92 research outputs found

    Disparate impacts of the Eldgjá and Laki flood-lava eruptions

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    The Eldgjá eruption of ~ 939 AD is recognised as the largest in Iceland since Settlement, and ranks among the largest late-Holocene volcanic episodes on Earth. It disgorged > 21.0 km3 (Dense Rock Equivalent) of magma as lava flows (~ 19.7 km3) and tephra deposits (> 1.3 km3 DRE), comprising alternating phreatomagmatic (wet) and magmatic (dry) explosive phases. Tephra deposits up to four metres thick buried proximal areas, and extreme quantities of sulphur and other volatiles were released into the atmosphere. Little is known about the environmental and societal impacts of the eruption within Iceland as it took place during the initial decades of human settlement, and before written record-keeping in Iceland became prevalent. In this work, we review what is known of the Eldgjá eruption, making comparisons with the better documented Laki eruption of 1783–1784 AD (~ 15.1 km3 DRE). While the Eldgjá eruption was volumetrically greater, probably longer-lasting, and involved phreatomagmatic explosive phases, we reason that societal resilience to volcanic hazards was likely stronger in the 10th century compared with the 18th, reflecting differences in social and natural capital in Iceland. Accordingly, the impacts of the Eldgjá eruption cannot be inferred reliably from knowledge of the Laki episode and its aftermath

    Quantifying the Water-to-Melt Mass Ratio and Its Impact on Eruption Plumes During Explosive Hydromagmatic Eruptions

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    The interaction of magma with external water commonly enhances magma fragmentation through the conversion of thermal to mechanical energy and results in an increased production of fine-grained volcanic tephra. Magma-water interaction is thus of importance for hazard mitigation on both a local and a regional scales. The relative proportion of water that interacts with magma, quantified as the water-to-melt mass ratio, is thought to determine the efficiency of thermal to mechanical energy conversion, termed the fragmentation efficiency. Here, we analyze the pyroclast size distributions from the 10th century Eldgjá fissure eruption in Iceland, where parts of the fissure erupted subglacially and other erupted subaerially. The subglacially erupted magma passed through a column of glacial meltwater, resulting in a larger proportion of finer pyroclast sizes relative to the subaerially erupted, purely magmatic tephra. This finer grain size distribution has been attributed to quench-granulation induced by enhanced cooling upon interaction with external water. We hypothesize that the additional fragmentation (surface) energy required to produce the finer grained hydromagmatic deposits is due to the conversion of thermal to mechanical energy associated with the entrainment of water into the volcanic jet, as it passed through a column of subglacial melt water. Based on field and granulometry data, we estimate that the interaction of the volcanic jet with the meltwater provided an additional fragmentation energy of approximately 3–14 kJ per kg of pyroclasts. We numerically model the hydrofragmentation energy within a jet that passes through a layer of meltwater. We find that the water-to-melt mass ratio of entrained water required to produce the additional fragmentation energy is in the range of 1–2, which requires a minimum ice melting rate of 104 m3 s−1. Our simulation results show that the water-to-melt ratio is an important parameter that controls the ascent of plume in the atmosphere

    Patient-specific RF safety assessment in MRI: Progress in creating surface-based human head and shoulder models

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    The interaction of electromagnetic (EM) fields with the human body during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is complex and subject specific. MRI radiofrequency (RF) coil performance and safety assessment typically includes numerical EM simulations with a set of human body models. The dimensions of mesh elements used for discretization of the EM simulation domain must be adequate for correct representation of the MRI coil elements, different types of human tissue, and wires and electrodes of additional devices. Examples of such devices include those used during electroencephalography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and transcranial direct current stimulation, which record complementary information or manipulate brain states during MRI measurement. The electrical contact within and between tissues, as well as between an electrode and the skin, must also be preserved. These requirements can be fulfilled with anatomically correct surface-based human models and EM solvers based on unstructured meshes. Here, we report (i) our workflow used to generate the surface meshes of a head and torso model from the segmented AustinMan dataset, (ii) head and torso model mesh optimization for three-dimensional EM simulation in ANSYS HFSS, and (iii) several case studies of MRI RF coil performance and safety assessment

    Molecular fluorescence above metallic gratings

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    P. Andrew and William L. Barnes, Physical Review B, Vol. 64, article 125405 (2001). "Copyright © 2001 by the American Physical Society."We present measurements of the fluorescence of emitters located in close proximity (d<λ) to metallic grating surfaces. By measuring both the spontaneous emission lifetime and angle-dependent radiation pattern of a monolayer of dye molecules as a function of their separation from planar and periodically corrugated mirrors of increasing modulation depth, we are able to examine the effect of varying the surface profile on the emission process. Both the distance dependence of the lifetime and the spatial distribution of the emitted light are significantly changed upon the introduction of a corrugation, quite apart from the appearance of the familiar Bragg-scattered bound-mode features. It is postulated that these perturbations arise from the interference of the grating scattered dipole fields with the usual upward propagating and reflected fields. In addition, the measurement of nonexponential decay transients for the deepest gratings examined provide evidence for the existence of optically dissimilar dipole positions above the grating surface

    On the Formation of Collective Memories: The Role of a Dominant Narrator.

