1,352 research outputs found

    Interclerkship Day 2006: Improving Patient Safety: Paul Barach

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    Safeguarding the Future of Bangladeshi Children: The Need for a Comprehensive National Educational System

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    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)—the human rights treaty ratified by the most States Parties—is binding international law which enumerates the rights guaranteed to all children worldwide. Despite the widespread ratification of the CRC, many countries lack the proper legislation and agencies to ensure that these rights are afforded to all children. One such country is Bangladesh. A relatively new country, Bangladesh gained its independence in 1971 and was one of the first twenty countries to ratify the CRC. Notwithstanding this eagerness to promote children’s rights, Bangladeshi children suffer from a high level of abuse and neglect, including being forced into child labor at a young age, falling victim to exploitation and trafficking, and failing to complete their education. The aggregate effect of these factors has a long-term and devastating impact on the child’s mental, physical, and behavioral development. This Note examines the recent actions taken by the Bangladeshi government to implement new legislation and create government agencies and social programs to focus on protecting children from child labor. While acknowledging these efforts, this Note discusses where these attempts fall short. In light of these problems, this Note will propose the creation of a nationwide comprehensive education that is uniform and available to all children throughout Bangladesh. It will stress the importance of collaboration between the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and the Bangladeshi government to create a “child budget” to build new schools, train teachers and tutors, and create after-school programs. All of this, coupled with a focus on involving parents in their children’s education, will help children to get the tools they need to stay in school and create longstanding and achievable goals for their future

    The Energy Index of the Circulatory System:

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    Investigation of high energy radiation from a plasma focus

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    Included are seventeen topics covering the experimental setup, diagnostics, analyses and various applications of the plasma focus. An invention, a hypocycloidal-pinch apparatus, is also included

    Teams and cardiac surgery

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    Motivation\ud Our study is designed to identify human factors that are a threat to the safety of children with heart disease.\ud \ud Research approach\ud After an initial observation period, we will apply a major safety intervention. We will then re-measure the occurrence and types of human factors in the operating room, and the incidence of adverse events, near misses and hospital death, to evaluate if there was a significant post-intervention reduction. \ud \ud Findings/design\ud We focus on challenges encountered during the training of the observers. Research Limitations\ud Because of the complexity of the OR, observations are necessarily subjective. \ud \ud Originality/Value\ud This work is original because of the systematic evaluation of a safety intevention and the training protocol for the observers.\ud \ud Take Away Message\ud Systematic and periodic assessment of observers is required when teamwork is observed in complex, dynamic settings

    Development and identification of petrophysical rock typing for effective reservoir characterization

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    Rock typing is an essential tool used to distribute reservoir rock and fluid properties in reservoir models. It provides more accurate estimates of oil reserves during field studies and prediction of reservoir performance. These properties are required inputs for static and dynamic models to populate porosity, permeability, and shale volume which influence reservoir productivity. During field development studies (FDP), the technical main aim is to design a fit for purpose project within budget to produce commercial volume of hydrocarbons in the field and reduce residual oil in the reservoirs. However, geomodellers frequently faced challenges in integrating geological facies with rock characteristics and fluid flow to predict petrophysical properties due to limited correlation between geological features and engineering concepts. This thesis examined Petrophysics rock types based rock classification scheme by comparing the approaches using rock samples. Among the trimmed approaches are Hydraulic Flow Unit(HFU), Global Hydraulic Elements(GHE), Winland R35, Pore Geometry Structure (PGS). Also presented is the use of electrical and nuclear log data obtained from the well Neutron-Density to produce relationships that tie pore geometric attributes, pore structures, and hydraulic flow characteristics. The study selected Hydraulic Units and GHE methods among others to be robust in Rock Typing based on consistencies observed between porosity and permeability relationships in typical clastics reservoirs. Thus, it reduces the uncertainties in reservoir models. Using capillary data to derive saturation height functions, the Hydraulic units demonstrated consistent results of rock types that integrates geological description with engineering hydraulic features

    Network Overload due to Massive Attacks

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    We study the cascading failure of networks due to overload, using the betweenness centrality of a node as the measure of its load following the Motter and Lai model. We study the fraction of survived nodes at the end of the cascade pfp_f as function of the strength of the initial attack, measured by the fraction of nodes pp, which survive the initial attack for different values of tolerance α\alpha in random regular and Erd\"os-Renyi graphs. We find the existence of first order phase transition line pt(α)p_t(\alpha) on a pαp-\alpha plane, such that if p<ptp <p_t the cascade of failures lead to a very small fraction of survived nodes pfp_f and the giant component of the network disappears, while for p>ptp>p_t, pfp_f is large and the giant component of the network is still present. Exactly at ptp_t the function pf(p)p_f(p) undergoes a first order discontinuity. We find that the line pt(α)p_t(\alpha) ends at critical point (pc,αc)(p_c,\alpha_c) ,in which the cascading failures are replaced by a second order percolation transition. We analytically find the average betweenness of nodes with different degrees before and after the initial attack, investigate their roles in the cascading failures, and find a lower bound for pt(α)p_t(\alpha). We also study the difference between a localized and random attacks