1,414 research outputs found

    Altered Standards of Care: Needed Reform for When the Next Disaster Strikes

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    Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century,

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    Although this book features a number of excellent essays, it is hard to under- stand why it was ever written. One would have profited more from reread- ing Ernst Haas’s brilliant 1953 essay on the topic (“The Balance of Power: Pre- scription, Concept, or Propaganda,” World Politics 5, no. 4 [July 1953], pp. 442–77)

    Mongolian Security in the 21st Century: In quest of Friends and Partners, Not Allies

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    No abstract available DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjia.v0i5.362 The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs; Number 5, 1998, Pages 8-1

    Dimensionality reduction and multiscale modeling for the understanding of protein folding and hierarchical self-assembly

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    The monomeric and assembled structures of proteins significantly influence their function. In order to rationally design proteins for specific applications, it is necessary to understand the ways in which those proteins fold and aggregate. In this thesis, I consider problems of protein folding and aggregation with a focus on two specific applications and investigate different methods for understanding the effects of chemistry and external environment on their monomeric and assembled conformations. First, I employ molecular dynamics and nonlinear dimensionality reduction to study a family of antimicrobial peptides with different side chain lengths and demonstrate a critical side chain length that determines backbone secondary structure in solution. Second, I study the effects of environment and chemistry upon oligopeptides that spontaneously assemble into bioelectronic nanostructures. By employing coarse-grained molecular dynamics to reach sufficient length and time scales to observe salient properties of assembly, I demonstrate that aggregation proceeds hierarchically, that flow has little effect on the early stages of assembly, and that aggregation in a specific pH range improves peptide alignment. I also identify regions of model parameter space defining particular peptide chemistries that are expected to rapidly agglomerate into fibrils with desirable optoelectronic properties. In sum, this work establishes new computational methods and machine learning techniques, deepens understanding of how to control the conformations of antimicrobial peptides in solution, and presents a multiscale model for the rational design of peptides for bioelectronic applications such as organic photovoltaic cells, organic field effect transistors, and biocompatible pH sensors

    A Population-Based Psychometric Validation Study of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire – Hebrew Version

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    This study presents the psychometric properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire – Hebrew version (SDQ-H), used in the Israel Survey on Mental Health among Adolescents (ISMEHA). The SDQ-H was administered to a representative sample of 611 adolescents and their mothers. Structural validity was evaluated by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) inventory was used as “gold standard” to test convergent and discriminant validity. Internal consistency and normative scores were established. Agreement was found with the original factor structure, except for the Peer problem scale. Concurrent and discriminant validity varied from fair to very good for most scales. Total Difficulties scores showed better discriminant validity for the adolescents’ than the mothers’ report for internalizing disorders, and the opposite for externalizing disorders. Internal consistency for the Total Difficulties was 0.77 and for the Hyperactivity scale it was 0.73. It was lower for the other scales, particularly for the Peer problems scale. The findings suggest reasonable psychometric properties of the SDQ-H. Comparisons with other translated SDQ versions are presented

    Butyrylated starch is less susceptible to enzymic hydrolysis and increases large-bowel butyrate more than high-amylose maize starch in the rat

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    Large-bowel fermentation of resistant starch produces SCFA that are believed to be important in maintaining visceral function. High-amylose maize starch (HAMS) and acylated starches are sources of resistant starch and are an effective means of increasing colonic SCFA. Cooking increases digestibility of starches but its effects on the capacity of these starches to raise large-bowel SCFA are unknown. We have examined the effects of cooking of HAMS and butyrylated HAMS (HAMSB) on amylolysis in vitro and their capacity to raise caeco-colonic SCFA in rats. The starches were boiled in excess water and microwaved, followed by drying at 100°C. Cooking increased in vitro glucose release for both starches but significantly less from HAMSB. Rat growth rates were unaffected when fed cooked resistant starch. Digesta pH was increased in the caecum and proximal colon of rats fed cooked HAMS. Distal colonic pH was highest in rats fed cooked HAMSB. Factorial analyses (2×2) of caecal SCFA pools showed significant differences between HAMS and HAMSB, and that cooking significantly lowered caecal butyrate pools. Portal venous butyrate concentrations were higher in both HAMSB groups than those fed HAMS. The data suggest that HAMSB is less susceptible to in vitro amylolysis than HAMS following cooking and delivers more butyrate to rat caecum than HAMS. This attribute may be useful in food applications for specific delivery of SCFA to the colon. Preparation of carbohydrates to simulate human food in animal experiments may be important to assess nutritional and physiological effects accurately.Balázs H. Bajka, David L. Topping, Lynne Cobiac and Julie M. Clark

