71 research outputs found

    Integrating Ambidexterity into the Modern Manufacturing Era of Industry 4.0

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    Ambidexterity has been a great solution for many problems so far especially in the world of industry. The swift and unpredictable changes in the market have pushed the industry to integrate ambidextrous capabilities in all aspects, in this case Modern Manufacturing process. Manufacturing talks about the Supply Chain Management from the beginning until the products reach the markets. There have been so many debates about how Ambidexterity will affect the Modern Manufacturing, if it creates burdens or instead it will give positive effects. The previous research has been contradictory between one another. Using systematic literature research and qualitative approach, this paper aims to analyze the needs of integrating ambidexterity into the Modern Manufacturing Era of Industry 4.0 to increase the competitive advantage for the company. The researcher concluded that despite all the debates, ambidexterity is a not an option for the future competitions, it is a must to solve disruptive problems due to technology advancement. There are important steps need to be taken in order to integrate ambidexterity capabilities into the company with clear deadlines and goals. We must also pay attention to the transition process in integrating ambidexterity in the manufacturing industry which may be different from other industries. The limitation of this research is there is no obvious and real example of successful manufacturing companies that have succeeded and taking detailed notes of the transition to further confirm the findings in this paper. Future research should address this

    Analisis Dampak Diplomasi Publik Korea Selatan Di Indonesia Melalui KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) Dalam Sektor Pendidikan (2017-2021)

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    Skripsi ini membahas mengenai “Analisis Dampak Diplomasi Publik Korea Selatan di Indonesia Melalui KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) Dalam Sektor Pendidikan (2017-2021)”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan yang komperhensif mengenai dampak diplomasi publik oleh Korea Selatan terhadap sektor pendidikan di Indonesia melalui badan kerja sama internasional Korea yaitu KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian secara kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori diplomasi publik dan konsep soft power. Adanya kehadiran serta peranan oleh KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) di Indonesia memberikan pengaruh dan dampak yang besar bagi negara atau pemerintah termasuk kalangan masyarakat melalui program-program serta proyek bantuan yang diberikan secara khusus dalam sektor pendidikan di Indonesia. Diplomasi Publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan di Indonesia melalui KOICA dalam sektor pendidikan menjadi pendekatan dan alat diplomasi yang efektif dalam menjalankan dan mempererat hubungan serta kerja sama yang terjalin antara kedua Negara. Dalam kerangka pelaksanaan diplomasi publik pada sektor pendidikan, pemerintah Korea Selatan melalui KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) memberikan bantuan berupa dana hibah dan kerja sama secara teknis, yang diimplementasikan dalam berbagai program seperti KOICA Scholarship Program, Reguler Program, dan World Friends KOICA Volunteer atau KOICA Overseas Volunteer Program. Melalui setiap program maupun proyek bantuan yang diimplementasikan, Korea Selatan berhasil melaksanakan diplomasi publik serta secara efektif memberikan bantuan luar negeri terhadap Indonesia secara khusus dalam sektor pendidikan. Dengan berbagai bantuan dalam bentuk dana hibah maupun kerja sama teknis oleh Korea Selatan melalui KOICA, Indonesia merasakan dampak dan pengaruh besar yang efektif dalam upaya peningkatan pendidikan untuk kulitas sumber daya manusia serta pengembangan dan kemajuan Negara.This thesis discusses "Analysis of the Impact of South Korean Public Diplomacy in Indonesia Through KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in the Education Sector (2017-2021)". This study aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of the impact of public diplomacy by South Korea on the education sector in Indonesia through Korea's international cooperation agency, KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency). The research method used is a qualitative research method, with a descriptive qualitative research type. This research will be analyzed using the theory of public diplomacy and the concept of soft power. The presence and role of KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in Indonesia has a great influence and impact on the state or government including the community through programs and assistance projects specifically provided in the education sector in Indonesia. Public diplomacy carried out by South Korea in Indonesia through KOICA in the education sector is an effective diplomatic approach and tool in carrying out and strengthening relations and cooperation that exists between the two countries. Within the framework of implementing public diplomacy in the education sector, the South Korean government through KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) provides assistance in the form of grants and technical cooperation, which is implemented in various programs such as the KOICA Scholarship Program, Regular Program, and World Friends KOICA Volunteer or KOICA Overseas Volunteer Program. Through every aid program or project implemented, South Korea has succeeded in implementing public diplomacy and effectively providing foreign assistance to Indonesia, specifically in the education sector. With various assistance in the form of grants and technical cooperation by South Korea through KOICA, Indonesia has experienced a large effective impact and influence in efforts to improve education for the quality of human resources as well as the development and progress of the country

