İstanbul Üniversitesi Açık Erişim Sistemi
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    189325 research outputs found

    Predicting the Trajectories of Drifting Objects in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    Forecasting of the tracks of drifting objects in the sea is a complicated process due to the effects of many phenomena such currents and wind. In this research, the problem is solved with model data and a basic approach. In this approach, we apply an iterative method based on surface current and wind data to predict the trajectories of possible drifting objects in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The main surface current circulation has a cyclonic nature, and its impact on the routes of drifting objects is clearly seen. The results of the study are useful for predicting the trajectories of drifting objects and the proposed method and calculations can be roughly used for drifting trajectory prediction. The advantage of this method is that it is user-friendly and provides many tracks in a minute. The biggest uncertainty in this work is obtaining accurate information about where and when the object started to drift

    Comprehensive Peace Agreements Implementation Dataset

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    Bu çalışma ARDEB Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimlerde Yenilikçi Çözümler Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı kapsamında 122G203 Numaraları projenin bir çıktısı olarak TÜBİTAK tarafından fonlanmıştır.Kapsamlı Barış Anlaşmaları Uygulama Veri Kümesi (Comprehensive Peace Agreements Implementation Dataset, CPA_ID), 1989 ile 2012 yılları arasında devlet içi çatışmaları sona erdirmeyi amaçlayan, anlaşmazlığın altında yatan esas meseleleri ele alan, en az biri devletin başkentini kontrol eden hükümet olmak üzere çatışmanın ana tarafları arasında müzakere sonucu karşılıklı olarak kabul edilmiş, yazılı ve kamuya açık otuz dört kapsamlı barış anlaşması hakkında nitel ve nicel veriler içermektedir. Veri kümesinde gözlem birimi, devlet-içi kapsamlı barış anlaşması vakalarıdır. Literatürün kapsamlı bir incelemesine dayalı olarak her bir vaka için 85 gösterge ve 171 alt gösterge geliştirilmiştir. Bu göstergeler, beş kavram kümesi etrafında kategorize edilmektedir. Bunlar; (a) güç paylaşımı, (b) geçiş dönemi adaleti, (c) geçiş dönemi reformu, (d) uluslararası destek, (e) uygulama süreci. Bu kavramlar, Barış ve Çatışma Çalışmaları alanındaki temel araştırma ve tartışma konularını yansıtmaktadır. Veri kümesinde kavramları geliştirme ve kodlama süreci beş aşamadan oluşmaktadır: (1) kavramsallaştırma, (2) sistematize etme, (3) operasyonel hale getirme, (4) göstergeler atama, (5) vaka kodlama. Göstergelerin ayrıştırılması, anlaşma hükümleri arasındaki farklılıkları göstererek nitel araştırmaları kolaylaştırmaktadır. Veri kümesi nicel araştırmalar için de kullanılabilmektedir. Veriler, anlaşma hükmünün varlığı (1) ve yokluğu (0) ile uygulama düzeyine (minimum için 1, orta için 2, tam için 3) göre ilgili gösterge değişkenine sayısal olarak kodlanmaktadır. Veri kümesinde her bir vakaya ilişkin Gleditsch & Ward sayısal ülke kodları, Uluslararası Standartlar Teşkilatı (ISO) 3166-1 üç basamaklı sayısal ülke kodu, ISO 3166-1 üç harfli ülke kodu, UCDP/PRIO Silahlı Çatışma Veri Kümesi’nde tanımlanan çatışma kodu/numarası, UCDP Barış Anlaşması Veri Kümesi, PAM_ID Veri Kümesi, İç Çatışmalarda Siyasi Anlaşmalar Veri Kümesi (PAIC) ve PA-X Barış Anlaşmaları Veri Tabanı ve Veri Kümesi’nde tanımlanan anlaşma kodları/numaraları bulunmaktadır. Bu tanımlayıcı değişkenler, mevcut barış anlaşmaları literatüründeki diğer veri kümeleriyle karşılaştırma ve birleştirme imkanı sunduğundan CPA_ID’nin araştırmacılar için kullanımını kolaylaştırmaktadır. Veri kümesinde ayrıca devlet-içi çatışmanın yaşandığı coğrafi bölge/konum (Afrika, Asya & Pasifik, Amerika, Avrupa, Orta Doğu & Batı Asya), kapsamlı barış anlaşmasını imzalayan ülkenin adı, çatışma türü (hükümet veya teritoryal), teritoryal anlaşmazlığa ilişkin çatışmanın yaşandığı toprağın/bölgenin adı, çatışmanın adı, çatışmanın tarafları/aktörleri, çatışma ile bağlantılı ilk ölümün yaşandığı tarih, barış sürecinin adı. kapsamlı barış anlaşmasının adı ve imzalandığı tarih, anlaşmayı imzalayan/onaylayan/kabul eden çatışma tarafları (örneğin hükümet, kişiler, isyancı gruplar, siyasi partiler veya devlet organları), gözlemci, garantör, tanık, kolaylaştırıcı, arabulucu olarak imzalayan üçüncü taraflar (örneğin devletler, uluslararası örgütler ve sivil toplum kuruluşları vs), anlaşma metninin dil(ler)i, anlaşmanın sayfa uzunluğu ve tam metnine erişim için bağlantı, kapsamlı barış anlaşması ile ilişkili diğer anlaşma(lar) hakkında değişken içerikleri oluşturulmuştur. CPA_ID, sadece proje kapsamında kullanılmak üzere değil, Barış ve Çatışma Çalışmaları alanında çalışan araştırmacılara ve uygulayıcılara (kolaylaştırıcı, arabulucu vs) teorik ve pratik öneme sahip bir veri kümesi sağlamak amacıyla da oluşturulmuştur. Kullanıcılar, araştırmalarıyla ilgili anlaşma hükümlerini tarayabilir, derleyebilir ve dışa aktarabilirler. Bunun için, verilerin SPSS veya R'ye aktarılmasına olanak tanıyan Excel veri dosyaları ve kod kitabı çevrimiçi olarak kullanıma sunulmaktadır

