4,151 research outputs found

    Women in Land Struggles: The Implications of Female Activism and Emotional Resistance for Gender Equity

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    Despite deeply engrained images of female domesticity and conventional gender norms, women are increasingly joining land struggles in Cambodia. Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, my findings suggest that land rights activism in Cambodia has undergone a gendered re-framing process. Reasoning that women tend to use non-violent means of contestation and are less prone to violent responses from security personnel, nongovernmental organizations push women affected by land grabs and eviction to the frontline of protests. Moreover, female activists are encouraged to publicly display emotions such as sorrow and pain, in sharp contrast with the notion of feminine modesty. I critically question the women-to-the-front strategy and, drawing on Sara Ahmed's politics of emotions, show the adverse risks for female activists. Following that, I argue that the instrumentalization of female bodies and emotions in land rights protests perpetuates gender disparities instead of strengthening female agency in Cambodian society or opening up political space for women.In Kambodscha sind Aktivistinnen trotz tief verwurzelter Geschlechternormen und Vorstellungen von weiblicher HĂ€uslichkeit zunehmend an KĂ€mpfen um Land beteiligt. Mit der BegrĂŒndung, dass Frauen eher zu Gewaltfreiheit tendierten und zugleich weniger Gewalt durch SicherheitskrĂ€fte erfĂŒhren, drĂ€ngen Nichtregierungsorganisationen von Vertreibung und Landraub betroffene Frauen in die erste Reihe von Protesten. Die Ergebnisse meiner ethnografischen Feldforschung zeigen zugleich, dass Aktivistinnen dazu angehalten werden Emotionen, wie den erfahrenen Schmerz, öffentlich zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Dies steht im scharfen Kontrast zum vorherrschenden kulturellen Kodex, der Frauen zu Bescheidenheit und ZurĂŒckhaltung anhĂ€lt. Ich hinterfrage die Neuausrichtung der KĂ€mpfe um Land daher kritisch und zeige unter Bezugnahme auf Sara Ahmeds Konzept der Politik der Emotionen, mit welchen Risiken die Feminisierung von LandrechtskĂ€mpfen fĂŒr kambodschanische Aktivistinnen verbunden ist. Ich argumentiere zudem, dass die Instrumentalisierung weiblicher Körper und Emotionen in Landrechtsprotesten GeschlechterdisparitĂ€ten in Kambodscha perpetuiert, statt die Stellung von Frauen und ihre politische Handlungsmacht in der Gesellschaft zu stĂ€rke

    Radar imaging mechanism of marine sand waves at very low grazing angle illumination

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    The investigations carried out between 2002-2004 during several field experiments within the Op-erational radar and optical mapping in monitoring hydrodynamic, morphodynamic and environ-mental parameters for coastal management project (OROMA) aimed to improve the effectiveness of new monitoring technologies such as shipborne imaging radars in coastal waters. The coastal monitoring radar of the GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany, is based on a Kelvin Hughes RSR 1000 X-band (9.42 GHz) VV polarized river radar and was mounted on board the research vessel Ludwig Prandtl during the experiments in the Lister Tief, a tidal inlet of the German Bight in the North Sea. The important progress realized in this investigation is the availability of calibrated X-band radar data. Another central point of the study is to demonstrate the applicability of the quasi-specular scattering theory in combination with the weak hydrodynamic interaction the-ory for the radar imaging mechanism of the sea bed. It is shown that specular point scattering con-tributes significantly to the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) modulation due to marine sand waves. According to the theory quasi-specular scattering can be applied for wind speeds Uw ≀ 8 m s-1. Measured and simulated NRCS modulations caused by flood and ebb tide oriented marine sand waves have been compared and agree fairly wel

