190 research outputs found

    Le "Robert College" a 100 ans (1863 - 1962)

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Eğitimİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Laboratorium i atelier Falanga. Strategie biznesowe i znaczenie w przemyśle filmowym dwudziestolecia międzywojennego w Polsce

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    Przyglądając się dziejom firmy Falanga z perspektywy historycznych badań produkcji, autor zadaje pytanie o strategie biznesową, która umożliwiła Falandze zajęcie hegemonicznego miejsca na rynku filmowym. Argumentuje, że firma rozwijała się zgodnie ze strategią rozwoju organicznego, stosując również strategię niszy i strategię przewagi konkurencyjnej. Trafne rozpoznanie specyfiki i potrzeb rynku filmowego, wysoka jakość usług, ostrożne i przemyślane decyzje inwestycyjne uczyniły w latach 30. z Falangi najważniejszy podmiot na rynku, o znaczeniu zdecydowanie wykraczającym poza działalność usługową w zakresie udostępniania hali do zdjęć i obróbki laboratoryjnej taśmy. Autor demonstruje, że Falanga zajmowała kluczowe miejsce w systemie rozproszonego finansowania filmów w Polsce, a jednocześnie – mimo że formalnie nie wyprodukowała żadnego pełnometrażowego filmu fabularnego – była najważniejszym polskim (ko)producentem filmowym

    Gender w realiach szkolnych – perspektywa antropologiczna

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    Autor w swojej pracy proponuje spojrzenie na zagadnienie płci kulturowej w realiach szkolnych z perspektywy antropologicznej. Przygląda się krytycznie zbudowanej w opraciu o dychotomię płci w strukturze szkolnej, stereotypowym postrzeganiu płci przez nauczycieli i nauczycielki czy przez rodziców i uczniów a następnie omawia sytuację osób homoseksualnych i transgenderycznych, zwłaszcza w relacji do dominującego heteronormatywnego porządku społecznego. Do rozdziału dodano sekcję traktującą o prowadzeniu działań edukacyjnych w tym zakresie, zawierającą propozycje ćwiczeń do wykonania w gronie nauczycielek i nauczycieli, jak i sugestie zadań do przeprowadzenia z grupą uczennic i uczniów.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Women in the Canadian Armed Forces: At Home and Abroad

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    Most Canadians consider peacekeeping to be an important part of the country’s identity. Since its heyday in the 1960s to the 1990s, when Canada was one of the world’s largest contributors of “blue helmets,” its reputation as a peacekeeping nation has been diminished by scandals and the failure of UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs) in countries such as Somalia and Rwanda. However, with the election of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2015, the Liberal majority government promised to re-engage Canada in peacekeeping—a promise that also entails increasing the involvement of women in peacekeeping missions. My doctoral research project identifies opportunities and constraints for Canadian women’s participation in UN PKOs through 40 in-depth interviews with women who have served in PKOs (e.g. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Mali and South Sudan). Although a few Canadian scholars have provided critical theoretical perspectives on peacekeeping, to date no primary research has been conducted to understand the grounded opportunities and constraints faced by Canadian women serving in UN PKOs. Since the majority of personnel deployed on UN PKOs are uniformed, women’s experiences in peacekeeping cannot be understood without also examining their experiences in the Canadian Armed Forces. As such, my research questions look at the experiences of women in the CAF at home and abroad: What are the opportunities and constraints experienced by women in the CAF? What motivates Canadian women to participate in PKOs? Do they consider their contributions to PKOs to be different from those of male peacekeepers? How does gender identity trouble, reinforce, or contradict objectives of PKOs? Through thematic analysis of qualitative data collected from interviews and triangulation with existing literature on gender and peacekeeping, my doctoral dissertation attempts to provide answers to these questions. My findings point broadly to the importance of not relying on operational effectiveness arguments for improving the representation of women in militarized institutions. People of all genders deserve to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces and in PKOs for intrinsic reasons of equity and fairness, not because they can improve these deeply masculinist and hierarchical institutions solely by their presence. By engaging intersectionally with gender, my research also identified the ways in which class, race, sexual orientation, education, language, and place of origin influence the identities of Canadian peacekeepers. My findings reinforce the importance of paying more nuanced attention to such markers of identity in policies aimed at diversifying the CAF and PKOs. I sought ethics approval for my doctoral research from Western University and the Department of National Defence (DND). I hope my findings will inform gender equality and culture change policies within the Canadian Armed Forces and in UN PKOs