    Effectiveness of zone therapy on quality of life among patients with hypertension in selected villages at Tirunelveli district

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    The Research Project, “A study to assess the effectiveness of zone therapy on quality of life among patients with hypertension in selected villages at Tirunelveli district’. It was conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of science in nursing at Sri K. Ramachandran Naidu College of Nursing which was affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai during the year 2013 - 2015. The Objectives of the study were


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    BSE (Breast Self-Examination) is a way to find out the normal shape of the breast and detect changes in it which is done every month. Many women have lumps in their breasts. But to find out which lumps are normal and abnormal, it is necessary to carry out regular and repeated examinations to feel the breast structure (Brown Zora, 2011). BSE is the easiest, simplest, and cheapest breast examination because it doesn't require a fee. In contrast to other types of breast examinations such as mammography, ultrasound, MRI, PET scan and biopsy, which involve medical personnel and sophisticated equipment, and require high costs. During BSE, all that needs to be done is to feel and examine the breasts to make sure there are no lumps or abnormalities. If done routinely, it can detect earlier and get treatment quickly if there are problems or abnormalities in the breast

    Nivel de estrés de madres con recién nacidos hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal. Hospital III - Essalud Chimbote - 2017

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    La presente investigación de enfoque cuantitativo tuvo por objetivo determinar el nivel de estrés de madres con recién nacidos hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal del Hospital III - EsSalud Chimbote- 2017, de tipo descriptivo con diseño no experimental y univariable. La población estuvo constituida por 20 madres con recién nacidos hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, utilizando el muestreo no probabilístico intencional, para lo cual utilizamos como técnica la entrevista y como instrumento la escala de estrés parental, se realizó el análisis descriptivo a través del programa estadístico SSPS v23. Los resultados mostraron que el nivel de estrés global de las madres en estudio es moderado. Respecto a las dimensiones: La dimensión aspectos visuales-sonoros las madres perciben un nivel de estrés de bajo a moderado; en la dimensión apariencia y comportamiento del bebe la mayoría de las madres presentaron un nivel moderado de estrés; en la dimensión comunicación con el personal de salud las madres percibieron un nivel de estrés de bajo a moderado. En la dimensión alteración del rol parental las madres percibieron un nivel de estrés de moderado a alto.Tesi


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hak pakai atas tanah menjadi objek hak tanggungan menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang hak tanggungan atas tanah beserta benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan tanah dan bagaimana proses hapusnya hak tanggungan, serta proses eksekusi hak tanggungan dalam hak pakai atas tanah menurut UU Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang hak tanggungan atas tanah beserta benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan tanah. 1. Undang Hak Tanggungan memberikan ketentuan yang memungkinkan hak pakai dijadikan objek jaminan kredit, hal ini didukung dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 1985 tentang Rumah Susun Hak pakai dimaksudkan itu dapat dijadikan jaminan utang dengan dibebani fidusia. Berdasarkan Pasal 4 ayat (2) UUHT, Hak Pakai atas tanah Negara yang menurut ketentuan yang berlaku wajib didaftar dan menurut sifatnya dapat dipindahtangankan dapat dibebani Hak Tanggungan. 2. Pasal 18 sampai dengan 19 Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 mengatur tentang hapusnya hak tanggungan, dan Pasal 22 UU Nomor 4 Tahun 1996, Pencoretan Hak Tanggungan. Prinsip pelaksanaan eksekusi Hak Tanggungan yaitu mudah dan pasti yang diatur dalam Pasal 20 UUHT. Eksekusi Hak Tanggungan menurut UU Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 terbagi atas 3, yaitu: Eksekusi Parate Executie atau Lelang tanpa melalui Pengadilan diatur dalam Pasal 6 UUHT, Eksekusi Melalui Penjualan dibawah Tangan Atas Kesepakatan pemberi dan pemegang Hak Tanggungan diatur dalam pasal 20 ayat 2 UUHT, dan Eksekusi melalui PUPN/BUPLN. Eksekusi Hak Pakai Atas Tanah Negara dilakukan berdasarkan ketentuan yang ada, sesuai UU Nomor 4 Tahun 1996.Kata kunci:  Hak Pakai, Tanah, Objek Hak Tanggungan

