensated heart failure; however, the careful interpretation of urinalysis rendered the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. On renal biopsy, the patient was found to have light chain deposition disease with cast nephropathy. Combination lesions in multiple myeloma are rare and require diligent histopathology for detection, including light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. These patients portray different demographics, renal manifestations, oncologic characteristics and outcomes, and hence, further studies isolating these combined lesions are warranted

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    Capillary Waves at Liquid/Vapor Interfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    Evidence for capillary waves at a liquid/vapor interface are presented from extensive molecular dynamics simulations of a system containing up to 1.24 million Lennard-Jones particles. Careful measurements show that the total interfacial width depends logarithmically on L∥L_\parallel, the length of the simulation cell parallel to the interface, as predicted theoretically. The strength of the divergence of the interfacial width on L∥L_\parallel depends inversely on the surface tension γ\gamma. This allows us to measure γ\gamma two ways since γ\gamma can also be obtained from the difference in the pressure parallel and perpendicular to the interface. These two independent measures of γ\gamma agree provided that the interfacial order parameter profile is fit to an error function and not a hyperbolic tangent, as often assumed. We explore why these two common fitting functions give different results for γ\gamma

    « Domestiquer »  l’incertitude : Les sociétés d’État comme instrument d’adaptation aux changements économiques internationaux

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    The author recalls briefly the recent growth (20 years) of the Government controlled enterprises in the market economies : relative weight multiplied by three and mostly, a very strong diversification of their activities. Because pressure front the international environment is exerted on the old industrial societies like Canada in order that they redeploy, this trend will continue. Adaptations are made difficult and politically costly by social rigidness. In this connection, Government controlled enterprises offer very clear advantages compared to the other means available (flexibility, discretion, existence capacity of the adapters and late-comers, dispersion of forums of conflict, cooptation of the elites, real and expected contributions to growth). The forces which hinder the privatization of the Government controlled enterprises, coming from the conservative parties, are impressive : economic and political costs, possibilities of de facto privatization, the interests of the Government controlled enterprises themselves and their allies. In short, it is very likely that this trend will go on. In the face of this, the amount of expert knowledge leaves much to be desired'; some of the main lines of research are dead ends. The author outlines some new directions which will allow research to really integrate the Government controlled enterprises in the economic predictions and policy making

    Drainage and retention of water in small drainage cavities : experimental assessment

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    Water that enters the drainage cavity of a rain screen wall assembly through deficiencies in the cladding will either be drained or retained by absorption or adhesion on the drainage surfaces. The objective of this study is to gain insight into the different factors that affect the quantity of water drained or retained in a drainage cavity. Drainage tests have been conducted for water flowing between two vertical polycarbonate plates with different gap widths to determine the effect on the drainage rate. Tests showed that even small cavities with a width of 1 mm can already drain more water than the amount that would enter the cavity during a rain event. Experiments were performed to determine the contact angle of water on a range of different sheathing materials such as asphalt saturated building paper, spun-bonded polyethylene wrap and cross-woven polyolefin wrap by the use of an optical goniometer. Drainage tests have been conducted for different combinations of these materials to quantify the effect of surface energy on the drainage rate. A larger contact angle results in a smaller quantity of water retained during the drainage test. These tests result in a retained portion of water and a drainage rate for different combinations of materials. The retained portion of water may be considered as a moisture load applied to the outer-most layer of the wall assembly’s back-up wall in hygrothermal simulations

    Intermédialité, deixis et politique

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    La sphère intermédiatique est un espace symbolique au sein duquel on peut s'approprier les récits par transfert médiatique. Leur deixis transformée, ces récits se voient reterritorialisés. Ce phénomène fut marquant au Québec au début du XXe siècle, alors qu'on adapta pour le vaudeville, le théâtre ou la radio locale nombre de récits du cinéma américain.The intermedial sphere is a symbolic space in which narratives are open to appropriation through a media transfer which results in the transformation of their deixis, as well as their reterritorialization. This was a significant phenomenon in Quebec where several forms of adaptation of American cinema narratives appeared in vaudeville, theater and local radio in the beginning of the twentieth century

    William Maxwell Aitken, père tout-puissant du cinéma canadien

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    Le cinéma documentaire canadien, principalement produit par l'Office national du film du Canada (ONF), est un cinéma de propagande valorisant le modèle britannique du capitalisme. Ce cinéma a été pensé et organisé pendant la Première Guerre mondiale par William Maxwell Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, qui décupla la production de films pour stimuler le patriotisme canadien.Canadian documentary cinema, produced mostly by the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), is a cinema of propaganda which advocates the British model of capitalism. This cinema was thought out and organized during the First World War by William Maxwell Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, who increased film production tenfold to stimulate Canadian patriotism

    Vestiges narratifs. Les Premiers Temps du scénario québécois

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    L'histoire du scénario au Québec n'est pas caractérisée par une lente progression, mais plutôt par des périodes de considération et d'autres, de rejet. Si les cinéastes du direct des années 1960 se souciaient peu de l'écrit, leurs prédécesseurs des années 1920 l'utilisaient déjà. Les quelques films de fiction faits à Montréal à cette époque étaient tous basés sur des scénarios. Leurs auteurs étaient souvent des femmes et des journalistes, tout comme les premiers scénaristes américains. Les journaux de l'époque lancèrent des concours de scénarios et publièrent des textes montrant qu'on connaissait assez bien cette technique d'écriture et son importance dans l'organisation narrative du film.The story of scenario in Québec is not one of slow but constant development, it is rather one of opposing flows of interest and reject. Filmmakers of the years around 1960 did not care too much about the technique of screenwriting, but their predecessors of 1920 did. The films made in Montréal at that time were all based on a script. Their authors were most often women and journalists, just like the first screenwriters in the United States. Newspapers of those years launched screenwriting competition; the texts published show surprising knowledge of this particular writing skill, and of itsimportance in the narrative structure of the film
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