57 research outputs found

    Expatriates, Rise of Telecommuting and Implications for International Business

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    International business (IB) travel has long been considered an important aspect of international business management strategies of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Extant literature further recognizes that expatriate managers are an essential cornerstone of MNEs’ global strategies. They play a crucial role in the management of subsidiaries as well as in knowledge transfer of organizational routines and practices. Covid-19 has caused a collapse of the airline industry due to travel restrictions, which have been referred to remain in place in one way or another for the foreseeable future. The issue of international travel has become a daunting problem in relation to Covid-19 pandemic. Many MNEs have been overwhelmed by the unprecedented and severe problems they face in regard to the mobility of their workforce. The fundamental changes in the way the global economy is being run, and firms operate offer profound future research opportunities on labor mobility and IB travel.© 2021 Routledge. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge COVID-19 and International Business: Change of Era on 21 December 2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003108924fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Yönetim anlayışının profesyonelleşmesi ve kurumsallaşmaya etkisi üzerine bir alan araştırması

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    Gölgeci, Berna (Dogus Author)Ülkemizde hasta beklentilerinin her geçen gün biraz daha Avrupa standartlarında doğru çekilmek istenmesiyle birlikte buna paralel olarak hastane sayısı ve bunların aralarındaki rekabette gittikçe artmaktadır. Buna paralel olarak tüm hastanelerin, akılcı, rantabl, sürekli artan bir performansa dayalı, yönetilmesi gündeme gelmekte ve bu durumda da profesyonel yöneticiler söz konusu olmaktadır. Bu profesyonel yöneticilerle birlikte bir yandan da, kurumsallaşmanın sağlanması istenmekte, yani hastanelerde en alt pozisyondan, en üste kadar tüm hastane çalışanları tarafından benimsenmiş, işletmenin değer ve kimlik bütünlüğünü yansıtan kural ve standartların uygulanması gerekmektedir. Bu sayede bu hastanelerin daha fazla ilgi görmesi ve diğerleri arasından ayırt edilebilir bir konuma yükselmesi gerekmektedir. Bu, sürecin en iyi şekilde yönetim ve idaresini sağlayacak, işletmeye gerekli dinamizmi kazandıracak ve gelecekte o kurumu en iyi şekilde konumlandıracak profesyonel yöneticilere ihtiyaç her geçen gün biraz daha artmaktadır. İşte bu çalışma da, hastanelerde yönetimin profesyonelleşmesi ve bu profesyonelleşmenin kurumsallaşma sürecine olan etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın ortaya çıkartılması için anket hazırlanmış ve İstanbul'da bulunan hastane yöneticilerinin katkılarıyla ortaya çıkartılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma üç bölüm halinde ele alınmıştır. Birinci bölümde genel olarak sağlık sistemi incelenmeye çalışılmış ve özel olarak da ülkemiz sağlık sisteminin geçirdiği evreler incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. İkinci bölümde Profesyonelleşme ve kurumsallaşma kavramları üzerinde durulmaya çalışılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde, yönetim anlayışının profesyonelleşmesi ve kurumsallaşmaya etkisi üzerine yapılan alan araştırması ortaya konulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda hastane yöneticilerinin, profesyonel kadrolarla çalışmanın gerekliliğine inandıkları bu konuda da önemli adım attıkları sonucuna varılmış, diğer yandan yöneticilerin kurumsallaşmaya karşı bakış açılarının olumlu olduğu ve bu konuda çabalarının olduğu neticesine varılmıştır. Kısaca hastane yöneticilerinin yönetimin profesyonelleşmesini ve kurumsallaşmayı destekledikleri ve bu konuda yeni süreçlere açık oldukları görülmektedir.The number of medical institutions and the competition between them both have been increasing in Turkey with each passing day along with the efforts in improving expectations of patients to the European standard levels. As a result, professional decision makers, or managements are becoming prior topic for the industry in order to be able to have sustainable success, performance and as a matter of fact, to have sustainable profitability through a reasonable, rational method of management. On the other hand, in order to differentiate in the competition, the fact institutionalization, which briefly is setting the corporate identity and identifying corporate values and establishing standards and the structure to implement and measure these standards, with having all employees including entry level employees to upper management, digest well all these mentioned, is another important topic that the industry is intended to built alongside the strong management systems. Therefore, importance of qualified decision makers and strong, rational, competitive management systems is increasingly becoming crucial for the industry. In the light afore mentioned aspects, this study deals with the relation between professional managements and the institutionalization progress of the business, in this study's case, private hospitals in Istanbul, as medical institutions. This study tries to reveal the type of the relationship through a questionnaire which in answered by the decision makers of private hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey. This study consists of three major parts. In the first section, general healthcare system is investigated with a special focus on phases in Turkish healthcare system. Second part, focuses on professionalizing the managements and discusses the dynamics of institutionalization, while the effect of professional management system s on institutionalization is investigated through a field re search in the third part of this study. This study re-yelled findings which are in line with the subject. Study fındings include that, decision makers/management systems of the hospitals in Istanbul strongly believe the necessity of professionalism in management for institutionalization progress and they have an open minded and supportive look for concepts, professionalism in management and the institutionalization.ÖNSÖZ i -- ÖZET ii -- ABSTRACT iii -- TABLOLAR LİSTESİ vii -- GRAFİKLER LİSTESİ ix -- ŞEKİLLER LİSTESİ x -- KISALTMALAR xi -- 1. BÖLÜM: SAĞLIK KAVRAMLARINA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ 1 -- 1. 1. Giriş 1 -- 1. 2. Sağlık Sistemine Genel Bir Bakış 3 -- 1. 3. Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Özellikleri 4 -- 1. 4. Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Sınıflandırılması 6 -- 1. 5. Dünyada Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Durumu 7 -- 1. 6. Türkiye'de Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Durumu 14 -- 1. 6. 1. Türkiye'de Kuruluşundan Çok Partili Döneme Kadar Sağlık 14 -- 1. 