99 research outputs found

    Female-Biased Dispersal and Gene Flow in a Behaviorally Monogamous Mammal, the Large Treeshrew (Tupaia tana)

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    Background: Female-biased dispersal (FBD) is predicted to occur in monogamous species due to local resource competition among females, but evidence for this association in mammals is scarce. The predicted relationship between FBD and monogamy may also be too simplistic, given that many pair-living mammals exhibit substantial extra-pair paternity. Methodology/Principal Findings: I examined whether dispersal and gene flow are female-biased in the large treeshrew (Tupaia tana) in Borneo, a behaviorally monogamous species with a genetic mating system characterized by high rates (50%) of extra-pair paternity. Genetic analyses provided evidence of FBD in this species. As predicted for FBD, I found lower mean values for the corrected assignment index for adult females than for males using seven microsatellite loci, indicating that female individuals were more likely to be immigrants. Adult female pairs were also less related than adult male pairs. Furthermore, comparison of Bayesian coalescent-based estimates of migration rates using maternally and bi-parentally inherited genetic markers suggested that gene flow is female-biased in T. tana. The effective number of migrants between populations estimated from mitochondrial DNA sequence was three times higher than the number estimated using autosomal microsatellites. Conclusions/Significance: These results provide the first evidence of FBD in a behaviorally monogamous species without mating fidelity. I argue that competition among females for feeding territories creates a sexual asymmetry in the costs an

    Been There Done that: The Political Economy of Déjà Vu

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    Gothic Revival Architecture Before Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill

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    The Gothic Revival is generally considered to have begun in eighteenth-century Britain with the construction of Horace Walpole’s villa, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, in the late 1740s. As this chapter demonstrates, however, Strawberry Hill is in no way the first building, domestic or otherwise, to have recreated, even superficially, some aspect of the form and ornamental style of medieval architecture. Earlier architects who, albeit often combining it with Classicism, worked in the Gothic style include Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor, William Kent and Batty Langley, aspects of whose works are explored here. While not an exhaustive survey of pre-1750 Gothic Revival design, the examples considered in this chapter reveal how seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Gothic emerged and evolved over the course of different architects’ careers, and how, by the time that Walpole came to create his own Gothic ‘castle’, there was already in existence in Britain a sustained Gothic Revivalist tradition

    From Romantic Gothic to Victorian Medievalism: 1817 and 1877

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    "The Cambridge History of the Gothic was conceived in 2015, when Linda Bree, then Editorial Director at Cambridge University Press, first suggested the idea to us

    The Gothic in Victorian Poetry

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    Economics in one lesson

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    The Foundations of morality

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    xiv, 398 p.; 22 cm

    Summary of My Views on Restoring The Gold Standard

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    Hazlitt critizes Dr. Anna J. Schwartz's defintion of the gold standard and then goes to state his views on restoring a gold standard

    Marxismo ou Tolstoismo?

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    O artigo discorre sobre movimentos estéticos nos Estados Unidos e Europa no início do século XX enfatizando o modo como a visão de Liev Tolstói sobre a arte guarda semelhanças impressionantes em alguns de seus aspectos com os valores estéticos defendidos pelos marxistas literários. Na verdade, em determinados pontos de vista, os novos marxistas estão, provavelmente, muito mais próximos de Tolstói do que de Karl Marx. O autor critica Tolstói por ter rejeitado a cultura das “classes superiores” como uma expressão corrompida e por entender a educação como sendo, no fundo, uma mera doutrinação com ideais falsos e imorais, bem como por ter descartado todos os críticos literários profissionais, vistos pelo escritor russo como eruditos pervertidos e autoconfiantes