    Size Ranges of Magnetic Domain States in Tetrataenite

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    Paleomagnetic studies of meteorites provide unique constraints on the evolution of magnetic fields in the early solar system. These studies rely on the identification of magnetic minerals that can retain stable magnetizations over ≳4.5 billion years (Ga). The ferromagnetic mineral tetrataenite (γ''-Fe0.5Ni0.5) is found in iron, stony-iron and chondrite meteorite groups. Nanoscale intergrowths of tetrataenite have been shown to carry records of paleomagnetic fields, although the effect of magnetostatic interactions on their magnetic remanence acquisition remains to be fully understood. Tetrataenite can also occur as isolated, non-interacting, nanoscale grains in many meteorite groups, although the paleomagnetic potential of these grains is particularly poorly understood. Here, we aim to improve our understanding of tetrataenite magnetization to refine our knowledge of existing paleomagnetic analyses and broaden the spectrum of meteorite groups that can be used for future paleomagnetic studies. We present the results of analytical calculations and micromagnetic modeling of isolated tetrataenite grains with various geometries. We find that tetrataenite forms a stable single domain state at grain lengths between 6 and ∼160 nm dependent on its elongation. It also possesses a magnetization resistant to viscous remagnetization over the lifetime of the solar system at 293 K. At larger grain sizes, tetrataenite's lowest energy state is a lamellar two-domain state, stable at Ga-scale timescales. Unlike many other magnetic minerals, tetrataenite does not form a single-vortex domain state due to its large uniaxial anisotropy. Our results show that single domain and two-domain tetrataenite grains carry an extremely stable magnetization and therefore are promising for paleomagnetic studies

    Plasma formation from ultracold Rydberg gases

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated the spontaneous evolution of a gas of ultracold Rydberg atoms into an expanding ultracold plasma, as well as the reverse process of plasma recombination into highly excited atomic states. Treating the evolution of the plasma on the basis of kinetic equations, while ionization/excitation and recombination are incorporated using rate equations, we have investigated theoretically the Rydberg-to-plasma transition. Including the influence of spatial correlations on the plasma dynamics in an approximate way we find that ionic correlations change the results only quantitatively but not qualitatively

    Applying the Huntington’s Disease Integrated Staging System (HD-ISS) to Observational Studies

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    Background: The Huntington’s Disease Integrated Staging System (HD-ISS) has four stages that characterize disease progression. Classification is based on CAG length as a marker of Huntington’s disease (Stage 0), striatum atrophy as a biomarker of pathogenesis (Stage 1), motor or cognitive deficits as HD signs and symptoms (Stage 2), and functional decline (Stage 3). One issue for implementation is the possibility that not all variables are measured in every study, and another issue is that the stages are broad and may benefit from progression subgrouping./ Objective: Impute stages of the HD-ISS for observational studies in which missing data precludes direct stage classification, and then define progression subgroups within stages./ Methods: A machine learning algorithm was used to impute stages. Agreement of the imputed stages with the observed stages was evaluated using graphical methods and propensity score matching. Subgroups were defined based on descriptive statistics and optimal cut-point analysis./ Results: There was good overall agreement between the observed stages and the imputed stages, but the algorithm tended to over-assign Stage 0 and under-assign Stage 1 for individuals who were early in progression./ Conclusion: There is evidence that the imputed stages can be treated similarly to the observed stages for large-scale analyses. When imaging data are not available, imputation can be avoided by collapsing the first two stages using the categories of Stage≤1, Stage 2, and Stage 3. Progression subgroups defined within a stage can help to identify groups of more homogeneous individuals.
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