1,038 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida su vínculo con la depresión en el adulto mayor

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    Quality of life: its association with depression in the elderlyCalidad de vida su vínculo con la depresión en el adulto mayo

    Síntomas depresivos en pacientes diagnosticados con COVID-19 en Pinar del Río

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    Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in an increase in the number of confirmed positive cases and deaths worldwide. This situation causes the development of negative emotions and thoughts that interfere with well-being and mental health.Objective: to evaluate depressive symptoms in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 admitted to Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Provincial Clinical-Surgical-Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Río province, from April to June 2020.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with institutionalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to evaluate the depressive symptoms in the period of activity of COVID-19 during the year 2020, with a target group comprising 37 patients who were 20 years and older.Results:  the population studied presented a predominance of 50 % of female patients (40-59 years old), where 34 of them showed depressive mood (91.89 %), followed by a decrease in vitality 86.48 % and loss of attention and concentration. Among the chronic non-communicable diseases they suffered from, there was a greater presence of depressive symptoms in patients with hypertension and bronchial asthma.Conclusions: the research has shown that the perception of infectious diseases referred by the population under study evidenced a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms. Depressive mood and decreased vitality stand out, having repercussions on the physical and emotional status of the patients.Introducción: la pandemia por la COVID-19 trae como consecuencia un aumento en el número de casos confirmados y muertes en el mundo. Esta situación provoca el desarrollo de emociones y pensamientos negativos que interfieren en el bienestar y en la salud mental.Objetivo: evaluar síntomas depresivos en pacientes diagnosticados con COVID-19, ingresados en el Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Dr. León Cuervo Rubio de Pinar del Río, en los meses de abril a junio en el año 2020.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal, en pacientes institucionalizados con diagnóstico de COVID-19 para evaluar síntomas depresivos en el periodo de actividad de la enfermedad durante el año 2020, en un universo de 37 pacientes, en enfermos con edades de 20 años y más.Resultados: en la población estudiada existió un predominio del 50 % del sexo femenino en edades entre 40-59 años, de ellos 34 pacientes presentaron humor depresivo para un 91,89 %, seguido de disminución de su vitalidad 86,48 % y pérdida de la atención y concentración. Dentro de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles que presentaron mayor presencia de síntomas depresivos se encontraron la hipertensión arterial y el asma bronquial.Conclusiones: la investigación ha demostrado que la percepción de enfermedades infecciosas referida por la población objeto de estudio, se expresa en una mayor prevalencia de síntomas depresivos. Se destacan el humor depresivo, disminución de su vitalidad, esto repercute en el estado físico y emocional del paciente

    Depressive symptoms in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in Pinar del Rio province

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    Introducción: la pandemia por la COVID-19 trae como consecuencia un aumento en el número de casos confirmados y muertes en el mundo. Esta situación provoca el desarrollo de emociones y pensamientos negativos que interfieren en el bienestar y en la salud mental.Objetivo: evaluar síntomas depresivos en pacientes diagnosticados con COVID-19, ingresados en el Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Dr. León Cuervo Rubio de Pinar del Río, en los meses de abril a junio en el año 2020.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal, en pacientes institucionalizados con diagnóstico de COVID-19 para evaluar síntomas depresivos en el periodo de actividad de la enfermedad durante el año 2020, en un universo de 37 pacientes, en enfermos con edades de 20 años y más.Resultados: en la población estudiada existió un predominio del 50 % del sexo femenino en edades entre 40-59 años, de ellos 34 pacientes presentaron humor depresivo para un 91,89 %, seguido de disminución de su vitalidad 86,48 % y pérdida de la atención y concentración. Dentro de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles que presentaron mayor presencia de síntomas depresivos se encontraron la hipertensión arterial y el asma bronquial.Conclusiones: la investigación ha demostrado que la percepción de enfermedades infecciosas referida por la población objeto de estudio, se expresa en una mayor prevalencia de síntomas depresivos. Se destacan el humor depresivo, disminución de su vitalidad, esto repercute en el estado físico y emocional del paciente.Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic is resulting in an increase in the number of confirmed positive cases and deaths worldwide. This situation causes the development of negative emotions and thoughts that interfere with well-being and mental health.Objective: to evaluate depressive symptoms in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 admitted to Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Provincial Clinical-Surgical-Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Río province, from April to June 2020.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with institutionalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to evaluate the depressive symptoms in the period of activity of COVID-19 during the year 2020, with a target group comprising 37 patients who were 20 years and older.Results:  the population studied presented a predominance of 50 % of female patients (40-59 years old), where 34 of them showed depressive mood (91.89 %), followed by a decrease in vitality 86.48 % and loss of attention and concentration. Among the chronic non-communicable diseases they suffered from, there was a greater presence of depressive symptoms in patients with hypertension and bronchial asthma.Conclusions: the research has shown that the perception of infectious diseases referred by the population under study evidenced a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms. Depressive mood and decreased vitality stand out, having repercussions on the physical and emotional status of the patients

