633 research outputs found

    Synergistic Microbial Consortium for Bioenergy Generation from Complex Natural Energy Sources

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    Microbial species have evolved diverse mechanisms for utilization of complex carbon sources. Proper combination of targeted species can affect bioenergy production from natural waste products. Here, we established a stable microbial consortium with Escherichia coli and Shewanella oneidensis in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) to produce bioenergy from an abundant natural energy source, in the form of the sarcocarp harvested from coconuts. This component is mostly discarded as waste. However, through its usage as a feedstock for MFCs to produce useful energy in this study, the sarcocarp can be utilized meaningfully. The monospecies S. oneidensis system was able to generate bioenergy in a short experimental time frame while the monospecies E. coli system generated significantly less bioenergy. A combination of E. coli and S. oneidensis in the ratio of 1 : 9 (v : v) significantly enhanced the experimental time frame and magnitude of bioenergy generation. The synergistic effect is suggested to arise from E. coli and S. oneidensis utilizing different nutrients as electron donors and effect of flavins secreted by S. oneidensis. Confocal images confirmed the presence of biofilms and point towards their importance in generating bioenergy in MFCs

    C-di-GMP regulates <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> stress response to tellurite during both planktonic and biofilm modes of growth

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    Stress response plays an important role on microbial adaptation under hostile environmental conditions. It is generally unclear how the signaling transduction pathway mediates a stress response in planktonic and biofilm modes of microbial communities simultaneously. Here, we showed that metalloid tellurite (TeO(3)(2–)) exposure induced the intracellular content of the secondary messenger cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Two diguanylate cyclases (DGCs), SadC and SiaD, were responsible for the increased intracellular content of c-di-GMP. Enhanced c-di-GMP levels by TeO(3)(2–) further increased P. aeruginosa biofilm formation and resistance to TeO(3)(2–). P. aeruginosa ΔsadCΔsiaD and PAO1/p(lac)-yhjH mutants with low intracellular c-di-GMP content were more sensitive to TeO(3)(2–) exposure and had low relative fitness compared to the wild-type PAO1 planktonic and biofilm cultures exposed to TeO(3)(2–). Our study provided evidence that c-di-GMP level can play an important role in mediating stress response in microbial communities during both planktonic and biofilm modes of growth

    Spawning rings of exceptional points out of Dirac cones

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    The Dirac cone underlies many unique electronic properties of graphene and topological insulators, and its band structure--two conical bands touching at a single point--has also been realized for photons in waveguide arrays, atoms in optical lattices, and through accidental degeneracy. Deformations of the Dirac cone often reveal intriguing properties; an example is the quantum Hall effect, where a constant magnetic field breaks the Dirac cone into isolated Landau levels. A seemingly unrelated phenomenon is the exceptional point, also known as the parity-time symmetry breaking point, where two resonances coincide in both their positions and widths. Exceptional points lead to counter-intuitive phenomena such as loss-induced transparency, unidirectional transmission or reflection, and lasers with reversed pump dependence or single-mode operation. These two fields of research are in fact connected: here we discover the ability of a Dirac cone to evolve into a ring of exceptional points, which we call an "exceptional ring." We experimentally demonstrate this concept in a photonic crystal slab. Angle-resolved reflection measurements of the photonic crystal slab reveal that the peaks of reflectivity follow the conical band structure of a Dirac cone from accidental degeneracy, whereas the complex eigenvalues of the system are deformed into a two-dimensional flat band enclosed by an exceptional ring. This deformation arises from the dissimilar radiation rates of dipole and quadrupole resonances, which play a role analogous to the loss and gain in parity-time symmetric systems. Our results indicate that the radiation that exists in any open system can fundamentally alter its physical properties in ways previously expected only in the presence of material loss and gain

    Calculated energy performance certificate of a duplex house and energy renovation analysis

