3,106 research outputs found

    Relative quasimaps and mirror formulae

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    We construct and study the theory of relative quasimaps in genus zero, in the spirit of A. Gathmann. When XX is a smooth toric variety and YY is a very ample hypersurface in XX we produce a virtual class on the moduli space of relative quasimaps to (X,Y)(X,Y) which can be used to define relative quasimap invariants of the pair. We obtain a recursion formula which expresses each relative invariant in terms of invariants of lower tangency, and apply this formula to derive a quantum Lefschetz theorem for quasimaps, expressing the restricted quasimap invariants of YY in terms of those of XX. Finally, we show that the relative II-function of Fan-Tseng-You coincides with a natural generating function for relative quasimap invariants, providing mirror-symmetric motivation for the theory.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure; comments welcome. v2: added a stronger version of the quantum Lefschetz theorem. v3: additional section exploring applications to relative mirror symmetry; new title and introductio

    Predicting the value of product service-systems for potential future implementers: results from multiple industrial case studies

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    The great impact played by Product/Service-Systems (PSS) on industry and academia can be motivated by the need for modernizing business models, carrying out internal companies' reconfiguration, enhancing environmental sustainability. Despite the large number of objectives pursued by PSS, sparks of criticism have recently emerged, as well as the results ensuing from PSS adoption have not been rigorously assessed. In particular, the authors highlight a lack of quantitative analysis concerning the service aspects of PSS and hurdles in service modeling and evaluation. The paper's objective is to contribute in this field by individuating factors, advantages and disadvantages that are not directly measurable in monetary terms by companies. This kind of assessment might result crucial, as the implementation of PSS-oriented strategies require a not negligible amount of commitment, besides propensity to risk. A first activity was carried out thanks to a pilot group of firms that have not implemented any PSS initiative so far, which have been exposed to business reconfiguration scenarios underpinning PSS. A model for generalizing pros and cons of future PSS implementation has been subsequently experimented by a larger group of industrial organizations. Such a model has represented the backbone for the creation of a tentative quantitative estimation tool, which assesses and forecasts the added value of services featured by the introduction of PSS and hence represents a candidate criterion for undertaking decisions concerning the implementation of PSS strategies. The paper clarifies which assumptions are introduced in order to achieve this result

    Viabilidade do cultivo da canola (Brassica napus L.) na região do município de Lagoa Vermelha - RS

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Agronomia.O mercado de biocombustível representa um setor que emerge com grande importância no cenário mundial, demandando grande quantidade de matéria prima. Dentro desta realidade o Brasil com sua vasta extensão territorial e variadas condições ambientais, vem se destacando como país com elevado potencial na produção deste tipo de energia, "limpa" e renovável. Diante disto, no Brasil culturas com potencial para extração de biocombustíveis, como a cana-de-açúcar, o girassol e a mamona, já são cultivadas em larga escala. Porém, essas culturas são cultivadas essencialmente no verão, não se tendo conhecimento da exploração de culturas de inverno para este fim. Frente a esta realidade, a exploração da canola no sul do país, mais precisamente na região norte do Rio Grande do Sul, vem surgindo como importante alternativa. Trata-se de uma cultura de inverno, que contem aproximadamente 34% a 40% de óleo, teor similar as demais culturas exploradas para a extração de biocombustíveis. Além disso, possibilita aos agricultores a substituição dos tradicionais cultivos de inverno, realizados sempre com gramíneas, pela cultura da canola, possibilitando uma rotação de culturas mais efetiva. Por estes motivos as indústrias esmagadoras de grãos têm pressionado as cooperativas para estas estimularem seu cultivo. Contudo, o cultivo da canola ainda não alcançou maiores áreas de cultivo na região, devido a falta de estudos consistentes sobre a viabilidade da cultura. Neste sentido, pretende-se com o presente trabalho, levantar informações sobre a viabilidade da cultura da canola, cujas quais possam auxiliar os agricultores da região norte do Rio Grande do Sul a tomar decisões sobre o cultivo da canola com mais precisão

    David, C.-P. et J.-J. Roche, Théories de la sécurité, Paris, Montchrestien, 2002, 160 p.

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    Maritime law courts and judiciary creation of law : effects on civil law courts

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    Maritime law is contemplated to be one of the most relevant areas of legal science whereby law is created by judges. On one side because maritime law is principally based upon common law doctrine where legal precedents are the rule and on the other hand, English and other common law Courts adopt a commercial law approach, prioritising a balance in international trade rather than taking more protectionist or paternalistic decisions. Therefore making them more suitable choices when trying to obtain a balanced decision on issues relating to international trade especially concerning sea carriage. Indeed, an increasing number of judges of civil law Countries quote maritime judgements held by common law Courts in order to support their judicial ruling. The present contribution aims to underline under the maritime law perspective, how judiciary decisions are a source of law, capable of being used by foreign Courts in order to determine a decisio