9 research outputs found
The Boundaries of humanity: humans, animals, machines
- Publication venue
- 'University of California Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study
To the age-old debate over what it means to be human, the relatively new fields of sociobiology and artificial intelligence bring new, if not necessarily compatible, insights. What have these two fields in common? Have they affected the way we define humanity? These and other timely questions are addressed with colorful individuality by the authors of The Boundaries of Humanity .Leading researchers in both sociobiology and artificial intelligence combine their reflections with those of philosophers, historians, and social scientists, while the editors explore the historical and contemporary contexts of the debate in their introductions. The implications of their individual arguments, and the often heated controversies generated by biological determinism or by mechanical models of mind, go to the heart of contemporary scientific, philosophical, and humanistic studies
The South and the American Military Industrial Complex
- Publication venue
- eGrove Press
- Publication date
- 07/10/1988
- Field of study
“The Aquinas of the Rednecks”: reconciliation, the southern character, and the bootleg ministry of Will D. Campbell
- Author
- Benjamin Houston
- Biddle Perry H.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Campbell Will D.
- Chappell David
- Clancy Walter B.
- Connelly Thomas L.
- Egerton John
- Egerton John
- Fast Howard
- Faulkner William
- Findlay James F.
- Frady Marshall
- Gaillard Frye
- Gibble Kenneth
- Hawkins Merrill M.
- Hobson Fred
- Kennedy Thomas D.
- Kreuger Thomas
- Reed Linda
- Samway Patrick H.
- Sosna Morton
- Wright Lawrence
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hypermobility of the first metatarsal bone in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis treated by lapidus procedure
- Author
- Antonín Sosna
- BR Grebing
- CL Mitchell
- CP Jones
- DJ Morton
- FW Faber
- G Vandeputte
- HB Kitaoka
- J Greisberg
- JK Ellington
- JY Kim
- K Klaue
- K Shi
- KT Lee
- KV Coughlin
- KV Voellmicke
- L Fleming
- LS Barouk
- LS Barouk
- M Maestro
- MJ Coughlin
- MS Myerson
- N Espinosa
- OF Akin
- PA Bednarz
- Pavel Vavřík
- PW Lapidus
- PW Lapidus
- R Hromádka
- RA Ravenell
- Rastislav Hromádka
- S Patel
- S Popelka
- S Popelka
- SK Sarrafian
- SM Rush
- Stanislav Popelka
- Stanislav Popelka
- Vladislav Barták
- W Schneider
- W Schneider
- WB Smith
- WL Keller
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Author
- Abe
- American Cancer Society
- Aoyama
- Arimura
- Armato
- Armato
- Armato
- Armato III
- Austin
- Beam
- Birdwell
- Brown
- Brown
- Bunch
- Campadelli
- Chan
- Chan
- Chang
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Cupples
- D'Orsi
- Dachman
- Dean
- Drukker
- Drukker
- Egan
- Elmore
- Feig
- Feig
- Flehinger
- Freedman
- Freer
- Garra
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Giger
- Gilhuijs
- Golub
- Gur
- Gurcan
- Hara
- Heelan
- Helvie
- Henschke
- Henschke
- Henschke
- Horsch
- Horsch
- Horsch
- Horsch
- Huo
- Huo
- Huo
- Ibrahim
- Jemal
- Jiang
- Jiang
- Jiang
- Jiang
- Jiang
- Kakeda
- Kaneko
- Karssemeijer
- Khoo
- Kiss
- Ko
- Kobayashi
- Lee
- Li
- Li
- Macari
- MacMahon
- MacMahon
- Matsumoto
- McFarland
- Metz
- Miettinen
- Miettinen
- Morton
- Muramatsu
- Nappi
- Nappi
- Nappi
- Nappi
- Nishikawa
- Nishikawa
- Oda
- Penn
- Royster
- Sahiner
- Sahiner
- Shah
- Sklansky
- Sobue
- Sone
- Sone
- Sosna
- Stavros
- Summers
