118 research outputs found

    Efek Suplementasi Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap Performa Produksi dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Petelur

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    Daun Moringa oleifera adalah bagian yang paling bergizi, menjadi sumber penting vitamin B kompleks, vitamin C, pro-vitamin A, vitamin K, mangan, dan protein di antara nutrisi penting lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon ayam Lohmann Brown yang diberi ransum tepung daun kelor terhadap performa produksi dan kualitas telur ayam petelur. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, masing-masing ulangan menggunakan enam ekor ayam Lohmann Brown umur 39 minggu. Empat perlakuan pakan tersebut adalah: pakan komersial tanpa suplementasi daun kelor (diet basal; kontrol; P0); P1 (diet basal + 4 % tepung daun kelor); P2 (diet basal + 6 % tepung daun kelor; dan P3 (pakan basal + 8 % tepung daun kelor). Variabel yang diamati meliputi performa produksi yaitu konsumsi pakan, konversi pakan, hen day, dan kualitas telur yang terdiri dari bobot telur, indeks kuning telur dan Haugh unit (HU). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi pakan yang disuplementasi tepung daun kelor berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05), sedangkan terhadap konversi pakan, bobot telur, hen day, indeks kuning telur, dan HU tidak berpengaruh nyata (P> 0,05). Suplementasi tepung daun kelor pada pakan dengan level 4 % hingga 8 % dapat menurunkan konsumsi pakan ayam petelur tetapi tidak mempengaruhi kualitas telur yang dihasilkan

    The history of written language disorders: reexamining Pitres’ case (1884) of pure agraphia

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    The first clinical description of pure agraphia was reported by the French neurologist Pitres in 1884. Pitres used the case study evidence to argue for modality-specific memory representations and the localization of writing. This article reviews Pitres’s contribution to the study of acquired writing disorders, the components of writing models and the cerebral localization which subserve writing, in light of the views entertained by his contemporaries and current authors. Although numerous cases have been reported throughout this century, the view that writing can be impaired while other language functions and motor activities remain intact is still challenged

    Language control and parallel recovery of language in individuals with aphasia

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    Background: The causal basis of the different patterns of language recovery following stroke in bilingual speakers is not well understood. Our approach distinguishes the representation of language from the mechanisms involved in its control. Previous studies have suggested that difficulties in language control can explain selective aphasia in one language as well as pathological switching between languages. Here we test the hypothesis that difficulties in managing and resolving competition will also be observed in those who are equally impaired in both their languages even in the absence of pathological switching. Aims: To examine difficulties in language control in bilingual individuals with parallel recovery in aphasia and to compare their performance on different types of conflict task. Methods & procedures: Two right-handed, non-native English-speaking participants who showed parallel recovery of two languages after stroke and a group of non-native English-speaking, bilingual controls described a scene in English and in their first language and completed three explicit conflict tasks. Two of these were verbal conflict tasks: a lexical decision task in English, in which individuals distinguished English words from non-words, and a Stroop task, in English and in their first language. The third conflict task was a non-verbal flanker task. Outcomes & Results: Both participants with aphasia were impaired in the picture description task in English and in their first language but showed different patterns of impairment on the conflict tasks. For the participant with left subcortical damage, conflict was abnormally high during the verbal tasks (lexical decision and Stroop) but not during the non-verbal flanker task. In contrast, for the participant with extensive left parietal damage, conflict was less abnormal during the Stroop task than the flanker or lexical decision task. Conclusions: Our data reveal two distinct control impairments associated with parallel recovery. We stress the need to explore the precise nature of control problems and how control is implemented in order to develop fuller causal accounts of language recovery patterns in bilingual aphasia

    Opera and Hypnosis: Victor Maurel’s Experiments with Verdi’s Otello

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    One day in his private home on the avenue Bugeaud, in Paris’s sixteenth arrondissement, the famous baritone Victor Maurel hosted a meeting which combined music with hypnotism of a young woman

    Vocal Culture in the Age of Laryngoscopy

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    For several months beginning in 1884, readers of Life, Science, Health, the Atlantic Monthly and similar magazines would have encountered half-page advertisements for a newly patented medical device called the ‘ammoniaphone’ (Figure 2.1). Invented and promoted by a Scottish doctor named Carter Moffat and endorsed by the soprano Adelina Patti, British Prime Minister William Gladstone and the Princess of Wales, the ammoniaphone promised a miraculous transformation in the voices of its users. It was recommended for ‘vocalists, clergymen, public speakers, parliamentary men, readers, reciters, lecturers, leaders of psalmody, schoolmasters, amateurs, church choirs, barristers, and all persons who have to use their voices professionally, or who desire to greatly improve their speaking or singing tones’. Some estimates indicated that Moffat sold upwards of 30,000 units, yet the ammoniaphone was a flash in the pan as far as such things go, fading from public view after 1886

    Science, Technology and Love in Late Eighteenth-Century Opera

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    It is a tale told by countless operas: young love, thwarted by an old man’s financially motivated marriage plans, triumphs in the end thanks to a deception that tricks the old man into blessing the young lovers’ union. Always a doddering fool, the old man is often also an enthusiast for knowledge. Such is the case, for instance, in Carlo Goldoni’s comic opera libretto Il mondo della luna (1750), in which Buonafede’s interest in the moon opens him to an elaborate hoax that has him believe he and his daughters have left Earth for the lunar world; and also in the Singspiel Die Luftbälle, oder der Liebhaber à la Montgolfier (1788), wherein the apothecary Wurm trades Sophie, the ward he intended to marry himself, for a technological innovation that will make him a pioneering aeronaut

    Technological Phantoms of the Opéra

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