6. 2. Çok Partili Dönemde Sağlıktaki Genel Durumumuz 17 -- 1. 6. 3. Sağlıkta 1961-1980 Dönemi 19 -- 1. 6. 4. 1980-2000 Arası Sağlık Politikaları 20 -- 1. 6. 5. 2000 Sonrası Sağlık Politikaları 21 -- 1. 6. 5. 1. Ülkemizde 2000 Sonrası Hizmet Sunumu Uygulamaları 25 -- 2. BÖLÜM: YÖNETİMİN PROFESYONELLEŞMESİ 30 -- 2. 1. Kavram Olarak Profesyonelleşme 30 -- 2. 1. 1. Profesyonelleşme Sürecinin Gelişimi 35 -- 2. 1. 2. Yöneticiliğin Profesyonelleşmesinin Olumlu ve Olumsuz Yanları 37 -- 2. 1. 3. Profesyonelleşme ve Yönetici Kavramı 40 -- 2. 1. 4. Profesyonel Yöneticiliğin Özellikleri 42 -- 2. 2. Hastane Yönetimlerinin Profesyonelleşmesi 44 -- 2. 2. 1. Profesyonel Hastane Yöneticilerinin Özellikleri 47 -- 2. 3. Kurumsal Yönetim Anlayışı 51 -- 2. 3. 1. Kurum ve Kurumsallık 51 -- 2. 3. 2. Kurum Teorisinin Tarihçesi 54 -- 2. 3. 2. 1. Klasik Kurum Teorisi 54 -- 2. 3. 2. 2. Kurum Teorisi ve Örgütler 54 -- 2. 3. 2. 3. Neo-Kurumsal Teori ve Örgütler 55 -- 2. 3. 2. 4. Modern Kurum Teorisi 56 -- 3. BÖLÜM: YÖNETİM ANLAYIŞININ PROFESYONELLEŞMESİ VE KURUMSALLAŞMAYA ETKİSİ ÜZERİNE BİR ALAN ARAŞTIRMASI 59 -- 3. 1. Giriş 59 -- 3. 2. Araştırmanın Konusu ve Problemi 59 -- 3. 3. Araştırmanın Amacı 60 -- 3. 3. Araştırmanın Yöntemi 60 -- 3. 4. Araştırmanın Kapsam ve Sınırlılıkları 60 -- 3. 5. Araştırma Evreni 61 -- 3. 6. Araştırmanın Varsayım ve Hipotezleri 62 -- 3. 7. Araştırma Verilerinin İstatistiksel Analizi 64 -- 3. 8. Bulgu ve Sonuçların Değerlendirilmesi 64 -- 3. 8. 1. Araştırmaya Katılan Hastanelerle İlgili Tanımlayıcı Bulgular 65 -- 3. 8. 2. Araştırmaya Katılan Yöneticilerle İlgili Tanımlayıcı Bulgular 65 -- 3. 8. 3. Yöneticilerin, Profesyonelleşmeyle İlgili Sorulara Verdikleri Cevapların Dağılımı 66 -- 3. 4. 4. Hastanelerde Yöneticilerinin, Kurumsallaşmayla İlgili İfadelere Verdikleri Yanıtların Dağılımı 69 -- 3. 4. 7. Hastanelerde Yöneticilerin, Kurumun Yatak Sayısına Göre, Profesyonelleşme İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 73 -- 3. 4. 8. Hastanelerde Yöneticilerin, Çalıştıkları Kurumun Yatak Sayısına Göre, Kurumsallaşma İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 75 -- 3. 4. 9. Hastanelerde Yöneticilerin, Çalışmakta Olduğu Kurumun, Faaliyet Süresine Göre, Yönetimin Profesyonelleşmesi İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 77 -- 3. 4. 10. Yöneticilerin, Çalışmakta Olduğu Kurumun, Faaliyet Süresine Göre, Kurumsallaşma İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 80 -- 3. 4. 11. Yöneticilerin, Öğrenim Durumlarına Göre, Yönetimin Profesyonelleşmesi İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 83 -- 3. 4. 12. Hastanelerde Yöneticilerin, Öğrenim Düzeylerine Göre, Kurumsallaşma İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 85 -- 3. 4. 13. Yöneticilerin, Hastanedeki Konumlarına Göre, Kurumsallaşma İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 91 -- 3. 4. 14. Hastanelerin Kalite Belgesine Sahip Olup Olmamasına Göre, Yöneticilerin, Çalışmakta Olduğu Kurumun, Yönetiminin Profesyonelleşmesi İle İlgili İfadelere Verdiği Cevapların Dağılımı 94 -- 3 4. 15. Araştırmada Hastanelerde Yöneticilerin Verdikleri Cevaplara Göre, Yönetim Anlayışının Profesyonelleşmesinin Kurumsallaşma Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi 99 -- 3. 5. Hastane Yöneticilerinin Mesleklerini Belirlemeye Yönelik Tabloya İlişkin Veriler 100 -- 4. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER 103 -- KAYNAKLAR 106 -- EKLER 111 -- ÖZGEÇMİŞ 11

