46 research outputs found

    Influencia de las distintas técnicas de sangrado en el perfil químico y sensorial de vinos cv. Malbec

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    El mercado actual, en base al varietal Malbec, cepa emblemática de la vitivinicultura Argentina, busca un estilo de vino joven con características aromáticas frutales y florales, donde se manifiesten los taninos suaves y un color rojo profundo con las tonalidades violetas. Cabe mencionar además que actualmente, es escasa la información sobre el perfil aromático de la variedad aplicando la técnica de sangría. Debido a lo descrito, se aplicó distintas técnicas de sangrado, representadas por tres tratamientos; T1, Control: sin sangría; T2, sangría tradicional: 16%; T3, sangría modificada: 16%, este volumen de mosto extraído se asemeja a la elaboración de un Blanc de Noir, el cual fermentó en un recipiente de vidrio, terminada la fermentación alcohólica se unió al vino de gota, el mismo que en un principio fue mosto y se le extrajo ese porcentaje, para proseguir con la fermentación maloláctica

    Ópera. La venganza del gran jefe en La Noche de los Museos 2020

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    Actividad del Proyecto de Producción CePIAbierto 2019 “Ópera Contemporánea: laboratorio interdisciplinar hacia nuevas prácticas experimentales” (RHCD 154/2019). Fragmento de la escena del calabozo de la ópera “La Venganza del Gran Jefe”. La producción de dicha Ópera Contemporánea, nace desde una necesidad compositiva e investigativa, con el fin de trascender dicho género a través de la experimentación en las diferentes facetas que la conforman y que hacen a la puesta en escena.Fragmento de la escena del calabozo de la ópera “La Venganza del Gran Jefe”. Siglo XVI, América, plena invasión española. La Pitonisa Indígena, es capturada por los soldados españoles y llevada al calabozo, donde sería juzgada.Fil: Paz, Ana Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Tula, Adriana. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Ferreyra, Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Vera Gómez, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Alderete, Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Tapia, Mariela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Moreno, Matías. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Toledo, Griselda. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina.Fil: Castillo, Álvaro. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes; Argentina

    Atitudes em relação ás crianças adotáveis por parte de famílias monoparentais e nucleares de estratos sociais 4, 5, 6 na cidade de Bogotá

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    The objective of this research is to describe the attitudes toward adoptable children by nuclear and single-parent families of strata 4, 5 and 6 in the city of Bogotá. A quantitative approach descriptive-comparative study type was carried out. The total sample was of 107 families, 57 nuclear families and 50 single-parent families. A nonprobabilistic sampling was applied, taking into account the ages of the parents, who were between 30 and 45 years old and were not involved in an adoption process. The Test of Attitudes toward Adoptable Children (TANA) composed of 20 items was applied. The results indicated that the nuclear families had better attitudes at the cognitive and behavioral level and, in addition, better attitudes toward the health, temperament and gender of the adoptable child compared to single-parent families, not there being significant differences in age or ethnicity.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia los niños adoptables por parte de familias nucleares y monoparentales de estratos 4, 5 y 6 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Cuenta con un enfoque cuantitativo y un tipo de estudio descriptivo-comparativo. La muestra total fue de 107 familias, 57 familias nucleares y 50 monoparentales, bajo un muestreo no probabilístico, teniendo en cuenta las edades de los padres entre los 30 a 45 años y que no estuviesen implicadas dentro de un proceso de adopción. Se aplicó el Test de Actitudes hacia el Niño Adoptable (TANA), compuesto por 20 ítems. Los resultados indicaron que las familias nucleares tuvieron mejores actitudes a nivel cognitivo y conductual y, adicionalmente, mejores actitudes hacia la salud, temperamento y género del niño adoptable en comparación con las familias monoparentales, no siendo significativas las diferencias en cuanto a edad y etnia.A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever as atitudes em relação ás crianças adotáveis por parte de famílias nucleares e monoparentais de estratos 4, 5 e 6 na cidade de Bogotá. Conta com um enfoque quantitativo e um tipo de estudo descritivo-comparativo. A amostra total foi de 107 famílias, 57 famílias nucleares e 50 monoparentais, sob uma amostra não probabilística, levando em consideração as idades dos pais entre os 30 e os 45 anos e que não estivessem implicadas em um processo de adoção. Foi aplicado o teste de atitudes em relação à criança adotável (TANA), composto por 20 itens. Os resultados indicaram que as famílias nucleares tiveram melhores atitudes no nível cognitivo e condutual e, além do mais, melhores atitudes com a saúde, o temperamento e o gênero da criança adotável em comparação com as famílias monoparentais, não sendo significativas as diferencias com relação a idade e a etnia

