148 research outputs found

    Research Developments Analysis on Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPS) as Antimicrobial Agents through Bibliometric Computational Mapping using VOSviewer

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    The many uses of gold nanoparticles in the biomedical field, including as an antimicrobial agent, prompted us to analyze the development of gold nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents research through a bibliometric approach with computational mapping analysis. The publication data used are publications from the Google Scholar database using the Publish or Perish Reference Manager software. The article's title, abstract, and publication year are used as a reference in processing publication data to make it more relevant and specific to the related topic, and the data is visualized by VOSviewer software. Found 257 highly relevant publication articles on related issues indexed by Google Scholar during the last ten years (2013 to 2022). The results show that research on associated topics has developed well because the number of publications has not decreased from 2013-2021, and until August 2022, the number of publications reached an amount equivalent to the number of publications in 2015-2017. The bibliometric results show that the publication trend of gold nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents is directed at studies on antimicrobial effect, antimicrobial property, and antiviral activity. The results of this study are expected to be used as a first step for further research on related topics

    Preliminary reactor design for gold nanoparticle production by the Turkevich method on an industrial scale

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    This study aims to design and analyze the design of a batch-type reactor to optimize the production of gold nanoparticles on an industrial scale. The method used in the design of this reactor is the computational analysis of the reactor calculations, including stirring and mass balance as initial calculations using the Microsoft Excel application manually. The calculation results show that the designed reactor specifications have a reactor volume of 21.7335 ft3, cylinder height of 13.4612 in, a height of solution in the cylinder of 8.9046 in, vessel diameter of 73.2984 in, design pressure of 9.9978 psig, impeller length of 9.1840 in, shaft length of 10.5418 in, with stirring power 62.5228 Hp. Reactor design analysis is an important stage in the design of production processes on an industrial scale, where the specification results from the designed reactor can be used not only to adjust the reactor to the product but also to be used as a reference for production costs. The results of computational analysis and calculations performed on the reactor design in this study can be used as a reference and can be applied in the design of reactor performance analysis as a learning media, including operating mechanisms in the production process

    Analisis Tekno-Ekonomi pada Produksi Nanopartikel Emas (AuNP) dengan Metode Biosintesis menggunakan Sargassum horneri pada Skala Industri

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    Biosintesis nanopartikel emas (AuNP) menggunakan ekstrak Sargassum horneri (SH) dinilai lebih ekonomis dan terbukti menghasilkan nanopartikel emas yang berperan sebagai katalis dalam degradasi zat warna. Oleh karena itu, produksi nanopartikel emas perlu dikembangkan dalam skala industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek biosintesis nanopartikel emas menggunakan ekstrak Sargassum horneri dalam skala industri. Metode evaluasi ekonomi menggunakan analisis terhadap beberapa parameter evaluasi ekonomi seperti Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Break Even Point (BEP), Cumulative Net Present Value (CNPV), Payback Period (PBP), dan Profitability Index (PI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada skala industri, jumlah produksi Nanopartikel Emas dalam setahun adalah 132 L. Total harga yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi nanopartikel emas dalam setahun adalah USD 8.573.006,05, dengan penjualan tahunan USD 13.200.000, sehingga total biaya adalah USD 4.626.993,95 USD per tahun. Dalam kondisi ideal, analisis PBP menunjukkan bahwa proyek akan menguntungkan pada tahun ke-3, dan analisis PI menunjukkan bahwa biaya modal awal dapat diperoleh kembali dari tahun ke-3. Analisis terhadap beberapa kondisi tidak ideal menunjukkan bahwa kerugian proyek dapat terjadi. Berdasarkan evaluasi ekonomi, proyek ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengantisipasi kerugian yang akan terjadi akibat perubahan beberapa kondisi ideal

    Heat Exchanger Design for the Production of Synthesized Gold Nanoparticles

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    This study aims to develop and analyze the design of heat exchangers in the production of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) by the biosynthesis method using Sargassum horneri (SH) extract. The simple design of this heat exchanger (HE) uses the shell and tube type, the one-pass tube, and the fluids are water. Other specifications for a HE design are the tube length is 4.267 m, the shell diameter is 254 mm, the outer tube diameter is 22.225 mm, the inner tube diameter is 21.184 mm, the wall thickness is 2.1082 mm, and the pitch tube is 31.75 mm. Based on manual calculations using Microsoft Excel, the results show that this design has laminar flow as indicated by the Reynolds value. In addition, the HE designs has an effectiveness value of 98.98% with an NTU value of 11.50. In this study, the HE designs results have a high effectiveness value, so it can be considered effective for use in producing gold nanoparticles with SH extract. Therefore, this HE designs analysis can be used as a learning medium in the HE designs process, the operating mechanism, and the performance analysis of the HE.