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Suzuki
- Swensen
- Swensen
- Swett
- te Brake
- Vyborny
- Vyborny
- Warren-Burhenne
- Wiemker
- Winsberg
- Wu
- Wu
- Xu
- Yoshida
- Yoshida
- Yoshida
- Zheng
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Four Crises of Democracy: Representation, Mastery, Discipline, Anticipation
- Author
- Alasdair Roberts
- Alasdair Roberts
- Alasdair Roberts
- Alasdair S. Roberts
- Bruce Smith
- Charles A Kupchan
- Charles H Heatherly
- Charles Kupchan
- Charles P Stewart
- Chrystia Freeland
- Clinton Rossiter
- Crozier
- Daniel R Ernst
- David B Robertson
- David H Rosenbloom
- David Runciman
- Dennis F Thompson
- Department Of Justice
- Donella H Meadows
- E J Shriver
- Edwin F Gay
- Elena Kagan
- Ernest Crosby
- Francis Fukuyama
- Franklin D Roosevelt
- Gabriel Wildau
- Gavin Hewitt
- Geoff Dyer
- George Soros
- Georgios Georgiadis
- Gilbert H Montague
- Ha-Joon Chang
- Hamlin Garland
- Harold Laski
- Heniff
- Herman Kahn
- Ian Buruma
- Ida H Harper
- Inez Gillmore
- James Bryce
- James Bryce
- James C Scott
- James M Buchanan
- James Pfiffner
- James Reston
- Jane Seaberry
- Janet Beer
- Jeff Manza
- Jeremy Brecher
- Jimmy Carter
- Jo Guldi
- John Dunn
- John Dunn
- John J Diiulio
- John M Mecklin
- John Micklethwait
- John Moody
- John R Macarthur
- John Reed
- Jon Hovi
- Jonathan Boston
- Joseph E Stiglitz
- Joshua Kurlantzick
- Jurgen Habermas
- Karl R Popper
- Kurt Weyland
- Lawrence Lessig
- Leon Fuerth
- Lindsay Rogers
- Luther H Gulick
- Mancur Olson
- Martin Jacques
- Matthew Flinders
- Michael Flamm
- Michael J Glennon
- Michael J Hogan
- Michael Witt
- Morton Sosna
- Niall Ferguson
- Outlook
- Paul Bowles
- Paul Krugman
- Pendleton Herring
- Peter G Peterson
- Peter H Schuck
- Peter Mair
- Peter Orzag
- Philip Coggan
- Ralph Nader
- Richard E B Simeon
- Richard Katz
- Richard Polenberg
- Richard W Waterman
- Robert Strausz-Hup�
- Robert W Staiger
- Samuel Brittan
- Sanford Levinson
- Shailer Mathews
- Simon J Evenett
- Simon Johnson
- Spencer Overton
- Thomas Borstelmann
- Thomas E Mann
- Thomas F Cargill
- Thomas L Friedman
- Timothy Mitchell
- Victor Zarnowitz
- Von Uexkull
- Walter Kickert
- Walter Lippmann
- Walter Lippmann
- Walter Weyl
- Whittam Smith
- William C Mitchell
- William Galston
- Wolfgang Schivelbusch
- X
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Bearing the White Man's Burden: American Empire and the Origin of Public Administration
- Author
- A Lowell
- A Lowell
- Aaron B Wildavsky
- Alasdair Roberts
- Alasdair S. Roberts
- Aldon D Morris
- Alice B Stone
- Alleyne Ireland
- Alleyne Ireland
- Alleyne Ireland
- Alleyne Ireland
- Alleyne Ireland
- Alleyne Ireland
- Alpheus H Snow
- Anthony Bertelli
- Brian J Cook
- Camilla Stivers
- Carl E Boyd
- Clarence E Ridley
- Colin D Moore
- Daniel Immerwahr
- Desmond S King
- Donald F Kettl
- Dwight Waldo
- Edward G Bourne
- Eleanor Laudicina
- Elizabeth Ramsey
- Ethan D Schrum
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Frank J Goodnow
- Franklin C L Ng
- Frederick A Cleveland
- Frederick A Cleveland
- Frederick A Cleveland
- Frederick A Cleveland
- Frederick C Mosher
- Fritz Sager
- Garrett Power
- Grover Starling
- Henry Bru�re
- Hindy Schachter
- Ira Katznelson
- Jacob G Schurman
- James Bryce
- James T Young
- James T Young
- James T Young
- James T Young
- James T Young
- Jay M Shafritz
- Jedidiah Kroncke
- Jedidiah Kroncke
- Jeremy F Plant
- Jessica Blatt
- John D Millett
- John M Cooper
- John W Burgess
- John W Burgess
- John W Burgess
- Jonathan E Beagles
