45 research outputs found

    Review Article: Why Environmental Impact Assessment Failed in the Floriculture Industry in Ethiopia

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    Floriculture as an industry in Ethiopia is a huge industry that counts a decade. The sector began in 1997 with only two flower farms, however, today has grown more than 80 active flower farms. The industry has grown because of several favorable factors like the vicinity of the country to the global market, encouraging investment law, very cheap labor power, moreover suitable environmental resources like soil, groundwater, etc. Though it is one of the leading industry to make the country get forging currency, several environmental, animal and human health concern increases through time because of the industry uses lager amount of hazardous chemical for the pesticides purpose and growth regulator, which ends up finally with few treatment or not at all any treatments directly damp in to the environment and lead to adverse environmental impacts. This paper reviewed about gaps in the regulatory framework and the problem of not having effective regulation in such kind of industry. Keywords: Floriculture, Environmental policy, Environmental impact assessment DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-9-02 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Sustainable supply chain management towards disruption and organizational ambidexterity:A data driven analysis

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    Balancing sustainability and disruption of supply chains requires organizational ambidexterity. Sustainable supply chains prioritize efficiency and economies of scale and may not have sufficient redundancy to withstand disruptive events. There is a developing body of literature that attempts to reconcile these two aspects. This study gives a data-driven literature review of sustainable supply chain management trends toward ambidexterity and disruption. The critical review reveals temporal trends and geographic distribution of literature. A hybrid of data-driven analysis approach based on content and bibliometric analyses, fuzzy Delphi method, entropy weight method, and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is used on 273 keywords and 22 indicators obtained based on the experts’ evaluation. The most important indicators are identified as supply chain agility, supply chain coordination, supply chain finance, supply chain flexibility, supply chain resilience, and sustainability. The regions show different tendencies compared with others. Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa are the regions needs improvement, while Europe and North America show distinct apprehensions on supply chain network design. The main contribution of this review is the identification of the knowledge frontier, which then leads to a discussion of prospects for future studies and practical industry implementation

    Do not expect others do what you should! Supply chain complexity and mitigation of the ripple effect of disruptions

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    Purpose: Recent studies have argued that companies may actively implement practices to mitigate disruptions in their supply chain and reduce the extent of damage on performance. Other studies have shown that disruptions may propagate in supply chains, leading to consequences that are more negative and raising doubts on the effectiveness of mitigation strategies implemented downstream. This study investigates the influence of supply chain complexity on the two phenomena and their interplay, taking a focal company's perspective. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic procedure for data collection, encoding and aggregation based on incident data mainly from secondary sources was used. Multiple regression models were run to analyse direct and moderation effects involving resilience, distance of impact location from trigger point, and supply chain complexity on weighted performance change. Findings: Supply chain complexity is found to have positive moderation on the ripple effect of disruption. Resilience capability remains to have dominating direct positive effect in mitigating disruptions when supply chain complexity is taken into account. Research limitations/implications: This study extends the research discourse on supply chain resilience and disruption management with focus on the supply side. It demonstrates that, along with the severity of the disruption scenario, the ripple effect must also be considered when analyzing the benefits of resilience practices implemented by the focal company. Practical implications: Complexity in the supply chain can only help to smooth-out the rippling effects of a disruption, which go largely beyond supply-demand unbalances and lead time fluctuations. To mitigate it better, the focal company has to act proactively with adequate resilience practices, which also connects to the importance of better visibility across multiple supply chain tiers. Originality/value: To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study that empirically tests the benefits of resilience practices and the ripple effect of disruptions under the moderation role of supply chain complexity

    Exploring business model innovation for sustainable production: lessons from Swedish manufacturers

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    Businesses globally are facing changes these days. To remain viable, business model innovation provides a strategic renewal mechanism. However, there are only few studies that investigated such challenging undertaking in light of changes for sustainable manufacturing systems. This study aims to explore practices towards establishing more sustainable production systems of the future. The investigation is based on publicly available data from selected Swedish manufacturers. Closeness of innovations towards some business model archetypes is discussed using the aspects of value proposition, value creation and delivery, and value capture. The findings indicate that a more structured and integrative way of understanding business model innovation for sustainable production is needed. They also imply that the value capture aspect of business models needs to address how different stakeholders, not just the business firm, capture different forms of value. The learning from this study could be used for designing more structured and large scale future research in the subject matter.QC 20180919</p