    Caracterización clínica y terapéutica del episodio depresivo en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Introduction: depression is the most common psychiatric illness. About 20% of people suffer from depression during their lifetime, of which 70 % are women and can be suffered at any age.Objective: to characterize hospitalized patients with diagnosis of depressive episode based on clinical symptoms, therapy applied and presence of complications at Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital. Pinar del Río during the years 2017-2018.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed. The target group included 116 patients with clinical diagnosis of depressive episode who needed psychological treatment during hospitalization. Data were obtained from clinical histories, and through interview and observation.Results: it was evidenced that female gender was mostly affected, in ages between 40-59 years. The main risk factors identified were social factors, such as health relatives, economic factors related to the patient's personality, and biological factors. The main symptoms were reduced attention and concentration, loss of self-confidence and feelings of inferiority, guilt and uselessness.Conclusions: decreased of attention and concentration were present in all patients with predominance of guiltiness and uselessness ideas, scarce complications, cognitive behavioral therapy was the treatment of choice.Introducción: La depresión es la enfermedad psiquiátrica más frecuente. Cerca del 20 % de las personas padecen durante su vida una depresión, de ellos el 70 % son mujeres y puede sufrirse a cualquier edad.Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes hospitalizados con diagnóstico de episodio depresivo según síntomas clínicos, terapia utilizada y presencia de complicaciones en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Dr. León Cuervo Rubio. Pinar del Río durante los años 2017-2018.Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. El universo quedó constituido por 116 pacientes con el diagnóstico clínico de episodio depresivo que necesitaron tratamiento psicológico durante la hospitalización. Los datos fueron obtenidos de las historias clínicas, mediante la entrevista y la observación.Resultados: Se evidenció que el sexo femenino fue mayormente afectado, en edades entre 40-59 años. Como factores de riesgo principales se identificaron, los sociales, como son familiares de salud, económicos relacionados con la personalidad del paciente, biológicos. Los principales síntomas fueron disminución de la atención y concentración, perdida de la confianza en sí mismo y sentimientos de inferioridad; ideas de culpa y de ser inútilConclusiones: La disminución de la atención y concentración, estuvieron presentes en todos los pacientes con predominio de ideas de culpa y de ser inútil, las complicaciones escasas, siendo la terapia cognitivo conductual el tratamiento de elección utilizado

    Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in the depressive episode

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    Introducción: la depresión es una enfermedad neuro-psiquiátrica prevalente a nivel mundial, motivo por el cual resulta trascendente realizar estudios sobre la situación actual respecto a los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas acerca de este trastorno.Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la terapia cognitiva conductual en el episodio depresivo leve y moderado en pacientes hospitalizados en el Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría Cuadrado durante julio 2020 y junio 2021.Métodos: se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal en pacientes con diagnóstico de episodio depresivo leve y moderado ingresados en el Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría Cuadrado, de Pinar del Río durante el periodo de julio 2020 a junio 2021. El universo y la muestra coincidieron y estuvo constituido por 94 pacientes con dicho diagnóstico. Las técnicas de procesamiento y análisis fueron la distribución en frecuencias absolutas y relativas, así como la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado. Se respetaron los principios bioéticos.Resultados: en la investigación predomino el sexo femenino, las edades de 60 años y más. Se evidencio la disminución de los síntomas después de instaurada la terapia cognitiva conductual, la cronificación de los síntomas y las recaídas fueron escasas. Sobresalió la disminución de los síntomas y la regresión del bienestar en el estado de humor.Conclusiones: resultó efectiva la terapia cognitiva conductual en pacientes con diagnóstico de episodio depresivo leve y moderado disminuyendo la mortalidad y comportamientos asociados. La terapia cognitiva conductual se muestra como una intervención efectiva en pacientes con diagnóstico de episodio depresivo leve y moderado en la Institución hospitalaria. Introduction: depression is a prevalent neuropsychiatric disease worldwide, which is why it is important to conduct studies on the current situation regarding knowledge, attitudes and practices about this disorder.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in mild and moderate depressive episode in patients hospitalized at Abel Santamaria Cuadrado General Teaching Hospital during July 2020 and June 2021.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out in patients with a diagnosis of mild and moderate depressive episode admitted Abel Santamaria Cuadrado General Teaching Hospital, Pinar del Rio province during the period from July 2020 to June 2021. The target group and the sample coincided and comprised 94 patients with this diagnosis. The processing and analysis techniques comprised the distribution in absolute and relative frequencies, as well as the chi-squared test. Bioethical principles were met.Results: in the research female predominated, 60 years and older. Symptom reduction was evidenced after cognitive-behavioral therapy, symptom chronicity and relapses were scarce. The reduction of symptoms and the regression of the feeling of well-being in the frame of mind stood out.Conclusions: cognitive behavioral therapy was effective in patients diagnosed with mild and moderate depressive episode, reducing mortality and associated behaviors. Cognitive behavioral therapy is shown to be an effective intervention in patients diagnosed with mild and moderate depressive episode in the hospital institution