    Emerging-market firms’ dynamic capabilities and international performance: The moderating role of institutional development and distance

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    While extant research has examined the separate influences of dynamic capabilities and institutions on international performance, their interactive role has received limited attention. Therefore, we examine the role of host-country institutional conditions in the relationships between emerging-market firms’ (EMFs) innovation-related dynamic capabilities and their international performance. We use multi-source secondary data and primary data from multiple informants from 254 Turkish international firms to test our framework. The study finds that the linkages between three innovation-related dynamic capabilities (innovativeness, supply-chain agility, and adaptability) and international performance are positively and negatively moderated by institutional development and institutional distance, but that their influences are opposite. These influences demonstrate that host-country institutional conditions shape the link between dynamic capabilities and EMFs’ international performance in a multifaceted and paradoxical fashion

    Environmental practices and firm performance in emerging markets: The mediating role of product quality

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    Environmental practices have not received as much research attention in emerging market contexts as traditional topics like quality. However, the importance of environmental practices for a firm’s production strategy has been increasing at an unprecedented level across the globe. Our research objective is, therefore, to investigate the interplay between environmental practices and quality in the pursuit of firm performance. Relying on 492 responses from Turkish manufacturers to test our hypotheses, we show that environmental practices directly improve the quality of products over and above the effect of quality management practices in emerging markets. Product quality, in turn, is important for increasing firm performance, acting as a mediator for the positive effects of environmental practices on performance. Thus, we reveal that product quality functions as an instrumental conduit between environmental practices and firm performance in emerging markets like Turkey where stakeholder pressures are weak, and regulations are often not properly enforced.WOS:0004680055000052-s2.0-8506453448

    Internationalization of Turkish business groups: Motives and institutional context

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    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the internationalization motives behind location choice among emerging country business groups (EBGs) and the way in which institutional factors affect Turkiye € ’s foreign direct investment (FDI). Design/methodology/approach – This study develops a multi-perspective framework that integrates the ownership, location and internalization (OLI) paradigm (Dunning and Lundan, 2008) and the linkage, leverage and learning (LLL) model (Mathews, 2006) with neo-institutional theory to explain the internationalization of EBGs. It adopts a multiple-case study research method relying on 14 semi-structured interviews with top executives to explore the internationalization strategy of a set of Turkish BGs. Findings – This study supports the combination of the OLI paradigm, the LLL model and neo-institutional theory to explain EBGs’ internationalizing behaviors. Turkish BGs have adopted both asset exploitation and asset augmentation internationalization strategies. The institutional legitimacy mechanism moderates the internationalization motives of Turkish BGs, and their host country location choice and normative pressures are more salient than their regulative and cognitive pressures. Research limitations/implications – This study is based on a sample of EBGs from Turkiye, and this € restriction limits the generalizability/applicability of the findings to BGs globally. Originality/value – Few studies have considered EBGs and their internationalization strategies in the international business field. This paper puts forward an integrated framework for analyzing internationalization and legitimacy in the institutional context of EBGs. This study highlights that BGs bridge institutional voids. Focusing on Turkish BGs helps to answer Granovetter’s Coasian question and contributes to the understanding of emerging countries’ economic development

    Relational job crafting: Exploring the role of employee motives with a weekly diary study

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    © The Author(s) 2018. In this weekly diary study, we integrated research on job crafting to explore the associations between expansion and contraction oriented relational job crafting, work engagement and manager-rated employee behaviours (work performance and voice). Furthermore, we investigated cross-level moderations of prosocial and impression management motives on our proposed associations. We tested our hypotheses with matched data collected over seven weeks in Istanbul, Turkey. The results from multilevel analyses revealed that (a) expansion oriented relational job crafting is positively related with work performance and voice via work engagement, while (b) contraction oriented relational job crafting is negatively related with work performance and voice via work engagement, all measured at the week level. Furthermore, impression management motives of employees moderated the association between expansion oriented relational job crafting and work engagement in that this positive association is stronger for employees low on impression management motives. Our results contribute to job crafting research in two ways. First, it focuses on relational job crafting and discusses how and why the two opposite types of relational job crafting (expansion versus contraction oriented) impact on work engagement and employees’ key outcomes in the way they do. This addresses the question ‘is there a dark side to job crafting?’ Second, it focuses on the importance of context and integrates two motives relevant to understand how relational job crafting unfolds, thereby taking a step to address questions for whom (i.e. what kinds of employees), relational job crafting is more effective and translates into enhanced (vs deteriorated) work outcomes. Moreover, our use of a weekly within-person design adds to a recently growing research stream emphasizing the dynamic nature of job crafting

