9,658 research outputs found


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    Tujuan pembuatan proyek akhir yang berjudul “Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535” adalah untuk memudahkan proses pengecapan batik motif agar tidak manual dan proses pengecapannya berjalan secara otomatis tidak dilakukan oleh operator (manusia), alat ini dikontrol oleh sebuah mikrokontroler. Metode yang digunakan dalam proyek akhir ini adalah rancang bagian kontrol pengecap Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535. Perancangan perangkat keras terdiri dari: catu daya, perangkat kontrol dan pengolah data yang berupa sistem minimum mikrokontroller Atmega8535, LCD monitor, push button, motor dc, solenoid, sensor photo dioda dan saklar relay. Sensor phototransistor digunakan untuk mendeteksi objek benda. Motor DC digunakan untuk penggerak conveyor dan menggeser solenoid pengecap dari kanan kekiri maupun kiri kekanan. Solenoid digunakan untuk pengecap motif batik dari tinta malam kekain putih (mori). Berdasarkan Hasil pengujian dan unjuk kerja dari Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535 telah menunjukkan hasil kerja dengan sistem cara kerja sensor dan waktu (delay) untuk menunjukkan hasil kerja dari alat Mesin Pengecap Motif Batik Berbasis Atmega8535 langkah awalnya sensor phototransistor 1 bekerja jika objek benda kain ditaruh atas conveyor. Conveyor bergerak kearah sensor phototransistor 2 sensor tersebut bekerja menjalankan perintah untuk menggerakkan pengecap (solenoid) dari pengambilan malam ke kain putih yang dibawa oleh conveyor untuk pergeseran pengecapan digerakkan oleh motor DC dengan menggunakan rel penggeser dari bekas printer untuk menggeser dari kanan kiri. Sistem pergeseran rel pengecap ini bekerja dengan sistem waktu delay yang telah ditentuka

    Characterization of soft soil using multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) and electrical resistivity method (ERM)

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    This thesis demonstrates the research on the soft soil characteristics using geophysical methods. The need on non-intrusive, time efficient, economic and larger volume of investigation had increased the demand of using geophysical methods for geotechnical investigation. The research concentrates on the determination of soft soil shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile using the multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) and the soil stratigraphy using Electrical Resistivity Method (ERM). The soft soil Vs and stratigraphy were determined and correlated with the peat sampler and borehole data to obtain more accurate data. The research was conducted at Parit Nipah and RECESS UTHM. The Vs obtained for peat and soft clay at Parit Nipah was in the range of 29.7 to 34.9 m/s and 36.8 to 76.9 m/s respectively. While, the soft clay Vs obtained at RECESS was in the range of 64.4 to 124.0 m/s. The lower Vs obtained on peat compared to soft clay was due to the heterogeneity of peat. The soil strata obtained by ERM had good agreement with the peat sampler and borehole data. The resistivity value of peat and soft clay obtained at Parit Nipah was in the range of 47.2 to 127.7 ohm.m and 9.4 to 25.8 ohm.m correspondingly. While, at RECESS soft clay, the resistivity value was in the range of 1.0 to 4.6 ohm.m. The lower resistivity value of soft clay was governed by the amount of clay fraction which was related to cation exchange capacity (CEC). As higher CEC results in higher conductivity. The relationship obtained between the 1-D Vs and 1-D resistivity value shows that consistent value of peat Vs was followed by the slight decrease in peat resistivity value. While, drastic increase in soft clay Vs results in a significant decrease in soft clay resistivity value. This concluded that stiffness does not produce significant effect on the soil resistivity. Overall, MASW and ERM produced high quality data for subsurface investigation in larger volume with timely efficient manner and more economic

    Medical image classification and symptoms detection using neuro fuzzy

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    The conventional method in medicine for brain MR images classification and tumor detection is by human inspection. Operator-assisted classification methods are impractical for large amounts of data and are also non-reproducible. MR images also always contain a noise caused by operator performance which can lead to serious inaccuracies classification. The use of artificial intelligent techniques, for instance, neural networks, fuzzy logic, neuro fuzzy have shown great potential in this field. Hence, in this project the neuro fuzzy system or ANFIS was applied for classification and detection purposes. Decision making was performed in two stages: feature extraction using the principal component analysis (PCA) and the ANFIS trained with the backpropagation gradient descent method in combination with the least squares method. The performance of the ANFIS classifier was evaluated in terms of training performance and classification accuracies and the results confirmed that the proposed ANFIS classifier has potential in detecting the tumors

    Understanding the perception of very small software companies towards the adoption of process standards

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    This paper is concerned with understanding the issues that affect the adoption of software process standards by Very Small Entities (VSEs), there needs from process standards and there willingness to engage with the new ISO/IEC 29110 standard in particular. In order to achieve this goal, a series of industry data collection studies were undertaken with a collection of VSEs. A twin track approach of a qualitative data collection (interviews and focus groups) and quantitative data collection (questionnaire), with data analysis being completed separately and finally results merged, using the coding mechanisms of grounded theory. This paper serves as a roadmap for both researchers wishing to understand the issues of process standards adoption by very small companies and also for the software process standards community

    Pendekatan Kriptografi Hybrid pada Keamanan Dokumen Elektronik dan HypertextTransfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) (Analisis Potensi Implementasi pada Sistem Keamanan)

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    Security issue always to be challenge for the development of information technology. As the security aspects of information systems, both of electronic and document data in hypertext data communications, must be able to meet safety standards. The implementation of security systems calssified as two methods, Symmetric and Asymmetric. Implementation of these methods certainly have their advantages and disadvantages of each, so it is necessary to apply a method to merge some types of the methods. This project was analyzed using a hybrid approach of cryptographic methods that are implemented on the security of electronic documents and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). In the implementation of electronic document used of biometric signatures and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) and implementation on HTTPS used a combination of asymmetric cryptography and symmetric cryptography. The analysis of this research translated into the implementation of hybrid method on electronic documents and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. From the analysis shows that the hybrid method is able to combine the advantages of symmetric and asymmetric methods, although of course the constraints in implementation complexity of the system will be even greater