- Jos C N Raadschelders
- Kyle Farmbry
- Lynn Laurence
- Lynn Laurence
- M Haque
- M Hoffman
- Matthew T Witt
- Matthew T Witt
- Mordecai Lee
- Morton Sosna
- New Haven
- Nicholas Henry
- Nicholas Henry
- Noel Pugach
- Noriko Kawamura
- Paul S Reinsch
- Poultney Bigelow
- Poultney Bigelow
- Rebecca Mckenna
- Richard J Stillman
- Richard T Green
- Robert C Lieberman
- Robert Denhardt
- Robert Mcelroy
- Robert Vitalis
- Rogers M Smith
- Rudyard Kipling
- San Francisco Chronicle
- Stella Z Theodoulou
- Steven A Sass
- Stuart Miller
- Sudhindra Bose
- Sudhindra Bose
- The Chautauquan
- Theodore Woolsey
- Thomas C Leonard
- W F Willoughby
- W F Willoughby
- Walter F Dodd
- Walter W Stafford
- Ward Stewart
- William B Munro
- William D Foulke
- William F Willoughby
- William F Willoughby
- William F Willoughby
- William F Willoughby
- William F Willoughby
- William F Willoughby
- William F Willoughby
- William J Novak
- William Munro
- Yilin Hou
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Selected Bibliography
- Author
- Abrahamson
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Ackerman
- Adams
- Adams
- Adler
- Alchon
- Allard
- Allen
- Allerfeldt
- Allison
- Alonso
- Alonso
- Ambrosius
- Ambrosius
- Ambrosius
- Ambrosius
- Ambrosius
- Ambrosius
- Ambrosius
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Andrzejewski
- Ara
- Armitage
- Arnett
- Arnold
- Atkins
- Auchincloss
- Axson
- Axtell
- Axtell
- Azaransky
- Babik
- Bachin
- Bacino
- Bagby
- Bagby
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Balcerak
- Balfour
- Bank
- Barber
- Barber
- Baritz
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barrett
- Bartlett
- Baruch
- Bates
- Beach
- Beale
- Beard
- Beatson
- Beaver
- Beaver
- Becker
- Becker
- Beinart
- Beisner
- Belknap
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bemis
- Bemis
- Benbow
- Benbow
- Beneš
- Berkhof
- Bernstorff
- Bernstorff
- Best
- Billington
- Bimes
- Birdsall
- Birnbaum
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Biskupski
- Blair
- Blakey
- Blanchard
- Blight
- Blum
- Blum
- Blum
- Blumenthal
- Boemeke
- Bolt
- Bonadio
- Bonsal
- Boot
- Borchard
- Bordo
- Borgwardt
- Boris
- Borstelmann
- Borstelmann
- Bosco
- Braeman
- Bragdon
- Brake
- Brandes
- Brands
- Brands
- Breen
- Brissenden
- Broadberry
- Broderick
- Brody
- Brody
- Broesamle
- Brooks
- Brownlee
- Brownlee
- Broz
- Buckingham
- Buckley
- Bucklin
- Budnitskii
- Buechler
- Buehrig
- Buhle
- Burk
- Burlingame
- Burnett
- Burnham
- Burns
- Burns
- Burton
- Calder
- Calhoun
- Calhoun
- Callcott
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Capozolla
- Carlander
- Carlisle
- Carr
- Carroll
- Cassar
- Catt
- Cecil
- Chace
- Chafee
- Chafee
- Chamberlain
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chandler
- Chatfield
- Chatfield
- Chernev
- Child
- Child
- Cienciala
- Clarkson
- Claussen
- Clements
- Clements
- Clements
- Clements
- Clifford
- Cline
- Coben
- Coben
- Coben
- Coffman
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohrs
- Cohrs
- Coletta
- Coletta
- Coletta
- Coletta
- Combs
- Conlin
- Conner
- Coogan
- Cook
- Cook
- Cooling
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corder
- Cornebise
- Cortner
- Cott
- Craig
- Craig
- Cranston
- Cranston
- Creel
- Cripps
- Cripps
- Croly
- Cronin
- Cronon
- Cronon
- Cronon
- Crowell
- Crowell
- Cuddy
- Cuddy
- Cuddy
- Cuff
- Cuff
- Cuff
- Cuff
- Cuff
- Cuff
- Curry
- Curti
- Curtis
- Dailey
- Dalton
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Daniels
- Daunton