    Radar imaging mechanism of the Birkenfels wreck in the southern North Sea

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    Varying tidal currents close to the sea bed cause sediment motion around wrecks leading to formation of scour holes and sand ribbons. Consequently, scouring destabilizes the position and shape of wrecks. Changing water depths above the shallowest parts of wrecks due to such sediment displacements can be crucial for the safety of ship navigation. For that reason, many wreck positions must be routinely re-surveyed. In 2008 changes occurred at 12 % of 259 investigated wrecks in German sea areas compared with the last survey. Especially lower water depths above wrecks have been measured. Therefore, basic research is still necessary to achieve new insights of wave- and current-induced sand transport in the boundary layer of the sea bed covered by wrecks and sand ribbons. Here, it will be focused on the role of active microwave remote sensing potentials for studying radar signatures at the water surface caused by submerged wrecks. The Ka band radar imaging mechanism of the submerged wreck/sand ribbon of the motor vessel (M/V) Birkenfels in the southern North Sea is investigated by applying the quasi-specular scattering theory and considering the capillary as well as the gravity wave ranges of the wave energy density spectrum. Multi-beam echo sounder images of the Birkenfels wreck and associated sand ribbons as well as other available environmental in situ data have been analyzed. The formation of sand ribbons at the sea bed and the manifestation of its radar signatures at the water surface are caused by an elliptical vortex or helical flow cell triggered by unidirectional tidal current flow interacting with the wreck. The difference of simulated and measured normalized radar cross section (NRCS) modulation as a function of the space variable is less than 31.6%. Results are presented for NRCS simulations dependent on position for different effective incidence angles, unidirectional current speeds, wind speeds, and relaxation rates

    Evolution of secondary cellular circulation flow above submarine bedforms imaged by remote sensing techniques

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    Normalized radar cross section (NRCS) modulation and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements above submarine sand ribbons and sand waves are presented. The two study areas are located in the Southern Bight of the North Sea at the Birkenfels wreck and in the sand wave field of the Lister Tief in the German Bight of the North Sea. These measurements reveal the developments of secondary cellular circulations in tidally induced coastal sea areas. Secondary circulation cells can develop perpendicular as well as parallel to the direction of the dominant tidal current flow. Circulation cells developed perpendicular to the direction of the dominant tidal current flow are associated with marine sand ribbons manifested near an underwater wreck. Secondary circulation cells within the water column observed parallel to the direction of the dominant tidal current flow have been initiated during flood and ebb tidal current phases associated with submarine sand waves. These two types of cellular circulations must obey the Hamiltonian principle of classical mechanics. The current–short surface wave interaction is described by the action balance or radiation balance-equation based on weak hydrodynamic interaction theory. The calculated current gradient or strain rate of the applied imaging theory has the same order of magnitude for both bedforms such as marine sand ribbons and sand waves, respectively

    Approaching the end of life and dying with dementia in care homes : the accounts of family carers.

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    Research into end of life and dying with dementia in care homes from the family carer's perspective is limited. From the available evidence, it appears that family carers find themselves in an unfamiliar situation about which they lack knowledge and experience. Whilst dementia tends not to be acknowledged as a terminal illness by many family carers, they are expected to make end of life decisions on behalf of their relatives. Family carer decision-making is underpinned by values of quality of life, previously expressed wishes, comfort provision and dignity preservation. This is often approached when family carers are grieving for the anticipated loss of their relative and have their own personal needs that require to be addressed. Within a care home setting, a curative care–palliative care split is unhelpful in resolving these tensions and a model of comprehensive care appears a more appropriate approach. This requires ongoing communication between the person with dementia, family members and professionals from the early stages of the condition


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    This study examines the business strategies employed by Illinois farms to maintain equity growth using quantile regression analysis. Using data from the Farm Business Farm Management system, this study finds that the effect of different business strategies on equity growth rates differs between quantiles. Financial management strategies have a positive effect for farms situated in the highest quantile of equity growth, while for farms in the lowest quantile the effect on equity growth is negative. Cost reduction, asset management and revenue enhancement strategies all proved to have important effects on the determination of growth equity rates.Farm Management,