    Contemporary management of prenatally diagnosed spina bifida aperta — an update

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    Spina bifida aperta is a relatively common congenital defect that occurs in the general population. Once the disorder hasbeen diagnosed, a discussion, that can be emotionally-charged, ensues about whether to treat it prenatally or to only offer surgery postnatally. Given that there are good arguments for and against both options, it is of paramount importance to gain a good understanding of the major advantages and disadvantages of the various surgical approaches. The aim of our paper is to summarize current knowledge about spina bifida and the potential benefits of prenatal surgery

    Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Assembling Conditions and the Tolerance of Adapted Implantological Components on the Durability of the Prosthetic Construction

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    Durable fastening of implant retained prosthetic restorations, consisting of a series of elements, is one of the main factors of successful prosthetic rehabilitation. Clinically observed mechanical problems concerning the above mentioned components are complications that occur most often in the loading phase. The aim of this research was evaluation of the suppleness of the implant- -anti-rotary abutment construction to loosening under the influence of labile mechanical stress. Numerical analysis of resistance based on the finite element analysis (FEA) was used in the initial phase of this research. The actual tests were done with the use of a dynamic mechanical analyser Netzsch DMA 242 and a polarisation microscope equipped with a CCD camera. A series of implants connected with abutments composed of two parts were analysed. The results of initial studies utilizing the finite element analysis (FEA) allowed definition of the spheres of stress concentration. On the basis of in vitro experiments, the investigators evaluated the influence of tolerance of adapted implant-abutment interface fit, as well as the torque used in the assembly of the abutment, on the occurrence of micromovements and loosening of components. The results strongly indicate correlation between the chosen variables and the risk of occurrence of mechanical complications

    Platform for a Hydrocarbon Exhaust Gas Sensor Utilizing a Pumping Cell and a Conductometric Sensor

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    Very often, high-temperature operated gas sensors are cross-sensitive to oxygen and/or they cannot be operated in oxygen-deficient (rich) atmospheres. For instance, some metal oxides like Ga2O3 or doped SrTiO3 are excellent materials for conductometric hydrocarbon detection in the rough atmosphere of automotive exhausts, but have to be operated preferably at a constant oxygen concentration. We propose a modular sensor platform that combines a conductometric two-sensor-setup with an electrochemical pumping cell made of YSZ to establish a constant oxygen concentration in the ambient of the conductometric sensor film. In this paper, the platform is introduced, the two-sensor-setup is integrated into this new design, and sensing performance is characterized. Such a platform can be used for other sensor principles as well

    The chorionic bump associated with acrania – case report

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    The chorionic bump is a rare abnormality of the gestational sac, presenting as a convex bulge from the choriodecidual surface into the sac, correlated with poor prognosis for the pregnancy. We report a case of a 36-year-old pregnant woman, with a history of spontaneous abortion, who presented for an early scan at 6 weeks and 4 days of gestation. The pregnancy was spontaneous and unplanned. The patient conceived in less than 3 months after discontinuing oral contraceptives. No folic acid was taken before or in the pregnancy. An ultrasound scan revealed a chorionic bump with a hypoechoic center and echogenic border, measuring 18.3 x 14.7 x 21.9 mm. No motion within the chorionic bump was detected upon color and power Doppler examination. The second scan was performed a week later, at 7+4 wks. The chorionic bump had not changed in terms of size and sonographic appearance. An acranial fetus of CRL 45.5 mm was diagnosed at 11+2 wks. The concentration of free β-hCG was 17.2 IU/L, corresponding to 0.37 MoM and PAPP-A levels were 1.31 IU/L, corresponding to 0.82 MoM. After counseling the patient opted for termination of pregnancy. Very few cases of chorionic bumps have been described so far and, to the best of our knowledge, its coexistence with neural tube defects has been reported for the first time. We postulate a possibility of an underlying pathological mechanism for such coexistence. The chorionic bump is a focal convex bulge with irregular borders, protruding from the choriodecidual surface into the gestational sac and with different degrees of echogenicity, usually a hypoechoic middle and echogenic border. The chorionic bump might represent the following: a hematoma, an area of hemorrhage, a non-embryonic gestation, or a demise of an embryo in a twin pregnancy. The presence of the bump is associated with a four-fold increase in the spontaneous abortion rate as compared with the general population. Decreased folate levels increase the incidence of neural tube defects. Oxidative stress resulting from folic acid deficiency may be responsible for neural tube defects through impairment of factors inhibiting apoptosis in the neuroepithelium. Fetuses with neural tube defects are at an increased risk of being aborted spontaneously. Furthermore, women who deliver children with neural tube defects frequently have a history of miscarriage. Our patient did not take any folic acid and also had a history of spontaneous miscarriage. In the case we herein presented, the coexistence of acrania and placental pathology could be attributed to folate deficiency. Such coexistence is described for the first time and could be accidental, but there is possible theoretical association between these two pathologies