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    To test our hypothesis that conversations can contribute to the formation of collective memory, we asked participants to study stories and to recall them individually (pregroup recollection), then as a group (group recounting), and then once again individually (postgroup recollection). One way that postgroup collective memories can be formed under these circumstances is if unshared pregroup recollections in the group recounting influences others\u27 postgroup recollections. In the present research, we explored (using tests of recall and recognition) whether the presence of a dominant narrator can facilitate the emergence of unshared pregroup recollections in a group recounting and whether this emergence is associated with changes in postgroup recollections. We argue that the formation of a collective memory through conversation is not inevitable but is limited by cognitive factors, such as conditions for social contagion, and by situational factors, such as the presence of a narrator

    Lava field evolution and emplacement dynamics of the 2014–2015 basaltic fissure eruption at Holuhraun, Iceland

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    The 6-month long eruption at Holuhraun (August 2014–February 2015) in the Bárðarbunga-Veiðivötn volcanic system was the largest effusive eruption in Iceland since the 1783–1784 CE Laki eruption. The lava flow field covered ~84 km2 and has an estimated bulk (i.e., including vesicles) volume of ~1.44 km3. The eruption had an average discharge rate of ~90 m3/s making it the longest effusive eruption in modern times to sustain such high average flux. The first phase of the eruption (August 31, 2014 to mid-October 2014) had a discharge rate of ~350 to 100 m3/s and was typified by lava transport via open channels and the formation of four lava flows, no. 1–4,which were emplaced side by side. The eruption began on a 1.8 km long fissure, feeding partly incandescent sheets of slabby pāhoehoe up to 500 m wide. By the following day the lava transport got confined to open channels and the dominant lava morphology changed to rubbly pāhoehoe and ‘a’ā. The latter became the dominating morphology of lava flows no. 1–8. The second phase of the eruption (Mid-October to end November) had a discharge of ~100–50 m3/s. During this time the lava transport system changed, via the formation of a b1 km2 lava pond ~1 km east of the vent. The pond most likely formed in a topographical low created by a the pre-existing Holuhraun and the newHoluhraun lava flow fields. This pond became themain point of lava distribution, controlling the emplacement of subsequent flows (i.e. no. 5–8). Towards the end of this phase inflation plateaus developed in lava flowno. 1. These inflation plateaus were the surface manifestation of a growing lava tube system, which formed as lava ponded in the open lava channels creating sufficient lavastatic pressure in the fluid lava to lift the roof of the lava channels. This allowed new lava into the previously active lava channel lifting the channel roof via inflation. The final (third) phase, lasting from December to end-February 2015 had a mean discharge rate of ~50 m3/s. In this phase the lava transport was mainly confined to lava tubes within lava flows no. 1–2, which fed breakouts that resurfaced N19 km2 of the flow field. The primary lava morphology from this phase was spiny pāhoehoe, which superimposed on the ‘a’ā lava flows no. 1–3 and extended the entire length of the flow field (i.e. 17 km). Thismade the 2014–2015 Holuhraun a paired flow field,where both lava morphologies had similar length. We suggest that the similar length is a consequence of the pāhoehoe is fed from the tube systemutilizing the existing ‘a’ā lava channels, and thereby are controlled by the initial length of the ‘a’ā flows.The work was financed with crisis response funding from the Icelandic Government along with European Community's Seventh Framework Programme Grant No. 308377 (Project FUTUREVOLC) and along with the Icelandic Research fund, Rannis, Grant of Excellence No. 152266-052 (Project EMMIRS). Furthermore, Vinur Vatnajökuls are thanked for support.Peer Reviewe

    A multi-targeted approach to suppress tumor-promoting inflammation

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    Cancers harbor significant genetic heterogeneity and patterns of relapse following many therapies are due to evolved resistance to treatment. While efforts have been made to combine targeted therapies, significant levels of toxicity have stymied efforts to effectively treat cancer with multi-drug combinations using currently approved therapeutics. We discuss the relationship between tumor-promoting inflammation and cancer as part of a larger effort to develop a broad-spectrum therapeutic approach aimed at a wide range of targets to address this heterogeneity. Specifically, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, cyclooxygenase-2, transcription factor nuclear factor-κB, tumor necrosis factor alpha, inducible nitric oxide synthase, protein kinase B, and CXC chemokines are reviewed as important antiinflammatory targets while curcumin, resveratrol, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, lycopene, and anthocyanins are reviewed as low-cost, low toxicity means by which these targets might all be reached simultaneously. Future translational work will need to assess the resulting synergies of rationally designed antiinflammatory mixtures (employing low-toxicity constituents), and then combine this with similar approaches targeting the most important pathways across the range of cancer hallmark phenotypes

    Deconstruction of rheumatoid arthritis synovium defines inflammatory subtypes

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a prototypical autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation and destruction1. There is currently no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, and the effectiveness of treatments varies across patients, suggesting an undefined pathogenic diversity1,2. Here, to deconstruct the cell states and pathways that characterize this pathogenic heterogeneity, we profiled the full spectrum of cells in inflamed synovium from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. We used multi-modal single-cell RNA-sequencing and surface protein data coupled with histology of synovial tissue from 79 donors to build single-cell atlas of rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue that includes more than 314,000 cells. We stratified tissues into six groups, referred to as cell-type abundance phenotypes (CTAPs), each characterized by selectively enriched cell states. These CTAPs demonstrate the diversity of synovial inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, ranging from samples enriched for T and B cells to those largely lacking lymphocytes. Disease-relevant cell states, cytokines, risk genes, histology and serology metrics are associated with particular CTAPs. CTAPs are dynamic and can predict treatment response, highlighting the clinical utility of classifying rheumatoid arthritis synovial phenotypes. This comprehensive atlas and molecular, tissue-based stratification of rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue reveal new insights into rheumatoid arthritis pathology and heterogeneity that could inform novel targeted treatments