2,849 research outputs found

    Incompleteness and the Romance with Science

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    It is argued that qualities of complete/incomplete science theory do not relate to the fertility or diversity or validity of science theory, but correspond with social, behavioral, moral values, and trespass into the realms of innate knowing, absolutes, cognition and behavior. It is suggested that terms employed such as "innately incomplete" are redundant in description- i.e.- "flats are innately flat"-a curved dwelling would not be suitable for habitation, it is similarly very difficult to find other words to speak of the notion of science as incomplete


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    A comment on: Language, logic and ontology: uncovering the structure of commonsense knowledge

    Cognition and Causation as Universal Phenomenom

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    A comment on the universality of all things

    Symmetry and The Creative Cognition

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    An unconquered conceptual divide related to cognitive perception exists between the physical and biological sciences. The life processes of self assembly and replication are unaccounted for in quantum theory or in the ordinary laws of physics. Lying at the very base element of this confusion is a theoretical wall outlined by statistical generalization on one border, and exact historical evolution on the other. Can inert, randomly oriented, statistically described agents (atoms/molecules), direct the reproduction of like things. If the answer to this proposition is negative, then are space and matter not as assumed (i.e. – as uniformly interpretable statistical entities), but things with a life like evolving history from a unique beginning. For example: if life processes are conceptually tree like, can (must) the processes from which they are created be defined this way also? If one reflects on this question he can liken it to a similar question: can a tree exist with one branch only (i.e. can a tree exist as a simple line verses a line with an origin and history) a conflict emerges that reveals a subtler conflict in the pursuit of an objective interpretation. A simple line always is less complex than the other and does not exist in the life processes or even in the ordinary life of an individual: it's history, in terms of life time, is infinitely\ud smaller the closer it resembles a simple undefined line. In defining matter statistically, we are objectively claiming that it has no time dependant history, and yet is the objective source of evolution, which by definition has a subjective history. We are left with the alternative to find a new order for the definition of physical processes. In this paper, I wish to show that with very little rearrangement of current notions, a model of space can be created that details the replication, from an origin, and propagation in a tree like manner with a declining potential, of both the evolutionary processes of living things, and space, and matter


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    This article is about orientation in the conceptual construction and exploration of the world. Orientations that fail to include a satisfactory definition of self as a vital component in ideas of explanation, compulsively leaning towards excessive analytical description(partism)) and resulting in increased numbers of empirically found exceptions to theoretical ideas, also fail to include adequate notions of motion and change. In the science of cognition a three part picture usually results, rather than a two component one in which the extraneous component functions as a compensation from the initial vagueness in ideas. Though this can seem to be a reasonable approach, to proceed from vagueness, to conjecture, empirical test/comparison, a false order in all components of a final theory will continuously result, and ultimately, in one to one correspondence, equate with a separate topic and not with the original. A compulsive and strict adherence to common sense, though not seeming to supply adequate explanation and strained for lingual description/expression, is the only possible route to adequate explanation. In cognition, the perennial stumbling is always at the division between the ethereal and the tangible. It is such an inhibitory obstacle, that in the construction of ideas, language falters to result in the continual construction of new words to “describe” rather than to connect. Though I believe “describe” is also the real ultimate goal, a real connection is never established

    Adapting the Environment instead of Oneself

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    This paper examines some of the methods animals and humans have of adapting their environment. Because there are limits on how many different tasks a creature can be designed to do well in, creatures with the capacity to redesign their environments have an adaptive advantage over those who can only passively adapt to existing environmental structures. To clarify environmental redesign I rely on the formal notion of a task environment as a directed graph where the nodes are states and the links are actions. One natural form of redesign is to change the topology of this graph structure so as to increase the likelihood of task success or to reduce its expected cost, measured in physical terms. This may be done by eliminating initial states hence eliminating choice points; by changing the action repertoire; by changing the consequence function; and lastly, by adding choice points. Another major method for adapting the environment is to change its cognitive congeniality. Such changes leave the state space formally intact but reduce the number and cost of mental operations needed for task success; they reliably increase the speed, accuracy or robustness of performance. The last section of the paper describes several of these epistemic or complementary actions found in human performance

    Capitalism and the Historical Psychology of Greed

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    Oftentimes, greed and capitalism are viewed to coexist and connect interchangeably. Capitalism, in modern day America, has infiltrated the emotion of greed and turned it into an apparently a-historical “human nature”. Aligning with parables from the Bible, which act as foundational precepts of Judeo-Christian societies, greed, understood in general terms, has existed before capitalism, including specific stories of intense interaction between symbolic characters. Since then, societal changes were significant, and capitalism has emerged and established itself as apparently a-historical. National traits amongst society have shaped and been shaped by historical forms of the human psyche, while still upholding general values that have prevailed throughout time. Therefore, today, greed assumed a specific form under capitalism, and the people involved in the free market exacerbate this trait as the propensity for the infinite accumulation of abstract wealth. In dissecting psychology in the modern capitalist world, I will demonstrate through core psychological and societal truths, that greed has evolved over time and now operates in conjunction with capitalist ideology and forms of practice.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2022/1049/thumbnail.jp

    Myślenie za pomocą reprezentacji zewnętrznych

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    Dlaczego ludzie tworzą reprezentacje zewnętrzne, by pomóc sobie w zrozumieniu sytuacji, diagramów, ilustracji, poleceń czy problemów? Oczywisty powód jest taki, że reprezentacje zewnętrzne odciążają naszą wewnętrzną pamięć i obliczenia – to jednak tylko część wyjaśnienia. Omawiam tu siedem sposobów, za pomocą których reprezentacje zewnętrzne zwiększają nasze możliwości poznawcze: (1) zmieniają strukturę kosztów w procesie wnioskowania; (2) wyposażają nas w struktury, które mogą funkcjonować jako współdzielone z innymi przedmioty myśli; (3) tworzą trwałe desygnaty; (4) ułatwiają proces reprezentowania; (5) oddają struktury w sposób bardziej naturalny niż reprezentacje umysłowe; (6) umożliwiają bardziej przejrzyste sposoby kodowania informacji; (7) pozwalają na tworzenie struktur o dowolnej złożoności; (8) obniżają koszty kontroli procesów myślowych: ułatwiają koordynowanie myśli. Łącznie funkcje te sprawiają, że ludzie są w stanie lepiej myśleć za pomocą reprezentacji zewnętrznych niż bez nich. Pozwalają nam myśleć o rzeczach pierwotnie nie do pomyślenia

    Strategie komplementarne: Dlaczego używamy rąk, kiedy myślimy

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    A complementary strategy can be defined as any organizing activity which recruits external elements to reduce cognitive loads. Typical organizing activities include pointing, arranging the position and orientation of nearby objects, writing things down, manipulating counters, rulers or other artifacts that can encode the state of a process or simplify perception. To illustrate the idea of a complementary strategy, a simple experiment was performed in which subjects were asked to determine the dollar value of collections of coins. In the no-hands condition, subjects were not allowed to touch the coin images or to move their hands in any way. In the hands condition, they were allowed to use their hands and fingers however they liked. Significant improvements in time and number of errors were observed when S's used their hands over when they did not. To explain these facts, a brief account of some commonly observed complementary strategies is presented, and an account of their potential benefits to perception, memory and attention