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawley
- Dawson
- Dayer
- De Weerd
- Dean
- DeBauche
- Degen
- Dennis
- Dennis
- Department of State
- Devlin
- Diamond
- Dickinson
- Dickmann
- Dimock
- Divine
- Dmowski
- Dodd
- Doenecke
- Doerries
- Doerries
- Donner
- Dos Passos
- Doyle
- Draper
- Drozdowski
- Drozdowski
- Drozdowski
- Dubofsky
- Dubofsky
- Dubofsky
- DuBois
- DuBois
- Dudziak
- Duffus
- Duffy
- Dunscomb
- Dye
- Early
- Early
- Edwards
- Eidintas
- Eiland
- Eiselen
- Eisner
- Ekbladh
- Ekbladh
- Elcock
- Elleman
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elshtain
- Engerman
- Englebrecht
- Esposito
- Farrell
- Fay
- Ferrell
- Ferrell
- Fest
- Fic
- Fic
- Fickle
- Figes
- Filene
- Fink
- Finnegan
- Finnegan
- Fisch
- Fischer
- Fisher
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Flexner
- Floto
- Foglesong
- Foglesong
- Foglesong
- Foley
- Forbes
- Forcey
- Ford
- Ford
- Formwalt
- Forsythe
- Fowler
- Fowler
- Fox
- Fraenkel
- Frankel
- Frankfurter
- Franklin
- Frančić
- Fraser
- Freeberg
- Freidel
- Freud
- Freyer
- Friedel
- Friedheim
- Friedman
- Fromkin
- Fromkin
- Frucht
- Fukuyama
- Fukuyama
- Fuller
- Fuller
- Furner
- Gable
- Gaddis
- Gaines
- Galambos
- Gamble
- Ganelin
- Gardner
- Garraty
- Gatewood
- Gaughan
- Gaworek
- Gelfand
- George
- George
- George
- Gerard
- Gerard
- Gerson
- Gerstle
- Gerstle
- Geyer
- Gibbs
- Giffard
- Giffin
- Gilderhus
- Gilderhus
- Gilderhus
- Gilderhus
- Gitelman
- Gitelman
- Glad
- Glad
- Glant
- Glazier
- Golay
- Golay
- Goldin
- Goodell
- Gordon
- Gould
- Graebner
- Graebner
- Graham
- Graham
- Graham
- Grant
- Grantham
- Grattan
- Grayson
- Grazia
- Green
- Green
- Greenberg
- Greenwald
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Grenville
- Grey
- Grigg
- Grigg
- Gromada
- Grubbs
- Gruber
- Guy
- Gwinn
- Hagedorn
- Hagedorn
- Haiman
- Hale
- Hall
- Hannigan
- Hansen
- Harbaugh
- Harper
- Harper
- Harrison
- Hartig
- Haste
- Havig
- Hawley
- Hawley
- Hazlett
- Heale
- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
- Heater
- Heckscher
- Heenan
- Heinrich
- Heinrichs
- Hendrickson
- Hennings
- Herring
- Herring
- Herwig
- Higgs
- Higham
- Hilderbrand
- Hilderbrand
- Hill
- Himmelberg
- Himmelberg
- Hinković
- Hinković
- Hirschfeld
- Hirst
- Hixson
- Hodges
- Hodgson
- Hoelzle
- Hoff
- Hofstadter
- Hofstadter
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holt
- Holt
- Hoogenboom
- Hoover
- Hoover
- Hoover
- Hopkinson
- House
- Houston
- Howard
- Howarth
- Huibregtse
- Hundley
- Huston
- Hájek
- Ichioka
- Ikenberry
- Ikenberry
- Ikenberry
- Iriye
- Isenberg
- Ishay
- Isreal
- Isserman
- Jacobs
- Jaffe
- Jeffery
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Jessup
- Johanningsmeier
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jordan
- Jordan
- Judis
- Judis
- Kalvoda
- Kapiszewski
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Katz
- Kaufman
- Kaufman
- Kautsk ý
- Kawamura
- Kawamura
- Kazin
- Keene
- Keller
- Keller
- Keller
- Keller
- Kelley
- Kellogg
- Kelly
- Kemeny
- Kennan
- Kennan
- Kennan
- Kennan
- Kennan
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kernek
- Kernek
- Kernek
- Kerr
- Kerr
- Kertesz
- Kester
- Key
- Keylor
- Keylor
- Keylor
- Keynes
- Kihl
- Killen
- Killen
- Kim
- King
- King
- Kissinger
- Kitchen
- Kloppenberg
- Knock
- Knock
- Knock
- Koenig
- Koistinen
- Koistinen
- Kolko
- Komarnicki
- Kornweibel
- Kornweibel
- Kraft
- Kramer
- Krislov
- Krumeich
- Kuehl
- Kuehl
- Kuhlman
- Kunina
- Kyvig
- La Follette
- Lael
- Lael
- LaFeber
- LaFeber
- Lake
- Lake
- Lamoreaux
- Landau