    Be lean to be resilient : Setting capabilities for turbulent times

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    Businesses globally are challenged to innovate their operations strategies and practices towards tighter delivery times, better quality and cheaper prices to remain profitable in addition to managing unpredictable circumstances well in today’s turbulent business environment. They often have to deal with the apparent paradox of advancing efficiency-fostering approaches such as lean production, and enhancing operational resilience against unanticipated disruptions. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether and how practices in seemingly contradicting paradigms in operations management can be utilised to attain a better competitive position in the face of uncertainties. This thesis is comprised of ‘modules’ of studies designed to systematically address the three research questions. This was necessary due to the different maturity level of the concepts brought together. Predominantly qualitative mixed-method approach was used for the overall research with some quantitative analysis included. The critical incident technique, case study and Bayesian inference were used in the different studies (papers). Operational resilience is characterised in terms of five core functions: sense, build, reconfigure, re-enhance, and sustain (RQ1). Resilience is also operationalised using routine practices that are bundled into internal/external, proactive/reactive dimensions of capabilities that positively influence performance upon recovery from disruption. An analysis showing that lean practice bundles lead to better operational performance under high uncertainty context is also done in this thesis (RQ2). Finally, operational resilience (based on routine practices that form the core functions) was found to have stronger synergies than trade-off with lean (based on practice bundles) in times of turbulence (RQ3). This thesis extends the resource-based view to high uncertainty contexts through empirical evidence and shows that resilience (dynamic) capabilities can be built from practices that firms normally employ; the capabilities are sources of better performance and competitive advantages in turbulent business environments. The thesis contributes to the discussion on the paradox of lean and operational resilience based approaches in the same context; lean practices bundles lend themselves to synergy with resilience capabilities, and leverage competitive gains in turbulent times. Practically, findings of this thesis suggest that companies need not abandon their lean implementation to become more resilient. In fact, it shows that lean implementation should be extended to address value chain processes beyond the shop floor for integrative removal of wastes, while being able to flexibly mitigate disruptions.La sfida della competitività nei mercati globali dipende in larga parte dalla capacità delle imprese di innovare le loro operations per ottenere termini di consegna sempre più stretti, maggior qualità  a prezzi sempre più competitivi; tutto questo in un contesto industriale e socio-economico sempre più incerto e turbolento. Oggi le imprese sono chiamate a prendere decisioni e ad adottare dei modelli di business dagli effetti contrastanti, come ad esempio l’adozione di pratiche che enfatizzano risultati di efficienza produttiva (i.e. lean production) a fianco di strategie e soluzioni che mirano ad accrescere la capacità del sistema di adattarsi dinamicamente ad eventi perturbanti (resilienza), esterni o interni all’organizzazione. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è quello di investigare se e come l'adozione di pratiche potenzialmente contrastanti nell'ambito della gestione delle operations, possono essere utilizzate per mantenere e migliorare la propria posizione competitiva in contesti di forte incertezza e turbolenza dei mercati. La ricerca si compone di una serie di "moduli", ovvero di singoli studi progettati per affrontare sistematicamente e organicamente le tre domande di ricerca fondamentali, la cui risposta conduce alla proposta di tesi. Questa impostazione si è rivelata necessaria a causa del diverso livello di maturità dei concetti studiati e sviluppati nella tesi. Anche la metodologia di ricerca rispecchia le diverse esigenze e peculiarità dei vari aspetti studiati e per questo è stata definita seguendo un approccio misto, in cui metodi di tipo qualitativo sono affiancati da analisi quantitative che implementano tecniche statistiche. In particolare, nei diversi “moduli” (paper) si utilizzano: la critical incident technique, diverse metodiche di studi di caso, e inferenza Bayesiana. La resilienza operativa è stata caratterizzata secondo cinque funzioni principali (core functions): sense, build, reconfigure, re-enhance, e sustain (RQ1). Ciascuna di queste è tradotta a livello operativo attraverso procedure e pratiche stabili (routine) - interne/esterne, proattive/reattive - che sono in grado di influenzare positivamente le prestazioni a seguito di un evento perturbante. Attraverso la ricerca, viene analizzato l’effetto positivo che differenti pratiche lean (lean practice bundles) inducono sulle prestazioni operative in condizioni di incertezza (RQ2). Infine, un’analisi bayesiana sui parametri tipici di un campione selezionato di eventi incidentali a carico di organizzazioni e supply chain globali ha rivelato che tra resilienza operativa (implementata attraverso specifiche  routine) e lean production (implementata attraverso specifiche lean practice bundles) esistono fenomeni sinergici più forti dei meccanismi di trade-off, quando valutati in contesti turbolenti (RQ3). I risultati della tesi contribuiscono ad ampliare e rafforzare un approccio teorico contingent resource-based view all’analisi delle organizzazioni che operano in regimi di forte incertezza (complessità e dinamicità); il contributo originale si concentra in particolar modo nel fornire evidenza empirica che le capacità di resilienza di una organizzazione (dynamic capabilities) possono essere costruite su processi e routine normalmente eseguite dalle imprese. Ove disponibili, queste capacità sono usate come fonte di miglioramento prestazionale e per l’ottenimento di un vantaggio competitivo in contesti turbolenti. Ulteriori evidenze supportano la tesi che un’ampia gamma di lean practices possono essere usate in maniera sinergica per un ulteriore rafforzamento della resilienza operativa. Dal punto di vista pratico e in contrasto con parte della letteratura esistente, la tesi offre ai manager industriali solidi argomenti per non abbandonare la propria strategia lean o limitare i propri obiettivi di efficienza allo scopo di conseguire una maggiore resilienza operativa. Si dimostra infatti che quando l’adozione di partiche lean viene estesa ad una porzione sempre più ampia della value chain, alla conseguente riduzione degli sprechi si associa anche una maggior flessibilità nella gestione di eventi perturbanti o distruttivi.I dagens turbulenta affärsklimat står företag världen över inför utmaningen att på ett effektivt sätt hantera oförutsägbara händelser och samtidigt förnya sina verksamheter med syfte att uppnå kortare leveranstider, bättre kvalitet och ökad lönsamhet. I dessa ansträngningar möter företagen ofta det skenbara dilemmat av att vissa arbetssätt såsom lean produktion ställs i kontrast mot aktiviteter syftande till att skapa återhämtningsförmåga, dvs angreppssätt och rutiner för att hantera oväntade störningar (operational resilience). Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka om och hur dessa två olika arbetssätt, med till synes motstridiga paradigm, kan användas för att uppnå ökad konkurrenskraft för företag verksamma under osäkra marknadsförhållanden. Avhandlingen består av fem artiklar och syftar till att, på ett systematiskt sätt, avhandla tre övergripande forskningsfrågor. Uppdelningen i artiklar motiveras av olikheter i mognadsgrad hos de båda grundbegreppen. En kombination av forskningsmetoder har använts. Den övergripande forskningsstrategin har varit kvalitativ och fallstudiebaserad. Även kritiska händelse metoden, (Critical Incident Technique, CIT) och kvantitativa metoder såsom statistisk analys och Bayesiansk inferens har använts som komplement i några av artiklarna. Resultaten visar att operativ återhämtningsförmåga kan beskrivas i termer av fem kärnfunktioner: uppfatta, formera, konfigurera, återförbättra och bibehålla (RQ1). Resultaten visar även att återhämtningsförmågan kan operationaliseras såsom kombinationer av sammansatta organisatoriska rutiner (practice bundles) vilka kan karaktäriseras i termer av interna/externa och proaktiva/reaktiva dimensioner. Kombinationer av dessa sammansatta organisatoriska rutiner har identifierats vilka både samverkar och förstärker varandra i situationer av störning och efterföljande återhämtning. Vidare visas att implementering av lean rutiner leder till ökad effektivitet i situationer karakteriserade av hög osäkerhet (RQ2). Avslutningsvis visar resultaten att återhämtningsförmåga och lean, operationaliserade som kärnfunktioner respektive sammansatta organisatoriska rutiner, har stark samverkan då det gäller att hantera störningar. Några sammansatta organisatoriska rutiner har dock en trade-off relation till vissa kärnfunktioner (RQ3) Ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv utökar avhandlingen det resursbaserade synsättet till att även inkludera företag som verkar under osäkra marknadsförhållanden. Resultaten visar att (dynamisk) återhämtningsförmåga kan byggas med hjälp av metoder som företagen normalt använder idag (sammansatta organisatoriska rutiner). Genom att omkonfigurera existerande förmågor och rutiner skapas en källa till ökad produktivitet och ökad konkurrenskraft. Således bidrar avhandlingen till diskussionen om det skenbara dilemmat av att en samtidig användning av strategier baserade på lean production och strategier fokuserande på återhämtningsförmåga (operational resilience) samverkar och förstärker varandra snarare än motverkar varandra. Avhandlingens praktiska implikation är att företag inte behöver överge sitt lean arbetssätt för att öka sin återhämtningsförmåga (operational resilience). I själva verket, bör företag utgå ifrån existerande lean arbetssätt och utvidga dessa till att även omfatta processer utanför den direkta tillverkningen.This thesis is produced as part of the EMJD Programme European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM) funded by the European Commission, Erasmus Mundus Action 1.EDIM is run by a consortium consisting of the industrial management departments of three institutions.•KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden•Politecnico de Milano, POLIMI, Milan, Italy•Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, Madrid, SpainQC 20151105</p