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Global, regional, and national cancer incidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-Adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2017 : A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study

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    Importance: Cancer and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are now widely recognized as a threat to global development. The latest United Nations high-level meeting on NCDs reaffirmed this observation and also highlighted the slow progress in meeting the 2011 Political Declaration on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases and the third Sustainable Development Goal. Lack of situational analyses, priority setting, and budgeting have been identified as major obstacles in achieving these goals. All of these have in common that they require information on the local cancer epidemiology. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study is uniquely poised to provide these crucial data. Objective: To describe cancer burden for 29 cancer groups in 195 countries from 1990 through 2017 to provide data needed for cancer control planning. Evidence Review: We used the GBD study estimation methods to describe cancer incidence, mortality, years lived with disability, years of life lost, and disability-Adjusted life-years (DALYs). Results are presented at the national level as well as by Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator of income, educational attainment, and total fertility rate. We also analyzed the influence of the epidemiological vs the demographic transition on cancer incidence. Findings: In 2017, there were 24.5 million incident cancer cases worldwide (16.8 million without nonmelanoma skin cancer [NMSC]) and 9.6 million cancer deaths. The majority of cancer DALYs came from years of life lost (97%), and only 3% came from years lived with disability. The odds of developing cancer were the lowest in the low SDI quintile (1 in 7) and the highest in the high SDI quintile (1 in 2) for both sexes. In 2017, the most common incident cancers in men were NMSC (4.3 million incident cases); tracheal, bronchus, and lung (TBL) cancer (1.5 million incident cases); and prostate cancer (1.3 million incident cases). The most common causes of cancer deaths and DALYs for men were TBL cancer (1.3 million deaths and 28.4 million DALYs), liver cancer (572000 deaths and 15.2 million DALYs), and stomach cancer (542000 deaths and 12.2 million DALYs). For women in 2017, the most common incident cancers were NMSC (3.3 million incident cases), breast cancer (1.9 million incident cases), and colorectal cancer (819000 incident cases). The leading causes of cancer deaths and DALYs for women were breast cancer (601000 deaths and 17.4 million DALYs), TBL cancer (596000 deaths and 12.6 million DALYs), and colorectal cancer (414000 deaths and 8.3 million DALYs). Conclusions and Relevance: The national epidemiological profiles of cancer burden in the GBD study show large heterogeneities, which are a reflection of different exposures to risk factors, economic settings, lifestyles, and access to care and screening. The GBD study can be used by policy makers and other stakeholders to develop and improve national and local cancer control in order to achieve the global targets and improve equity in cancer care. © 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    MUSiC : a model-unspecific search for new physics in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV

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    Results of the Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC), using proton-proton collision data recorded at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1), are presented. The MUSiC analysis searches for anomalies that could be signatures of physics beyond the standard model. The analysis is based on the comparison of observed data with the standard model prediction, as determined from simulation, in several hundred final states and multiple kinematic distributions. Events containing at least one electron or muon are classified based on their final state topology, and an automated search algorithm surveys the observed data for deviations from the prediction. The sensitivity of the search is validated using multiple methods. No significant deviations from the predictions have been observed. For a wide range of final state topologies, agreement is found between the data and the standard model simulation. This analysis complements dedicated search analyses by significantly expanding the range of final states covered using a model independent approach with the largest data set to date to probe phase space regions beyond the reach of previous general searches.Peer reviewe