- Lane
- Lane
- Langley
- Langley
- Lansing
- Lansing
- Lansing
- Lantrip
- Lapter
- Larson
- Lasswell
- Latawski
- Lauren
- Lauren
- Lawrence
- Lawton
- Leary
- Legro
- Leming
- Lemons
- Lentin
- Lentz-Smith
- Leonard
- Leopold
- Leopold
- Lerski
- Lerski
- Leuchtenburg
- Leuchtenburg
- Levin
- Levin
- Levine
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Li
- Lichtenstein
- Lichtman
- Lichtman
- Lichtman
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Link
- Lippmann
- Lippmann
- Lippmann
- Lisiak
- Lissak
- Listikov
- Litwak
- Livermore
- Livermore
- Livingston
- Lochner
- Lodge
- Lodge
- Lodge
- Logan
- Long
- Longaker
- Lovell
- Lowitt
- Lowitt
- Lowry
- Luebke
- Lumsden
- Lunardini
- Lunardini
- Lunardini
- Lundeberg
- Lundgreen-Nielsen
- Lundgreen-Nielsen
- Lundgreen-Nielsen
- Lynch
- Lynskey
- Lynskey
- MacCann
- Macmahon
- Macmahon
- Macmillan
- Macmillan
- Maddox
- Maddox
- Maddox
- Maddox
- Magee
- Mamatey
- Mamatey
- Mamatey
- Mamatey
- Mamatey
- Mamatey
- Mamatey
- Mandelbaum
- Manela
- Manela
- Manners
- Marchand
- Margulies
- Margulies
- Marilley
- Marks
- Marshall
- Martin
- Masaryk
- Masters
- May
- May
- May
- May
- May
- May
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayer
- Mayhew
- Maynard
- McAdoo
- McCallum
- McCallum
- McCartin
- McCartin
- McCartin
- McCormick
- McCoy
- McCraw
- McCurdy
- McDermott
- McDonagh
- McDonagh
- McDonald
- McDougall
- McFadden
- McFarland
- McFaul
- McKay
- McKillen
- McKillen
- McNamara
- McNaught
- McWhirter
- Mead
- Mead
- Mehrotra
- Meier
- Melton
- Meltzer
- Mennell
- Mergen
- Merriam
- Merriam
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Micgiel
- Michel
- Milkis
- Miller
- Miller
- Millis
- Mock
- Mock
- Montgomery
- Montgomery
- Mooney
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morgenthau
- Morgenthau
- Morgenthau
- Morgenthau
- Morison
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrissey
- Morrow
- Morton
- Mowry
- Mowry
- Moynihan
- Mrázek
- Mulder
- Muncy
- Munro
- Murdoch
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murray
- Nagler
- Nagy
- Nasaw
- Nash
- Nash
- Nathan
- Nathan
- Nearing
- Nelson
- Nelson
- Ngai
- Nicolson
- Nielsen
- Ninkovich
- Ninkovich
- Ninkovich
- Noble
- Noggle
- Noll
- Nolte
- Norwood
- Notter
- Noyes
- Nye
- O' Brien
- O' Connor
- O' Grady
- O' Keefe
- O' Reilly
- O' Toole
- Ohl
- Olin
- Olson
- Ortiz
- Orłowski
- Osborn
- Osborn
- Osgood
- Ostojich-Fejich
- Ott
- Packer
- Pajewski
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Papen
- Park
- Parrillo
- Parrini
- Parsons
- Pastor
- Pastor
- Paterson
- Patler
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Paxson
- Paxson
- Paxson
- Pearlman
- Pergler
- Perkins
- Perlmutter
- Perman
- Perry
- Pestritto
- Pestritto
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Petkov
- Pfannestiel
- Phillips
- Pienkos
- Pienkos
- Pietrusza
- Pike
- Pike
- Plummer
- Plummer
- Polenberg
- Pomerance
- Pomper
- Posner
- Post
- Powers
- Prażmowska
- Preston
- Preston
- Preston
- Preston
- Preston
- Preston
- Price
- Proctor
- Prothro
- Przybyłski
- Pusey
- Pérez
- Płygawko
- Quinn-Judge
- Quirk
- Rabban
- Rader
- Radford
- Radzilowski
- Rajchl
- Ramsey
- Randall
- Randall
- Rappaport
- Rappaport
- Ratner
- Ray
- Read
- Reichstag Commission of Inquiry
- Reid
- Renda
- Rhodes
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Roche
- Rogers
- Rogin
- Roosevelt
- Roseboom
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenof
- Ross
- Ross
- Rothschild
- Ruggie
- Ruotsila
- Ruotsila
- Rupp