    Reversible Motion In a Contact Line

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    When a body of liquid sits on a surface, an irregular border between the wet and dry regions of the surface exists, called the contact line. Driving this contact line back and forth repeatedly can change its shape.We use a syringe pump to cyclically infuse and withdraw a predetermined volume of water, and take photos of the contact line after each cycle. Comparing these images to each other determines if the contact line is returning to the same shape. We find that below a critical value of infused volume, after many cycles the contact line reaches a steady state in which it always returns to the same shape. Above that value the shape fluctuates in the steady state. This suggests a transition similar to that seen in other systems like particle suspensions and solids

    Asesoría Entre Pares, Una Mediación Social Diferente: Reporte De La Primera Experiencia En La Facultad De Odontología De La Uabjo

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    Actualmente las políticas educativas presentan una paradoja, por un lado mayor cobertura de la educación superior que nos lleva a una sobrepoblación en las aulas y por el otro disminuir el índice de reprobación, rezago y deserción de esas aulas inicialmente llenas. Lo anterior lleva a poner en evidencia que la universidad no se encuentra preparada para atender estas situaciones, por lo que es apremiante encontrar estrategias que permitan resolver la atención de los estudiantes universitarios y ofrecer una formación integral. Las intervenciones y reportes del trabajo entre pares (estudiante-estudiante) han aumentado, dejando atrás el recurso del profesor en cualquiera de los roles como tutor, asesor, mentor, entre otros, para dar paso a una estrategia diferente pero complementaria, la intervención entre “iguales” en cualquiera de los papeles mencionados. Este reporte es el resultado de una primera experiencia de trabajo entre pares, realizada en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO) al sur de México. Los actores del presente son los “asesores pares” de semestres avanzados con un gusto particular sobre ciertas áreas del conocimiento y temáticas de la Licenciatura en Cirujano Dentista (LCD), destacados sobre todo por el interés en apoyar a sus compañeros de la facultad; y los “asesorados”, estudiantes de diferentes semestres y materias que consideran necesitar un apoyo extra al ofrecido por sus profesores y lo que indica o señala el plan de estudios. El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar el impacto de la intervención y acompañamiento de los asesores pares en el rendimiento de los asesorados, así como la experiencia obtenida y sugerencia de los asesores. Ese impacto se verá reflejado en la aprobación de las materias en examen de primera oportunidad (ordinario) o en el primer examen de regularización (extraordinario) y reduciendo las siguientes oportunidades de examen para la acreditación de las materias.En los reportes de prácticas similares en otras universidades se observa un resultado favorable en la intervención estudiante-estudiante al igual que en el presente. Consideramos retomar el planteamiento de Vigotsky en cuanto al problema epistemológico, ya que la relación que establece el sujeto y el objeto de conocimiento se resuelve, de acuerdo con Hernández (2006), con un planteamiento interaccionista dialéctico (S — O), en el que existe una relación indisociada, de interacción y transformación recíproca iniciada por la actividad mediada del sujeto, por lo tanto consideramos que la interacción del par (a diferencia del maestro) presenta una mediación social diferente, posible causa de un mejor rendimiento académico de la población al lograr un mejor rendimiento, por ende, la deserción se verá reducida. Los resultados de la intervención de tutores-pares en la facultad de odontología de la UABJO fueron favorables ya que se incrementó el número en la instancia de aprobación ordinaria, y por lo tanto disminuyó el porcentaje en otras oportunidades como son los extraordinarios, y exámenes a título a diferencia del semestre inmediato anterior de la misma población

    Association between resilience and self-compassion in patients with fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia is a chronic, non-inflammatory syndrome characterized by diffuse musculoskeletal pain and tender points in some body areas. Thus, studies based on fibromyalgia patients\u27 experience are critical, as they end up having a loss in their personal relationships over time, personal chores, self-esteem, security, and motivation to life. The general objective of this study is to investigate the association between resilience and self-compassion in patients with Fibromyalgia. The present research has a quantitative, descriptive, and transversal design. This study will consist of Fibromyalgia patients from the Metropolitan Region of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. The sample was composed of 30 participants, over 25 years old, of both sexes, selected for convenience. These participants were invited based on contacts acquired in a social network of Fibromyalgia patients and care services for patients with the syndrome. The instruments used in data collection, all self-reported, were: Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ), the Resilience Scale, and the Self-Compassion Scale. Descriptive analyzes were performed, showing the absolute value, the mean, and standard deviation. Association analyzes were also performed using the Spearman test and Linear Regression tests, with a significance level ≤0.05. There was no significant difference between resilience and self-compassion over the study period. The participants presented the resilience variable with values that were found in the expected average. The present study showed a moderate correlation between resilience and self-compassion. The decrease in the impact of fibromyalgia is associated with less use of the problem-solving strategy and an increase in the Mindfulness strategy. Mindfulness is the most apparent component of self-compassion in the study. Therefore, it is possible to identify in this research the low level of the variable resilience in patients with the syndrome

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe