6 research outputs found

    Evaluación fisiológica, hematológica y ácido láctico en equinos selle frances durante entrenamiento para competencia ecuestre

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    The effect of training was evaluated by corporal temperature determination, heart rate, respiratory rate, globular volume, hemoglobine and plasmatic lactic acid in 10 Selle Francais horses between 3 and 4 years old selectionated for to participate in equestrian competition. Determinations were performed in basal conditions and each 30 days during three months submitting the animals at velocities of 240, 300 and 360 m/min, TI, T2 and T3 respectively during 4 minutes each one with a rest period of 4 minutes for doing physiological determinations and to obtain blood samples from the yujular vein. Average and standard deviation were obtained and a variance analysis was performed for to determinate if there are significative variations between each control and between months. The results obtained showed that the exercise produces significative variations (PSe evaluó el efecto del entrenamiento en 10 equinos Selle Francés de 4 años de edad selec­cionados para participar en futuras competencias ecuestres determinando la temperatura corporal, frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, vo­lumen globular, hemoglobina y ácido láctico plas­mático. Se realizaron las determinaciones en condiciones basales (TO) y cada 30 días por tres meses (M1, M2 y M3), sometiendo a los anima-les a un test de evaluacion a velocidades crecien­tes 240 (T1), 300 (T2) y 360 (T3) metros por minuto, respectivamente, durante 4 minutos cada vez, existiendo un período de descanso entre cada velocidad de 3 minutos para realizar las determi­naciones fisiológicas y la obtención de las mues­tras de sangre de la vena yugular. Se obtuvo el promedio y la desviación estándar de los parámetros evaluados y se realizó un análisis de varianza para determinar si las variaciones obser­vadas dentro de cada test y entre los meses fue-ron significativas. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el ejercicio produce variaciones significativas (

    Evaluación fisiológica, hematológica y ácido láctico en equinos selle frances durante entrenamiento para competencia ecuestre

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    The effect of training was evaluated by corporal temperature determination, heart rate, respiratory rate, globular volume, hemoglobine and plasmatic lactic acid in 10 Selle Francais horses between 3 and 4 years old selectionated for to participate in equestrian competition. Determinations were performed in basal conditions and each 30 days during three months submitting the animals at velocities of 240, 300 and 360 m/min, TI, T2 and T3 respectively during 4 minutes each one with a rest period of 4 minutes for doing physiological determinations and to obtain blood samples from the yujular vein. Average and standard deviation were obtained and a variance analysis was performed for to determinate if there are significative variations between each control and between months. The results obtained showed that the exercise produces significative variations (PSe evaluó el efecto del entrenamiento en 10 equinos Selle Francés de 4 años de edad selec­cionados para participar en futuras competencias ecuestres determinando la temperatura corporal, frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, vo­lumen globular, hemoglobina y ácido láctico plas­mático. Se realizaron las determinaciones en condiciones basales (TO) y cada 30 días por tres meses (M1, M2 y M3), sometiendo a los anima-les a un test de evaluacion a velocidades crecien­tes 240 (T1), 300 (T2) y 360 (T3) metros por minuto, respectivamente, durante 4 minutos cada vez, existiendo un período de descanso entre cada velocidad de 3 minutos para realizar las determi­naciones fisiológicas y la obtención de las mues­tras de sangre de la vena yugular. Se obtuvo el promedio y la desviación estándar de los parámetros evaluados y se realizó un análisis de varianza para determinar si las variaciones obser­vadas dentro de cada test y entre los meses fue-ron significativas. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el ejercicio produce variaciones significativas (

    Molecular-sieve catalysts for the selective oxidation of linear alkanes by molecular oxygen

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    Terminally oxidized hydrocarbons are of considerable interest as potential feedstocks for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, but the selective oxidation of only the terminal methyl groups in alkanes remains a challenging task. It is accomplished with high efficiency and selectivity by some enzymes; but inorganic catalysts, although inferior in overall performance under benign conditions, offer significant advantages from a processing standpoint1. Controlled partial oxidation is easier to achieve with 'sacrificial' oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide2, alkyl hydroperoxides oriodosylbenzene3, than with molecular oxygen or air. These sacrificial oxidants, themselves the product of oxidation reactions, have been used in catalytic systems involving tailored transition-metal complexes in either a homogeneous state4, 5, 6, encapsulated in molecular sieves7, 8, 9 or anchored to the inner surfaces of porous siliceous supports10. Here we report the design and performance of two aluminophosphate molecular sieves containing isolated, four-coordinated Co(III) or Mn(III) ions that are substituted into the framework and act, in concert with the surrounding framework structure, as regioselective catalysts for the oxidation of linear alkanes by molecular oxygen. The catalysts operate at temperatures between 373 K and 403 K through a classical free-radical chain-autoxidation mechanism. They are thus able to use molecular oxygen as oxidant, which, in combination with their good overall performance, raises the prospect of using this type of selective inorganic catalyst for industrial oxidation processes.<br/

    Molecular sieve catalysts for the regioselective and shape-selective oxyfunctionalization of alkanes in air

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    Framework-substituted, molecular-sieve, aluminophosphate, microporous solids are the centerpieces of a new approach to the aerobic oxyfunctionalization of saturated hydrocarbons. The sieves, and the few percent of the AlIII sites within them that are replaced by catalytically active, transition-metal ions in high oxidation states (CoIII, MnIII, FeIII), are designed so as to allow free access of oxygen in to and out of the interior of these high-area solids. Certain metal-substituted, molecular sieves permit only end-on approach of linear alkanes to the active centers, thereby favoring enhanced reactivity of the terminal methyl groups. By optimizing cage dimension, with respect to that of the hydrocarbon reactant, as well as adjusting the average separation of active centers within a cage, and by choosing the sieve with the appropriate pore aperture, highly selective conversions such as n-hexane to hexanoic acid or adipic acid, and cyclohexane to cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, or adipic acid, may be effected at low temperature, heterogeneously in air

    Energy levels of light nuclei (VII). A = 5–10

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