    Temelden Kliniğe Kardiyovasküler Sistem

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    Comparative Analysis of Students' Learning Behavior in Smart Learning Environment

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    This paper analyzes the important influence factors of intelligent learning environment on students' learning behavior in higher vocational colleges, compares and analyzes the specific influence data, and finally discusses the significance of intelligent learning environment on education and teaching

    The Effect of Rent Controls and Regulations on Fighting Against Inflation and The Applicability of These Policies in Turkey

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    There is a strong relationship between the increase in rental prices and the cost of living since asignificant portion of personal income is allocated to housing. It is assumed that individuals in manycountries allocate approximately one-third of their income to rent, and housing expenses have asignificant share in the goods and services baskets used in inflation calculations. However, in caseswhere rent increases are determined according to the inflation rate, this relationship becomes a cyclethat feeds each other. Although other important expenditure classifications, such as food, includemany different products, a very large part of the housing cost consists of rent alone. In addition, renthikes may indirectly cause the price of many different products to increase. This situation brings alongthe thought that inflation can be restrained if rent increases are limited. It is possible to present manydifferent examples in which certain rules are applied to the determination of rental prices and increaserates and the eviction of the tenant. These applications can be in different forms such as thedetermination of the rental price per square meter by the state, limitation of the reasons for eviction,application of the ceiling price, and freezing of prices. Although price controls and other restrictionswithin the free market mechanism are not tolerated that they will disrupt the supply and demandbalance of the market, it is seen that there are controls on rental prices or other regulations have beenmade in this regard in many countries that have adopted the free market economy. The generalpurpose of these controls and regulations is to enable large masses to access housing, to protect thetenants, and not to allow rent increases to trigger inflation. Although the target inflation rates couldnot be fully reached, it is possible to say that the price increases in our country remained at relativelyacceptable levels throughout the 2000s. However, with the reflection of the recent poor economicpolicies and external developments on the general level of prices, Turkey again faced the phenomenonof very high inflation. In addition, the average rental prices in Turkey approached the minimum wagein many provinces and reached figures that even exceeded the minimum wage in provinces such asMuğla, Istanbul, and Izmir. While the impact of the various economic problems that emerged with thepandemic has not passed, the serious increases in both the average rent and the general level of priceshave increased the living problem in the country and left many people below the poverty line, evenhunger. Refusing to increase interest rates, which is the most basic intervention tool of the orthodoxeconomic policy against inflation, and even going for an interest rate cut in the opposite direction,Turkey tries to restrain both exchange rates and inflation with practices such as regulations on reserverequirement ratios, changes in duty rates and threshold values, and offering exchange-rate-protecteddeposit accounts. However, it is difficult to say that these interventions have the desired effect on thegeneral level of prices and exchange rates. Factors such as the payments that the Treasury has toundertake due to exchange-rate-protected deposits, unavoidable dollarization, high current accountdeficit, and foreign debt make it difficult to keep inflation under control. In a situation whereexpectations are negative and there is a loss of confidence in economic policies, increasing the policyinterest rate alone will not be sufficient as an intervention against inflation. At the point that theTurkish economy has reached, heterodox economic policies remain in order to prevent thedepreciation of the Turkish lira. The legal regulation limiting the increase in rent prices by twenty-fivepercent, which is on the agenda of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in June, is an example of anincomes policy implementation in this respect. The aim of the study within this framework is toexamine the effect of rent controls and regulations on inflation and to discuss how these practices willaffect inflation in Turkey and other economic outcomes, especially the developments in the housingmarket. In the first part of the study, general information about rent controls and regulations is given,while in the second part, different application examples in the world are explained. In the thirdchapter, while the price controls and regulations that have been put into practice in Turkey aresummarized, the most recent rent increase limitation and its possible consequences are emphasized.In the conclusion part, rent controls and regulations, as an example of heterodox economic policies,and the effects of these policies on reducing inflation in Turkey and their reflections on the marketsare evaluated

