251 research outputs found

    Open Arms: Adult Faith-based Volunteers: Expectations and Needs to work with youth with disabilities

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    Religious organizations can offer many benefits to society at large such as extended social groups, opportunities for physical activity and service, and emotional support. People with disabilities are often in need of these opportunities most because of the social pressures, rejection, and isolation many experience at school or home. This study was designed to assess the experiences and needs of adult religious volunteers who work with students with disabilities in order to determine expectations and knowledge needs of these volunteers. This study examined the published research about the benefits of religious organizations to students with disabilities, the rate of involvement and attendance to services, the perspective of church staff held by the families, religious staff account of preparedness, and the need for continued studies

    Currency: The Fantastic Festival of the Mind

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    Currency: The Fantastic Festival of the Mind is an exploration of memory and ephemerality through abstracted imagery originating in the wonder of childhood, the magic of festivals, and the divinity of nature. In the work, an underlying “current” or essence of wonder serves as the “currency” of subjects ranging from carousels to clocks to Sycamore trees. The work explores fragmented concepts of time and memory that intertwine with whimsical imagery in the mind over time, leading to the development of fanciful percepdons and reassembled experience. Pulling from sources as diverse as Environmental Graphic Design, contemporary grapic design. Surrealism, and German Expressionism, Currency is a large-scale drawing installation of lines, colors, and fantastic imagery. Developed over the course of two years and produced by hand in two weeks. Currency was open to the public as an exhibition in Gallery 130 in Oxford, Mississippi, from December 5-9, 2011

    Calidad de servicio al cliente Banco BBVA Continental - Sucursal Moshoqueque

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    La oficina Moshoqueque del BBVA CONTINENTAL al igual que la oficina principal tiene la finalidad es atender a todos los clientes, sin embargo en el emporio comercial donde se encuentra ubicada la sucursal siempre existen problema en la atención del cliente ya que estos por sus actividades económico-comerciales necesitan una atención rápida La calidad, y más concretamente la calidad del servicio, se está convirtiendo en estos días en un requisito imprescindible para competir en las organizaciones industriales y comerciales de todo el mundo, ya que las implicaciones que tiene en la cuenta de resultados, tanto en el corto como en el largo plazo, son muy positivas para las empresas envueltas en este tipo de procesos. Dentro de los resultados más importantes de la investigación se puede determinar que el Banco BBVA Continental agencia Moshoqueque no tiene la capacidad de aforo de clientes de acuerdo a la cantidad de personas que acuden a dicha agencia , debido a la gran demanda de clientes, muchas veces de demora en dar una respuesta inmediata a los clientes, los cuales se mortifican, todo ello debido a que es una agencia y muchas veces se depende de la sede central, lo cual no es muy bien recibido por los clientes ya que estos por estar en un emporio comercial, necesitan soluciones inmediatas

    The Modern Church Crisis: What Church Leaders Can Learn from Three Counter-Reformation Saints, A Managerial Analysis

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    The Catholic Church is currently in a crisis, yet this is not the first time and likely will not be the last. In the past, men and women of virtue, now saints, have arisen to successfully lead the Church through such crises. Hence, the principal question of this thesis is whether a leadership analysis of these saints, from the perspective of contemporary management theory, can help us understand their effectiveness and provide insights that would be useful for modern Church leaders. To satisfactorily answer this question, it would help to find a period in history like ours, namely the Reformation. From here, three steps are necessary. First, review the historical circumstances of the Reformation – arguably the greatest challenge in Church history. Second, examine the contributions of three saints (St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. Philip Neri) who were among the most prominent Church leaders in this crisis. Third, apply the lens of contemporary leadership theory to better understand what made these individuals successful and to suggest lessons that contemporary Church leaders might learn. Consistent with modern leadership theory, it was found that these three saints exhibited a paradoxical combination of immense humility and intense determination. This enabled them to develop cultures within their religious orders that could motivate often heroic effort from their members and enkindle vigorous loyalty amongst Church laity. Their leadership demonstrated that, to go forward, the Church must, in a sense, go backward; that the key to reform is to return to the perennial truths and practices of the Church. This thesis demonstrates that much can be learned by studying great leaders of the past from the perspective of contemporary leadership theory. In particular, the analysis provided insight that may be of value to contemporary Church leaders as they confront the crisis the Church is facing today