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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena izdelava računske energetske izkaznice s poudarkom na priporočilih za energetsko sanacijo dvostanovanjske stavbe, locirane v Medvodah. Stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1985. V tem obdobju se je začela uporabljati toplotna izolacija, saj so se ĆŸe pojavljala vpraĆĄanja o energetski učinkovitosti stavb. Energetska izkaznica stavb je potrebna pri prodaji in najemu stavbe, če je obdobje najema daljĆĄe od enega leta. Obvezna je tudi pri novogradnji kot del projekta izvedenih del. V uvodnem delu sem predstavil veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja področje učinkovite rabe energije v stavbah. Potem sem s pomočjo programa TEDI in TOST izdelal računsko energetsko izkaznico za obravnavani objekt v obstoječem stanju, nato pa sem se osredotočil na učinkovitost posameznega ukrepa energetske sanacije. Pri vsakem ukrepu sem komentiral dobljene rezultate in se odločil o smiselnosti njegove izvedbe v odvisnosti od tehnične zahtevnosti in posledičnega prihranka energije. Pri obravnavani stavbi se največ energije, potrebne za ogrevanje z menjavo transparentnega dela in mehanskim prezračevanjem, prihrani z vračanjem toplote odpadnega zraka, in sicer blizu 50 %. Z izborom vseh ukrepov, za katere menim, da so smiselni, pa se prihrani preko 80 % potrebne letne toplote za ogrevanje stavbe. Tudi koeficient specifičnih transmisijskih izgub se zmanjĆĄa za 60 %. Poveča pa se potreba po hlajenju, kar je tipična stranska ĆĄkoda zelo dobro toplotno izoliranih stavb. V zaključnem delu so predstavljene ugotovitve, nastale tekom diplomske naloge.In the undergraduate thesis, the production of the calculated energy performance certificate for the specific building is undertaken. This is done with the emphasis on recommendations for energy renovation of the duplex residential building, which is located in Medvode, Slovenia and was built in 1985. When the building was constructed, energy efficiency was already gaining importance. Consequently many buildings constructed in this period were moderately thermally insulated. An energy performance certificate is legally required when a building is offered for purchase and when it is leased for a period longer than one year. Furthermore the certificate is mandatory for newly built properties, as a basic requirement for the project plan. The thesis initially examines the current legislation, which regulates the area of energy efficiency in buildings. Next the energy performance for the considered building will be produced. This will be done with TEDI and TOST computer software. After that, individual technical measures will be analysed. The viability of these measures will be assessed in consideration of technical complexity and estimated energy savings potential. For the considered building, the greatest energy savings can be realised with exterior joinery renovation and installation of heat recovery ventilation. The implementation of booth measures accounts for about 50% of energy savings. With the comprehensive renovation, more than 80% of the annual heat required for the building would be preserved. In this case the specific heat transfer coefficient would decrease by about 60 %. On the contrary the requirements for cooling would increase, which is the common downside of a well-insulated building

    Computational model of blood flow in the aorto-coronary bypass graft

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    BACKGROUND: Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery is an effective treatment modality for patients with severe coronary artery disease. The conduits used during the surgery include both the arterial and venous conduits. Long- term graft patency rate for the internal mammary arterial graft is superior, but the same is not true for the saphenous vein grafts. At 10 years, more than 50% of the vein grafts would have occluded and many of them are diseased. Why do the saphenous vein grafts fail the test of time? Many causes have been proposed for saphenous graft failure. Some are non-modifiable and the rest are modifiable. Non-modifiable causes include different histological structure of the vein compared to artery, size disparity between coronary artery and saphenous vein. However, researches are more interested in the modifiable causes, such as graft flow dynamics and wall shear stress distribution at the anastomotic sites. Formation of intimal hyperplasia at the anastomotic junction has been implicated as the root cause of long- term graft failure. Many researchers have analyzed the complex flow patterns in the distal sapheno-coronary anastomotic region, using various simulated model in an attempt to explain the site of preferential intimal hyperplasia based on the flow disturbances and differential wall stress distribution. In this paper, the geometrical bypass models (aorto-left coronary bypass graft model and aorto-right coronary bypass graft model) are based on real-life situations. In our models, the dimensions of the aorta, saphenous vein and the coronary artery simulate the actual dimensions at surgery. Both the proximal and distal anastomoses are considered at the same time, and we also take into the consideration the cross-sectional shape change of the venous conduit from circular to elliptical. Contrary to previous works, we have carried out computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study in the entire aorta-graft-perfused artery domain. The results reported here focus on (i) the complex flow patterns both at the proximal and distal anastomotic sites, and (ii) the wall shear stress distribution, which is an important factor that contributes to graft patency. METHODS: The three-dimensional coronary bypass models of the aorto-right coronary bypass and the aorto-left coronary bypass systems are constructed using computational fluid-dynamics software (Fluent 6.0.1). To have a better understanding of the flow dynamics at specific time instants of the cardiac cycle, quasi-steady flow simulations are performed, using a finite-volume approach. The data input to the models are the physiological measurements of flow-rates at (i) the aortic entrance, (ii) the ascending aorta, (iii) the left coronary artery, and (iv) the right coronary artery. RESULTS: The flow field and the wall shear stress are calculated throughout the cycle, but reported in this paper at two different instants of the cardiac cycle, one at the onset of ejection and the other during mid-diastole for both the right and left aorto-coronary bypass graft models. Plots of velocity-vector and the wall shear stress distributions are displayed in the aorto-graft-coronary arterial flow-field domain. We have shown (i) how the blocked coronary artery is being perfused in systole and diastole, (ii) the flow patterns at the two anastomotic junctions, proximal and distal anastomotic sites, and (iii) the shear stress distributions and their associations with arterial disease. CONCLUSION: The computed results have revealed that (i) maximum perfusion of the occluded artery occurs during mid-diastole, and (ii) the maximum wall shear-stress variation is observed around the distal anastomotic region. These results can enable the clinicians to have a better understanding of vein graft disease, and hopefully we can offer a solution to alleviate or delay the occurrence of vein graft disease