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- Russett
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- Ryley
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- Sands
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- Sarasohn
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- Saunders
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- Schaffer
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- Schild
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- Schmidt
- Schmidt
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- Schneider
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- Schriftgiesser
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- Schulte Nordholt
- Schulte Nordholt
- Schuman
- Schwabe
- Schwabe
- Schwabe
- Schwarz
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sedlmaier
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- Senn
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- Seymour
- Seymour
- Shaffer
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- Shapiro
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- Sharp
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- Simpson
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- Sklar
- Sklar
- Sklar
- Sklar
- Skowronek
- Skowronek
- Slaughter
- Slaughter
- Slosson
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- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smythe
- Sneider
- Soffer
- Somin
- Sosna
- Sosnowski
- Southard
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- Spector
- Spector
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- Spykman
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- Steigerwald
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- Stone
- Stone
- Stone
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- Strakhovsky
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- Strum
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- Tansill
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- Thompson
- Thompson
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- Trask
- Trask
- Trask
- Trask
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- Tucker
- Tucker
- Tulchin
- Tumulty
- Turner
- Tuttle
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- Tyler
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- Unterberger
- Unterberger
- Unterberger
- Unterberger
- Urofsky
- US Navy Department
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- Viereck
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- Wald
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- Walworth
- Walworth
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- Ward
- Ward
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- Weigley
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- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weinstein
- Weiss
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- Wheeler
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- White
- White
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- Wilkins
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- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winid
- Winkler
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- Witt
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- Wittke
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- Wolgemuth
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- Xu
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- Živojinivić
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study