77 research outputs found

    3-uniform hypergraphs: modular decomposition and realization by tournaments

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    Let HH be a 3-uniform hypergraph. A tournament TT defined on V(T)=V(H)V(T)=V(H) is a realization of HH if the edges of HH are exactly the 3-element subsets of V(T)V(T) that induce 3-cycles. We characterize the 3-uniform hypergraphs that admit realizations by using a suitable modular decomposition

    Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004-2011

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    Ce travail vise à étudier les formes d’investissement du nombre dans des situations proposées dans des manuels scolaires du cycle collégial au Maroc. Il s’agit d’un concept d’une grande importance épistémologique et didactique. En effet, l’acquisition de plusieurs autres concepts et de plusieurs capacités spécifiques aux mathématiques ou transversales exige une maitrise des nombres et de leurs manipulations. De plus le nombre est l’un des concepts qui favorisent des jeux de cadres qui sont au même temps nécessaires pour mieux percevoir son sens. La place du nombre dans le curriculum scolaire marocain adressé au cycle collégial et les cadres dont il est traité, font l’objet de cet article. L’exploration est entreprise dans des activités proposées par des manuels scolaires destinés aux apprenants des niveaux du cycle collégial. Pratiquement, il s’agit de l’examen d’activités destinées à l’animation des deux phases du processus enseignement/apprentissage, conceptualisation et d’exercisation et relevant du domaine des équations du premier degré à une inconnue. L’analyse a porté sur les types de nombres mis en situation et sur les cadres où ils sont traités. Il a été déduit une présence d’une certaine diversification dans les activités proposées dans les manuels scolaires choisis et une nette corrélation entre les choix faits dans les deux phases. Néanmoins, des insuffisances ont été observées pour certains niveaux scolaires.This work aims to study the forms of investment of the number in situations proposed in school textbooks of the college cycle in Morocco. It is a concept with great epistemological and didactical importance. Indeed, the acquisition of several other concepts and several specific skills in mathematics requires a mastery of numbers and their manipulations. In addition, number is one of the concepts that allows the framework games, which are at the same time necessary to perceive very well its meaning. The place of the number in the Moroccan school curriculum addressed to the college cycle and the frameworks where it is treated, are the subject of this article. Exploration is undertaken in activities given by textbooks for learners at the college level. Practically, it is the examination of the activities pertaining to the two phases of the teaching / learning, conceptualization and exercise process and also pertaining to the domain of equations from the first degree with one unknown. The analysis focused on the types of numbers put in situation and on the frameworks where they are treated. It was deduced a diversification in the activities proposed in the selected textbooks and a clear correlation between the choices made in the two phases. However, shortcomings have been observed for certain educational levels.This work aims to study the forms of investment of the number in situations proposed in school textbooks of the college cycle in Morocco. It is a concept with great epistemological and didactical importance. Indeed, the acquisition of several other concepts and several specific skills in mathematics requires a mastery of numbers and their manipulations. In addition, number is one of the concepts that allows the framework games, which are at the same time necessary to perceive very well its meaning. The place of the number in the Moroccan school curriculum addressed to the college cycle and the frameworks where it is treated, are the subject of this article. Exploration is undertaken in activities given by textbooks for learners at the college level. Practically, it is the examination of the activities pertaining to the two phases of the teaching / learning, conceptualization and exercise process and also pertaining to the domain of equations from the first degree with one unknown. The analysis focused on the types of numbers put in situation and on the frameworks where they are treated. It was deduced a diversification in the activities proposed in the selected textbooks and a clear correlation between the choices made in the two phases. However, shortcomings have been observed for certain educational levels.  Article visualizations

    On Some Inequalities Involving Three or More Means

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    We investigate some results about mean-inequalities involving a large number of bivariate means. As application, we derive a lot of inequalities between four or more means among the standard means known in the literature

    Relative operator entropy properties related to some weighted metrics

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    In recent decades, intensive research has been devoted to the study of various operator entropies.  In this work, we investigate the properties of the parameterized relative operator entropy Sp(A | B) acting on positive definite matrices with respect to weighted Hellinger and Alpha Procrustes distances. In particular, we investigate  estimation of the distance between the entropy Sp(A | B) and certain standard means

    An exact method to generate all nondominated spanning trees

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    We describe an exact method to generate the nondominated set of the minimum spanning tree problem with at least two criteria. It is a separation and construction based method whose branching process is done with respect to edges belonging to at least two cycles of a given graph, inducing a step of constructing linear constraints that progressively break cycles while respecting the connectivity of the resulting graph. This has the effect of partitioning the initial graph into subgraphs, each of which corresponds to a discrete multi-objective linear program allowing to find the nondominated set of spanning trees. Randomly generated instances with more than two criteria are provided that show the efficiency of the method