    Control of a novel chaotic fractional order system using a state feedback technique

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    We consider a new fractional order chaotic system displaying an interesting behavior. A necessary condition for the system to remain chaotic is derived. It is found that chaos exists in the system with order less than three. Using the Routh-Hurwitz and the Matignon stability criteria, we analyze the novel chaotic fractional order system and propose a control methodology that is better than the nonlinear counterparts available in the literature, in the sense of simplicity of implementation and analysis. A scalar control input that excites only one of the states is proposed, and sufficient conditions for the controller gain to stabilize the unstable equilibrium points derived. Numerical simulations confirm the theoretical analysis. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Transcriptional corepressors in cancer

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    The normal cell transcriptional process entails a high degree of combinatorial effects and time‐dependent “flexibility” to translate cellular signaling into differential gene expression levels. Transcriptional corepressors can function as histone‐modifying enzymes to regulate epigenetic events, modulate chromatin structure, and hence control transcriptional activity. Various corepressor complexes have been described; qualitative and quantitative alterations of corepressors can crucially influence the transcriptional output of both normal and malignant cells. Because these molecules can exert epigenetic control of tumorigenic signaling pathways, they can be considered potential regulators of cancer cell‐related phenomena. Alterations of the expression level and/or function of transcriptional corepressors have been reported in a wide range of human cancers; thus, corepressors may present rational therapeutic targets as well as potential biomarkers of response to selective therapeutic interventions. Deeper insights into the context‐specific and time‐specific physical connections among transcription factors, coregulators, and gene regulatory elements, as well as epigenetic modifications, and their interactions, can enhance the capacity to interfere with small molecules that may restore the normal transcriptome/interactome in a cancer cell. There are several conceivable mechanisms of corepressor targeting in cancer that create enthusiasm. However, design, discovery, and testing of such innovative treatment approaches require extensive elaboration before they can achieve practical implementation in the clinic. Cancer 2013. © 2012 American Cancer Society. Alterations in the structure, expression level, and/or function of transcriptional corepressors have been documented in a broad array of human malignancies. Therefore, corepressors may function as rational therapeutic targets and/or potential biomarkers of response to selective chemotherapy regimens.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96650/1/27908_ftp.pd

    The molecular and cellular origin of human prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed male malignancy. Despite compelling epidemiology, there are no definitive aetiological clues linking development to frequency. Pre-malignancies such as proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA) and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) yield insights into the initiating events of prostate cancer, as they supply a background "field" for further transformation. An inflammatory aetiology, linked to recurrent prostatitis, and heterologous signalling from reactive stroma and infiltrating immune cells may result in cytokine addiction of cancer cells, including a tumour-initiating population also known as cancer stem cells (CSCs). In prostate tumours, the background mutational rate is rarely exceeded, but genetic change via profound sporadic chromosomal rearrangements results in copy number variations and aberrant gene expression. In cancer, dysfunctional differentiation is imposed upon the normal epithelial lineage, with disruption/disappearance of the basement membrane, loss of the contiguous basal cell layer and expansion of the luminal population. An initiating role for androgen receptor (AR) is attractive, due to the luminal phenotype of the tumours, but alternatively a pool of CSCs, which express little or no AR, has also been demonstrated. Indolent and aggressive tumours may also arise from different stem or progenitor cells. Castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) remains the inevitable final stage of disease following treatment. Time-limited effectiveness of second-generation anti-androgens, and the appearance of an AR-neuroendocrine phenotype imply that metastatic disease is reliant upon the plasticity of the CSC population, and indeed CSC gene expression profiles are most closely related to those identified in CRPCs

    Hydrogen Storage Materials for Mobile and Stationary Applications: Current State of the Art

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    One of the limitations to the widespread use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is its storage in a safe and compact form. Herein, recent developments in effective high-capacity hydrogen storage materials are reviewed, with a special emphasis on light compounds, including those based on organic porous structures, boron, nitrogen, and aluminum. These elements and their related compounds hold the promise of high, reversible, and practical hydrogen storage capacity for mobile applications, including vehicles and portable power equipment, but also for the large scale and distributed storage of energy for stationary applications. Current understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the interaction of hydrogen with these light compounds is summarized, as well as basic strategies to meet practical targets of hydrogen uptake and release. The limitation of these strategies and current understanding is also discussed and new directions proposed
