280 research outputs found

    Insertion of T4-lysozyme (T4L) can be a useful tool for studying olfactory-related GPCRs.

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    The detergents used to solubilize GPCRs can make crystal growth the rate-limiting step in determining their structure. The Kobilka laboratory showed that insertion of T4-lysozyme (T4L) in the 3rd intracellular loop is a promising strategy towards increasing the solvent-exposed receptor area, and hence the number of possible lattice-forming contacts. The potential to use T4L with the olfactory-related receptors hOR17-4 and hVN1R1 was thus tested. The structure and function of native and T4L-variants were compared. Both receptors localized to the cell membrane, and could initiate ligand-activated signaling. Purified receptors not only had the predicted alpha-helical structures, but also bound their ligands canthoxal (MW = 178.23) and myrtenal (MW = 150.22). Interestingly, the T4L variants had higher percentages of soluble monomers compared to protein aggregates, effectively increasing the protein yield that could be used for structural and function studies. They also bound their ligands for longer times, suggesting higher receptor stability. Our results indicate that a T4L insertion may be a general method for obtaining GPCRs suitable for structural studies

    MaGIC: a machine learning tool set and web application for monoallelic gene inference from chromatin

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    Background: A large fraction of human and mouse autosomal genes are subject to random monoallelic expression (MAE), an epigenetic mechanism characterized by allele-specific gene expression that varies between clonal cell lineages. MAE is highly cell-type specific and mapping it in a large number of cell and tissue types can provide insight into its biological function. Its detection, however, remains challenging. Results: We previously reported that a sequence-independent chromatin signature identifies, with high sensitivity and specificity, genes subject to MAE in multiple tissue types using readily available ChIP-seq data. Here we present an implementation of this method as a user-friendly, open-source software pipeline for monoallelic gene inference from chromatin (MaGIC). The source code for the MaGIC pipeline and the Shiny app is available at https://github.com/gimelbrantlab/magic Conclusion: The pipeline can be used by researchers to map monoallelic expression in a variety of cell types using existing models and to train new models with additional sets of chromatin marks.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (award U54 HG007963

    In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Random Monoallelic Expression in Lymphocytes That Traces Back to Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    Funding Information: This work has received funding from the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under grants PTDC/BEX-BCM/5900/2014 and IF/ 1823 01721/2014/CP1252/CT0005, and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 752806. NK received a fellowship (PD/BD/114164/2016) from FCT. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Kubasova, Alves-Pereira, Gupta, Vinogradova, Gimelbrant and Barreto.Evaluating the epigenetic landscape in the stem cell compartment at the single-cell level is essential to assess the cells’ heterogeneity and predict their fate. Here, using a genome-wide transcriptomics approach in vivo, we evaluated the allelic expression imbalance in the progeny of single hematopoietic cells (HSCs) as a read-out of epigenetic marking. After 4 months of extensive proliferation and differentiation, we found that X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is tightly maintained in all single-HSC derived hematopoietic cells. In contrast, the vast majority of the autosomal genes did not show clonal patterns of random monoallelic expression (RME). However, a persistent allele-specific autosomal transcription in HSCs and their progeny was found in a rare number of cases, none of which has been previously reported. These data show that: 1) XCI and RME in the autosomal chromosomes are driven by different mechanisms; 2) the previously reported high frequency of genes under RME in clones expanded in vitro (up to 15%) is not found in clones undergoing multiple differentiation steps in vivo; 3) prior to differentiation, HSCs have stable patterns of autosomal RME. We propose that most RME patterns in autosomal chromosomes are erased and established de novo during cell lineage differentiation.publishersversionpublishe

    Autosomal Monoallelic Expression in the Mouse

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    Background: Random monoallelic expression defines an unusual class of genes displaying random choice for expression between the maternal and paternal alleles. Once established, the allele-specific expression pattern is stably maintained and mitotically inherited. Examples of random monoallelic genes include those found on the X-chromosome and a subset of autosomal genes, which have been most extensively studied in humans. Here, we report a genome-wide analysis of random monoallelic expression in the mouse. We used high density mouse genome polymorphism mapping arrays to assess allele-specific expression in clonal cell lines derived from heterozygous mouse strains. Results: Over 1,300 autosomal genes were assessed for allele-specific expression, and greater than 10% of them showed random monoallelic expression. When comparing mouse and human, the number of autosomal orthologs demonstrating random monoallelic expression in both organisms was greater than would be expected by chance. Random monoallelic expression on the mouse autosomes is broadly similar to that in human cells: it is widespread throughout the genome, lacks chromosome-wide coordination, and varies between cell types. However, for some mouse genes, there appears to be skewing, in some ways resembling skewed X-inactivation, wherein one allele is more frequently active. Conclusions: These data suggest that autosomal random monoallelic expression was present at least as far back as the last common ancestor of rodents and primates. Random monoallelic expression can lead to phenotypic variation beyond the phenotypic variation dictated by genotypic variation. Thus, it is important to take into account random monoallelic expression when examining genotype-phenotype correlation

    Olfactory receptor accessory proteins play crucial roles in receptor function and gene choice

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    Each of the olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) chooses to express a single G protein-coupled olfactory receptor (OR) from a pool of hundreds. Here, we show the receptor transporting protein (RTP) family members play a dual role in both normal OR trafficking and determining OR gene choice probabilities. Rtp1 and Rtp2 double knockout mice (RTP1,2DKO) show OR trafficking defects and decreased OSN activation. Surprisingly, we discovered a small subset of the ORs are expressed in larger numbers of OSNs despite the presence of fewer total OSNs in RTP1,2DKO. Unlike typical ORs, some overrepresented ORs show robust cell surface expression in heterologous cells without the co-expression of RTPs. We present a model in which developing OSNs exhibit unstable OR expression until they choose to express an OR that exits the ER or undergo cell death. Our study sheds light on the new link between OR protein trafficking and OR transcriptional regulation.R01 DC012095 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC014423 - NIDCD NIH HH

    Derivation of Pre-X Inactivation Human Embryonic Stem Cells under Physiological Oxygen Concentrations

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    The presence of two active X chromosomes (XaXa) is a hallmark of the ground state of pluripotency specific to murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Human ESCs (hESCs) invariably exhibit signs of X chromosome inactivation (XCI) and are considered developmentally more advanced than their murine counterparts. We describe the establishment of XaXa hESCs derived under physiological oxygen concentrations. Using these cell lines, we demonstrate that (1) differentiation of hESCs induces random XCI in a manner similar to murine ESCs, (2) chronic exposure to atmospheric oxygen is sufficient to induce irreversible XCI with minor changes of the transcriptome, (3) the Xa exhibits heavy methylation of the XIST promoter region, and (4) XCI is associated with demethylation and transcriptional activation of XIST along with H3K27-me3 deposition across the Xi. These findings indicate that the human blastocyst contains pre-X-inactivation cells and that this state is preserved in vitro through culture under physiological oxygen.Susan WhiteheadHillel and Liliana Bachrac
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