    Parámetros jurídicos para garantizar el principio de no devolución de los solicitantes de asilo con discapacidad

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo alcanzar cuáles deben ser los parámetros jurídicos aplicables para garantizar el principio de no devolución de los solicitantes de asilo con discapacidad, atendiendo a que, se trata de un grupo de personas en una especial situación de vulnerabilidad, puesto que, a pesar de encontrarse en desplazamiento, presentan ciertas deficiencias físicas, mentales o sensoriales, por lo que requieren una especial atención. Con dicho fin, se ha procedido con la recopilación de distintas fuentes normativas, doctrinarias y jurisprudenciales del Derecho Internacional y nacional, acompañada del correspondiente análisis de las distintas bases teóricas y conceptuales desarrolladas a lo largo de la presente investigación. En principio, fue necesario analizar el contenido y alcance del derecho de asilo y su evolución en los últimos años, seguidamente se desarrolló lo correspondiente a la condición de discapacidad como uno de los temas centrales de esta investigación, y de igual forma, este trabajo ha tomado por conveniente analizar el principio de no devolución y su contenido reforzado

    Age and Growth of the Popeye Shiner (Notropis ariommus) in the Rockcastle River

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    The Popeye Shiner (Notropis ariommus), occupies clear, gravel runs and flowing pools of creeks and small rivers throughout the Ohio River basin, but has declined in many areas. This species is a small silvery minnow with an unusually large eye. Despite being a candidate for the endangered species list (Department of the Interior, 2011), little life-history data have been published, which are needed to make conservation management decisions.https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/celebration_posters_2023/1003/thumbnail.jp

    NMR chemical shift and relaxation measurements provide evidence for the coupled folding and binding of the p53 transactivation domain

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    The interaction between the acidic transactivation domain of the human tumor suppressor protein p53 (p53TAD) and the 70 kDa subunit of human replication protein A (hRPA70) was investigated using heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. A (1)H–(15)N heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) titration experiment was performed on a (15)N-labeled fragment of hRPA70, containing the N-terminal 168 residues (hRPA70(1–168)) and p53TAD. HRPA70(1–168) residues important for binding were identified and found to be localized to a prominent basic cleft. This binding site overlapped with a previously identified single-stranded DNA-binding site, suggesting that a competitive binding mechanism may regulate the formation of p53TAD–hRPA70 complex. The amide (1)H and (15)N chemical shifts of an uniformly (15)N-labeled sample of p53TAD were also monitored before and after the addition of unlabeled hRPA70(1–168). In the presence of unlabeled hRPA70(1–168), resonance lineshapes increased and corresponding intensity reductions were observed for specific p53TAD residues. The largest intensity reductions were observed for p53TAD residues 42–56. Minimal binding was observed between p53TAD and a mutant form of hRPA70(1–168), where the basic cleft residue R41 was changed to a glutamic acid (R41E), demonstrating that ionic interactions play an important role in specifying the binding interface. The region of p53TAD most affected by binding hRPA70(1–168) was found to have some residual alpha helical and beta strand structure; however, this structure was not stabilized by binding hRPA70(1–168). (15)N relaxation experiments were performed to monitor changes in backbone dynamics of p53TAD when bound to hRPA70(1–168). Large changes in both the transverse (R(2)) and rotating frame (R(1ρ)) relaxation rates were observed for a subset of the p53TAD residues that had (1)H–(15)N HSQC resonance intensity reductions during the complex formation. The folding of p53TAD upon complex formation is suggested by the pattern of changes observed for both R(2) and R(1ρ). A model that couples the formation of a weak encounter complex between p53TAD and hRPA70(1–168) to the folding of p53TAD is discussed in the context of a functional role for the p53–hRPA70 complex in DNA repair

    Age and Growth of the Highland Shiner (Notropis micropteryx) in Rockcastle County, Kentucky

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    Notropis micropteryx, the Highland Shiner, is common in small to large streams of the Cumberland, Tennessee, and upper Green River drainages. It usually inhabits rocky riffles (Eisenhour and Eisenhour 2004)). While their population size was assessed as stable by the IUCN in 2012, little is known about the age and growth of this minnow species. Despite being a small fish, attention must be given to the health of its population as it serves an ecological niche and impact on the surrounding ecosystem.https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/celebration_posters_2023/1002/thumbnail.jp