    Diseño para el consumo cultural, la innovación y la inclusión social

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    Esta obra presenta diversos trabajos de investigación que tienen en común propuestas de diseño desde la cultura, la inclusión y la innovación social, desarrolladas por investigadores nacionales e internacionales adscritos a diversas universidades, así como a programas de posgrado

    Incidencia de los proyectos de Vinculación con la Sociedad de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Vol 2

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    Con este mismo título, en diciembre de 2021, apareció el primer volumen de este trabajo. La intención fue sistematizar algunos proyectos de vinculación que habían logrado impactos sociales en términos cualitativos y de innovación educativa. En esa oportunidad se presentó una obra con diez capítulos de reflexión, sistematización, análisis y descripción de la trascendental importancia que implica, para la UPS, la vinculación con la sociedad. Ahora, al cumplir la UPS 28 años de vida institucional, presentamos este segundo volumen, que recoge en 14 capítulos el trabajo de 3 docentes, administrativos, estudiantes e investigadores invitados de distintos campos científicos. Es la continuación de la sistematización de los proyectos de vinculación emblemáticos que se han desarrollado en las sedes de Cuenca, Quito y Guayaquil de la universidad. EN cada uno de ellos se podrá encontrar el esfuerzo que la UPS ha desarrollado en estos 28 años, desde su fundación, para conseguir transformaciones sociales. Fiel a su misión y visión institucional, ha desplegado un arduo trabajo en el capo científico, tecnológico y cultural, dándose a conocer como una institución de excelencia académica, producción científica, responsabilidad social y capacidad de incidir en el desarrollo de la sociedad ecuatorian

    Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: A pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Background: Change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure could be due to both shifts in the entire distribution of blood pressure (representing the combined effects of public health interventions and secular trends) and changes in its high-blood-pressure tail (representing successful clinical interventions to control blood pressure in the hypertensive population). Our aim was to quantify the contributions of these two phenomena to the worldwide trends in the prevalence of raised blood pressure. Methods: We pooled 1018 population-based studies with blood pressure measurements on 88.6 million participants from 1985 to 2016. We first calculated mean systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and prevalence of raised blood pressure by sex and 10-year age group from 20-29 years to 70-79 years in each study, taking into account complex survey design and survey sample weights, where relevant. We used a linear mixed effect model to quantify the association between (probittransformed) prevalence of raised blood pressure and age-group- and sex-specific mean blood pressure. We calculated the contributions of change in mean SBP and DBP, and of change in the prevalence-mean association, to the change in prevalence of raised blood pressure. Results: In 2005-16, at the same level of population mean SBP and DBP, men and women in South Asia and in Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa would have the highest prevalence of raised blood pressure, and men and women in the highincome Asia Pacific and high-income Western regions would have the lowest. In most region-sex-age groups where the prevalence of raised blood pressure declined, one half or more of the decline was due to the decline in mean blood pressure. Where prevalence of raised blood pressure has increased, the change was entirely driven by increasing mean blood pressure, offset partly by the change in the prevalence-mean association. Conclusions: Change in mean blood pressure is the main driver of the worldwide change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure, but change in the high-blood-pressure tail of the distribution has also contributed to the change in prevalence, especially in older age groups

    Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol

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    High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries(1,2). However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world(3) and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at varying rates. These changes can have distinct effects on the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which have different effects on human health(4,5). However, the trends of HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels over time have not been previously reported in a global analysis. Here we pooled 1,127 population-based studies that measured blood lipids in 102.6 million individuals aged 18 years and older to estimate trends from 1980 to 2018 in mean total, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels for 200 countries. Globally, there was little change in total or non-HDL cholesterol from 1980 to 2018. This was a net effect of increases in low- and middle-income countries, especially in east and southeast Asia, and decreases in high-income western countries, especially those in northwestern Europe, and in central and eastern Europe. As a result, countries with the highest level of non-HDL cholesterol-which is a marker of cardiovascular riskchanged from those in western Europe such as Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Malta in 1980 to those in Asia and the Pacific, such as Tokelau, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand. In 2017, high non-HDL cholesterol was responsible for an estimated 3.9 million (95% credible interval 3.7 million-4.2 million) worldwide deaths, half of which occurred in east, southeast and south Asia. The global repositioning of lipid-related risk, with non-optimal cholesterol shifting from a distinct feature of high-income countries in northwestern Europe, north America and Australasia to one that affects countries in east and southeast Asia and Oceania should motivate the use of population-based policies and personal interventions to improve nutrition and enhance access to treatment throughout the world.Peer reviewe

    Voluntariado en Acción Catálogo de iniciativas de voluntariado Centros de Educación para el Desarrollo.