    A Study on Kabasuram (கபசுரம்)

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    Kabasuram is one of the common respiratory infectious disease of childhood. • The clinical features of Kabasuram can be correlated with Acute bronchitis. • Twenty children with kabasuram, diagnosed clinically were treated as IP and 75 cases were treated as OP and observed for clinical diagnosis, laboratory dignosis and treatment with trial medicine. • Clinical diagnosis was done under the basis of clinical features mentioned in various siddha texts. • The various Siddha aspects of examination of kabasuram were carried out and recorded in the proforma. • The drug selected was kabasurachooranam and Kabasura kudineer. It was administered orally two times a day with honey. The dosage of drug is given in the table. • Biochemical study shows presence of ferrous iron, tannic acid, unsaturated compound, reducing sugar and amino acid in kabasura chooranam and presence of ferrous iron, insaturated compound and amino acid in Kabasura kudineer. • Pharmacological analysis of the drugs shows Anti pyretic, Anti inflammatory, Analgesic and Anti histamine actions. • Anti microbial study shows that the drug has got sensitivity to staphylococcus, Escherichia Coli and moderately sensitive to streptococcus. • The observation made during the clinical study showed the trial drug kabasura chooranam and kabasura kudineer was clinically effective. • No drug reactions were reported during the study period. • The parents and children were advised to follow the preventive measures. CONCLUSION: The treatment of Kabasura Choornam and Kabasura Kudineer for Kabasuram showed good response. • No adverse effects were noticed during the course of treatment. • The trial medicine ingredients are easily available and harmless to children. • The cost of the trial medicine is comparatively very low. So it is concluded that the therapy of kabasura chooranam and kabasura kudineer can be very good in view of efficacy, safely and cost in the treatment of Kabasuram

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Informatif Keluarga dengan Perilaku Jajan Anak di SDN 01 Bantarsoka Purwokerto

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    Latar Belakang: Persentase anak usia sekolah yang mengonsumsi jajan sangat besar (98,7%), akan tetapi banyak jajanan yang mengandung bahan makanan tambahan yang berbahaya. Dukungan informatif keluarga merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pengetahuan anak mengenai ciri jajan yang baik sehingga menjadi hal yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku jajan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan informatif keluarga dengan perilaku jajan anak di SDN 01 Bantarsoka Purwokerto. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dilakukan di SDN 01 Bantarsoka Purwokerto. Teknik sampling menggunkan simple random sampling dengan 67 sampel penelitian. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Spearman. Hasil: Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai p = 0, 041 dan tingkat korelasi (r ) = 0, 250 Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan informatif keluarga dengan perilaku jajan anak di SDN 01 Bantarsoka Purwokert


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    Self-directed learning is essential in learning a second language since it allows students to accomplish as much as possible in their language learning. This study aimed to determine the level of self-directed learning among secondary education students specializing in English teaching. Furthermore, this study used a descriptive survey involving 133 major English students. Data revealed that the self-directed learning of English language students is high. However, no significant difference was found in the level of self-directed learning among English language students when analyzed by year level, gender, and socioeconomic status. Hence, the researchers highly encouraged self-directed learning as enhancement or innovation on set assessments that can help develop the optimum potential of the learners, as well as integration of the strategy to the teaching learning process based on the study result.  Article visualizations