    Understanding demand and supply paradoxes and their role in business-to-business firms

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    In this paper, we explore paradoxes firms face when managing demand and supply activities and managers' experience of coping with and transcending these paradoxes. Following an exploratory research approach and based on the analysis of interviews with executive managers, documents from, and observations of 19 business-to-business (B2B) firms, we develop empirically grounded propositions. We first find and explain three major demand and supply paradoxes, namely collaboration-competition, concord-conflict, and integration-differentiation. We then expand on the handling mechanisms B2B firms employ to respond to these paradoxes. We find that B2B firms that understand, balance, and transcend demand and supply paradoxes achieve greater synergy between demand and supply activities and leverage both demand and supply approaches as overarching guiding principles for their strategy. Our study informs B2B marketing and marketing strategy by exploring the nature and role of paradoxes that shape the relationships between demand and supply activities. In doing so, it also offers an empirical account of the discrepancy between the theory and practice of demand and supply integration

    Unlocking the relationships between strategic planning, leadership and technology transfer competence: The mediating role of strategic quality management

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    Purpose This study aims to investigate the relationships between firms' strategic planning (SP), leadership and technology transfer competence (TTC) by specifically incorporating the mediating role of strategic quality management (SQM). Design/methodology/approach This study performs structural equation modeling using AMOS on survey data collected from 200 Turkish firms operating in multiple industries and sectors. Findings This study finds that leadership in Turkish firms operating in multiple sectors is positively associated with SQM. This study further finds that SQM positively influences Turkish firms' TTC and mediates the roles of SP and leadership in TTC. Research limitations/implications A key research implication from this study relates to the mediating role of SQM in TTC in an emerging economy context. This study highlights that SP and leadership can play an essential role in TTC through the mediating mechanism of SQM. Consequently, SQM emerges as a crucial linking pin in conveying the impact of quality management practices on technology transfer in emerging markets. Practical implications An essential managerial implication of this study relates to the critical roles of leadership, SP and SQM in TTC. For the managers of firms operating in a relatively uncertain emerging context such as Turkey, it is essential to adopt a supportive and empowering leadership style, where open communication and innovative activities are viewed positively and SQM is adopted holistically. Also, SP should be streamlined throughout the firm and followed by SQM to support TTC. Originality/value This paper links the technology (and knowledge) management and the strategy and leadership literature streams by focusing on the mechanisms of technology transfer and delving into the linkages between SQM, leadership, SP and TTC. It specifically presents SP and leadership as precursors to SQM in their joint influence on TTC. Accordingly, this research bridges technology, strategy and leadership research and provides a broader picture of technology transfer that encompasses the joint role of different processes in firms' TTC

    European MNE subsidiaries' embeddedness and innovation performance: Moderating role of external search depth and breadth

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    While much research has been conducted on the link between embeddedness and innovation outcomes, less attention has been paid on how and when MNE subsidiaries can effectively leverage their internal embeddedness to achieve greater innovation performance. We hypothesize knowledge transfer as a mediating mechanism to channel the potential role of MNE subsidiaries' internal embeddedness in innovation performance. Moreover, we explore the moderating influences of external search depth and breadth on subsidiaries' internal knowledge transfer and innovation performance. To test our framework, we rely on primary data collected from 91 subsidiaries of eleven European MNEs. The results show the degree of knowledge transfer from other MNE units mediates the link between subsidiaries' internal embeddedness and their innovation performance. We also find that external search depth positively moderates the link between the degree of knowledge transfer and subsidiary's innovation performance, while external search breadth does not. We illustrate that knowledge transfer mechanisms and the moderating role of external search approaches can be instrumental in channeling and effectively realizing the role of subsidiary internal embeddedness in innovation performance. © 2019 Elsevier Inc