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    Este catálogo compila todas las iniciativas de voluntariado que enmarcan y orientan las acciones de más de dos mil voluntarios anuales que aportan con su tiempo y conocimiento al fortalecimiento de las comunidades, sus organizaciones sociales y comunitarias que trabajan decididamente para construir una mejor sociedad. Durante los últimos tres años hemos apostado por el fortalecimiento de esta estrategia generando nuevas modalidades, diversos escenarios para el desarrollo del voluntariado, capacitando a los 19 líderes y los voluntarios en las sedes, siempre bajo la profunda convicción de que el mundo se puede cambiar cuando mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, logran tocar la vida de las personas que más lo necesitan

    Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Largest HIV-1 CRF02_AG Outbreak in Spain: Evidence for Onward Transmissions

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    Background and Aim: The circulating recombinant form 02_AG (CRF02_AG) is the predominant clade among the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) non-Bs with a prevalence of 5.97% (95% Confidence Interval-CI: 5.41–6.57%) across Spain. Our aim was to estimate the levels of regional clustering for CRF02_AG and the spatiotemporal characteristics of the largest CRF02_AG subepidemic in Spain.Methods: We studied 396 CRF02_AG sequences obtained from HIV-1 diagnosed patients during 2000–2014 from 10 autonomous communities of Spain. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on the 391 CRF02_AG sequences along with all globally sampled CRF02_AG sequences (N = 3,302) as references. Phylodynamic and phylogeographic analysis was performed to the largest CRF02_AG monophyletic cluster by a Bayesian method in BEAST v1.8.0 and by reconstructing ancestral states using the criterion of parsimony in Mesquite v3.4, respectively.Results: The HIV-1 CRF02_AG prevalence differed across Spanish autonomous communities we sampled from (p < 0.001). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 52.7% of the CRF02_AG sequences formed 56 monophyletic clusters, with a range of 2–79 sequences. The CRF02_AG regional dispersal differed across Spain (p = 0.003), as suggested by monophyletic clustering. For the largest monophyletic cluster (subepidemic) (N = 79), 49.4% of the clustered sequences originated from Madrid, while most sequences (51.9%) had been obtained from men having sex with men (MSM). Molecular clock analysis suggested that the origin (tMRCA) of the CRF02_AG subepidemic was in 2002 (median estimate; 95% Highest Posterior Density-HPD interval: 1999–2004). Additionally, we found significant clustering within the CRF02_AG subepidemic according to the ethnic origin.Conclusion: CRF02_AG has been introduced as a result of multiple introductions in Spain, following regional dispersal in several cases. We showed that CRF02_AG transmissions were mostly due to regional dispersal in Spain. The hot-spot for the largest CRF02_AG regional subepidemic in Spain was in Madrid associated with MSM transmission risk group. The existence of subepidemics suggest that several spillovers occurred from Madrid to other areas. CRF02_AG sequences from Hispanics were clustered in a separate subclade suggesting no linkage between the local and Hispanic subepidemics

    All-cause mortality in the cohorts of the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RIS) compared with the general population: 1997Ł2010

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    Abstract Background: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has produced significant changes in mortality of HIVinfected persons. Our objective was to estimate mortality rates, standardized mortality ratios and excess mortality rates of cohorts of the AIDS Research Network (RIS) (CoRIS-MD and CoRIS) compared to the general population. Methods: We analysed data of CoRIS-MD and CoRIS cohorts from 1997 to 2010. We calculated: (i) all-cause mortality rates, (ii) standardized mortality ratio (SMR) and (iii) excess mortality rates for both cohort for 100 personyears (py) of follow-up, comparing all-cause mortality with that of the general population of similar age and gender. Results: Between 1997 and 2010, 8,214 HIV positive subjects were included, 2,453 (29.9%) in CoRIS-MD and 5,761 (70.1%) in CoRIS and 294 deaths were registered. All-cause mortality rate was 1.02 (95% CI 0.91-1.15) per 100 py, SMR was 6.8 (95% CI 5.9-7.9) and excess mortality rate was 0.8 (95% CI 0.7-0.9) per 100 py. Mortality was higher in patients with AIDS, hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection, and those from CoRIS-MD cohort (1997. Conclusion: Mortality among HIV-positive persons remains higher than that of the general population of similar age and sex, with significant differences depending on the history of AIDS or HCV coinfection