    Solid waste management practice and dumpsite suitability analysis using GIS technology in Debre Markos town, Ethiopia

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    Solid waste management system is the most difficult task that many countries face. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of solid waste management practices of households and analyze dumpsites' environmental suitability in Debre Markos town. Primary data were collected from randomly selected households using structured questionnaire and from secondary data from different bureaus, from research and other reports in 2017. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to evaluate solid waste management practices. Data were analyzed using statistical package for social Science and Geographical Information System computer program. The results revealed that households dominantly produced biodegradable solid wastes (87.6%) with the generation rate of 0.3 kg/person/day. This made the daily total solid waste generation of households up to 6210 kg (17 m3). The suitability map of the area for landfill showed that 1.4% of the study area was highly suitable, 36% was moderately suitable and 58% was less suitable. Moreover, 4.7% of the area was found unsuitable to be used for waste disposal. In conclusion, sustainable solid waste management systems must be executed, the structure and capacity of the municipality improved and integrated solid waste management practice must be applied for a healthy environment. Moreover, the municipality should make dumpsites environmentally sound and socially acceptable to decrease impacts of solid wastes on the communal land, on human, on animal and on environmental health. Keywords: Dumpsite; Solid waste; Biodegradable; Suitability; Environmental health; Geographic Information system; Landfill; Incineration