    The role of consumer characteristics on cultural consumption tendency

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    Purpose This study aims to identify the role of consumer characteristics in cultural consumption tendencies. Additionally, the study examines whether country differences and prior experience in the country affect consumers' cultural consumption tendencies. Design/methodology/approach The effects of cosmopolitanism, consumer ethnocentrism, individual innovativeness, and lifestyle on cultural consumption tendencies were tested. Moreover, we assess whether country type and prior experience are differentiating factors for cultural consumption tendencies. To this end, two countries - the USA and South Korea, representing Western and Eastern cultures, respectively - were selected to achieve comparable results in two different cultures. The research data were collected from 775 people using an online survey method and analyzed using path analysis and an independent samples t-test. Findings Consumer characteristics affect cultural consumption tendencies. These effects are culture-specific and cultural product-specific. Cosmopolitanism has a positive impact on cultural consumption tendencies, while consumer ethnocentrism has a negative impact. Individual innovativeness and lifestyle partially affected cultural consumption tendencies. Notably, these effects differ by country type. However, cultural consumption tendencies do not differ according to consumers' prior experience. Practical implications This study provides insightful information for e-retailers to be mindful of global consumer characteristics. Accordingly, cultural consumption patterns can be used as the basis for market segmentation. In addition, understanding global consumer characteristics and their cultural product- and culture-specific effects on consumption will help cultural industry players in their segmentation and targeting decisions. Originality/value Notwithstanding the rich body of literature on cultural consumption, this study provides consumer-level comparative empirical research from a marketing perspective. Essentially, the study is novel as it reveals the consumer characteristics that affect cultural consumption tendencies

    Hydrothermal synthesis of polypyrrole/dye-functionalized carbon cloth electrode for wide potential window supercapacitor

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    © 2023 Elsevier B.V.Supercapacitors are a new generation of energy storage systems, but their low energy densities need to be improved depending on their capacitance and operating voltage range. In this study, the effect of dyes such as hydroxy naphthol blue (HNB), methyl orange (MO) and thymol blue (TB) on the electrochemical performance of polypyrrole coated on carbon cloth as electrode material in supercapacitors was analysed. The results of this study reveal that dye-functionalized polypyrrole shows higher specific capacitance than forms of polypyrrole. Among all the three electrode materials PPy/HNB electrode showed highest capacity of 108.0 F g−1 at the current density of 0.4 A g−1. Additionally, a maximum energy density of 135.6 Wh kg−1 and a maximum power density of 40.0 kW kg−1 were attained by the PPy/HNB symmetric supercapacitor. The device exhibits stability for 5000 cycles and a 91.06% capacitance retention

    XIX. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Çağdaş İslam Düşünürleri

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    İstanbul Üniversitesi Açık Erişim Sistemi is based in Türkiye
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